• Restored 1970 Let it Be Streaming on Disney+

    From whosbest54@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 10 09:23:37 2024
    Restored Let it Be streaming on Disney+


    The flamewars are over...if you want it.

    Unofficial rec.audio.opinion Usenet Group Brief User Guide: https://dubitative-rims.000webhostapp.com/rao.htm

    Unofficial rec.music.beatles Usenet Group Brief User Guide: https://dubitative-rims.000webhostapp.com/rmb.html

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  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 13 20:10:51 2024
    whosbest54 wrote:

    Restored Let it Be streaming on Disney+


    Also on Disney+... Doctor Who "The Devils's Chord" episode
    released on Saturday featured the Beatles in 1963 at EMI studios
    on Abbey Road. (Played by four actors that didn't look anything
    like them!)

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  • From super70s@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 13 21:52:10 2024
    On 2024-05-10 14:23:37 +0000, whosbest54 said:

    Restored Let it Be streaming on Disney+



    Is this ever coming out officially on DVD/Blu-Ray or is Paul drawing
    the line on that?

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 14 15:48:32 2024
    The "Devil's Chord" is the tritone, f-b, for example. It was called that by the Catholic Church, who outlawed its use in any of their music. The tritone is the grounding chord of heavy rock-and-roll, though the generally-used rock progression was I, IV,
    V. The V7 chords contain tritones. They are very powerful chords.

    The Beatles seemed to leap out of the womb, so to speak, having understanding of the power of chords, and of voicing. This is unheard of. Even Mozart did not do that -- he had training and tutoring by his father...

    So we might be tempted to wonder if the Beatles are "McMozarts" or the real deal...

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 14 15:52:16 2024
    Oh...and I include George. His songs are some of my favorites...When I bought a copy of the "Complete Beatles" (sheet music) and found it did not include Piggies, I was devastated...

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  • From Geoff@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 15 09:22:54 2024
    On 11/05/2024 2:23 am, whosbest54 wrote:
    Restored Let it Be streaming on Disney+



    Somebody appears to have not noticed how the release of this has
    triggered a celestial phenomenon - the coronal mass discharge recently
    lighting up our skies. Surely JL will be Raptured and rise up to Uranus
    on a full moon.


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  • From Geoff@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 15 09:18:43 2024
    On 14/05/2024 2:52 pm, super70s wrote:
    On 2024-05-10 14:23:37 +0000, whosbest54 said:

    Restored Let it Be streaming on Disney+



    Is this ever coming out officially on DVD/Blu-Ray or is Paul drawing the
    line on that?

    Why would he do that ? Didn't have a problem with Get Back ...

    If considered more controversial I'm sure he is 'bigger' than that, as
    is not so petty.


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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 16 13:26:17 2024
    It is tine I watched Let It Be again. I thought it was basically a downer last time (many years ago) other than "Two Of Us."

    Oh, and there's that interesting scene where McCartney tells Lennon about how different -- i.e., how deferential -- Lennon was towards the Maharishi. Lennon assumed, initially, that the Maharishi know "the secret."

    Well, he knew how to con people and prey on young women.

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  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to Geoff on Fri May 17 11:18:57 2024
    Geoff wrote:

    On 14/05/2024 2:52 pm, super70s wrote:

    Is this ever coming out officially on DVD/Blu-Ray or is Paul
    drawing the line on that?

    Why would he do that ? Didn't have a problem with Get Back ...

    If considered more controversial I'm sure he is 'bigger' than
    that, as is not so petty.

    I sense a 'double-pack' coming on...

    "Get Back" & "Let It Be", remastered DVD/Blu-Ray, possibly with
    a book... ka-ching... ££/$$...

    Where do I go to place my order?

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