From MELMOTH@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 22 11:59:33 2022
    "Everybody is against me. Catholics, because they find my church music
    profane; Protestants because for them my music is Catholic; Freemasons
    because they feel my music is clerical; for the conservatives, I am a revolutionary, for the 'adventurists' a false Jacobin. As for the
    Italians, in spite of Sgambati, if they are Garibaldians, they hate me
    as a cagot, if they are on the Vatican side, they accuse me of
    transporting the cave of Venus in the church. For Bayreuth, I am not a
    composer but a publicity agent. The Germans dislike my music as French,
    the French as German; for the Austrians, I make gypsy music; for the Hungarians, foreign music. And the Jews hate me and my music for no
    reason at all..."

    This confession of Mahler could have been written by My Friend
    Ferenc...Who, it cannot be said enough, was misunderstood during his
    whole creative life...One only loved the virtuoso who, from 1820 to
    1847, travelled all over Europe, from Saint Petersburg to Lisbon...From Scotland to Turkey...And this on several occasions...In the conditions
    of comfort [sic] that one can imagine! ...And in the trains and
    stagecoaches in which he spent a great part of his time, he wrote
    thousands of letters in 6 or 7 languages to hundreds of people more or
    less illustrious...To heads more or less crowned...Composed...Composed...Revised unceasingly his old compositions...Until the end of his life...
    One liked of course also his extreme prodigality, and the help and the
    support which he brought all his life to artists (composers,
    instrumentalists, creation of monuments, helps to the disaster victims
    etc etc...)... And the majority of the composers whose works he created
    very often were not very grateful to him, these bastards of Wagner and
    Berlioz in head...
    As for the piano lessons that he never stopped giving all his life,
    until the day before his death, he never charged for them!... And
    Perenc had hundreds of pupils, from 1820 to 1886!...

    All this to arrive at the work of sacred music of Franz!... Who knows
    it?... Who knows the incredible diversity and the prodigious richness,
    based essentially on the Gregorian chant, of an asceticism astonishing, Palestrina being never very far?... Who knows that Liszt took the minor
    orders in 1865, and was tonsured?... Who knows that he started to
    reform the Latin liturgical music, but who, in front of numerous
    opponents of the Vatican, had to give it up in the end (extracts for
    piano exist in the complete Hyperion of Howard)...
    I ask the question©...

    Come on...I'll go with My little catalog, eh...And, like dabe, no skull juice...Victor will make up his mind...And anyway the great majority of
    these masterpieces are no longer available, have never been reissued on
    CD and are all....sublimes!!...

    1 - the ORATORIOS : The Legend of Saint Elizabeth (1858-1862) and
    Christus (1867-1873)...Immense and fascinating frescoes of #3 hours
    each...Some will find some length...Not me...Just let yourself be
    engulfed by these masterpieces (both exist in CD)...

    2 - the MESSES :

    - Sexardique Mass (1848-1859)
    - Mass of Gran (His most known religious work, with the Via Crucis)...A monument...In homage to the Missa Solemnis of the GS...This bastard of
    Berlioz dared to write "this mass is the negation of art" (when one
    knows all that Liszt made to support the work of this asshole!)...
    - Hungarian mass of the coronation (of the emperor Françius-Joseph,
    king of Hungary)...
    - Requiem (Only for male voices) 1868-1883

    3 - the Psalms

    - Psalm 13 (1855)
    - Psalm 18
    - Psalm 23 (1859)
    - Psalm 116 (1869)
    - Psalm 137 (1662)
    - Psalm 129
    - Psalm 125 (extract)


    - Via Crucis (1874-1878)...Certainly one of the most fabulous
    masterpieces of all Ferenc Liszt's work (available on CD)...Versions
    for piano or organ or a capella...
    - Septem Sacramenta (for soloists and mixed or male choir)...Published in...1907/1936, by Busoni !
    - Ave Maria : 4 Ave (1846, 1869 etc...)
    - the Rosario : cycle of 3 short Ave Maria (1879)...
    - Inno a Maria Virgine, for mixed choir, harp and organ or piano (1869)
    - Salve Regina, a capella (1885)


    - Solemn cantata, for the inauguration of the Beethoven monument in
    - Choir for the Prometheus Delivered, for the inauguration of a
    monument to J.G.Herder in Weimar...
    - Workers' Chorus
    - At the edge of the brook

    As you can note it, O Friends Mélosiciens, the vocal work, religious
    and profane, of what is, you know it now, one of My fetish Composers, I
    named Ferenc Liszt (one wrote very often "List", of his time!) is of an incredible richness...
    And of a sovereign beauty...As I am not Victor Polémil, I will thus not
    say to you why...You will have to trust Me...Simply, these compositions
    are of a rare originality, richness, diversity...But, let us admit it,
    very often of an austere abors, limit boring for certain parts and for
    those which are not fans of this genius...

    Moreover, there exists, for a very great part of his compositions,
    several versions (that it is works for piano that choral or
    orchestral), Liszt having spent his time to revise the majority of his masterpieces, you see...
    And moreover, he spent his time to fuck to the right and to the left
    (he made all the most beautiful women of Europe and Russia)...One had
    moreover invited him to the "states"...He refused, this Brave Man...He
    made himself decidedly too old !...

    For those who are really interested in this composer, I can only
    recommend THE bible : the two big volumes of Alan Walker, published by Fayard...It must be the third time that I read it again !...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Koren@21:1/5 to MELMOTH on Sat Oct 22 05:52:05 2022
    On Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 2:59:37 AM UTC-7, MELMOTH wrote:
    "Everybody is against me. Catholics, because they find my church music profane; Protestants because for them my music is Catholic; Freemasons because they feel my music is clerical; for the conservatives, I am a revolutionary, for the 'adventurists' a false Jacobin. As for the
    Italians, in spite of Sgambati, if they are Garibaldians, they hate me
    as a cagot, if they are on the Vatican side, they accuse me of
    transporting the cave of Venus in the church. For Bayreuth, I am not a composer but a publicity agent. The Germans dislike my music as French,
    the French as German; for the Austrians, I make gypsy music; for the Hungarians, foreign music. And the Jews hate me and my music for no
    reason at all..."

    Can you show any evidence "the Jews" "hated" Liszt and his music ?!?

    Also note Ferenc's rants do not quite add up with the fact he was
    enormously successful on stage and off stage. Methinks he was
    just another narcissistic, self-centered crybaby like so many of
    his admirers ;-)

    Geez ......


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Koren@21:1/5 to MELMOTH on Sat Oct 22 05:34:47 2022
    Can you get to the punch line in fewer words?


    On Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 2:59:37 AM UTC-7, MELMOTH wrote:
    "Everybody is against me. Catholics, because they find my church music profane; Protestants because for them my music is Catholic; Freemasons because they feel my music is clerical; for the conservatives, I am a revolutionary, for the 'adventurists' a false Jacobin. As for the
    Italians, in spite of Sgambati, if they are Garibaldians, they hate me
    as a cagot, if they are on the Vatican side, they accuse me of
    transporting the cave of Venus in the church. For Bayreuth, I am not a composer but a publicity agent. The Germans dislike my music as French,
    the French as German; for the Austrians, I make gypsy music; for the Hungarians, foreign music. And the Jews hate me and my music for no
    reason at all..."

    This confession of Mahler could have been written by My Friend
    Ferenc...Who, it cannot be said enough, was misunderstood during his
    whole creative life...One only loved the virtuoso who, from 1820 to
    1847, travelled all over Europe, from Saint Petersburg to Lisbon...From Scotland to Turkey...And this on several occasions...In the conditions
    of comfort [sic] that one can imagine! ...And in the trains and
    stagecoaches in which he spent a great part of his time, he wrote
    thousands of letters in 6 or 7 languages to hundreds of people more or
    less illustrious...To heads more or less crowned...Composed...Composed...Revised unceasingly his old compositions...Until the end of his life...
    One liked of course also his extreme prodigality, and the help and the support which he brought all his life to artists (composers, instrumentalists, creation of monuments, helps to the disaster victims
    etc etc...)... And the majority of the composers whose works he created
    very often were not very grateful to him, these bastards of Wagner and Berlioz in head...
    As for the piano lessons that he never stopped giving all his life,
    until the day before his death, he never charged for them!... And
    Perenc had hundreds of pupils, from 1820 to 1886!...

    All this to arrive at the work of sacred music of Franz!... Who knows
    it?... Who knows the incredible diversity and the prodigious richness,
    based essentially on the Gregorian chant, of an asceticism astonishing, Palestrina being never very far?... Who knows that Liszt took the minor orders in 1865, and was tonsured?... Who knows that he started to
    reform the Latin liturgical music, but who, in front of numerous
    opponents of the Vatican, had to give it up in the end (extracts for
    piano exist in the complete Hyperion of Howard)...
    I ask the question©...

    Come on...I'll go with My little catalog, eh...And, like dabe, no skull juice...Victor will make up his mind...And anyway the great majority of these masterpieces are no longer available, have never been reissued on
    CD and are all....sublimes!!...

    1 - the ORATORIOS : The Legend of Saint Elizabeth (1858-1862) and
    Christus (1867-1873)...Immense and fascinating frescoes of #3 hours each...Some will find some length...Not me...Just let yourself be
    engulfed by these masterpieces (both exist in CD)...

    2 - the MESSES :

    - Sexardique Mass (1848-1859)
    - Mass of Gran (His most known religious work, with the Via Crucis)...A monument...In homage to the Missa Solemnis of the GS...This bastard of Berlioz dared to write "this mass is the negation of art" (when one
    knows all that Liszt made to support the work of this asshole!)...
    - Hungarian mass of the coronation (of the emperor Françius-Joseph,
    king of Hungary)...
    - Requiem (Only for male voices) 1868-1883

    3 - the Psalms

    - Psalm 13 (1855)
    - Psalm 18
    - Psalm 23 (1859)
    - Psalm 116 (1869)
    - Psalm 137 (1662)
    - Psalm 129
    - Psalm 125 (extract)


    - Via Crucis (1874-1878)...Certainly one of the most fabulous
    masterpieces of all Ferenc Liszt's work (available on CD)...Versions
    for piano or organ or a capella...
    - Septem Sacramenta (for soloists and mixed or male choir)...Published in...1907/1936, by Busoni !
    - Ave Maria : 4 Ave (1846, 1869 etc...)
    - the Rosario : cycle of 3 short Ave Maria (1879)...
    - Inno a Maria Virgine, for mixed choir, harp and organ or piano (1869)
    - Salve Regina, a capella (1885)


    - Solemn cantata, for the inauguration of the Beethoven monument in
    - Choir for the Prometheus Delivered, for the inauguration of a
    monument to J.G.Herder in Weimar...
    - Workers' Chorus
    - At the edge of the brook

    As you can note it, O Friends Mélosiciens, the vocal work, religious
    and profane, of what is, you know it now, one of My fetish Composers, I named Ferenc Liszt (one wrote very often "List", of his time!) is of an incredible richness...
    And of a sovereign beauty...As I am not Victor Polémil, I will thus not
    say to you why...You will have to trust Me...Simply, these compositions
    are of a rare originality, richness, diversity...But, let us admit it,
    very often of an austere abors, limit boring for certain parts and for
    those which are not fans of this genius...

    Moreover, there exists, for a very great part of his compositions,
    several versions (that it is works for piano that choral or
    orchestral), Liszt having spent his time to revise the majority of his masterpieces, you see...
    And moreover, he spent his time to fuck to the right and to the left
    (he made all the most beautiful women of Europe and Russia)...One had moreover invited him to the "states"...He refused, this Brave Man...He
    made himself decidedly too old !...

    For those who are really interested in this composer, I can only
    recommend THE bible : the two big volumes of Alan Walker, published by Fayard...It must be the third time that I read it again !...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)