• John, Cynthia, and the Flight Home From India

    From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 29 12:30:11 2024
    Aboard the plane, flying home from India, John began drinking hard liquor for the first time in months. As the booze melted his inhibitions, the rage that lay at the bottom of his soul, like sulfuric acid under a wax stopper, began to fume up. For no
    apparent reason, he started telling Cynthia about all the women he had f*cked during the eight years of their marriage. The hundreds of girls John had screwed on the road, as many as seven in a single night, counted for little in his confessions. What
    he concentrated upon, according to Peter Brown, were the women whom Cynthia would recognize. Then he got down to women whom Cynthia knew personally, explaining that the reason this one turned up unexpectedly that night at Kenwood or that one behaved so
    oddly in the restaurant was that John was carrying on with her behind Cynthia's back. Whether his motive in making this confession was to goad Cynthia into suing for a divorce or to punish her for some real or imagined indiscretion makes little
    difference; the fact is that he hurt her horribly without helping himself one bit.

    -- Albert Goldman

    Goldman goes on to describe a drug binge -- including acid, weed, pills, whiskey, cocaine and heroin -- John embarked on immediately upon returning home. It was during this bender that John made a fool of himself in the presence of his onetime idol
    Brigitte Bardot. The episode culminated in John consummating his relationship with Yoko -- and deciding that he would live with her from then on.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 29 13:16:05 2024
    So what was John's admission to Cynthia about? I think he was furious at having been duped by the Maharishi and that he decided to take it out on innocent, vulnerable Cynthia, whom he knew would not fight back.

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  • From super70s@21:1/5 to Norbert on Fri Mar 29 17:57:21 2024
    On 2024-03-29 13:16:05 +0000, Norbert said:

    So what was John's admission to Cynthia about? I think he was furious
    at having been duped by the Maharishi and that he decided to take it
    out on innocent, vulnerable Cynthia, whom he knew would not fight back.

    I remember she was left behind at the train station for some reason and
    had to catch up with the entourage later, makes you wonder if John
    orchestrated that.

    I also thought about Sexy Sadie as a possible reason for the hostility
    toward Cynthia.

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 31 20:22:53 2024
    John never forgave Cynthia for insisting on getting married because of her pregnancy, even though he was also responsible. She had dead-ended him and caused him to miss his true destiny.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 1 14:42:33 2024
    What, in your opinion, was John's true destiny?

    John had led his band into being the most important one in the history of popular music -- only to sacrifice his talents to drugs and nutcases -- neither of which Cynthia approved. I don't see what better destiny John might have envisioned for himself.

    I wish Cynthia had been a stronger personality and had fought harder to save her marriage.

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 2 16:47:24 2024
    IMO, John's true destiny is as an heir to Wolfgang Mozart.

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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 2 19:16:38 2024
    Hmm, I didn't see that. Do you mean a rock & roll version of an heir to Mozart or someone who literally composed classical compositions?

    Either way, I don't see how one could accuse Cynthia of hindering John's musical progress. Yoko is another story.

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 3 10:52:51 2024
    As far as John's being an heir to Mozart, it has more to do with dna than musical output. Mozart had a unique gift that created a furor wherever he went. People made friends with him deceitfully, so that they could attempt to vampirize his energy and
    steal that gift. Some even poisoned him incrementally in order to try to control him and his gift.

    How Mozart really lived and died is an occult secret, kept amongst the insiders, most of them Masons.

    Was John also slandered behind his back by people pretending to be his friends? Was he caused to ingest toxic substances of some sort without his knowledge or permission?
    Was he kept in a state of fear by those attempting to control him?

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  • From pamina58@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 3 10:35:13 2024
    Looks like John thought Cynthia tricked him, and he made her pay...
    Whatever they may have had was over at that point.

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  • From geoff@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 4 11:12:31 2024
    On 3/04/2024 11:52 pm, pamina58 wrote:
    As far as John's being an heir to Mozart, it has more to do with dna
    than musical output. Mozart had a unique gift that created a furor
    wherever he went. People made friends with him deceitfully, so that they could attempt to vampirize his energy and steal that gift. Some even
    poisoned him incrementally in order to try to control him and his gift.
    How Mozart really lived and died is an occult secret, kept amongst the insiders, most of them Masons.
    Was John also slandered behind his back by people pretending to be his friends?
    Was he caused to ingest toxic substances of some sort without his
    knowledge or permission?
    Was he kept in a state of fear by those attempting to control him?

    No. All self-driven with his own personality and psyche.


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  • From Norbert@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 4 12:44:46 2024
    One of John's recurring themes in interviews was: "I've always needed a drug in order to survive."

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