On 2024-04-04, Norbert <
nyarlathotep1@hotmail.com> wrote:
Anyway, I remember when people would smoke some weed
and then laugh a lot. Things are different today.
Today's potheads are disturbed and disturbing.
These people do not smoke up and then find humor in things;
they ingest the substance and then go psychotic, ranting
about how Biden stole the 2020 Presidential Election,
about Trump's supposedly imminent re-entatement, about
the Storm, the Cabal. About how Covid is a hoax abd the
vaccine is snake venom.
Personally, I can't blame weed for what having less than half a
brain adequately explains.
Not that there might not be an exacerbationg factor, of course....
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
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