• Re: Bruckner tempi and Celibidache

    From gggg gggg@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 4 18:42:55 2022
    On Thursday, March 4, 2004 at 4:38:46 AM UTC-8, RX-01 wrote:
    I've listened to Celibidache's Bruckner very recently and I'm amazed by
    his choice of tempi. I am referring to the EMI set of Symphonies 3-9, Te
    Deum and Mass no.3 in F minor.
    I haven't seen the Bruckner symphony scores but surely there must be
    clear tempo indications. I know what conductors often ignore them (Furtwaengler comes to mind) but Celibidache's tempi are really extreme!
    My questions are:
    1. How accurate are his performances if he ignores the composer's tempo indications?
    2. Is there any justification from Celibidache's side, on why he chooses
    this rempi?

    PS. I've noticed that there are quite a few past threads on the right pronunciation of his name. Glad to see I wasn't the only one pronouncing
    it wrongly.


    According to this:

    - If you are fond of Bruckner, don't wait for a second more and look for Celibidache's recordings. He seemed to have had a strong connection to Bruckner.


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