• Conservative Christian College Cancels King's Singers Concert

    From James Goodzeit@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 14 11:40:18 2023

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  • From Todd M. McComb@21:1/5 to james.goodzeit@gmail.com on Tue Feb 14 19:45:12 2023
    In article <b5941249-01a3-425e-8b99-47bc2c31084cn@googlegroups.com>,
    James Goodzeit <james.goodzeit@gmail.com> wrote: >https://www.kingssingers.com/concert-cancellation-pensacola-florida/

    "Our belief is that music can build a common language that allows
    people with different views and perspectives to come together."

    See, that's exactly what many *don't* want. It's also why every
    discussion forum must be trolled by the far right. Everything must
    be conflictual. Divide & conquer, you know. The general phenomenon
    is no accident.

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  • From Todd M. McComb@21:1/5 to Todd M. McComb on Tue Feb 14 19:54:18 2023
    In article <tsgoc8$nih$1@hope.eyrie.org>,
    Todd M. McComb <mccomb@medieval.org> wrote:
    See, that's exactly what many *don't* want. It's also why every
    discussion forum must be trolled by the far right. Everything must
    be conflictual.

    And as long as I'm commenting on the phenomenon, I'll go ahead and
    add an observation from Lazzarato (partially via Foucault): Whereas
    liberalism simply posited competition as "natural," neoliberalism
    recognizes human tendencies to cooperate & seeks to suppress them.

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  • From Chris J.@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 14 20:03:58 2023
    On 14 Feb 2023 Todd M. McComb wrote:


    "In 1968, Pensacola and the rest of North Florida supported American Independent Party candidate George Wallace." (Wikipedia)

    Perhaps not much has changed there since 1968.

    "Our belief is that music can build a common language that allows people
    with different views and perspectives to come together."

    See, that's exactly what many *don't* want. It's also why every
    discussion forum must be trolled by the far right. Everything must be conflictual. Divide & conquer, you know. The general phenomenon is no accident.

    I agree.


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