• Slain moments (1)

    From oldernow@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 9 16:12:14 2024
    | I'm attempting to describe/present/portray moments in Beatles |
    | songs that have, continue to, and likely always will absolutely |
    | slay me. No particular order. Just whatever comes to mind. | ===================================================================

    (1) Final transition from McCartney lead to Lennon lead in AHDN

    McCartney goes into the last "when I'm home, everything seems to
    be alright", eventually unto:

    feeling you holdin' me tight
    tight yeahmmm it's been a hard days night

    The moment indicated is where Lennon takes over lead vocal with the
    "mmm" (or whatever he actually enunciates).

    It can't represented perfectly in text because there's simultaneity
    in the transition. But you know what I mean.

    xyz001 at nym.hush.com

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  • From geoff@21:1/5 to oldernow on Wed Apr 10 09:00:51 2024
    On 10/04/2024 4:12 am, oldernow wrote:
    | I'm attempting to describe/present/portray moments in Beatles |
    | songs that have, continue to, and likely always will absolutely |
    | slay me. No particular order. Just whatever comes to mind. | ===================================================================

    (1) Final transition from McCartney lead to Lennon lead in AHDN

    McCartney goes into the last "when I'm home, everything seems to
    be alright", eventually unto:

    feeling you holdin' me tight
    tight yeahmmm it's been a hard days night

    The moment indicated is where Lennon takes over lead vocal with the
    "mmm" (or whatever he actually enunciates).

    It can't represented perfectly in text because there's simultaneity
    in the transition. But you know what I mean.

    Pairs of double-lines of lyrics showing the separate parts, spaced to demonstrate the overlaps ?


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  • From oldernow@21:1/5 to geoff on Tue Apr 9 21:58:09 2024
    On 2024-04-09, geoff <geoff@nospamgeoffwood.org> wrote:
    On 10/04/2024 4:12 am, oldernow wrote:
    | I'm attempting to describe/present/portray moments in Beatles |
    | songs that have, continue to, and likely always will absolutely |
    | slay me. No particular order. Just whatever comes to mind. |

    (1) Final transition from McCartney lead to Lennon lead in AHDN

    McCartney goes into the last "when I'm home, everything seems to
    be alright", eventually unto:

    feeling you holdin' me tight
    tight yeahmmm it's been a hard days night

    The moment indicated is where Lennon takes over lead vocal with the
    "mmm" (or whatever he actually enunciates).

    It can't represented perfectly in text because there's simultaneity
    in the transition. But you know what I mean.

    Pairs of double-lines of lyrics showing the separate parts, spaced to demonstrate the overlaps ?

    Yes, although it just occurred to me maybe not everyone views in a
    fixed-width font, which could muck with how things looked aligned
    as intended for me... ugh.

    Oh well, I tried....

    xyz001 at nym.hush.com

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 12 11:24:04 2024
    Good use of major and minor tonality as well...minor for "It's a hard day's night", to major for "But when I get home to you"...we can feel the boring exhaustion of working, then the delight of coming home to love and newness...

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 19 12:07:23 2024
    I'm reading as much as I can from a book on Google Docs, as a hardcopy costs almost 1K...
    It is called The Songwriting Secrets of the Beatles, by Pedler...

    Here's a link: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Songwriting_Secrets_Of_The_Beatles/O8w1cyT65ZIC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

    In it, we can see the way these 'slain moments' are created. They became masters at using the powerhouse of chord combinations to 'hook' us in and keep us astonished.

    The book does use a lot of musical terminology, but it is basic, and you can find defs online...

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  • From oldernow@21:1/5 to pamelam1@mindspring.com on Fri Apr 19 13:03:04 2024
    On 2024-04-19, pamina58 <pamelam1@mindspring.com> wrote:

    I'm reading as much as I can from a book on Google Docs, as
    a hardcopy costs almost 1K... It is called The Songwriting
    Secrets of the Beatles, by Pedler...

    Here's a link: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Songwriting_Secrets_Of_The_Beatles/O8w1cyT65ZIC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

    In it, we can see the way these 'slain moments' are
    created. They became masters at using the powerhouse of
    chord combinations to 'hook' us in and keep us astonished.

    The book does use a lot of musical terminology, but it is
    basic, and you can find defs online...

    I appreciate the heads up, and yet honestly don't want to
    know how they did it, because it's no longer magic once
    one knows how it works....

    xyz001 at nym.hush.com

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 21 18:03:15 2024
    Ok. I like knowing how it was done...

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