From Agamemnon@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 20 22:59:24 2021
Dedicated to CB - a long-time troller of this group!
The Honorable Man
Stealing Injun heads
From a coffee can
To buy Steel Reserve
Is his master plan
He's an honorable man
Prying off the hinge
Of the liquor cab
Quaffing the booze
He'll nab a little dab
Topping off with water
He's a cunning plotter
Scanning for Jan
He's an honorable man
Watching porno tapes
Of girls from Japan
Because they'll submit
To his meager span
Now those tapes are gone
And he accuses John
Of swiping his stash
To which he loved to smash
Hence his vengeance began
He's an honorable man
He has no degree
Never worked a day
By his dad's decree
Is what he'll likely say
He doesn't drive a car
Can't get very far
Plays bass guitar
His ego is bizarre
An elite Rush fan
He's an honorable man
Saving up his cans
For his daily booze
He's asking for donations
A couple bucks he'll schmooze
He says there is a reason
Its the only way he'll snooze
Walking round the mall
Hunting bills and coins
Wherever they may fall
'Hillbillies n rednecks'
The locals he will call
Local wine and spirit vendors
To which he's been banned
But whom he loathes the most
Are packies from Pakistan
He's an honorable man