• Smoking Dope at Buckingham Palace

    From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 2 14:26:31 2024
    John Lennon says in a long interview in the French weekly magazine L'Express that the Beatles smoked marijuana in the lavatories at Buckingham Palace before receiving the M.B.E. in 1965.

    Asked if he took the decoration seriously, Lennon replies: "I took it as a joke. A priori we wanted to laugh. When that happens to you, when you're being decorated, you don't laugh anymore. Even so, we were bursting like mad because we'd just
    been having a joint in the Buckingham Palace toilets. We were so nervous."

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 4 15:11:31 2024
    If John took the MBE as a "joke," what was he "so nervous" about?

    Anyway, I remember when people would smoke some weed and then laugh a lot. Things are different today. Today's potheads are disturbed and disturbing.

    These people do not smoke up and then find humor in things; they ingest the substance and then go psychotic, ranting about how Biden stole the 2020 Presidential Election, about Trump's supposedly imminent re-entatement, about the Storm, the Cabal. About
    how Covid is a hoax abd the vaccine is snake venom.

    Oh - and about how the women of CNN are actually men. These psychos belong in mental institutions.

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  • From oldernow@21:1/5 to Norbert on Thu Apr 4 18:43:02 2024
    On 2024-04-04, Norbert <nyarlathotep1@hotmail.com> wrote:

    Anyway, I remember when people would smoke some weed
    and then laugh a lot. Things are different today.
    Today's potheads are disturbed and disturbing.

    These people do not smoke up and then find humor in things;
    they ingest the substance and then go psychotic, ranting
    about how Biden stole the 2020 Presidential Election,
    about Trump's supposedly imminent re-entatement, about
    the Storm, the Cabal. About how Covid is a hoax abd the
    vaccine is snake venom.

    Personally, I can't blame weed for what having less than half a
    brain adequately explains.

    Not that there might not be an exacerbationg factor, of course....

    xyz001 at nym.hush.com

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 4 19:44:46 2024
    Right, that could be the case with a lot of these freaks. But I've known a couple of them, and they've gotten progressively mired in these contemptible paranoid delusions.

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