• Timothy Leary Turns Again Lennon (1978)

    From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 23 12:24:37 2024
    Singling out John Lennon, whom he had once revered as a saint and a
    messenger from God, Tim wrote, "In his admitted compulsion to say and do anything to hit the top of the charts, Lennon in one year ripped off a Gubernatorial candidate's slogan (Come Together), the motto of the
    militant blacks (Power To The People, Right On), and the Peace Movement
    (Give Peace A Chance). He then banked the proceeds and hired a platoon
    of who?...lawyers...to convince the Republican administration that he
    should be allowed to stay in the American Tax-Haven because he was..."harmless."

    Excerpted from Robert Greenfield's Leary bio

    The Leary quote obviously abounds in error.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 23 12:55:06 2024
    I first saw Timothy Leary in one of the Cheech & Chong films. I didn't
    know who he was at the time, but I found his constant, unaccountable
    laughter incredibly creepy.

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  • From Pluted Pup@21:1/5 to Norbert on Wed Jun 12 22:15:15 2024
    On Thu, 23 May 2024 05:55:06 -0700, Norbert wrote:

    I first saw Timothy Leary in one of the Cheech & Chong films. I didn't
    know who he was at the time, but I found his constant, unaccountable
    laughter incredibly creepy.

    That's from Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams (1981).
    Leary doesn't have much presence in the movie.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 18 10:12:02 2024
    Leary was creepy though, laughing inappropriately like a nut. He did
    that many years earlier on William Buckley's Firing Line.

    I'll say this for Cheech and Chong, they had some fun guests in their
    films. Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson was also in one of them.

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  • From super70s@21:1/5 to Pluted Pup on Tue Jun 18 06:05:52 2024
    On 2024-06-13 05:15:15 +0000, Pluted Pup said:

    That's from Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams (1981).
    Leary doesn't have much presence in the movie.

    I recently watched a movie dramatization about the Unabomber. They were
    both former Harvard professors and I guess the only difference between
    them was Leary wasn't mechanically inclined, lol.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 18 14:58:18 2024
    I've read a few books about the Unabomber, including Harvard and
    Unabomber: The Education of An American Terrorist. Brilliant as
    Kaczynski was in his chosen field, I wouldn't have wanted him as a
    professor. He couldn't think on his feet and wouldn't answer students' questions.

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