• Re: Gould's Goldbergs

    From gggg gggg@21:1/5 to Steve Molino on Fri Oct 7 20:15:08 2022
    On Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 12:28:14 PM UTC-7, Steve Molino wrote:
    I looked up "loaded question" in the dictionary and this was there! I actually like the '55 recording rather a lot. That recording showed Gould, the man who marvelled at Bach's music. I find it very pure and
    exhilarating. It is not the only version I would want, but of the 3
    versions by Gould that I know ('55, '59, and '81) it is the one that I keep.

    "Skip Freeman" <sk...@cutey.com> wrote in message news:178e088.03052...@posting.google.com...
    Which recording by Glenn Gould of Bach's "Goldberg Variations" is
    worse than the others?


    Concerning the 1981 recording, the following 2022 Y. upload may be of interest:

    "Recording Glenn Gould’s 1981 Goldberg Variations – with Richard Einhorn"

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  • From Herman@21:1/5 to Andrej Kluge on Fri Oct 7 23:41:44 2022
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 1:02:00 AM UTC+2, Andrej Kluge wrote:

    having heard the
    Gould '82 version of the Goldbergs as my first I find any other
    pianist's version highly idiosyncratic in comparison (except maybe
    Perahia and one or two other newer recordings). For instance, can you
    name a harpsichord version which is just about as clear and unmannered
    (in terms of tempi and rhythm) like the a/m Gould version?

    Of course Mr. Kluge hasn't been seen in this neck of the woods for years, but it needs to be said that this is the nightmare scenario attendant on GG's Bach activities. Due to his funny persona and CBS's massive marketing machine some people think this
    is as close to JSB as you can get. Whereas the opposite is the case. And consequently they cannot listen to any other interpret without thinking "this is wrong".

    See also Kluge's twisted talk about the harpsichord being somehow wrong for Bach in another post, because harpsichordists as a group get the ornaments wrong. In reality it's more likely that a harpsichordist has studied baroque ornamentation more closely
    than pianists who are trained in the romantic tradition.

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  • From gggg gggg@21:1/5 to Herman on Mon Oct 10 17:32:59 2022
    On Friday, October 7, 2022 at 11:41:46 PM UTC-7, Herman wrote:
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 1:02:00 AM UTC+2, Andrej Kluge wrote:

    having heard the
    Gould '82 version of the Goldbergs as my first I find any other
    pianist's version highly idiosyncratic in comparison (except maybe
    Perahia and one or two other newer recordings). For instance, can you
    name a harpsichord version which is just about as clear and unmannered
    (in terms of tempi and rhythm) like the a/m Gould version?

    Of course Mr. Kluge hasn't been seen in this neck of the woods for years, but it needs to be said that this is the nightmare scenario attendant on GG's Bach activities. Due to his funny persona and CBS's massive marketing machine some people think this
    is as close to JSB as you can get. Whereas the opposite is the case. And consequently they cannot listen to any other interpret without thinking "this is wrong".

    See also Kluge's twisted talk about the harpsichord being somehow wrong for Bach in another post, because harpsichordists as a group get the ornaments wrong. In reality it's more likely that a harpsichordist has studied baroque ornamentation more
    closely than pianists who are trained in the romantic tradition.

    (2022 Y. upload):

    "I asked 6 pianists what they think of Glenn Gould (ft. Ax, Fleisher, Bernstein, et al)"

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  • From Paul Alsing@21:1/5 to gggg gggg on Mon Oct 10 22:46:10 2022
    On Monday, October 10, 2022 at 5:33:02 PM UTC-7, gggg gggg wrote:
    On Friday, October 7, 2022 at 11:41:46 PM UTC-7, Herman wrote:
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 1:02:00 AM UTC+2, Andrej Kluge wrote:

    having heard the
    Gould '82 version of the Goldbergs as my first I find any other pianist's version highly idiosyncratic in comparison (except maybe Perahia and one or two other newer recordings). For instance, can you name a harpsichord version which is just about as clear and unmannered (in terms of tempi and rhythm) like the a/m Gould version?

    Of course Mr. Kluge hasn't been seen in this neck of the woods for years, but it needs to be said that this is the nightmare scenario attendant on GG's Bach activities. Due to his funny persona and CBS's massive marketing machine some people think
    this is as close to JSB as you can get. Whereas the opposite is the case. And consequently they cannot listen to any other interpret without thinking "this is wrong".

    See also Kluge's twisted talk about the harpsichord being somehow wrong for Bach in another post, because harpsichordists as a group get the ornaments wrong. In reality it's more likely that a harpsichordist has studied baroque ornamentation more
    closely than pianists who are trained in the romantic tradition.
    (2022 Y. upload):

    "I asked 6 pianists what they think of Glenn Gould (ft. Ax, Fleisher, Bernstein, et al

    Ok... at about the 8: 41 point in this video...


    ... you will see a row of tape recorders in custom roll-around cabinets... I personally built those cabinets! They were Teac Tascam machines, IIRC... I built hundreds of those cabinets, they were the Cat's Meow of that era and were purchased by virtually
    every radio station in the USA... I often wondered if any of them have survived until today...

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  • From gggg gggg@21:1/5 to Skip Freeman on Sun Oct 16 16:40:28 2022
    On Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 12:23:40 PM UTC-7, Skip Freeman wrote:
    Which recording by Glenn Gould of Bach's "Goldberg Variations" is
    worse than the others?

    The following article asks:

    - What Would Bach Think Of Gould's recording?


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