• Bob Eubanks On Brian Epstein's Management Of The Beatles

    From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 25 12:29:23 2023
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible for
    the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the remainder
    to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for parts
    of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled - he
    had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila the
    Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains have
    presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with Mars,
    which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation, bringing
    the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium, circa 1200.
    She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar conjunct date of
    28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded circa
    119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pamela Brown@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Mar 29 03:41:36 2023
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible for
    the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for parts
    of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled -
    he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains have
    presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with Mars,
    which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation, bringing
    the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium, circa
    1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar conjunct
    date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Pamela Brown on Wed Mar 29 11:42:41 2023
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible
    for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled -
    he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains have
    presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with Mars,
    which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium, circa
    1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar conjunct
    date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).

    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early material

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals of the
    same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42, VI.16);
    and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am and 9:26
    am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand Trine
    becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine compared to
    Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor' cataclysmic

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Mar 29 14:51:45 2023
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible
    for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled
    - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with
    Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early material

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals of the
    same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42, VI.
    16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am and 9:
    26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand Trine
    becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine compared to
    Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor' cataclysmic

    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full the
    Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged with the
    Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for its
    metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the 16 March
    2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a Soviet
    empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Mar 31 07:23:26 2023
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 2:51:47 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and
    fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When
    Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great
    of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a
    Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with
    Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early
    material instead.

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals of
    the same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42, VI.
    16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am and 9:
    26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand Trine
    becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine compared
    to Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor'
    cataclysmic event.
    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full the
    Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged with the
    Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for its
    metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the 16
    March 2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a Soviet
    empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.

    To his credit, Brian Epstein satisfied his curiosity about requests for "My Bonnie" at his music store with a trip to the Cavern Club, where he experienced their act for himself. And ordering ten thousand copies of their first single, once their
    recording contract had been acquired, likely helped the disc rise to number seventeen when they were largely a local phenomenon. Epstein promoted their music as presenting a spectrum of intense human emotion, happiness and tragedy alternating with a
    compelling sense of drama; however when venturing an opinion on how an actual recording session was progressing, John Lennon advised him to "Stick to counting your percentages."


    Saturnin Chalice Debasing Venus At Damian's Lombardy With Great Urn
    {4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST / 3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT}

    The cataclysmic lines assumed for Geneva appear to lead to the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine, however not for the 30 March 2023 date of the Saturn-Mars trine which might be expected. At Saint Paul of Narbonne's 22 March feast, Saturn and Mars were over
    three degrees from their later trine, possibly relating to the IX.64 line about the 'new Mars' influence that I.94 designates for vengeance and remorse. Looking beyond the Saturn-Mars trine to further cases involving their Grand Trine with the Vertex,
    the instance on 4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST [3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT] has the requisite elements that have proven elusive, redefining the prophetic parameters.

    The lunar conjunctions seem too crude for the elegance of the judicial astrology, with unexpected twists arising and new relationships being considered. While the Moon was found ahead of lunar aspects with Vesta then Neptune, it was also after a Venusian
    connection, rendering a situation where she can be debased for X.28.

    Using Geneva coordinates and CEST for 4 April 2023:

    8:04 am - Venus lunar trine (21 degrees 51 minutes), with the Vertex and Fortune united in solar opposition;

    9:43 am - Grand Trine of Saturn-Mars-Vertex [Chalice of VI.89, Saturnin Sword from IX.44 and V.24, Vertex around 2 degrees Scorpio under Libran Balance for V.42], Fortune trine Pallas [double meaning from II.66], and Ouranos conjunct East Point [possible
    Heavens inference from VI.70, and 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92, as progenitor of the Titans];

    2 pm - Vesta lunar quincunx (24 degrees 54 minutes) [X.6 appearance of extinguishing sepulchral fire, engulfment of VI.19], with the Vertex in Sagittarius positioned for a simultaneous Vesta trine and lunar square;

    3:49 pm - Neptune lunar opposition (25 degrees 50 minutes), with the Moon near Ceres conjunct to render their dual opposition against Neptune [perplexity of Corinth and Ephesus in III.3];

    6:30 pm - Ceres lunar conjunct, at local Moonrise, with the Moon, Ceres, and East Point meeting at the Ascendant.

    The current planetary alignment in Aries and Taurus includes the Sun, concealing the principals of the affair at sudden terror (V.65), except for a few celestial bodies being briefly visible in the short period after Sunset, making the point simple
    astronomy will provide little warning; this alignment could be the Great Urn of X.50.

    The lunar conjuncts with Lilith [31 March 2023 7:08 pm CEST] and Ceres do not appear featured, despite the critical time being between them.

    Proceeding further the prediction about 'Sol et Lune' from V.66 appears an aftermath condition: first Chiron has its solar conjunct [5 April 2023 11:57 pm CEST]; then Chiron has its lunar opposition [6 April 2023 6:06 am CEST]; and finally there is the
    Full Moon [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST], with the Moon opposing both Chiron and the Sun together. This meets the stipulations of VI.70, putting the solar Master at Chiron, while Earth's Outer satellite the Moon also reaches the same relative location in
    opposition. The addition of Chiron to the Full Moon configuration makes it very likely this is solar-lunar situation considered in V.66.

    The Venusian lunar trine establishes a temporal window for the X.28 debasement that closes with the Vestal lunar quincunx.

    The 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) falls on the feast of Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded in 117 outside Rome: the sliver of sunlight perceived then could provide the golden engraving of V.66, for the
    previously ignited Vestal Lamp from the cataclysm. This departs from the typical expectation that a solar eclipse heralds some disaster, timed instead in the aftermath like an exclamation point.

    The unfolding of II.66 suggested Fortune changing greatly in a short time for the Pelosi hammer attack; then people being trapped when emerging from vandalizing the presidential palace at the 8 January 2023 Brasilia insurrection. However the
    juxtaposition of Fortune in line 2 with a palace in line 3 calls for the palace/Pallas pun to be considered, towards identifying the Pallas-Fortune trine synchronized with the 4 April 2023 iteration of the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine as ominous.

    The reset for the hagiology is interesting: there is a saint associated with Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) having a 4 April date of death, which is usually the feast, but that is officially instead on 12 April. Saint Damian of Pavia was a pious priest born to a
    noble family; he is credited with composing in 679 on behalf of Milan Archbishop Mansuetus the letter from the Synod of Milan sent to Emperor Constantine IV in 680, in which monothelitism (professing a singular nature for Christ) was opposed in favor of
    dyothelitism (affirming a dualistic nature). Damian was elected Bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, in 685, and he mediated between the Byzantine emperor and the Lombards; he visited Constantinople shortly prior to his death on 4 April 710.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be Saint Ethelburga, wife of King Saint Edwin, whom she converted; in widowhood she became an abbess, dying in 647 with her feast on April Fifth.

    As for the Gaul reference in X.58, there is a Benedictine monk with the story of martyrdom defending church altars against a Norman invasion with others circa 303, at Beze Cote-d'Or (in central France near Switzerland), to again derive the 4 April feast
    date. {However a parallel memorial on 21 May has a similar story under the same saint name (with differently-named subordinate characters) set at a Norman invasion centuries later in 888, and misspelling Beze as Bleze.}

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 4 08:50:10 2023
    On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:23:28 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 2:51:47 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts
    for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and
    fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When
    Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great
    of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a
    Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early
    material instead.

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals of
    the same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42,
    VI.16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am and
    9:26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand Trine
    becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine compared
    to Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor'
    cataclysmic event.
    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full the
    Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged with
    the Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for its
    metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the 16
    March 2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a Soviet
    empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.
    To his credit, Brian Epstein satisfied his curiosity about requests for "My Bonnie" at his music store with a trip to the Cavern Club, where he experienced their act for himself. And ordering ten thousand copies of their first single, once their
    recording contract had been acquired, likely helped the disc rise to number seventeen when they were largely a local phenomenon. Epstein promoted their music as presenting a spectrum of intense human emotion, happiness and tragedy alternating with a
    compelling sense of drama; however when venturing an opinion on how an actual recording session was progressing, John Lennon advised him to "Stick to counting your percentages."


    Saturnin Chalice Debasing Venus At Damian's Lombardy With Great Urn
    {4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST / 3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT}

    The cataclysmic lines assumed for Geneva appear to lead to the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine, however not for the 30 March 2023 date of the Saturn-Mars trine which might be expected. At Saint Paul of Narbonne's 22 March feast, Saturn and Mars were
    over three degrees from their later trine, possibly relating to the IX.64 line about the 'new Mars' influence that I.94 designates for vengeance and remorse. Looking beyond the Saturn-Mars trine to further cases involving their Grand Trine with the
    Vertex, the instance on 4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST [3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT] has the requisite elements that have proven elusive, redefining the prophetic parameters.

    The lunar conjunctions seem too crude for the elegance of the judicial astrology, with unexpected twists arising and new relationships being considered. While the Moon was found ahead of lunar aspects with Vesta then Neptune, it was also after a
    Venusian connection, rendering a situation where she can be debased for X.28.

    Using Geneva coordinates and CEST for 4 April 2023:

    8:04 am - Venus lunar trine (21 degrees 51 minutes), with the Vertex and Fortune united in solar opposition;

    9:43 am - Grand Trine of Saturn-Mars-Vertex [Chalice of VI.89, Saturnin Sword from IX.44 and V.24, Vertex around 2 degrees Scorpio under Libran Balance for V.42], Fortune trine Pallas [double meaning from II.66], and Ouranos conjunct East Point [
    possible Heavens inference from VI.70, and 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92, as progenitor of the Titans];

    2 pm - Vesta lunar quincunx (24 degrees 54 minutes) [X.6 appearance of extinguishing sepulchral fire, engulfment of VI.19], with the Vertex in Sagittarius positioned for a simultaneous Vesta trine and lunar square;

    3:49 pm - Neptune lunar opposition (25 degrees 50 minutes), with the Moon near Ceres conjunct to render their dual opposition against Neptune [perplexity of Corinth and Ephesus in III.3];

    6:30 pm - Ceres lunar conjunct, at local Moonrise, with the Moon, Ceres, and East Point meeting at the Ascendant.

    The current planetary alignment in Aries and Taurus includes the Sun, concealing the principals of the affair at sudden terror (V.65), except for a few celestial bodies being briefly visible in the short period after Sunset, making the point simple
    astronomy will provide little warning; this alignment could be the Great Urn of X.50.

    The lunar conjuncts with Lilith [31 March 2023 7:08 pm CEST] and Ceres do not appear featured, despite the critical time being between them.

    Proceeding further the prediction about 'Sol et Lune' from V.66 appears an aftermath condition: first Chiron has its solar conjunct [5 April 2023 11:57 pm CEST]; then Chiron has its lunar opposition [6 April 2023 6:06 am CEST]; and finally there is the
    Full Moon [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST], with the Moon opposing both Chiron and the Sun together. This meets the stipulations of VI.70, putting the solar Master at Chiron, while Earth's Outer satellite the Moon also reaches the same relative location in
    opposition. The addition of Chiron to the Full Moon configuration makes it very likely this is solar-lunar situation considered in V.66.

    The Venusian lunar trine establishes a temporal window for the X.28 debasement that closes with the Vestal lunar quincunx.

    The 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) falls on the feast of Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded in 117 outside Rome: the sliver of sunlight perceived then could provide the golden engraving of V.66, for the
    previously ignited Vestal Lamp from the cataclysm. This departs from the typical expectation that a solar eclipse heralds some disaster, timed instead in the aftermath like an exclamation point.

    The unfolding of II.66 suggested Fortune changing greatly in a short time for the Pelosi hammer attack; then people being trapped when emerging from vandalizing the presidential palace at the 8 January 2023 Brasilia insurrection. However the
    juxtaposition of Fortune in line 2 with a palace in line 3 calls for the palace/Pallas pun to be considered, towards identifying the Pallas-Fortune trine synchronized with the 4 April 2023 iteration of the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine as ominous.

    The reset for the hagiology is interesting: there is a saint associated with Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) having a 4 April date of death, which is usually the feast, but that is officially instead on 12 April. Saint Damian of Pavia was a pious priest born to
    a noble family; he is credited with composing in 679 on behalf of Milan Archbishop Mansuetus the letter from the Synod of Milan sent to Emperor Constantine IV in 680, in which monothelitism (professing a singular nature for Christ) was opposed in favor
    of dyothelitism (affirming a dualistic nature). Damian was elected Bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, in 685, and he mediated between the Byzantine emperor and the Lombards; he visited Constantinople shortly prior to his death on 4 April 710.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be Saint Ethelburga, wife of King Saint Edwin, whom she converted; in widowhood she became an abbess, dying in 647 with her feast on April Fifth.

    As for the Gaul reference in X.58, there is a Benedictine monk with the story of martyrdom defending church altars against a Norman invasion with others circa 303, at Beze Cote-d'Or (in central France near Switzerland), to again derive the 4 April
    feast date. {However a parallel memorial on 21 May has a similar story under the same saint name (with differently-named subordinate characters) set at a Norman invasion centuries later in 888, and misspelling Beze as Bleze.}

    Brian Epstein was also partaking when Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis on their late 1964 US tour, and he supported McCartney through the 1967 controversy.


    Saturnin Cup & Venusian Chalice On Good Friday
    [7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST / 9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT]

    It seems a slight refinement would lead to the elusive cataclysmic onset theory for Geneva: there should be two concurrent Grand Trines, and the Vertex does not necessarily complete a triangular form with Saturn and Mars.

    To the western lands will arrive a quite powerful King,
    By sea and land for the South a subjugation;
    This will cause evil, as the Crescent is re-lowering -
    For Friday the wings in clipped orientation

    This original rhyming translation for X.95 obviously has a partial correspondence with VIII.96 -

    For Babylon the maid in the prosecution
    It will sever the wings of misery and sadness

    Revelation's Mystery Babylon Harlot is being defined as planet Venus the love goddess personification: Venus conjoined the Node after the August 1945 nuclear bombings of Japanese cities, situated at the end of Bowl configuration near Saturn, with Ceres
    on the other end; identifying the wings as Saturn (sadness) and Ceres (misery) is useful much later.

    The powerful King in X.95 should be the total solar eclipse crossing the US 20 August 2017, with its line of totality centered in Kentucky: the subsequent 'sea and land' ('mer et terre,' typically mistranslated as 'land and sea,' the reckless reversal
    losing the landfall concept) subjugation of the South would then be Hurricane Harvey making landfall 25 August 2017, rated Category 4, causing 108 reported deaths, and massive flooding in the Houston area. The evil of the third line would then regard the
    6 January 2021 Capitol riot, which took place when the Moon was waning from a Half Moon condition, for the re-lowering of the Crescent.

    The date for the clipping of Babylon's Wings appears to have been Friday 9 September 2022, as a judicial astrology preliminary milestone: for the entire day there was a sustained Grand Trine of the South Node with Lilith and Juno; Ceres was roughly in
    opposition with Saturn, in parallel with the Juno-Lilith trine-line component. Also on that day, there was a Venusian lunar opposition [9 September 2022 3:40 pm CEST] - and for that brief period in the day, a transitory Grand Trine was formed, consisting
    of the East Point with the Sun and the Node: and the East Point solar trine-line was also parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition, on the other side.

    So X.95 regards the all-day Grand Trine on Friday, while VIII.96 specifies an instance for Venus-Babylon: and both of the briefly concurrent Grand Trines indicated have lines in parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition - so the Wings are doubly severed,
    by the all-day and Venusian-opposition dual Grand Trines, forming a Star-of-David configuration (with Juno near solar opposition).

    The assessment of the Neptune opposition with the Moon and Ceres [4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST] as the III.3 perplexity would hold; and the Full Moon augmented by the presence of Chiron near the Sun [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST] would still relate to VI.70
    and V.66 line 3. The disaster would occur after the Full Moon, yet prior to the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse from the final line, on the feast for Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, using V.66 chronology.

    While the Vertex should be involved in a Grand Trine, so should Venus, being given the Cup of Divine Wrath.

    Proceeding to a close Grand Trine with Venus and the Vertex leads to Good Friday 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST [9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT] -

    Venus 25 degrees 45 minutes Taurus;
    Vertex 26 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn;
    Ceres 26 degrees 41 minutes Virgo

    At that time the Moon is close to meeting the South Node, at nearly the same position 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation the Vertex had occupied to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars -

    Moon 3 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio /
    South Node 5 degrees 5 minutes Scorpio;
    Saturn 3 degrees 23 minutes Pisces;
    Mars 6 degrees 31 minutes Cancer

    This is not a Star-of-David-type inverted overlay, with Venus appearing as the Apex of its nearly upright Grand Trine, and Saturn situated close to the Descendant. The VI.89 lines hint at Saint Narcissus' 18 March feast with 'wasps and flies,' with the '
    paternal love vexed' for the 17 March 2023 Geneva Pediment of Saturn-Venus-Vertex: then a Cupbearer falsifies and a Chalice is tried, which could suggest two Grand Trines, one of which is too inexact to be found particularly ominous, like the Saturn-Mars-
    Moon/South Node version.

    The Saturn lunar trine occurs slightly earlier [7 April 2023 2:44 pm CEST], when Fortune is conjoined with Saturn: the combined hints from II.66 suggest Fortune advancing into a trine with Pallas, about ninety minutes later at 4:14 pm CEST (less than
    half an hour after the critical time); thus the Saturnin lunar trine could be the High-Born aspect preceding the golden fire striking in II.92.

    So the 'New Mars' of I.94 could also regard its later lunar trine [7 April 2023 8:41 pm CEST], with the Geneva chart showing Pluto at the Nadir.

    The Vestal lunar opposition 7 April 2023 1:06 am CEST could be the subject of X.6, occurring less than half an hour from Mercury conjoining the Node (1:29 am CEST).

    The hagiology featured appears obscure, yet also simple.

    The Lombardy references (V.42, VI.16) could be in tandem with the Lady of I.94, honored through force of terror: Blessed Libania was of noble birth, a descendant of Lombard dukes; she fled an arranged marriage at fifteen, becoming a Benedictine nun; her
    father built a monastery at Busano, Italy, in which she served as abbess. Her legend is that an angel summoned her from her cell, leading her into the church for her death on 8 April 1064.

    As for the trembling of Gaul in X.58, Saint Liborius was also born to a noble family, serving as Bishop of Le Mans from 348, consistent with Gaul as ancient France - he died in 396, commemorated on an April Ninth feast.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Apr 7 12:56:16 2023
    On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 8:51:54 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:23:28 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 2:51:47 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts
    for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early
    material instead.

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals
    of the same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42,
    VI.16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am
    and 9:26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand
    Trine becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine
    compared to Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor'
    cataclysmic event.
    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full
    the Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged with
    the Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for
    its metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the 16
    March 2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a
    Soviet empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.
    To his credit, Brian Epstein satisfied his curiosity about requests for "My Bonnie" at his music store with a trip to the Cavern Club, where he experienced their act for himself. And ordering ten thousand copies of their first single, once their
    recording contract had been acquired, likely helped the disc rise to number seventeen when they were largely a local phenomenon. Epstein promoted their music as presenting a spectrum of intense human emotion, happiness and tragedy alternating with a
    compelling sense of drama; however when venturing an opinion on how an actual recording session was progressing, John Lennon advised him to "Stick to counting your percentages."


    Saturnin Chalice Debasing Venus At Damian's Lombardy With Great Urn
    {4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST / 3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT}

    The cataclysmic lines assumed for Geneva appear to lead to the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine, however not for the 30 March 2023 date of the Saturn-Mars trine which might be expected. At Saint Paul of Narbonne's 22 March feast, Saturn and Mars were
    over three degrees from their later trine, possibly relating to the IX.64 line about the 'new Mars' influence that I.94 designates for vengeance and remorse. Looking beyond the Saturn-Mars trine to further cases involving their Grand Trine with the
    Vertex, the instance on 4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST [3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT] has the requisite elements that have proven elusive, redefining the prophetic parameters.

    The lunar conjunctions seem too crude for the elegance of the judicial astrology, with unexpected twists arising and new relationships being considered. While the Moon was found ahead of lunar aspects with Vesta then Neptune, it was also after a
    Venusian connection, rendering a situation where she can be debased for X.28.

    Using Geneva coordinates and CEST for 4 April 2023:

    8:04 am - Venus lunar trine (21 degrees 51 minutes), with the Vertex and Fortune united in solar opposition;

    9:43 am - Grand Trine of Saturn-Mars-Vertex [Chalice of VI.89, Saturnin Sword from IX.44 and V.24, Vertex around 2 degrees Scorpio under Libran Balance for V.42], Fortune trine Pallas [double meaning from II.66], and Ouranos conjunct East Point [
    possible Heavens inference from VI.70, and 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92, as progenitor of the Titans];

    2 pm - Vesta lunar quincunx (24 degrees 54 minutes) [X.6 appearance of extinguishing sepulchral fire, engulfment of VI.19], with the Vertex in Sagittarius positioned for a simultaneous Vesta trine and lunar square;

    3:49 pm - Neptune lunar opposition (25 degrees 50 minutes), with the Moon near Ceres conjunct to render their dual opposition against Neptune [perplexity of Corinth and Ephesus in III.3];

    6:30 pm - Ceres lunar conjunct, at local Moonrise, with the Moon, Ceres, and East Point meeting at the Ascendant.

    The current planetary alignment in Aries and Taurus includes the Sun, concealing the principals of the affair at sudden terror (V.65), except for a few celestial bodies being briefly visible in the short period after Sunset, making the point simple
    astronomy will provide little warning; this alignment could be the Great Urn of X.50.

    The lunar conjuncts with Lilith [31 March 2023 7:08 pm CEST] and Ceres do not appear featured, despite the critical time being between them.

    Proceeding further the prediction about 'Sol et Lune' from V.66 appears an aftermath condition: first Chiron has its solar conjunct [5 April 2023 11:57 pm CEST]; then Chiron has its lunar opposition [6 April 2023 6:06 am CEST]; and finally there is
    the Full Moon [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST], with the Moon opposing both Chiron and the Sun together. This meets the stipulations of VI.70, putting the solar Master at Chiron, while Earth's Outer satellite the Moon also reaches the same relative location
    in opposition. The addition of Chiron to the Full Moon configuration makes it very likely this is solar-lunar situation considered in V.66.

    The Venusian lunar trine establishes a temporal window for the X.28 debasement that closes with the Vestal lunar quincunx.

    The 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) falls on the feast of Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded in 117 outside Rome: the sliver of sunlight perceived then could provide the golden engraving of V.66, for
    the previously ignited Vestal Lamp from the cataclysm. This departs from the typical expectation that a solar eclipse heralds some disaster, timed instead in the aftermath like an exclamation point.

    The unfolding of II.66 suggested Fortune changing greatly in a short time for the Pelosi hammer attack; then people being trapped when emerging from vandalizing the presidential palace at the 8 January 2023 Brasilia insurrection. However the
    juxtaposition of Fortune in line 2 with a palace in line 3 calls for the palace/Pallas pun to be considered, towards identifying the Pallas-Fortune trine synchronized with the 4 April 2023 iteration of the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine as ominous.

    The reset for the hagiology is interesting: there is a saint associated with Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) having a 4 April date of death, which is usually the feast, but that is officially instead on 12 April. Saint Damian of Pavia was a pious priest born
    to a noble family; he is credited with composing in 679 on behalf of Milan Archbishop Mansuetus the letter from the Synod of Milan sent to Emperor Constantine IV in 680, in which monothelitism (professing a singular nature for Christ) was opposed in
    favor of dyothelitism (affirming a dualistic nature). Damian was elected Bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, in 685, and he mediated between the Byzantine emperor and the Lombards; he visited Constantinople shortly prior to his death on 4 April 710.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be Saint Ethelburga, wife of King Saint Edwin, whom she converted; in widowhood she became an abbess, dying in 647 with her feast on April Fifth.

    As for the Gaul reference in X.58, there is a Benedictine monk with the story of martyrdom defending church altars against a Norman invasion with others circa 303, at Beze Cote-d'Or (in central France near Switzerland), to again derive the 4 April
    feast date. {However a parallel memorial on 21 May has a similar story under the same saint name (with differently-named subordinate characters) set at a Norman invasion centuries later in 888, and misspelling Beze as Bleze.}
    Brian Epstein was also partaking when Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis on their late 1964 US tour, and he supported McCartney through the 1967 controversy.


    Saturnin Cup & Venusian Chalice On Good Friday
    [7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST / 9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT]

    It seems a slight refinement would lead to the elusive cataclysmic onset theory for Geneva: there should be two concurrent Grand Trines, and the Vertex does not necessarily complete a triangular form with Saturn and Mars.

    To the western lands will arrive a quite powerful King,
    By sea and land for the South a subjugation;
    This will cause evil, as the Crescent is re-lowering -
    For Friday the wings in clipped orientation

    This original rhyming translation for X.95 obviously has a partial correspondence with VIII.96 -

    For Babylon the maid in the prosecution
    It will sever the wings of misery and sadness

    Revelation's Mystery Babylon Harlot is being defined as planet Venus the love goddess personification: Venus conjoined the Node after the August 1945 nuclear bombings of Japanese cities, situated at the end of Bowl configuration near Saturn, with Ceres
    on the other end; identifying the wings as Saturn (sadness) and Ceres (misery) is useful much later.

    The powerful King in X.95 should be the total solar eclipse crossing the US 20 August 2017, with its line of totality centered in Kentucky: the subsequent 'sea and land' ('mer et terre,' typically mistranslated as 'land and sea,' the reckless reversal
    losing the landfall concept) subjugation of the South would then be Hurricane Harvey making landfall 25 August 2017, rated Category 4, causing 108 reported deaths, and massive flooding in the Houston area. The evil of the third line would then regard the
    6 January 2021 Capitol riot, which took place when the Moon was waning from a Half Moon condition, for the re-lowering of the Crescent.

    The date for the clipping of Babylon's Wings appears to have been Friday 9 September 2022, as a judicial astrology preliminary milestone: for the entire day there was a sustained Grand Trine of the South Node with Lilith and Juno; Ceres was roughly in
    opposition with Saturn, in parallel with the Juno-Lilith trine-line component. Also on that day, there was a Venusian lunar opposition [9 September 2022 3:40 pm CEST] - and for that brief period in the day, a transitory Grand Trine was formed, consisting
    of the East Point with the Sun and the Node: and the East Point solar trine-line was also parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition, on the other side.

    So X.95 regards the all-day Grand Trine on Friday, while VIII.96 specifies an instance for Venus-Babylon: and both of the briefly concurrent Grand Trines indicated have lines in parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition - so the Wings are doubly
    severed, by the all-day and Venusian-opposition dual Grand Trines, forming a Star-of-David configuration (with Juno near solar opposition).

    The assessment of the Neptune opposition with the Moon and Ceres [4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST] as the III.3 perplexity would hold; and the Full Moon augmented by the presence of Chiron near the Sun [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST] would still relate to VI.70
    and V.66 line 3. The disaster would occur after the Full Moon, yet prior to the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse from the final line, on the feast for Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, using V.66 chronology.

    While the Vertex should be involved in a Grand Trine, so should Venus, being given the Cup of Divine Wrath.

    Proceeding to a close Grand Trine with Venus and the Vertex leads to Good Friday 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST [9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT] -

    Venus 25 degrees 45 minutes Taurus;
    Vertex 26 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn;
    Ceres 26 degrees 41 minutes Virgo

    At that time the Moon is close to meeting the South Node, at nearly the same position 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation the Vertex had occupied to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars -

    Moon 3 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio /
    South Node 5 degrees 5 minutes Scorpio;
    Saturn 3 degrees 23 minutes Pisces;
    Mars 6 degrees 31 minutes Cancer

    This is not a Star-of-David-type inverted overlay, with Venus appearing as the Apex of its nearly upright Grand Trine, and Saturn situated close to the Descendant. The VI.89 lines hint at Saint Narcissus' 18 March feast with 'wasps and flies,' with the
    'paternal love vexed' for the 17 March 2023 Geneva Pediment of Saturn-Venus-Vertex: then a Cupbearer falsifies and a Chalice is tried, which could suggest two Grand Trines, one of which is too inexact to be found particularly ominous, like the Saturn-
    Mars-Moon/South Node version.

    The Saturn lunar trine occurs slightly earlier [7 April 2023 2:44 pm CEST], when Fortune is conjoined with Saturn: the combined hints from II.66 suggest Fortune advancing into a trine with Pallas, about ninety minutes later at 4:14 pm CEST (less than
    half an hour after the critical time); thus the Saturnin lunar trine could be the High-Born aspect preceding the golden fire striking in II.92.

    So the 'New Mars' of I.94 could also regard its later lunar trine [7 April 2023 8:41 pm CEST], with the Geneva chart showing Pluto at the Nadir.

    The Vestal lunar opposition 7 April 2023 1:06 am CEST could be the subject of X.6, occurring less than half an hour from Mercury conjoining the Node (1:29 am CEST).

    The hagiology featured appears obscure, yet also simple.

    The Lombardy references (V.42, VI.16) could be in tandem with the Lady of I.94, honored through force of terror: Blessed Libania was of noble birth, a descendant of Lombard dukes; she fled an arranged marriage at fifteen, becoming a Benedictine nun;
    her father built a monastery at Busano, Italy, in which she served as abbess. Her legend is that an angel summoned her from her cell, leading her into the church for her death on 8 April 1064.

    As for the trembling of Gaul in X.58, Saint Liborius was also born to a noble family, serving as Bishop of Le Mans from 348, consistent with Gaul as ancient France - he died in 396, commemorated on an April Ninth feast.

    Holy Saturday Venusian Chalice After New Mars
    [8 April 2023 3:50 pm CEST / 9:50 am EDT]

    Prophetic fulfillments since the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse have been extensive. The March 2020 pandemic lockdown date was derived early, as was the George Floyd 25 May 2020 death date; the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot occurred when enormous violence
    was anticipated, from lunar aspects with the Neptune-Vesta opposition two days prior. From the Pelosi hammer attack, through the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, the Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, into the sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border in
    early February, the French prophecies have not failed. A network of factoids can be cross-referenced to infer ideas beyond the singular fragments in isolation.

    The judicial astrology applied to Geneva has yielded some potential results beyond the 17 March 2023 11:22 pm CET Saturn-Venus-Vertex Pediment (for II.92, I.54, VI.89), verified with the 'wasps and flies' allusion to Saint Narcissus of the 18 March feast.
    The 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST Venus-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine occurred before the official Venus-Ceres trine, and coincided with the inexact Saturn-Mars-Moon Grand Trine for the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, to be followed by the actual trying of the
    Chalice. The current period is complying with the cataclysmic omen sequencing: the 4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST Neptunian lunar opposition during a Ceres lunar conjunct fit the perplexity of III.3; and the 6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST Full Moon with Chiron in
    solar conjunction matched VI.70.

    Sinister allusions to saints were found for 8 and 9 April, corresponding in 2023 with Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Moon enters Scorpio 7 April 2023 8:30 am CEST, thus becoming 'under the Balance' of Libra to satisfy V.42.

    The open-ended prophecies suggest novel concepts when applied to the 8 April 2023 conditions, using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:44 am - Moon at Ninth House cusp in Apex position (false Prime Vertical appearance);

    4:49 am - Fortune conjoins Pallas (closest daily timing with Moon directly overhead locally in the current cycle);

    8:19 am - Venus in Taurus trine Ceres in Virgo (26 minutes 34 degrees), simultaneous with Mars in Cancer sextile Mercury in Taurus (6 degrees 52 minutes) - this could be the 'New Mars' (aspect) for I.94, for vengeance and remorse, as the Venus-Ceres
    trine energy is consummated for the later Grand Trine with the Vertex - Venus and Ceres appear in a Midheaven Grand Trine, while the Vertex opposes Jupiter;

    3:50 pm - Venusian Grand Trine with Ceres and the Vertex, complicated by Vesta -

    Ceres 26 minutes 30 degrees Virgo;
    Vertex 26 minutes 48 degrees Capricorn;
    Venus 26 minutes 56 degrees Taurus; &
    Vesta 26 minutes 45 degrees Aries

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Apr 8 09:42:53 2023
    On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 12:56:18 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 8:51:54 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:23:28 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 2:51:47 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early
    material instead.

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals
    of the same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.
    42, VI.16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am
    and 9:26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand
    Trine becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine
    compared to Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor'
    cataclysmic event.
    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full
    the Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged
    with the Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for
    its metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the
    16 March 2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a
    Soviet empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.
    To his credit, Brian Epstein satisfied his curiosity about requests for "My Bonnie" at his music store with a trip to the Cavern Club, where he experienced their act for himself. And ordering ten thousand copies of their first single, once their
    recording contract had been acquired, likely helped the disc rise to number seventeen when they were largely a local phenomenon. Epstein promoted their music as presenting a spectrum of intense human emotion, happiness and tragedy alternating with a
    compelling sense of drama; however when venturing an opinion on how an actual recording session was progressing, John Lennon advised him to "Stick to counting your percentages."


    Saturnin Chalice Debasing Venus At Damian's Lombardy With Great Urn
    {4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST / 3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT}

    The cataclysmic lines assumed for Geneva appear to lead to the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine, however not for the 30 March 2023 date of the Saturn-Mars trine which might be expected. At Saint Paul of Narbonne's 22 March feast, Saturn and Mars were
    over three degrees from their later trine, possibly relating to the IX.64 line about the 'new Mars' influence that I.94 designates for vengeance and remorse. Looking beyond the Saturn-Mars trine to further cases involving their Grand Trine with the
    Vertex, the instance on 4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST [3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT] has the requisite elements that have proven elusive, redefining the prophetic parameters.

    The lunar conjunctions seem too crude for the elegance of the judicial astrology, with unexpected twists arising and new relationships being considered. While the Moon was found ahead of lunar aspects with Vesta then Neptune, it was also after a
    Venusian connection, rendering a situation where she can be debased for X.28.

    Using Geneva coordinates and CEST for 4 April 2023:

    8:04 am - Venus lunar trine (21 degrees 51 minutes), with the Vertex and Fortune united in solar opposition;

    9:43 am - Grand Trine of Saturn-Mars-Vertex [Chalice of VI.89, Saturnin Sword from IX.44 and V.24, Vertex around 2 degrees Scorpio under Libran Balance for V.42], Fortune trine Pallas [double meaning from II.66], and Ouranos conjunct East Point [
    possible Heavens inference from VI.70, and 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92, as progenitor of the Titans];

    2 pm - Vesta lunar quincunx (24 degrees 54 minutes) [X.6 appearance of extinguishing sepulchral fire, engulfment of VI.19], with the Vertex in Sagittarius positioned for a simultaneous Vesta trine and lunar square;

    3:49 pm - Neptune lunar opposition (25 degrees 50 minutes), with the Moon near Ceres conjunct to render their dual opposition against Neptune [perplexity of Corinth and Ephesus in III.3];

    6:30 pm - Ceres lunar conjunct, at local Moonrise, with the Moon, Ceres, and East Point meeting at the Ascendant.

    The current planetary alignment in Aries and Taurus includes the Sun, concealing the principals of the affair at sudden terror (V.65), except for a few celestial bodies being briefly visible in the short period after Sunset, making the point simple
    astronomy will provide little warning; this alignment could be the Great Urn of X.50.

    The lunar conjuncts with Lilith [31 March 2023 7:08 pm CEST] and Ceres do not appear featured, despite the critical time being between them.

    Proceeding further the prediction about 'Sol et Lune' from V.66 appears an aftermath condition: first Chiron has its solar conjunct [5 April 2023 11:57 pm CEST]; then Chiron has its lunar opposition [6 April 2023 6:06 am CEST]; and finally there is
    the Full Moon [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST], with the Moon opposing both Chiron and the Sun together. This meets the stipulations of VI.70, putting the solar Master at Chiron, while Earth's Outer satellite the Moon also reaches the same relative location
    in opposition. The addition of Chiron to the Full Moon configuration makes it very likely this is solar-lunar situation considered in V.66.

    The Venusian lunar trine establishes a temporal window for the X.28 debasement that closes with the Vestal lunar quincunx.

    The 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) falls on the feast of Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded in 117 outside Rome: the sliver of sunlight perceived then could provide the golden engraving of V.66, for
    the previously ignited Vestal Lamp from the cataclysm. This departs from the typical expectation that a solar eclipse heralds some disaster, timed instead in the aftermath like an exclamation point.

    The unfolding of II.66 suggested Fortune changing greatly in a short time for the Pelosi hammer attack; then people being trapped when emerging from vandalizing the presidential palace at the 8 January 2023 Brasilia insurrection. However the
    juxtaposition of Fortune in line 2 with a palace in line 3 calls for the palace/Pallas pun to be considered, towards identifying the Pallas-Fortune trine synchronized with the 4 April 2023 iteration of the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine as ominous.

    The reset for the hagiology is interesting: there is a saint associated with Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) having a 4 April date of death, which is usually the feast, but that is officially instead on 12 April. Saint Damian of Pavia was a pious priest
    born to a noble family; he is credited with composing in 679 on behalf of Milan Archbishop Mansuetus the letter from the Synod of Milan sent to Emperor Constantine IV in 680, in which monothelitism (professing a singular nature for Christ) was opposed in
    favor of dyothelitism (affirming a dualistic nature). Damian was elected Bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, in 685, and he mediated between the Byzantine emperor and the Lombards; he visited Constantinople shortly prior to his death on 4 April 710.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be Saint Ethelburga, wife of King Saint Edwin, whom she converted; in widowhood she became an abbess, dying in 647 with her feast on April Fifth.

    As for the Gaul reference in X.58, there is a Benedictine monk with the story of martyrdom defending church altars against a Norman invasion with others circa 303, at Beze Cote-d'Or (in central France near Switzerland), to again derive the 4 April
    feast date. {However a parallel memorial on 21 May has a similar story under the same saint name (with differently-named subordinate characters) set at a Norman invasion centuries later in 888, and misspelling Beze as Bleze.}
    Brian Epstein was also partaking when Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis on their late 1964 US tour, and he supported McCartney through the 1967 controversy.


    Saturnin Cup & Venusian Chalice On Good Friday
    [7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST / 9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT]

    It seems a slight refinement would lead to the elusive cataclysmic onset theory for Geneva: there should be two concurrent Grand Trines, and the Vertex does not necessarily complete a triangular form with Saturn and Mars.

    To the western lands will arrive a quite powerful King,
    By sea and land for the South a subjugation;
    This will cause evil, as the Crescent is re-lowering -
    For Friday the wings in clipped orientation

    This original rhyming translation for X.95 obviously has a partial correspondence with VIII.96 -

    For Babylon the maid in the prosecution
    It will sever the wings of misery and sadness

    Revelation's Mystery Babylon Harlot is being defined as planet Venus the love goddess personification: Venus conjoined the Node after the August 1945 nuclear bombings of Japanese cities, situated at the end of Bowl configuration near Saturn, with
    Ceres on the other end; identifying the wings as Saturn (sadness) and Ceres (misery) is useful much later.

    The powerful King in X.95 should be the total solar eclipse crossing the US 20 August 2017, with its line of totality centered in Kentucky: the subsequent 'sea and land' ('mer et terre,' typically mistranslated as 'land and sea,' the reckless
    reversal losing the landfall concept) subjugation of the South would then be Hurricane Harvey making landfall 25 August 2017, rated Category 4, causing 108 reported deaths, and massive flooding in the Houston area. The evil of the third line would then
    regard the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot, which took place when the Moon was waning from a Half Moon condition, for the re-lowering of the Crescent.

    The date for the clipping of Babylon's Wings appears to have been Friday 9 September 2022, as a judicial astrology preliminary milestone: for the entire day there was a sustained Grand Trine of the South Node with Lilith and Juno; Ceres was roughly
    in opposition with Saturn, in parallel with the Juno-Lilith trine-line component. Also on that day, there was a Venusian lunar opposition [9 September 2022 3:40 pm CEST] - and for that brief period in the day, a transitory Grand Trine was formed,
    consisting of the East Point with the Sun and the Node: and the East Point solar trine-line was also parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition, on the other side.

    So X.95 regards the all-day Grand Trine on Friday, while VIII.96 specifies an instance for Venus-Babylon: and both of the briefly concurrent Grand Trines indicated have lines in parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition - so the Wings are doubly
    severed, by the all-day and Venusian-opposition dual Grand Trines, forming a Star-of-David configuration (with Juno near solar opposition).

    The assessment of the Neptune opposition with the Moon and Ceres [4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST] as the III.3 perplexity would hold; and the Full Moon augmented by the presence of Chiron near the Sun [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST] would still relate to VI.
    70 and V.66 line 3. The disaster would occur after the Full Moon, yet prior to the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse from the final line, on the feast for Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, using V.66 chronology.

    While the Vertex should be involved in a Grand Trine, so should Venus, being given the Cup of Divine Wrath.

    Proceeding to a close Grand Trine with Venus and the Vertex leads to Good Friday 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST [9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT] -

    Venus 25 degrees 45 minutes Taurus;
    Vertex 26 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn;
    Ceres 26 degrees 41 minutes Virgo

    At that time the Moon is close to meeting the South Node, at nearly the same position 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation the Vertex had occupied to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars -

    Moon 3 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio /
    South Node 5 degrees 5 minutes Scorpio;
    Saturn 3 degrees 23 minutes Pisces;
    Mars 6 degrees 31 minutes Cancer

    This is not a Star-of-David-type inverted overlay, with Venus appearing as the Apex of its nearly upright Grand Trine, and Saturn situated close to the Descendant. The VI.89 lines hint at Saint Narcissus' 18 March feast with 'wasps and flies,' with
    the 'paternal love vexed' for the 17 March 2023 Geneva Pediment of Saturn-Venus-Vertex: then a Cupbearer falsifies and a Chalice is tried, which could suggest two Grand Trines, one of which is too inexact to be found particularly ominous, like the Saturn-
    Mars-Moon/South Node version.

    The Saturn lunar trine occurs slightly earlier [7 April 2023 2:44 pm CEST], when Fortune is conjoined with Saturn: the combined hints from II.66 suggest Fortune advancing into a trine with Pallas, about ninety minutes later at 4:14 pm CEST (less than
    half an hour after the critical time); thus the Saturnin lunar trine could be the High-Born aspect preceding the golden fire striking in II.92.

    So the 'New Mars' of I.94 could also regard its later lunar trine [7 April 2023 8:41 pm CEST], with the Geneva chart showing Pluto at the Nadir.

    The Vestal lunar opposition 7 April 2023 1:06 am CEST could be the subject of X.6, occurring less than half an hour from Mercury conjoining the Node (1:29 am CEST).

    The hagiology featured appears obscure, yet also simple.

    The Lombardy references (V.42, VI.16) could be in tandem with the Lady of I.94, honored through force of terror: Blessed Libania was of noble birth, a descendant of Lombard dukes; she fled an arranged marriage at fifteen, becoming a Benedictine nun;
    her father built a monastery at Busano, Italy, in which she served as abbess. Her legend is that an angel summoned her from her cell, leading her into the church for her death on 8 April 1064.

    As for the trembling of Gaul in X.58, Saint Liborius was also born to a noble family, serving as Bishop of Le Mans from 348, consistent with Gaul as ancient France - he died in 396, commemorated on an April Ninth feast.
    Holy Saturday Venusian Chalice After New Mars
    [8 April 2023 3:50 pm CEST / 9:50 am EDT]

    Prophetic fulfillments since the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse have been extensive. The March 2020 pandemic lockdown date was derived early, as was the George Floyd 25 May 2020 death date; the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot occurred when enormous violence
    was anticipated, from lunar aspects with the Neptune-Vesta opposition two days prior. From the Pelosi hammer attack, through the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, the Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, into the sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border in
    early February, the French prophecies have not failed. A network of factoids can be cross-referenced to infer ideas beyond the singular fragments in isolation.

    The judicial astrology applied to Geneva has yielded some potential results beyond the 17 March 2023 11:22 pm CET Saturn-Venus-Vertex Pediment (for II.92, I.54, VI.89), verified with the 'wasps and flies' allusion to Saint Narcissus of the 18 March
    feast. The 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST Venus-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine occurred before the official Venus-Ceres trine, and coincided with the inexact Saturn-Mars-Moon Grand Trine for the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, to be followed by the actual trying of
    the Chalice. The current period is complying with the cataclysmic omen sequencing: the 4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST Neptunian lunar opposition during a Ceres lunar conjunct fit the perplexity of III.3; and the 6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST Full Moon with Chiron
    in solar conjunction matched VI.70.

    Sinister allusions to saints were found for 8 and 9 April, corresponding in 2023 with Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Moon enters Scorpio 7 April 2023 8:30 am CEST, thus becoming 'under the Balance' of Libra to satisfy V.42.

    The open-ended prophecies suggest novel concepts when applied to the 8 April 2023 conditions, using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:44 am - Moon at Ninth House cusp in Apex position (false Prime Vertical appearance);

    4:49 am - Fortune conjoins Pallas (closest daily timing with Moon directly overhead locally in the current cycle);

    [continued in next message]

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  • From geoff@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 15:25:16 2023
    T24gOC8wNC8yMDIzIDc6NTYgYW0sIEN1cnRpcyBFYWdhbCB3cm90ZToNCj4gT24gVHVlc2Rh eSwgQXByaWwgNCwgMjAyMyBhdCA4OjUxOjU04oCvQU0gVVRDLTcsIEN1cnRpcyBFYWdhbCB3 cm90ZToNCj4+IE9uIEZyaWRheSwgTWFyY2ggMzEsIDIwMjMgYXQgNzoyMzoyOOKAr0FNIFVU Qy03LCBDdXJ0aXMgRWFnYWwgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4gT24gV2VkbmVzZGF5LCBNYXJjaCAyOSwg MjAyMyBhdCAyOjUxOjQ34oCvUE0gVVRDLTcsIEN1cnRpcyBFYWdhbCB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4g T24gV2VkbmVzZGF5LCBNYXJjaCAyOSwgMjAyMyBhdCAxMTo0Mjo0NOKAr0FNIFVUQy03LCBD dXJ0aXMgRWFnYWwgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+PiBPbiBXZWRuZXNkYXksIE1hcmNoIDI5LCAyMDIz IGF0IDM6NDE6MzjigK9BTSBVVEMtNywgUGFtZWxhIEJyb3duIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4+Pj4+IE9u IFNhdHVyZGF5LCBNYXJjaCAyNSwgMjAyMyBhdCAyOjI5OjI14oCvUE0gVVRDLTUsIEN1cnRp cyBFYWdhbCB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4+Pj4gQm9iIEV1YmFua3MgcmVjZW50bHkgcmVjYWxsZWQg aG93IG1hbmFnZXIgQnJpYW4gRXBzdGVpbiBsaW1pdGVkIHRoZSBmYW1vdXMgZ3JvdXAncyBl YXJuaW5nIHBvdGVudGlhbCBieSBpbnNpc3RpbmcgdGhlIG1heGltdW0gcHJpY2UgZm9yIGEg dGlja2V0IHRvIGEgQmVhdGxlcycgY29uY2VydCB3b3VsZCBiZSBzZXZlbiBkb2xsYXJzLiBB 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aXRoIGRpZmZlcmVudGx5LW5hbWVkIHN1Ym9yZGluYXRlIGNoYXJhY3RlcnMpIHNldCBhdCBh IE5vcm1hbiBpbnZhc2lvbiBjZW50dXJpZXMgbGF0ZXIgaW4gODg4LCBhbmQgbWlzc3BlbGxp bmcgQmV6ZSBhcyBCbGV6ZS59DQo+PiBCcmlhbiBFcHN0ZWluIHdhcyBhbHNvIHBhcnRha2lu ZyB3aGVuIEJvYiBEeWxhbiBpbnRyb2R1Y2VkIFRoZSBCZWF0bGVzIHRvIGNhbm5hYmlzIG9u IHRoZWlyIGxhdGUgMTk2NCBVUyB0b3VyLCBhbmQgaGUgc3VwcG9ydGVkIE1jQ2FydG5leSB0 aHJvdWdoIHRoZSAxOTY3IGNvbnRyb3ZlcnN5Lg0KPj4NCj4+ICoNCj4+DQo+PiBTYXR1cm5p biBDdXAgJiBWZW51c2lhbiBDaGFsaWNlIE9uIEdvb2QgRnJpZGF5DQo+PiBbNyBBcHJpbCAy MDIzIDM6NTIgcG0gQ0VTVCAvIDk6NTIgYW0gRURUIC8gNjo1MiBhbSBQRFRdDQo+Pg0KPj4g SXQgc2VlbXMgYSBzbGlnaHQgcmVmaW5lbWVudCB3b3VsZCBsZWFkIHRvIHRoZSBlbHVzaXZl IGNhdGFjbHlzbWljIG9uc2V0IHRoZW9yeSBmb3IgR2VuZXZhOiB0aGVyZSBzaG91bGQgYmUg dHdvIGNvbmN1cnJlbnQgR3JhbmQgVHJpbmVzLCBhbmQgdGhlIFZlcnRleCBkb2VzIG5vdCBu ZWNlc3NhcmlseSBjb21wbGV0ZSBhIHRyaWFuZ3VsYXIgZm9ybSB3aXRoIFNhdHVybiBhbmQg TWFycy4NCj4+DQo+PiBUbyB0aGUgd2VzdGVybiBsYW5kcyB3aWxsIGFycml2ZSBhIHF1aXRl IHBvd2VyZnVsIEtpbmcsDQo+PiBCeSBzZWEgYW5kIGxhbmQgZm9yIHRoZSBTb3V0aCBhIHN1 Ymp1Z2F0aW9uOw0KPj4gVGhpcyB3aWxsIGNhdXNlIGV2aWwsIGFzIHRoZSBDcmVzY2VudCBp cyByZS1sb3dlcmluZyAtDQo+PiBGb3IgRnJpZGF5IHRoZSB3aW5ncyBpbiBjbGlwcGVkIG9y aWVudGF0aW9uDQo+Pg0KPj4gVGhpcyBvcmlnaW5hbCByaHltaW5nIHRyYW5zbGF0aW9uIGZv ciBYLjk1IG9idmlvdXNseSBoYXMgYSBwYXJ0aWFsIGNvcnJlc3BvbmRlbmNlIHdpdGggVklJ SS45NiAtDQo+Pg0KPj4gRm9yIEJhYnlsb24gdGhlIG1haWQgaW4gdGhlIHByb3NlY3V0aW9u DQo+PiBJdCB3aWxsIHNldmVyIHRoZSB3aW5ncyBvZiBtaXNlcnkgYW5kIHNhZG5lc3MNCj4+ DQo+PiBSZXZlbGF0aW9uJ3MgTXlzdGVyeSBCYWJ5bG9uIEhhcmxvdCBpcyBiZWluZyBkZWZp bmVkIGFzIHBsYW5ldCBWZW51cyB0aGUgbG92ZSBnb2RkZXNzIHBlcnNvbmlmaWNhdGlvbjog

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to geoff on Sun Apr 9 20:50:03 2023
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 8:27:53 PM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 8/04/2023 7:56 am, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 8:51:54 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 7:23:28 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 2:51:47 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote: >>>> On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:42:44 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 3:41:38 AM UTC-7, Pamela Brown wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 2:29:25 PM UTC-5, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts
    for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and
    fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When
    Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great
    of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a
    Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92; >>>>>>>
    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    That aurora link is relevant, since the solar activity from 9 January was prelude to the 17 March coronal mass ejection.

    Eubanks also recounted in his recent radio interview that The Beatles were at first rejected by EMI subsidiary Capitol Records, because a top executive had a wife who disliked their music - the Soul music label Vee-Jay distributed their early
    material instead.

    The long vigil for Geneva was proven legitimate with the Saturn sextile Venus aspect 17 March 2023: as described in I.54, the fast-moving Vertex point swept through the position that would create a Pediment formation, intruding upon 'two equals
    of the same inclination,' a location-specific condition; this could also be 'paternal love vexed' from VI.89 (Saturn being mythical grandfather for Venus), and the 'marvelous case' of II.92.

    Critical terms being redefined ultimately fall into the proper context and sequence for activation. The current astronomical news story about a planetary alignment visible for a short time after Sunset is reporting the situation from V.65, the
    principals hidden at the affair of sudden terror, and the Great Urn of X.50. Venus is close to the High-Born progenitor of the Titans, with Jupiter and Mercury slightly higher above the horizon (Mercury conjoining Vesta), and Mars above the others, with
    the Moon at its Half phase: this is the portion of the planetary alignment that briefly becomes visible. The sense of V.66 is a cataclysm close to a solar-lunar aspect, presenting a Vestal fire Lamp being ignited, before the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar
    eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) engraves it with a golden sliver of sunlight on the feast for Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded circa 117; the preliminary prediction of a Trajan aqueduct being discovered transpired several years ago.

    Saturnin Chalice With Mars & Vertex As Venus Meets High-Born
    [30 March 2023 9:55 am CEST / 3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT]

    The hagiology was ominous for 30 March, when the Saturn-Mars trine becomes official (8:15 pm CEST), and Mercury is conjunct Vesta (4:03 pm CEST): Saint Regulus, a Gaul bishop (X.58); Saint Secundus, baptized in Milan for the Lombardy factor (V.42,
    VI.16); and a Victor martyred in a group with Saint Domninus (VI.70). The Vertex is around 2 degrees Scorpio to form the Grand Trine, a point situated 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation (V.42).

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine recurring daily appears to be the triggering aspect for Geneva, at 9:55 am CEST [3:55 am EDT / 12:55 am PDT] on 30 March 2023, arriving immediately after the lunar squares with Mercury and Vesta (X.6 - 8:30 am
    and 9:26 am CEST, respectively), yet before the Neptunian lunar trine (III.3 - 3:42 pm CEST). The Solar-Lunar square of the Half Moon occurs 29 March 2023 4:31 am CEST, presumably for V.66.

    The phrase 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92 could indicate the debasement of Venus as relating to the conjunct with Ouranos (meaning The Heavens, as in VI.70, mythical progenitor of the Titan race) 31 March 2023 12:11 am CEST. The Grand
    Trine becoming out of synchronization with Venus at the East point implies that was not an issue, but rather the impending conjunction with High-Born Ouranos.

    The 'New Mars' of I.94 would then not suggest a lunar conjunct but the new Martian influence within the Saturnin Grand Trine, the Sword in contrast to the solar proximity to Saturn for the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine
    compared to Gold in IX.44.

    The expectation was that with sufficient diligence and resourcefulness the correct combination of offered factoids to observable data would eventually present itself, as has been happening with the precursors leading to the pivotal 'Victor'
    cataclysmic event.
    The II.66 line where Fortune greatly changes in a short time was deduced to mean a Half Moon lunar phase, during which the Sun crossing the Ecliptic produces a maximum-change leap for the Part of Fortune calculation; when the Moon is New or Full
    the Fortune-Jump at the Solar-Ecliptic conversely becomes a minimal distance.

    The elaborate inference of a Half-Moon phase in II.66 could have been intended to clarify the 'Sol et Lune' aspect of V.66, associated with glittering metals. The grisly IV.38 imagery had blood mingled in its trails with molten metals, merged with
    the Griner-Bout prisoner swap prediction (8 December 2022, also III.13).

    Avant l'assaut l'un l'autre mangera
    Rebours ferre suivra du sang la trace

    Before the assault, one will devour the other
    Molten steel will follow in the trail of blood

    The assault seems to be the Geneva cataclysm with the LHC magnets explosively disintegrated into hundred-pound super-heated chunks as unearthed erstwhile hidden soldiers (IX.68). The Griner-Bout prisoner exchange could be the noted milestone for
    its metaphorical mutual consumption.

    Literally 'reversed iron,' some form of temporarily non-rigid metallic mingling with the bloodshed at the site of Slaughter is inferred.

    Par foudre en l'arche or et argent fondu
    De deux captifs l'un l'autre mangera


    By lightning in the arc gold and silver melted
    For two captives, one will consume the other

    The 'arche' or arc could be the seer's hint for the circular structure of the LHC, establishing his own theme of gold and silver metals being melted by the experimental 'lightning.'

    The second line using a co-devouring situation parallel to IV.38, adding the 'two captives' context, further supports the notion the Griner-Bout captive exchange was being specifically foretold in both cases.

    Recent research revealed an over-eighty-year gap between the first two lines of IX.83: Sun twenty of Taurus indicated the 10 May 1940 Nazi Blitzkrieg date; however the next line about a theatre full of people ruined did not make sense until the 16
    March 2022 attack on a theatre in Mariupol being used as a bomb shelter in Ukraine. The final line about an infidel invoking God and saints matched Hitler's troop proclamation the next thousand years was being decided.

    Looking closer, when the Sun was precisely at twenty degrees Taurus for Berlin, a Grand Trine was formed, pointing Upwards, symbolic of the Third Reich in its false brief rise.

    The morning before the Mariupol theatre was attacked, killing about six hundred, using Moscow coordinates there was a downwards-oriented Grand Trine, perhaps representing the decision on Ukrainian sovereignty, towards aspirational revival of a
    Soviet empire. So the professed justification as a de-Nazifying operation could be predicted through the ironic parallel - a singular influence is attributed to both aggressive actions proceeding from their respective seats of power, separated by several
    decades, using the disparate decisively-oriented Grand Trines as an underlying theme via judicial astrology.
    To his credit, Brian Epstein satisfied his curiosity about requests for "My Bonnie" at his music store with a trip to the Cavern Club, where he experienced their act for himself. And ordering ten thousand copies of their first single, once their
    recording contract had been acquired, likely helped the disc rise to number seventeen when they were largely a local phenomenon. Epstein promoted their music as presenting a spectrum of intense human emotion, happiness and tragedy alternating with a
    compelling sense of drama; however when venturing an opinion on how an actual recording session was progressing, John Lennon advised him to "Stick to counting your percentages."


    Saturnin Chalice Debasing Venus At Damian's Lombardy With Great Urn
    {4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST / 3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT}

    The cataclysmic lines assumed for Geneva appear to lead to the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine, however not for the 30 March 2023 date of the Saturn-Mars trine which might be expected. At Saint Paul of Narbonne's 22 March feast, Saturn and Mars were
    over three degrees from their later trine, possibly relating to the IX.64 line about the 'new Mars' influence that I.94 designates for vengeance and remorse. Looking beyond the Saturn-Mars trine to further cases involving their Grand Trine with the
    Vertex, the instance on 4 April 2023 9:43 am CEST [3:43 am EDT / 12:43 am PDT] has the requisite elements that have proven elusive, redefining the prophetic parameters.

    The lunar conjunctions seem too crude for the elegance of the judicial astrology, with unexpected twists arising and new relationships being considered. While the Moon was found ahead of lunar aspects with Vesta then Neptune, it was also after a
    Venusian connection, rendering a situation where she can be debased for X.28.

    Using Geneva coordinates and CEST for 4 April 2023:

    8:04 am - Venus lunar trine (21 degrees 51 minutes), with the Vertex and Fortune united in solar opposition;

    9:43 am - Grand Trine of Saturn-Mars-Vertex [Chalice of VI.89, Saturnin Sword from IX.44 and V.24, Vertex around 2 degrees Scorpio under Libran Balance for V.42], Fortune trine Pallas [double meaning from II.66], and Ouranos conjunct East Point [
    possible Heavens inference from VI.70, and 'struck with the High-Born' from II.92, as progenitor of the Titans];

    2 pm - Vesta lunar quincunx (24 degrees 54 minutes) [X.6 appearance of extinguishing sepulchral fire, engulfment of VI.19], with the Vertex in Sagittarius positioned for a simultaneous Vesta trine and lunar square;

    3:49 pm - Neptune lunar opposition (25 degrees 50 minutes), with the Moon near Ceres conjunct to render their dual opposition against Neptune [perplexity of Corinth and Ephesus in III.3];

    6:30 pm - Ceres lunar conjunct, at local Moonrise, with the Moon, Ceres, and East Point meeting at the Ascendant.

    The current planetary alignment in Aries and Taurus includes the Sun, concealing the principals of the affair at sudden terror (V.65), except for a few celestial bodies being briefly visible in the short period after Sunset, making the point simple
    astronomy will provide little warning; this alignment could be the Great Urn of X.50.

    The lunar conjuncts with Lilith [31 March 2023 7:08 pm CEST] and Ceres do not appear featured, despite the critical time being between them.

    Proceeding further the prediction about 'Sol et Lune' from V.66 appears an aftermath condition: first Chiron has its solar conjunct [5 April 2023 11:57 pm CEST]; then Chiron has its lunar opposition [6 April 2023 6:06 am CEST]; and finally there is
    the Full Moon [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST], with the Moon opposing both Chiron and the Sun together. This meets the stipulations of VI.70, putting the solar Master at Chiron, while Earth's Outer satellite the Moon also reaches the same relative location
    in opposition. The addition of Chiron to the Full Moon configuration makes it very likely this is solar-lunar situation considered in V.66.

    The Venusian lunar trine establishes a temporal window for the X.28 debasement that closes with the Vestal lunar quincunx.

    The 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse (visible for Indonesia and Australia) falls on the feast of Saint Servilian, a Trajan martyr beheaded in 117 outside Rome: the sliver of sunlight perceived then could provide the golden engraving of V.66, for
    the previously ignited Vestal Lamp from the cataclysm. This departs from the typical expectation that a solar eclipse heralds some disaster, timed instead in the aftermath like an exclamation point.

    The unfolding of II.66 suggested Fortune changing greatly in a short time for the Pelosi hammer attack; then people being trapped when emerging from vandalizing the presidential palace at the 8 January 2023 Brasilia insurrection. However the
    juxtaposition of Fortune in line 2 with a palace in line 3 calls for the palace/Pallas pun to be considered, towards identifying the Pallas-Fortune trine synchronized with the 4 April 2023 iteration of the Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine as ominous.

    The reset for the hagiology is interesting: there is a saint associated with Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) having a 4 April date of death, which is usually the feast, but that is officially instead on 12 April. Saint Damian of Pavia was a pious priest
    born to a noble family; he is credited with composing in 679 on behalf of Milan Archbishop Mansuetus the letter from the Synod of Milan sent to Emperor Constantine IV in 680, in which monothelitism (professing a singular nature for Christ) was opposed in
    favor of dyothelitism (affirming a dualistic nature). Damian was elected Bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, in 685, and he mediated between the Byzantine emperor and the Lombards; he visited Constantinople shortly prior to his death on 4 April 710.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be Saint Ethelburga, wife of King Saint Edwin, whom she converted; in widowhood she became an abbess, dying in 647 with her feast on April Fifth.

    As for the Gaul reference in X.58, there is a Benedictine monk with the story of martyrdom defending church altars against a Norman invasion with others circa 303, at Beze Cote-d'Or (in central France near Switzerland), to again derive the 4 April
    feast date. {However a parallel memorial on 21 May has a similar story under the same saint name (with differently-named subordinate characters) set at a Norman invasion centuries later in 888, and misspelling Beze as Bleze.}
    Brian Epstein was also partaking when Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis on their late 1964 US tour, and he supported McCartney through the 1967 controversy.


    Saturnin Cup & Venusian Chalice On Good Friday
    [7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST / 9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT]

    It seems a slight refinement would lead to the elusive cataclysmic onset theory for Geneva: there should be two concurrent Grand Trines, and the Vertex does not necessarily complete a triangular form with Saturn and Mars.

    To the western lands will arrive a quite powerful King,
    By sea and land for the South a subjugation;
    This will cause evil, as the Crescent is re-lowering -
    For Friday the wings in clipped orientation

    This original rhyming translation for X.95 obviously has a partial correspondence with VIII.96 -

    For Babylon the maid in the prosecution
    It will sever the wings of misery and sadness

    Revelation's Mystery Babylon Harlot is being defined as planet Venus the love goddess personification: Venus conjoined the Node after the August 1945 nuclear bombings of Japanese cities, situated at the end of Bowl configuration near Saturn, with
    Ceres on the other end; identifying the wings as Saturn (sadness) and Ceres (misery) is useful much later.

    The powerful King in X.95 should be the total solar eclipse crossing the US 20 August 2017, with its line of totality centered in Kentucky: the subsequent 'sea and land' ('mer et terre,' typically mistranslated as 'land and sea,' the reckless
    reversal losing the landfall concept) subjugation of the South would then be Hurricane Harvey making landfall 25 August 2017, rated Category 4, causing 108 reported deaths, and massive flooding in the Houston area. The evil of the third line would then
    regard the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot, which took place when the Moon was waning from a Half Moon condition, for the re-lowering of the Crescent.

    The date for the clipping of Babylon's Wings appears to have been Friday 9 September 2022, as a judicial astrology preliminary milestone: for the entire day there was a sustained Grand Trine of the South Node with Lilith and Juno; Ceres was roughly
    in opposition with Saturn, in parallel with the Juno-Lilith trine-line component. Also on that day, there was a Venusian lunar opposition [9 September 2022 3:40 pm CEST] - and for that brief period in the day, a transitory Grand Trine was formed,
    consisting of the East Point with the Sun and the Node: and the East Point solar trine-line was also parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition, on the other side.

    So X.95 regards the all-day Grand Trine on Friday, while VIII.96 specifies an instance for Venus-Babylon: and both of the briefly concurrent Grand Trines indicated have lines in parallel with the Saturn-Ceres opposition - so the Wings are doubly
    severed, by the all-day and Venusian-opposition dual Grand Trines, forming a Star-of-David configuration (with Juno near solar opposition).

    The assessment of the Neptune opposition with the Moon and Ceres [4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST] as the III.3 perplexity would hold; and the Full Moon augmented by the presence of Chiron near the Sun [6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST] would still relate to VI.
    70 and V.66 line 3. The disaster would occur after the Full Moon, yet prior to the 20 April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse from the final line, on the feast for Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, using V.66 chronology.

    While the Vertex should be involved in a Grand Trine, so should Venus, being given the Cup of Divine Wrath.

    Proceeding to a close Grand Trine with Venus and the Vertex leads to Good Friday 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST [9:52 am EDT / 6:52 am PDT] -

    Venus 25 degrees 45 minutes Taurus;
    Vertex 26 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn;
    Ceres 26 degrees 41 minutes Virgo

    At that time the Moon is close to meeting the South Node, at nearly the same position 'Under The Balance' of the Libran constellation the Vertex had occupied to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars -

    Moon 3 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio /
    South Node 5 degrees 5 minutes Scorpio;
    Saturn 3 degrees 23 minutes Pisces;
    Mars 6 degrees 31 minutes Cancer

    This is not a Star-of-David-type inverted overlay, with Venus appearing as the Apex of its nearly upright Grand Trine, and Saturn situated close to the Descendant. The VI.89 lines hint at Saint Narcissus' 18 March feast with 'wasps and flies,' with
    the 'paternal love vexed' for the 17 March 2023 Geneva Pediment of Saturn-Venus-Vertex: then a Cupbearer falsifies and a Chalice is tried, which could suggest two Grand Trines, one of which is too inexact to be found particularly ominous, like the Saturn-
    Mars-Moon/South Node version.

    The Saturn lunar trine occurs slightly earlier [7 April 2023 2:44 pm CEST], when Fortune is conjoined with Saturn: the combined hints from II.66 suggest Fortune advancing into a trine with Pallas, about ninety minutes later at 4:14 pm CEST (less
    than half an hour after the critical time); thus the Saturnin lunar trine could be the High-Born aspect preceding the golden fire striking in II.92.

    So the 'New Mars' of I.94 could also regard its later lunar trine [7 April 2023 8:41 pm CEST], with the Geneva chart showing Pluto at the Nadir.

    The Vestal lunar opposition 7 April 2023 1:06 am CEST could be the subject of X.6, occurring less than half an hour from Mercury conjoining the Node (1:29 am CEST).

    The hagiology featured appears obscure, yet also simple.

    The Lombardy references (V.42, VI.16) could be in tandem with the Lady of I.94, honored through force of terror: Blessed Libania was of noble birth, a descendant of Lombard dukes; she fled an arranged marriage at fifteen, becoming a Benedictine nun;
    her father built a monastery at Busano, Italy, in which she served as abbess. Her legend is that an angel summoned her from her cell, leading her into the church for her death on 8 April 1064.

    As for the trembling of Gaul in X.58, Saint Liborius was also born to a noble family, serving as Bishop of Le Mans from 348, consistent with Gaul as ancient France - he died in 396, commemorated on an April Ninth feast.

    Holy Saturday Venusian Chalice After New Mars
    [8 April 2023 3:50 pm CEST / 9:50 am EDT]

    Prophetic fulfillments since the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse have been extensive. The March 2020 pandemic lockdown date was derived early, as was the George Floyd 25 May 2020 death date; the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot occurred when enormous
    violence was anticipated, from lunar aspects with the Neptune-Vesta opposition two days prior. From the Pelosi hammer attack, through the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, the Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, into the sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria
    border in early February, the French prophecies have not failed. A network of factoids can be cross-referenced to infer ideas beyond the singular fragments in isolation.

    The judicial astrology applied to Geneva has yielded some potential results beyond the 17 March 2023 11:22 pm CET Saturn-Venus-Vertex Pediment (for II.92, I.54, VI.89), verified with the 'wasps and flies' allusion to Saint Narcissus of the 18 March
    feast. The 7 April 2023 3:52 pm CEST Venus-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine occurred before the official Venus-Ceres trine, and coincided with the inexact Saturn-Mars-Moon Grand Trine for the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, to be followed by the actual trying of
    the Chalice. The current period is complying with the cataclysmic omen sequencing: the 4 April 2023 3:49 pm CEST Neptunian lunar opposition during a Ceres lunar conjunct fit the perplexity of III.3; and the 6 April 2023 6:34 am CEST Full Moon with Chiron
    in solar conjunction matched VI.70.

    Sinister allusions to saints were found for 8 and 9 April, corresponding in 2023 with Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Moon enters Scorpio 7 April 2023 8:30 am CEST, thus becoming 'under the Balance' of Libra to satisfy V.42.

    The open-ended prophecies suggest novel concepts when applied to the 8 April 2023 conditions, using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:44 am - Moon at Ninth House cusp in Apex position (false Prime Vertical appearance);

    4:49 am - Fortune conjoins Pallas (closest daily timing with Moon directly overhead locally in the current cycle);

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to geoff on Sun Apr 9 22:08:19 2023
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 9:23:46 PM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    istent with the Bologna hint from IX.13), commencing a succession of devastating ordeals with powerful, relatively long-sustained cyclones, striking the southeast rather than the region dubbed Tornado Alley. And
    now that the second portion appears fulfilled, the logical deduction is
    that the first half would become demonstrably real around either the
    Summer Solstice, or the Autumnal Equinox, later in 2023 - the prediction
    is of a great city on a Maritime Ocean, surrounded by a perhaps frozen
    swamp appearing crystalline.
    Sorry, but that is insane rubbish.


    What, that Epstein cared about British merchandising but not the larger American market?

    I quoted a weather report at Winter Solstice 2022 about an Arctic Front, and a parallel prophecy predicting if frightful wind is experienced then to watch for the subsequent Spring in 2023 - and we are now having news reports of Tornado Alley having
    shifted further east in the South due to climate change, with extremely powerful and long-sustained tornadoes devastating those areas in a very dramatic fashion.

    Prophecy and science fiction always seem like nonsense, until they become reality.

    I am aware of the time-sensitive and life-death nature of using these prophecies at the right time and in the right way, which is evident from prior incidents: so with this one I am performing the brainstorming process in real-time with total
    transparency, so it does not become a post-mortem ac
    ....and so on.

    I rest my case. If so much spare time on your hands couldn't you find a better use for it ?


    As if coming up with the theory AFTER it happened would be received better.

    This is an academic exercise, nobody is expected to actually leave Geneva no matter how compelling the evidence.

    It doesn't take long to reapply the same few stipulations to a closely examined patch of time in a particular place, making note of the ones that are sufficiently quirky to qualify as official parts of the puzzle.

    I used to perform advanced calculus and chemical formula process equations, with college-level French, and comparative religion, so it is as simple for me as discussing the cold-open on SNL. I suppose you are only projecting it would take a long time
    since you are no absorbing I research and correlate, not fabricate - things are either there or not, and everything has its place, like the Akashic Record in poetic form.

    Deducing what The Beatles' music was about seemed an insurmountable task, living through it and then studying the recordings, and integrating that history to recapture something magical from that turbulent era. Most of the finished recordings eventually
    yielded evidence of a subliminal effect that John Lennon acknowledged, and that has immense repercussions, not by my own doing.

    If I had followed my instincts with the 11 September 2001 attacks, the date could have been derived beforehand: but instead I only got as far as the time of day, when Mercury was at the Ascendant local to NYC, and ran with that before dropping the ball,
    even losing faith in my own logical conjectures. Look at any astrological website about 9-11 onset, they will note the chart has Mercury at the Ascendant. Then of course, I could trace the Mars entry into a new sign after retrograde a few days before as
    setting up the Juno-Mars lunar temple aspect construct developed, which would have indicated 8 September going into the actual day, and how the Great King of Angoumois was Francois 1er born on September Twelfth 1494, and elsewhere stated the day of death
    is set at a birthday (II.13). whereas saint feast days are on their death date. To acknowledge that would make you liable for learning more, after knowing that you could never speak of time being wasted by reverse-engineering tomorrow's news headlines.
    Being exasperated with my efforts is fine, but to deny the recent fulfillments is delusional, that is where you need to be educated, because mocking genuine prophecy as it is being fulfilled and conjectured is not a righteous path.

    The current use of prophecy requires special skills of judicial astrology, obscure research, and intuitive cross-referencing, but the Lord Jesus said to watch for a day that would come upon the whole world; Nostradamus has a role potentially ordained by
    Jesus after His Crucifixion in Henoch prophecy, which would be crucial in the current era. The Beatles emerged from the Garabandal Marian apparition era, where the Warning prediction emerged, consistent with the Hopi Purification Day, and a passage from
    Isaiah. I cannot place celestial and conceptual points, I am only reporting how the charts were generated in a sequence that could clarify the fragmented cataclysmic factoid lines.

    If you can't understand something as simple as that, how could you ever hope to fathom what The Beatles were doing?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From geoff@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 16:23:33 2023
    istent with the Bologna hint from IX.13), commencing a succession of devastating ordeals with powerful, relatively long-sustained cyclones,
    striking the southeast rather than the region dubbed Tornado Alley. And
    now that the second portion appears fulfilled, the logical deduction is
    that the first half would become demonstrably real around either the
    Summer Solstice, or the Autumnal Equinox, later in 2023 - the prediction
    is of a great city on a Maritime Ocean, surrounded by a perhaps frozen
    swamp appearing crystalline.
    Sorry, but that is insane rubbish.


    What, that Epstein cared about British merchandising but not the larger American market?

    I quoted a weather report at Winter Solstice 2022 about an Arctic Front, and a parallel prophecy predicting if frightful wind is experienced then to watch for the subsequent Spring in 2023 - and we are now having news reports of Tornado Alley having
    shifted further east in the South due to climate change, with extremely powerful and long-sustained tornadoes devastating those areas in a very dramatic fashion.

    Prophecy and science fiction always seem like nonsense, until they become reality.

    I am aware of the time-sensitive and life-death nature of using these prophecies at the right time and in the right way, which is evident from prior incidents: so with this one I am performing the brainstorming process in real-time with total
    transparency, so it does not become a post-mortem ac

    ....and so on.

    I rest my case. If so much spare time on your hands couldn't you find a
    better use for it ?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sun Apr 9 23:35:26 2023
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 10:08:21 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 9:23:46 PM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    istent with the Bologna hint from IX.13), commencing a succession of devastating ordeals with powerful, relatively long-sustained cyclones, striking the southeast rather than the region dubbed Tornado Alley. And now that the second portion appears fulfilled, the logical deduction is that the first half would become demonstrably real around either the Summer Solstice, or the Autumnal Equinox, later in 2023 - the prediction is of a great city on a Maritime Ocean, surrounded by a perhaps frozen swamp appearing crystalline.
    Sorry, but that is insane rubbish.


    What, that Epstein cared about British merchandising but not the larger American market?

    I quoted a weather report at Winter Solstice 2022 about an Arctic Front, and a parallel prophecy predicting if frightful wind is experienced then to watch for the subsequent Spring in 2023 - and we are now having news reports of Tornado Alley
    having shifted further east in the South due to climate change, with extremely powerful and long-sustained tornadoes devastating those areas in a very dramatic fashion.

    Prophecy and science fiction always seem like nonsense, until they become reality.

    I am aware of the time-sensitive and life-death nature of using these prophecies at the right time and in the right way, which is evident from prior incidents: so with this one I am performing the brainstorming process in real-time with total
    transparency, so it does not become a post-mortem ac
    ....and so on.

    I rest my case. If so much spare time on your hands couldn't you find a better use for it ?

    As if coming up with the theory AFTER it happened would be received better.

    This is an academic exercise, nobody is expected to actually leave Geneva no matter how compelling the evidence.

    It doesn't take long to reapply the same few stipulations to a closely examined patch of time in a particular place, making note of the ones that are sufficiently quirky to qualify as official parts of the puzzle.

    I used to perform advanced calculus and chemical formula process equations, with college-level French, and comparative religion, so it is as simple for me as discussing the cold-open on SNL. I suppose you are only projecting it would take a long time
    since you are no absorbing I research and correlate, not fabricate - things are either there or not, and everything has its place, like the Akashic Record in poetic form.

    Deducing what The Beatles' music was about seemed an insurmountable task, living through it and then studying the recordings, and integrating that history to recapture something magical from that turbulent era. Most of the finished recordings
    eventually yielded evidence of a subliminal effect that John Lennon acknowledged, and that has immense repercussions, not by my own doing.

    If I had followed my instincts with the 11 September 2001 attacks, the date could have been derived beforehand: but instead I only got as far as the time of day, when Mercury was at the Ascendant local to NYC, and ran with that before dropping the ball,
    even losing faith in my own logical conjectures. Look at any astrological website about 9-11 onset, they will note the chart has Mercury at the Ascendant. Then of course, I could trace the Mars entry into a new sign after retrograde a few days before as
    setting up the Juno-Mars lunar temple aspect construct developed, which would have indicated 8 September going into the actual day, and how the Great King of Angoumois was Francois 1er born on September Twelfth 1494, and elsewhere stated the day of death
    is set at a birthday (II.13). whereas saint feast days are on their death date. To acknowledge that would make you liable for learning more, after knowing that you could never speak of time being wasted by reverse-engineering tomorrow's news headlines.
    Being exasperated with my efforts is fine, but to deny the recent fulfillments is delusional, that is where you need to be educated, because mocking genuine prophecy as it is being fulfilled and conjectured is not a righteous path.

    The current use of prophecy requires special skills of judicial astrology, obscure research, and intuitive cross-referencing, but the Lord Jesus said to watch for a day that would come upon the whole world; Nostradamus has a role potentially ordained
    by Jesus after His Crucifixion in Henoch prophecy, which would be crucial in the current era. The Beatles emerged from the Garabandal Marian apparition era, where the Warning prediction emerged, consistent with the Hopi Purification Day, and a passage
    from Isaiah. I cannot place celestial and conceptual points, I am only reporting how the charts were generated in a sequence that could clarify the fragmented cataclysmic factoid lines.

    If you can't understand something as simple as that, how could you ever hope to fathom what The Beatles were doing?

    At least I could figure 'forty degrees and five' meant the 40.5-degree latitude of NYC, figuring the Mercury-Ascendant feature from cross-referencing the insult to Mercury by warlike noise following a rare grazing Mercurial solar transit, upstaged by the
    report of an extra-solar planet being discovered. Very specific for late 1999, yet merged with what would happen in 2001.

    The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction, whose iterations circa 1940 and 1980 respectively marked the birth and death of John Lennon at the 2020 Winter Solstice was foretold by the Moon positioned at the head of Aries, and Mercury leaving Sagittarius, quite
    specific markers. The Capitol riot was the enormous violence anticipated by the Neptune-Vesta opposition (X.61) and Saturn entry into a new sign, but only after it happened the incident manifested as part of I.62, with a fire and flood scenario as

    These are simplified, abridged summary constructs from a larger network not being carried over into posts, omitting even the most recent and astounding fulfillments, and should not be considered as comprehensive, but tested and evaluated for veracity and
    plausibility. These near-future cautions emerge from a far more complex basis than being presented. The current era material demonstrates an unexpected level of complexity. The Turkey-Syria quakes as humans massively taken by the nephew of the Great,
    for 6 February feast for nephews of Saint Patrick; the second of the sibling quakes as Next-Born Victor for prominent Grand Trine in local chart, timing identified by feast for two saints of Brittany on the 8th.

    This is the continuation of a punishment sequence: the first phase had the triple components of mourning (massive deaths from the pandemic), famine (supply chain problems) and death (by military hand for civilians, in the Ukrainian invasive war). The
    double cataclysm of fire and flood was traced back to Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, and when it occurs there should be the predicted blasphemous proclamations for the hail of hundred-pound fiery objects, not widespread expectation.

    I projected the date for the Columbia shuttle disaster sixth months prior, but not from astrology: a posthumous saint whose name sounded like smelly socks was the riddle, after setting up the US as a formidable fortress; there was a parallel mention of a
    cadet confined at Nancy. To obtain a solution I researched Saint King Sigebert III (the joke with Camembert cheese), patron of Nancy, with the February First date, in 2001 - so I guessed 2003, and posted that.

    On February First 2003 the space cadets were confined in the disintegrating shuttle on atmospheric re-entry, fulfilling the foretold horrors. Things in genuine prophecy mean exactly what they say, and the events we are experiencing are like patches
    interwoven into a complex quilt. Recognizing an event amidst unfulfilled events remaining telegraphs factors about what will be occurring next, and the larger events have identifying aspects, so a lot of information can be garnered by aggregation.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From geoff@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 19:35:47 2023
    T24gMTAvMDQvMjAyMyA1OjA4IHBtLCBDdXJ0aXMgRWFnYWwgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFN1bmRh eSwgQXByaWwgOSwgMjAyMyBhdCA5OjIzOjQ24oCvUE0gVVRDLTcsIGdlb2ZmIHdyb3RlOg0K Pj4gaXN0ZW50IHdpdGggdGhlIEJvbG9nbmEgaGludCBmcm9tIElYLjEzKSwgY29tbWVuY2lu ZyBhIHN1Y2Nlc3Npb24gb2YNCj4+IGRldmFzdGF0aW5nIG9yZGVhbHMgd2l0aCBwb3dlcmZ1 bCwgcmVsYXRpdmVseSBsb25nLXN1c3RhaW5lZCBjeWNsb25lcywNCj4+IHN0cmlraW5nIHRo ZSBzb3V0aGVhc3QgcmF0aGVyIHRoYW4gdGhlIHJlZ2lvbiBkdWJiZWQgVG9ybmFkbyBBbGxl eS4gQW5kDQo+PiBub3cgdGhhdCB0aGUgc2Vjb25kIHBvcnRpb24gYXBwZWFycyBmdWxmaWxs ZWQsIHRoZSBsb2dpY2FsIGRlZHVjdGlvbiBpcw0KPj4gdGhhdCB0aGUgZmlyc3QgaGFsZiB3 b3VsZCBiZWNvbWUgZGVtb25zdHJhYmx5IHJlYWwgYXJvdW5kIGVpdGhlciB0aGUNCj4+IFN1 bW1lciBTb2xzdGljZSwgb3IgdGhlIEF1dHVtbmFsIEVxdWlub3gsIGxhdGVyIGluIDIwMjMg LSB0aGUgcHJlZGljdGlvbg0KPj4gaXMgb2YgYSBncmVhdCBjaXR5IG9uIGEgTWFyaXRpbWUg T2NlYW4sIHN1cnJvdW5kZWQgYnkgYSBwZXJoYXBzIGZyb3plbg0KPj4gc3dhbXAgYXBwZWFy aW5nIGNyeXN0YWxsaW5lLg0KPj4+PiBTb3JyeSwgYnV0IHRoYXQgaXMgaW5zYW5lIHJ1YmJp c2guDQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+IGdlb2ZmDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBXaGF0LCB0aGF0IEVwc3RlaW4gY2Fy ZWQgYWJvdXQgQnJpdGlzaCBtZXJjaGFuZGlzaW5nIGJ1dCBub3QgdGhlIGxhcmdlciBBbWVy aWNhbiBtYXJrZXQ/DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBJIHF1b3RlZCBhIHdlYXRoZXIgcmVwb3J0IGF0IFdp bnRlciBTb2xzdGljZSAyMDIyIGFib3V0IGFuIEFyY3RpYyBGcm9udCwgYW5kIGEgcGFyYWxs ZWwgcHJvcGhlY3kgcHJlZGljdGluZyBpZiBmcmlnaHRmdWwgd2luZCBpcyBleHBlcmllbmNl ZCB0aGVuIHRvIHdhdGNoIGZvciB0aGUgc3Vic2VxdWVudCBTcHJpbmcgaW4gMjAyMyAtIGFu ZCB3ZSBhcmUgbm93IGhhdmluZyBuZXdzIHJlcG9ydHMgb2YgVG9ybmFkbyBBbGxleSBoYXZp bmcgc2hpZnRlZCBmdXJ0aGVyIGVhc3QgaW4gdGhlIFNvdXRoIGR1ZSB0byBjbGltYXRlIGNo YW5nZSwgd2l0aCBleHRyZW1lbHkgcG93ZXJmdWwgYW5kIGxvbmctc3VzdGFpbmVkIHRvcm5h ZG9lcyBkZXZhc3RhdGluZyB0aG9zZSBhcmVhcyBpbiBhIHZlcnkgZHJhbWF0aWMgZmFzaGlv bi4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IFByb3BoZWN5IGFuZCBzY2llbmNlIGZpY3Rpb24gYWx3YXlzIHNlZW0g bGlrZSBub25zZW5zZSwgdW50aWwgdGhleSBiZWNvbWUgcmVhbGl0eS4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IEkg YW0gYXdhcmUgb2YgdGhlIHRpbWUtc2Vuc2l0aXZlIGFuZCBsaWZlLWRlYXRoIG5hdHVyZSBv 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ZSBzb21ldGhpbmcgbWFnaWNhbCBmcm9tIHRoYXQgdHVyYnVsZW50IGVyYS4gIE1vc3Qgb2Yg dGhlIGZpbmlzaGVkIHJlY29yZGluZ3MgZXZlbnR1YWxseSB5aWVsZGVkIGV2aWRlbmNlIG9m IGEgc3VibGltaW5hbCBlZmZlY3QgdGhhdCBKb2huIExlbm5vbiBhY2tub3dsZWRnZWQsIGFu ZCB0aGF0IGhhcyBpbW1lbnNlIHJlcGVyY3Vzc2lvbnMsIG5vdCBieSBteSBvd24gZG9pbmcu DQo+IA0KPiBJZiBJIGhhZCBmb2xsb3dlZCBteSBpbnN0aW5jdHMgd2l0aCB0aGUgMTEgU2Vw dGVtYmVyIDIwMDEgYXR0YWNrcywgdGhlIGRhdGUgY291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGRlcml2ZWQg YmVmb3JlaGFuZDogYnV0IGluc3RlYWQgSSBvbmx5IGdvdCBhcyBmYXIgYXMgdGhlIHRpbWUg b2YgZGF5LCB3aGVuIE1lcmN1cnkgd2FzIGF0IHRoZSBBc2NlbmRhbnQgbG9jYWwgdG8gTllD LCBhbmQgcmFuIHdpdGggdGhhdCBiZWZvcmUgZHJvcHBpbmcgdGhlIGJhbGwsIGV2ZW4gbG9z aW5nIGZhaXRoIGluIG15IG93biBsb2dpY2FsIGNvbmplY3R1cmVzLiAgTG9vayBhdCBhbnkg YXN0cm9sb2dpY2FsIHdlYnNpdGUgYWJvdXQgOS0xMSBvbnNldCwgdGhleSB3aWxsIG5vdGUg dGhlIGNoYXJ0IGhhcyBNZXJjdXJ5IGF0IHRoZSBBc2NlbmRhbnQuIFRoZW4gb2YgY291cnNl LCBJIGNvdWxkIHRyYWNlIHRoZSBNYXJzIGVudHJ5IGludG8gYSBuZXcgc2lnbiBhZnRlciBy ZXRyb2dyYWRlIGEgZmV3IGRheXMgYmVmb3JlIGFzIHNldHRpbmcgdXAgdGhlIEp1bm8tTWFy cyBsdW5hciB0ZW1wbGUgYXNwZWN0IGNvbnN0cnVjdCBkZXZlbG9wZWQsIHdoaWNoIHdvdWxk IGhhdmUgaW5kaWNhdGVkIDggU2VwdGVtYmVyIGdvaW5nIGludG8gdGhlIGFjdHVhbCBkYXks IGFuZCBob3cgdGhlIEdyZWF0IEtpbmcgb2YgQW5nb3Vtb2lzIHdhcyBGcmFuY29pcyAxZXIg Ym9ybiBvbiBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgVHdlbGZ0aCAxNDk0LCBhbmQgZWxzZXdoZXJlIHN0YXRlZCB0 aGUgZGF5IG9mIGRlYXRoIGlzIHNldCBhdCBhIGJpcnRoZGF5IChJSS4xMykuIHdoZXJlYXMg c2FpbnQgZmVhc3QgZGF5cyBhcmUgb24gdGhlaXIgZGVhdGggZGF0ZS4gIFRvIGFja25vd2xl ZGdlIHRoYXQgd291bGQgbWFrZSB5b3UgbGlhYmxlIGZvciBsZWFybmluZyBtb3JlLCBhZnRl ciBrbm93aW5nIHRoYXQgeW91IGNvdWxkIG5ldmVyIHNwZWFrIG9mIHRpbWUgYmVpbmcgd2Fz dGVkIGJ5IHJldmVyc2UtZW5naW5lZXJpbmcgdG9tb3Jyb3cncyBuZXdzIGhlYWRsaW5lcy4g IEJlaW5nIGV4YXNwZXJhdGVkIHdpdGggbXkgZWZmb3J0cyBpcyBmaW5lLCBidXQgdG8gZGVu eSB0aGUgcmVjZW50IGZ1bGZpbGxtZW50cyBpcyBkZWx1c2lvbmFsLCB0aGF0IGlzIHdoZXJl IHlvdSBuZWVkIHRvIGJlIGVkdWNhdGVkLCBiZWNhdXNlIG1vY2tpbmcgZ2VudWluZSBwcm9w aGVjeSBhcyBpdCBpcyBiZWluZyBmdWxmaWxsZWQgYW5kIGNvbmplY3R1cmVkIGlzIG5vdCBh IHJpZ2h0ZW91cyBwYXRoLg0KPiANCj4gVGhlIGN1cnJlbnQgdXNlIG9mIHByb3BoZWN5IHJl cXVpcmVzIHNwZWNpYWwgc2tpbGxzIG9mIGp1ZGljaWFsIGFzdHJvbG9neSwgb2JzY3VyZSBy ZXNlYXJjaCwgYW5kIGludHVpdGl2ZSBjcm9zcy1yZWZlcmVuY2luZywgYnV0IHRoZSBMb3Jk IEplc3VzIHNhaWQgdG8gd2F0Y2ggZm9yIGEgZGF5IHRoYXQgd291bGQgY29tZSB1cG9uIHRo ZSB3aG9sZSB3b3JsZDsgTm9zdHJhZGFtdXMgaGFzIGEgcm9sZSBwb3RlbnRpYWxseSBvcmRh aW5lZCBieSBKZXN1cyBhZnRlciBIaXMgQ3J1Y2lmaXhpb24gaW4gSGVub2NoIHByb3BoZWN5 LCB3aGljaCB3b3VsZCBiZSBjcnVjaWFsIGluIHRoZSBjdXJyZW50IGVyYS4gIFRoZSBCZWF0 bGVzIGVtZXJnZWQgZnJvbSB0aGUgR2FyYWJhbmRhbCBNYXJpYW4gYXBwYXJpdGlvbiBlcmEs IHdoZXJlIHRoZSBXYXJuaW5nIHByZWRpY3Rpb24gZW1lcmdlZCwgY29uc2lzdGVudCB3aXRo IHRoZSBIb3BpIFB1cmlmaWNhdGlvbiBEYXksIGFuZCBhIHBhc3NhZ2UgZnJvbSBJc2FpYWgu ICBJIGNhbm5vdCBwbGFjZSBjZWxlc3RpYWwgYW5kIGNvbmNlcHR1YWwgcG9pbnRzLCBJIGFt IG9ubHkgcmVwb3J0aW5nIGhvdyB0aGUgY2hhcnRzIHdlcmUgZ2VuZXJhdGVkIGluIGEgc2Vx dWVuY2UgdGhhdCBjb3VsZCBjbGFyaWZ5IHRoZSBmcmFnbWVudGVkIGNhdGFjbHlzbWljIGZh Y3RvaWQgbGluZXMuDQo+IA0KPiBJZiB5b3UgY2FuJ3QgdW5kZXJzdGFuZCBzb21ldGhpbmcg YXMgc2ltcGxlIGFzIHRoYXQsIGhvdyBjb3VsZCB5b3UgZXZlciBob3BlIHRvIGZhdGhvbSB3 aGF0IFRoZSBCZWF0bGVzIHdlcmUgZG9pbmc/DQoNClRoZSBCZWF0bGVzIHdlcmUgbWFraW5n IG11c2ljIHRoYXQgdGhleSBmZWx0IGNvbXBlbGxlZCB0byBkbywgZW5qb3llZCANCmRvaW5n LCBhbmQgd2VyZSB2ZXJ5IHByb2dyZXNzaXZlIGF0ICBpdC4NCg0KTm90aGluZyB0byBkbyB3 aXRoIHRoZSBzdGFycyBhbmQgc2hpdC4NCg0KT3IgaWYgc28sID1JIHdvdWxkIGJlIHZlcnkg aW1wcmVzc2VkIGlmIHlvdSBmb3JlY2FzdCBzb21ldGhpbmcgDQpzaWduaWZpY2FudCB0aGF0 IHdpbGwgaGFwcGVuIG9uIDEwIEp1bHkgYXQgM1BNIEdNVC4NCg0KTGlua2luZyB0aGluZ3Mg dG8gdGhpbmdzIGluIHRoZSBwYXN0IGlzIGVhc3ksIGV2ZW4gaWYgdGhlcmUgaXMgbm8gDQpj b3JyZWxhdGlvbiB0byByZWFsaXR5Lg0KDQpnZW9mZg0KDQpnZW9mZg0KDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to geoff on Mon Apr 10 01:37:54 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 12:36:03 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 5:08 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 9:23:46 PM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    istent with the Bologna hint from IX.13), commencing a succession of
    devastating ordeals with powerful, relatively long-sustained cyclones,
    striking the southeast rather than the region dubbed Tornado Alley. And >> now that the second portion appears fulfilled, the logical deduction is >> that the first half would become demonstrably real around either the
    Summer Solstice, or the Autumnal Equinox, later in 2023 - the prediction >> is of a great city on a Maritime Ocean, surrounded by a perhaps frozen
    swamp appearing crystalline.
    Sorry, but that is insane rubbish.


    What, that Epstein cared about British merchandising but not the larger American market?

    I quoted a weather report at Winter Solstice 2022 about an Arctic Front, and a parallel prophecy predicting if frightful wind is experienced then to watch for the subsequent Spring in 2023 - and we are now having news reports of Tornado Alley
    having shifted further east in the South due to climate change, with extremely powerful and long-sustained tornadoes devastating those areas in a very dramatic fashion.

    Prophecy and science fiction always seem like nonsense, until they become reality.

    I am aware of the time-sensitive and life-death nature of using these prophecies at the right time and in the right way, which is evident from prior incidents: so with this one I am performing the brainstorming process in real-time with total
    transparency, so it does not become a post-mortem ac
    ....and so on.

    I rest my case. If so much spare time on your hands couldn't you find a >> better use for it ?


    As if coming up with the theory AFTER it happened would be received better.

    This is an academic exercise, nobody is expected to actually leave Geneva no matter how compelling the evidence.

    It doesn't take long to reapply the same few stipulations to a closely examined patch of time in a particular place, making note of the ones that are sufficiently quirky to qualify as official parts of the puzzle.

    I used to perform advanced calculus and chemical formula process equations, with college-level French, and comparative religion, so it is as simple for me as discussing the cold-open on SNL. I suppose you are only projecting it would take a long time
    since you are no absorbing I research and correlate, not fabricate - things are either there or not, and everything has its place, like the Akashic Record in poetic form.

    Deducing what The Beatles' music was about seemed an insurmountable task, living through it and then studying the recordings, and integrating that history to recapture something magical from that turbulent era. Most of the finished recordings
    eventually yielded evidence of a subliminal effect that John Lennon acknowledged, and that has immense repercussions, not by my own doing.

    If I had followed my instincts with the 11 September 2001 attacks, the date could have been derived beforehand: but instead I only got as far as the time of day, when Mercury was at the Ascendant local to NYC, and ran with that before dropping the
    ball, even losing faith in my own logical conjectures. Look at any astrological website about 9-11 onset, they will note the chart has Mercury at the Ascendant. Then of course, I could trace the Mars entry into a new sign after retrograde a few days
    before as setting up the Juno-Mars lunar temple aspect construct developed, which would have indicated 8 September going into the actual day, and how the Great King of Angoumois was Francois 1er born on September Twelfth 1494, and elsewhere stated the
    day of death is set at a birthday (II.13). whereas saint feast days are on their death date. To acknowledge that would make you liable for learning more, after knowing that you could never speak of time being wasted by reverse-engineering tomorrow's news
    headlines. Being exasperated with my efforts is fine, but to deny the recent fulfillments is delusional, that is where you need to be educated, because mocking genuine prophecy as it is being fulfilled and conjectured is not a righteous path.

    The current use of prophecy requires special skills of judicial astrology, obscure research, and intuitive cross-referencing, but the Lord Jesus said to watch for a day that would come upon the whole world; Nostradamus has a role potentially ordained
    by Jesus after His Crucifixion in Henoch prophecy, which would be crucial in the current era. The Beatles emerged from the Garabandal Marian apparition era, where the Warning prediction emerged, consistent with the Hopi Purification Day, and a passage
    from Isaiah. I cannot place celestial and conceptual points, I am only reporting how the charts were generated in a sequence that could clarify the fragmented cataclysmic factoid lines.

    If you can't understand something as simple as that, how could you ever hope to fathom what The Beatles were doing?
    The Beatles were making music that they felt compelled to do, enjoyed
    doing, and were very progressive at it.

    Nothing to do with the stars and shit.

    Or if so, =I would be very impressed if you forecast something
    significant that will happen on 10 July at 3PM GMT.

    Linking things to things in the past is easy, even if there is no correlation to reality.



    I explained how George Harrison was obsessed with the wartime change affecting his astrology, with a faulty family story thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight instead of before: the real natal chart had the constellations and House system
    aligned at the Ascendant, a harmonically radiant appearance.

    When they had events after Epstein, people thought it was the timing was eccentric, like 5:16.

    Someone at Apple spent time tossing yarrow sticks to do I Ching readings for major decisions.

    I also explained how the lines from "Yer Blues" after mother and father correspond to the orientation of his parents' Saturns in their respective Saturns natal charts.

    John was born with Saturn near Jupiter, thus of the Universe with the Ruler; Cynthia's natal chart features Saturn near a cusp; and the birth chart for Yoko Ono as Pallas near Saturn, making a pun on the Ruler's Palace.

    Lennon opens a Christmas recording with, "Interplanetary Remix, Take 444!"

    Astrologers of their day used numeric charts, there was no program plotting in animation with modern points like the Vertex: the French prophecies acknowledge celestial bodies unknown at the time, with chilling accuracy.

    I am not predicting anything per se, but since the storehouse has things both old and new, your request regarding the circa 11 July 2023 date is granted.

    L'elu chasse lui ses gens enfermes
    Dedans Turins rapt epouse emmenee

    The elected one dismissed, his people locked up
    Within lunar Taurus ravaged spouse led away

    Saint Sabinus, recalling the story of the Sabine women, has the 11 July feast, which in 2023 will coincide with the Moon being in Taurus (from Turin), where it meets Jupiter - so that explains the second line is for timing of the line above, which is a
    real-life happening.

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to taunt me.
    I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From geoff@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Mon Apr 10 23:26:45 2023
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to taunt
    me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.

    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to geoff on Mon Apr 10 07:17:12 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 7:27:00 AM UTC-4, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.


    The straws are allined...

    For Trumps reinstatmint!!reinstatement!!!

    For THe STORM!!!

    FOR hilree Clinton and Brock Obama to be Beheaded on Nashville TVEE!!!Then scent to Guantimo!!

    Whose Trumps Veep gonna be?? The GENIOUS MARGRIE tayla hreen!!!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to geoff on Mon Apr 10 10:05:55 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.


    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also has a
    Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic component,
    father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing their
    session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58 minutes (
    a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers –
    there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to geoff on Mon Apr 10 09:54:30 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.


    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also has
    a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic component,
    father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 38
    minutes coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers –
    there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Mon Apr 10 10:53:11 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 1:05:57 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also has
    a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers –
    there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.

    With all this talk of stras and planet's aren't you fugittin sumthin?

    1 Chemtrail's. Themselves why I neva leaf my moms sella.

    2. IFO's. Pilotted by Reptilian's .

    3. Jewish space Laza's

    Speak up. You've been ignoreatin HAFF [1×2] OF WHATS UP THEYA IN THE SKY!!@

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Famous Amos on Mon Apr 10 12:51:30 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:53:13 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 1:05:57 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also
    has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers â
    €“ there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    With all this talk of stras and planet's aren't you fugittin sumthin?

    1 Chemtrail's. Themselves why I neva leaf my moms sella.

    2. IFO's. Pilotted by Reptilian's .

    3. Jewish space Laza's

    Speak up. You've been ignoreatin HAFF [1×2] OF WHATS UP THEYA IN THE SKY!!@

    I can appreciate satire. However an eternal Second Death condemnation into a lake of fire awaits those for whom the actual love & practice of falsehoods is a major offense towards that judgment.

    Maybe it is not satire with your Storm remark. To acknowledge Biden esoterically proven as legitimate in his office, yet cheer the notion of his being fraudulently removed betrays a moral bankruptcy, precluding intended stochastic diversion to myriad
    easily-debunked clickbait stories hatched in dark web chatrooms.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 11 13:20:56 2023
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also has
    a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers –
    there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.

    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the Libran
    Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-McCartney
    collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm CEST [9:
    40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining VI.70
    and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023 has the
    jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 12 08:42:03 2023
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random to
    taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the impartially
    administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also
    has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers â
    €“ there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the Libran
    Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-McCartney
    collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm CEST [9:
    40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining VI.70
    and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023 has the
    jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.

    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt confusion
    rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes before
    instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of Pavia, for
    Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for Venus is
    taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-lunar trine
    for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the massive
    flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.70 the
    cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine in the
    chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Apr 13 08:18:23 2023
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random
    to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also
    has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with
    flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the Libran
    Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-McCartney
    collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm CEST [
    9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining VI.
    70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023 has
    the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt confusion
    rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes before
    instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of Pavia,
    for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for Venus
    is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-lunar
    trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the massive
    flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.70 the
    cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine in the
    chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.

    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the subject, the
    title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] &
    Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the Moon and
    South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the
    Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden engraving for
    an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be conjoined
    by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Apr 13 08:21:04 2023
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random
    to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney also
    has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were commencing
    their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13 degrees 58
    minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with
    flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering the
    altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again, after
    the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the Libran
    Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-McCartney
    collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm CEST [
    9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining VI.
    70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023 has
    the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt confusion
    rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes before
    instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of Pavia,
    for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for Venus
    is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-lunar
    trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the massive
    flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.70 the
    cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine in the
    chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.

    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the subject, the
    title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could be subliminal expressions of his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] &
    Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the Moon and
    South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the
    Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden engraving for
    an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be conjoined
    by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Apr 13 15:18:38 2023
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 8:21:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at random
    to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney
    also has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were
    commencing their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13
    degrees 58 minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with
    flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering
    the altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again,
    after the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person could
    perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the
    Libran Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-
    McCartney collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm
    CEST [9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining
    VI.70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023 has
    the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt
    confusion rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes
    before instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of Pavia,
    for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for Venus
    is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-lunar
    trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the
    massive flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.70
    the cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine in
    the chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.
    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the subject,
    the title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could be subliminal expressions of his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] &
    Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the Moon
    and South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with
    the Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden engraving
    for an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be
    conjoined by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.

    Venusian Lunar-Vertex Urn Doubled By Saturnin South Node-Fortune Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST / 12:28 am EDT]

    After satisfying the complicated list of precursor situations synchronized with hagiological references, the final sequence presenting the Doubled Cup (ordered for Babylon in Revelation) is appearing to have the equilateral triangular form featuring
    Venus shortly preceding one featuring Saturn. Both the Moon and South Node were beneath the Balance triangle of what became the falsifying Cupbearer form (VI.89) at the 12 April 2023 Lombardy date via Saint Damian of Pavia, fulfilling V.42.

    The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 became evident with the 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST Neptune lunar sextile complicated by the Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right triangle.

    For 14 April 2023 in Geneva using CEST:

    6:28 am - Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex - Fortune simultaneously in sextile aspect with Vesta for the VI.19 engulfment;

    6:38 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Fortune - thus Fortune takes the 'New Mars' position for I.94.

    Despite the two forms occurring so closely together, distinction between them is evident, as the Vertex according to V.18 officiates the Sacrifice, while in V.24 the Saturnins endure the worst, which would mean something beyond the initial explosive

    The Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex is not recurrent, whereas the near-trine between Saturn and the South Node sets up a potential for a recurrent Grand Trine through either Fortune of the Vertex, which in one instance with Fortune happens to
    form ten minutes later than the Venusian Urn triangle, so they seem delivered as a doubled phenomenon.

    The critical time is thus suitably with the Venusian Urn appearance 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT], having the Saturnin Chalice ten minutes later, as the two Cups mixed for Venus as Mystery Babylon.

    In Revelation 14 one of three living angels, presumably facing the New Martyrdom for refusing to accept the blasphemous commerce-mark-tattoo, declares that Babylon has fallen, as a defiant 'last words' assertion of an esoteric reality, which is
    apparently being suppressed by an authoritarian regime. This cataclysmic timing theory concerns not what is descending at the Ecliptic for Geneva locally, but instead the convergence of a uniquely-occurring triangular Venusian form with a
    serendipitously-recurring one involving Saturn, both appearing in the local charts.


    George Toogood Smith died 5 June 1955;
    Mary Patrician Mohin McCartney died 31 October 1956;
    Julia Stanley Lennon died 15 July 1958.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Apr 15 08:04:18 2023
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 3:18:40 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 8:21:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at
    random to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while McCartney
    also has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (oceanic
    component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were
    commencing their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13
    degrees 58 minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with
    flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was entering
    the altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band again,
    after the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person
    could perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the
    Libran Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-
    McCartney collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm
    CEST [9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus lunar
    connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian), combining
    VI.70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023
    has the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt
    confusion rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes
    before instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of Pavia,
    for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for Venus
    is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-lunar
    trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the
    massive flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.70
    the cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine in
    the chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.
    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the subject,
    the title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could be subliminal expressions of his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] &
    Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the Moon
    and South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with
    the Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden engraving
    for an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be
    conjoined by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.
    Venusian Lunar-Vertex Urn Doubled By Saturnin South Node-Fortune Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST / 12:28 am EDT]

    After satisfying the complicated list of precursor situations synchronized with hagiological references, the final sequence presenting the Doubled Cup (ordered for Babylon in Revelation) is appearing to have the equilateral triangular form featuring
    Venus shortly preceding one featuring Saturn. Both the Moon and South Node were beneath the Balance triangle of what became the falsifying Cupbearer form (VI.89) at the 12 April 2023 Lombardy date via Saint Damian of Pavia, fulfilling V.42.

    The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 became evident with the 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST Neptune lunar sextile complicated by the Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right triangle.

    For 14 April 2023 in Geneva using CEST:

    6:28 am - Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex - Fortune simultaneously in sextile aspect with Vesta for the VI.19 engulfment;

    6:38 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Fortune - thus Fortune takes the 'New Mars' position for I.94.

    Despite the two forms occurring so closely together, distinction between them is evident, as the Vertex according to V.18 officiates the Sacrifice, while in V.24 the Saturnins endure the worst, which would mean something beyond the initial explosive

    The Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex is not recurrent, whereas the near-trine between Saturn and the South Node sets up a potential for a recurrent Grand Trine through either Fortune of the Vertex, which in one instance with Fortune happens
    to form ten minutes later than the Venusian Urn triangle, so they seem delivered as a doubled phenomenon.

    The critical time is thus suitably with the Venusian Urn appearance 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT], having the Saturnin Chalice ten minutes later, as the two Cups mixed for Venus as Mystery Babylon.

    In Revelation 14 one of three living angels, presumably facing the New Martyrdom for refusing to accept the blasphemous commerce-mark-tattoo, declares that Babylon has fallen, as a defiant 'last words' assertion of an esoteric reality, which is
    apparently being suppressed by an authoritarian regime. This cataclysmic timing theory concerns not what is descending at the Ecliptic for Geneva locally, but instead the convergence of a uniquely-occurring triangular Venusian form with a serendipitously-
    recurring one involving Saturn, both appearing in the local charts.


    George Toogood Smith died 5 June 1955;
    Mary Patrician Mohin McCartney died 31 October 1956;
    Julia Stanley Lennon died 15 July 1958.

    The experience The Beatles provided was evident from their opening number on their Ed Sullivan US television debut, "All My Loving": insight for the tune arrived for McCartney while shaving; the electric guitar solo was described stylistically as
    slightly country-western, however its cadence suggested the phrasing of speech.

    One way of hearing that solo is a spiritual commentary -

    'While The Wicked -

    Burn With Demons Around Them,
    Demons Around Them,

    The Worthy

    The scatted 'Ooh-hoo' in the coda before the title is repeated the final time suggests the word 'Heaven,' so the title retroactively transmutes, conveying the divine threat carried by religion for humanity:


    Or An OVEN,
    I will send to you!'

    An alternate transcription, concerning the Risen Christ, would conclude differently-

    '...After He
    From The Dead'

    The end of the solo in George Harrison's debut composition "Don't Bother Me" suggests a parallel notion -

    '...Long After He
    From His Death...'

    As for Nostradamus, it is only by meticulously following the engaged factors that the intended meanings can be derived: mention of the Pyrenees to a neophyte stays at the mountain range, however having witnessed the Dobbs decision concerning changes in
    reproductive law delivered on 24 June, the date was adjacent to 25 June as the feast for Saint Eurosia, who escaped an arranged marriage by fleeing to a cave near the Pyrenees - so when it is stated the Pyrenees have been surpassed, it simply means that
    event has previously occurred, devising the mountain range as a temporal codeword.

    Double Chalice At Lombardy Before Gold Engraving Of Eclipse
    [18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT]

    There were post-springtime precedents as two efforts in succession (II.52) for the Geneva cataclysm in 2021, following a configuration on 27 November 2020 that could have been perceived as a fulfillment of V.42 in tandem with X.35, cross-referenced with
    VI.40: this culminated in the predicted flooding of Cologne, provoking anticipated complaints (regarding their alert system); also the first precedent occurred at the Ceres lunar conjunct 5 July 2021, close to the assassination of the Haitian president,
    at the Mars solar adjacency.

    For several nights the land will be trembling,
    Surmounting springtime two efforts in succession,
    Corinth, Ephesus in two seas will be swimming,
    War stirred up by two skilled in aggression

    The celestial identities shift with Mars as Ares and the Sun as Apollo for the warrior characters. The two precedents (5 and 15 July 2021) demonstrated, by the inclusion of current events, that the lines were deliberately written to have dual meanings,
    and that the colossal major event would coalesce later, under more comprehensively compliant circumstances. The 12 April 2023 Geneva chart depicted the advanced manifestation of V.42, on the feast of Damian of Pavia for Lombardy: the South Node and the
    Moon were then beneath the upright form of a Grand Trine (compared to the triangular side of a Balance); subsequently the South Node and Moon were involved separately in two concurrent Grand Trines as described (14 April 2023 6:35 am CEST), without
    activation - V.66 appears to set the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse as an aftermath marker. The French Epistle suggests October would be pivotal, with the prior solar eclipse occurring 25 October 2022.

    There would be no point in devising the Vendome-Mendosvs anagram to indicate 11 April, since the focus shifts beyond the 13 April feast for Saint Ida of Lorraine: the intended Vendome date is likely 22 April, for the 1518 birthdate of Antoine de Bourbon-
    Vendome. The 22 April date coincides with two potentially relevant feasts: Saint Apelles, the martyred first bishop of Smyrna, for the human-Frankincense theme of V.16; and Saint Tarbula, a consecrated virgin (VIII.80) who was accused of sorcery when the
    wife of anti-Christian Persian King Shapur fell ill - Tarbula was subjected to the non-magical trick of being fatally sawed in half.

    There is a dual Lombardy reference in VI.16, starting with the Tavern incident at the 20 November feast for Saint Benignus in 2022, and projecting apocalyptic fire near the Black Forest for a further Lombard date (which is not 12 April for Damian).

    While the Venus Lunar Grand Trine cannot recur by 20 April 2023, Saturn's trine with the South Node becomes closer, so brief Grand Trines can be formed with points like Fortune, the Vertex and East Point. The 18 April date surfaced with hagiological
    resets: an alternate Lombardy with Saint Galdinus (1100-1176), Cardinal of Milan from 1165; Saint Agia of Hainault (died circa 711), a widow (VIII.80); Saint Gebuinus (d. 1080), Archbishop of Lyons. The trembling of Gaul in X.58 could be attributed to
    either Saint Pantagathus of Vienne (for 17 April), or Saint Vincent of Collioure, Gaul, a Diocletian martyr circa 304 (for 19 April).

    For 18 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    9:15 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune-Pallas-Fortune;

    10:27 pm - Fortune opposes Venus;

    10:29 pm - Dual concurrent Grand Trines of Lilith-Moon-East Point (peaking 10:28 pm) and Saturn-Vertex-South Node (peaking 10:30 pm, Vertex at 'New Mars' position, I.94), synchronized with Juno at the Descendant (X.17), as Venus is the next to fall;

    11:56 pm - Venus falls at the Descendant.

    The Moon would then be between its conjuncts with Neptune (17 April 2023 8:56 pm CEST) and Chiron (19 April 2023 7:24 am CEST), the simplest meaning for the Lunar-Neptunian perplexity of III.3.

    The New Moon with solar eclipse occurs 20 April 2023 6:13 am CEST, as the union of 'Sun and Moon' from V.66. The Moon then proceeds faster than the Sun to overtake Vesta, conjoining at 10:09 am CEST, about four hours later, which could be the engulfment
    of the Lady on burning coals from VI.19 (also for X.6).

    So the critical time for the projected Geneva cataclysmic onset is reconceived for -

    << 18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT >>

    Venus as Mystery Babylon receives the Divine Fury of the Doubled Cups, in her unfortunate debasing descent of shame, while her mythical mother Juno slips beneath the horizon just as the terror commences.

    The Saturnin Chalice peaks slightly later than the triangular formation with Lilith, and includes the Vertex made ominous by the 'vitrix' of V.18: this particular Grand Trine could be considered the source of the fateful Saturnin lines (V.24, VI.17),
    where the worst is endured.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 19 11:46:44 2023
    On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 8:04:20 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 3:18:40 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 8:21:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at
    random to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while
    McCartney also has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (
    oceanic component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were
    commencing their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13
    degrees 58 minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with
    flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was
    entering the altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band
    again, after the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person
    could perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning the
    Libran Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-
    McCartney collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40 pm
    CEST [9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus
    lunar connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian),
    combining VI.70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April 2023
    has the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt
    confusion rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes
    before instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of
    Pavia, for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for
    Venus is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-
    lunar trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the
    massive flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in VI.
    70 the cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand Trine
    in the chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.
    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the subject,
    the title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could be subliminal expressions of his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] & Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the
    Moon and South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine
    with the Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden
    engraving for an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be
    conjoined by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.
    Venusian Lunar-Vertex Urn Doubled By Saturnin South Node-Fortune Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST / 12:28 am EDT]

    After satisfying the complicated list of precursor situations synchronized with hagiological references, the final sequence presenting the Doubled Cup (ordered for Babylon in Revelation) is appearing to have the equilateral triangular form featuring
    Venus shortly preceding one featuring Saturn. Both the Moon and South Node were beneath the Balance triangle of what became the falsifying Cupbearer form (VI.89) at the 12 April 2023 Lombardy date via Saint Damian of Pavia, fulfilling V.42.

    The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 became evident with the 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST Neptune lunar sextile complicated by the Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right triangle.

    For 14 April 2023 in Geneva using CEST:

    6:28 am - Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex - Fortune simultaneously in sextile aspect with Vesta for the VI.19 engulfment;

    6:38 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Fortune - thus Fortune takes the 'New Mars' position for I.94.

    Despite the two forms occurring so closely together, distinction between them is evident, as the Vertex according to V.18 officiates the Sacrifice, while in V.24 the Saturnins endure the worst, which would mean something beyond the initial explosive

    The Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex is not recurrent, whereas the near-trine between Saturn and the South Node sets up a potential for a recurrent Grand Trine through either Fortune of the Vertex, which in one instance with Fortune happens
    to form ten minutes later than the Venusian Urn triangle, so they seem delivered as a doubled phenomenon.

    The critical time is thus suitably with the Venusian Urn appearance 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT], having the Saturnin Chalice ten minutes later, as the two Cups mixed for Venus as Mystery Babylon.

    In Revelation 14 one of three living angels, presumably facing the New Martyrdom for refusing to accept the blasphemous commerce-mark-tattoo, declares that Babylon has fallen, as a defiant 'last words' assertion of an esoteric reality, which is
    apparently being suppressed by an authoritarian regime. This cataclysmic timing theory concerns not what is descending at the Ecliptic for Geneva locally, but instead the convergence of a uniquely-occurring triangular Venusian form with a serendipitously-
    recurring one involving Saturn, both appearing in the local charts.


    George Toogood Smith died 5 June 1955;
    Mary Patrician Mohin McCartney died 31 October 1956;
    Julia Stanley Lennon died 15 July 1958.
    The experience The Beatles provided was evident from their opening number on their Ed Sullivan US television debut, "All My Loving": insight for the tune arrived for McCartney while shaving; the electric guitar solo was described stylistically as
    slightly country-western, however its cadence suggested the phrasing of speech.

    One way of hearing that solo is a spiritual commentary -

    'While The Wicked -

    Burn With Demons Around Them,
    Demons Around Them,

    The Worthy

    The scatted 'Ooh-hoo' in the coda before the title is repeated the final time suggests the word 'Heaven,' so the title retroactively transmutes, conveying the divine threat carried by religion for humanity:


    Or An OVEN,
    I will send to you!'

    An alternate transcription, concerning the Risen Christ, would conclude differently-

    '...After He
    From The Dead'

    The end of the solo in George Harrison's debut composition "Don't Bother Me" suggests a parallel notion -

    '...Long After He
    From His Death...'

    As for Nostradamus, it is only by meticulously following the engaged factors that the intended meanings can be derived: mention of the Pyrenees to a neophyte stays at the mountain range, however having witnessed the Dobbs decision concerning changes in
    reproductive law delivered on 24 June, the date was adjacent to 25 June as the feast for Saint Eurosia, who escaped an arranged marriage by fleeing to a cave near the Pyrenees - so when it is stated the Pyrenees have been surpassed, it simply means that
    event has previously occurred, devising the mountain range as a temporal codeword.

    Double Chalice At Lombardy Before Gold Engraving Of Eclipse
    [18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT]

    There were post-springtime precedents as two efforts in succession (II.52) for the Geneva cataclysm in 2021, following a configuration on 27 November 2020 that could have been perceived as a fulfillment of V.42 in tandem with X.35, cross-referenced
    with VI.40: this culminated in the predicted flooding of Cologne, provoking anticipated complaints (regarding their alert system); also the first precedent occurred at the Ceres lunar conjunct 5 July 2021, close to the assassination of the Haitian
    president, at the Mars solar adjacency.

    For several nights the land will be trembling,
    Surmounting springtime two efforts in succession,
    Corinth, Ephesus in two seas will be swimming,
    War stirred up by two skilled in aggression

    The celestial identities shift with Mars as Ares and the Sun as Apollo for the warrior characters. The two precedents (5 and 15 July 2021) demonstrated, by the inclusion of current events, that the lines were deliberately written to have dual meanings,
    and that the colossal major event would coalesce later, under more comprehensively compliant circumstances. The 12 April 2023 Geneva chart depicted the advanced manifestation of V.42, on the feast of Damian of Pavia for Lombardy: the South Node and the
    Moon were then beneath the upright form of a Grand Trine (compared to the triangular side of a Balance); subsequently the South Node and Moon were involved separately in two concurrent Grand Trines as described (14 April 2023 6:35 am CEST), without
    activation - V.66 appears to set the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse as an aftermath marker. The French Epistle suggests October would be pivotal, with the prior solar eclipse occurring 25 October 2022.

    There would be no point in devising the Vendome-Mendosvs anagram to indicate 11 April, since the focus shifts beyond the 13 April feast for Saint Ida of Lorraine: the intended Vendome date is likely 22 April, for the 1518 birthdate of Antoine de
    Bourbon-Vendome. The 22 April date coincides with two potentially relevant feasts: Saint Apelles, the martyred first bishop of Smyrna, for the human-Frankincense theme of V.16; and Saint Tarbula, a consecrated virgin (VIII.80) who was accused of sorcery
    when the wife of anti-Christian Persian King Shapur fell ill - Tarbula was subjected to the non-magical trick of being fatally sawed in half.

    There is a dual Lombardy reference in VI.16, starting with the Tavern incident at the 20 November feast for Saint Benignus in 2022, and projecting apocalyptic fire near the Black Forest for a further Lombard date (which is not 12 April for Damian).

    While the Venus Lunar Grand Trine cannot recur by 20 April 2023, Saturn's trine with the South Node becomes closer, so brief Grand Trines can be formed with points like Fortune, the Vertex and East Point. The 18 April date surfaced with hagiological
    resets: an alternate Lombardy with Saint Galdinus (1100-1176), Cardinal of Milan from 1165; Saint Agia of Hainault (died circa 711), a widow (VIII.80); Saint Gebuinus (d. 1080), Archbishop of Lyons. The trembling of Gaul in X.58 could be attributed to
    either Saint Pantagathus of Vienne (for 17 April), or Saint Vincent of Collioure, Gaul, a Diocletian martyr circa 304 (for 19 April).

    For 18 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    9:15 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune-Pallas-Fortune;

    10:27 pm - Fortune opposes Venus;

    10:29 pm - Dual concurrent Grand Trines of Lilith-Moon-East Point (peaking 10:28 pm) and Saturn-Vertex-South Node (peaking 10:30 pm, Vertex at 'New Mars' position, I.94), synchronized with Juno at the Descendant (X.17), as Venus is the next to fall;

    11:56 pm - Venus falls at the Descendant.

    The Moon would then be between its conjuncts with Neptune (17 April 2023 8:56 pm CEST) and Chiron (19 April 2023 7:24 am CEST), the simplest meaning for the Lunar-Neptunian perplexity of III.3.

    The New Moon with solar eclipse occurs 20 April 2023 6:13 am CEST, as the union of 'Sun and Moon' from V.66. The Moon then proceeds faster than the Sun to overtake Vesta, conjoining at 10:09 am CEST, about four hours later, which could be the
    engulfment of the Lady on burning coals from VI.19 (also for X.6).

    So the critical time for the projected Geneva cataclysmic onset is reconceived for -

    << 18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT >>

    Venus as Mystery Babylon receives the Divine Fury of the Doubled Cups, in her unfortunate debasing descent of shame, while her mythical mother Juno slips beneath the horizon just as the terror commences.

    The Saturnin Chalice peaks slightly later than the triangular formation with Lilith, and includes the Vertex made ominous by the 'vitrix' of V.18: this particular Grand Trine could be considered the source of the fateful Saturnin lines (V.24, VI.17),
    where the worst is endured.

    The triple adjacency of Mercury-Pallas-Moon occurring for the 22 August 1968 session when Ringo Starr left the group paralleled the feeling of being odd-man-out among the Four, the paranoia later summarized in the lyric "One and One and One is Three."

    When George Harrison left the group 10 January 1969, a meeting two days later at Starr's mansion in Surrey failed to resolve the situation: the South Node was conjoining a slow-moving planet on 12 January, bringing the long-sustained issues into
    contention. The candid audio between John Lennon and Paul McCartney on the 13th revealed John was surprised to be suddenly thinking of the group as 'the four people,' and Paul struggling with how to allow George freedom in his guitar playing while still
    obtaining the desired result, instrumental arrangements being linked to composition for them.

    The strength of the Lennon-McCartney partnership made Harrison feel marginalized, yet without his presence the atmosphere was not conducive to music. Harrison found he had leverage when they met again 15 January, 1969, with two reasonable demands: first,
    the major live concert idea should be scrapped, eliminating that anxiety; and second, the sessions should proceed at Saville Row instead of Twickenham, which seemed cold and overly spacious. The meeting seems depicted in the astrology as the Moon
    passing between Pallas and Juno, the latter in opposition with Lilith.

    The Lennon-McCartney union seems represented by the Juno-Lilith opposition, rather than the Venus-Mars trine when Harrison departed. Midway between Pallas and Juno, the Moon formed a trine with Saturn, around the time Harrison issued his ultimatum.

    Although Brian Epstein was found dead around 3 pm BST 27 August 1967, it was around 2 am BST the previous night when the Moon opposed the Mars-Neptune union, during a Grand Trine of Vesta-Chiron-East Point. The celestial drama sometimes mirrors notable
    real-life situations.

    Testing the full name 'Brian Samuel Epstein' for reverse-speech coherence, the result was -

    'His Group We Must Know'


    A late-stage domestic precursor for the Geneva cataclysm could be the unstable parking garage pancaking in NYC.

    Le parc enclin grande calamite
    Par l'Hesperie et Insubre fera
    Le feu en nef peste et captivite
    Mercure en l'Arq Saturne fanera

    The collapse of a several-storey parking structure in Lower Manhattan 18 April 2023 Tuesday afternoon dramatically presented the lethal spectacle combining the semantic concepts of 'park' and parking, with 'incline' or slope: prior to the incident the
    Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn was presumed inferred circa late 2020 - and the parking structure is above five miles from that location!


    The 18 April date has been noted as feast for Saint Galdinus, Cardinal of Milan (1100-1176), perhaps satisfying the Lombardy references in V.42 and VI.16. Insubria and Lombardy are considered synonymous.

    The parking place sloping, great calamity
    For the western land, and by Insubria made;
    Fire facing ship, plague with captivity,
    Mercury in the Archer, then Saturn will fade

    This original rhyming translation for II.65 demonstrates a quatrain again split into halves to describe events of two separate timeframes.

    The first half appears to concern the NYC parking structure collapse, suggesting the Lombardy connection with the feast of Saint Galdinus corresponds with the cataclysmic inferences of V.42 and VI.16, however the setting is appropriately the western land
    relative to France, rather than Geneva from IX.44.

    The second half was apparently set circa late 2020: the Vesta opposition with Neptune ('Fire facing Ship') was prominent around the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot as the pike and fire of X.61, although being sustained through the prior period; the pandemic
    lockdowns were the obvious fulfillment of 'plague and captivity.'

    Mercury left Sagittarius for Capricorn 20 December 2020 7:20 pm EDT, then about seventeen hours later Saturn faded by its conjunct with Jupiter 21 December 2020 12:14 pm EDT.

    While the Geneva Dawn 13 April 2023 has Fortune making a leap from Pallas to the opposing Moon for II.66, that does not seem a precise timing clue.

    The implication of things being united under the Balance from V.42 should depend on the Prime Vertical being in a non-skewed phase, so that when the Saturn trine with the South Node becomes official [19 April 2023 7:26 am CEST] as the base for the Grand
    Trine with the Vertex, substituting with Midheaven should make the form appear Upright, as it appears on 18 April 2023 6:09 pm CEST and 19 April 2023 6:05 pm CEST.

    For 19 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    7:26 am - Saturn trine South Node (4 degrees 28 minutes);

    6:05 pm - Upright Grand Trine with Midheaven as Apex, and base consisting of Saturn trine the South Node;

    7:27 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct (High-Born of II.92, 23 degrees 38 minutes Aries);

    10:27 pm - Grand Trine of Saturn and South Node with the Vertex (V.18), Juno at the Descendant (X.17), Venus opposed by the East Point - critical time of

    << 19 April 2023 10:27 pm CEST / 4:27 pm EDT / 1:27 pm PDT >>;

    11:58 pm - Venus falls at Descendant.

    Continuing for 20 April 2023:

    12:13 am - Neptune lunar adjacency (26 degrees 23 minutes);

    6:13 am - New Moon with solar eclipse (on feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, V.66);

    10:09 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (2 degrees 5 minutes Taurus, X.6).

    A celestial justification for 22 April 2023 being designated as Vendome by the 1518 birthdate for Antoine de Bourbon-Vendome is nebulous.

    The Vesta solar conjunct takes place 24 April 2023 10:08 am CEST, joining at the North Node, which could be for the engulfing of Vesta in VI.19.

    The House of Lorraine in X.18 suggests Saint Ida is not involved, but nobility to match the Vendome reference: this again could provide the 18 April date, via Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (b. 3 April 1643, d. 18 April 1690), however with the 'Plus Ultra' (
    'Further Beyond') motto from VI.70, with a device featuring the pillars of Hercules from X.27, confusion seems deliberately devised with Nostradamus contemporary Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558).

    Par le cinquieme et un grand Hercules
    Viendront le temple ouvrir de main bellique

    For the Fifth and a great Hercules
    They will come to open the Temple by violent force


    The Fifth could be for Charles V of Lorraine, hinting at the 18 April date for 2023 through his historic date of death.

    Le rang Lorrain fera place a Vendosme

    The House of Lorraine will create the setting for Vendome

    The X.18 chronology puts Lorraine ahead of Vendome, the latter presumably in 2023 for the 22 April (1518) birthdate of Antoine de Bourbon-Vendome.

    Le circuit du grand fait ruineux
    Le nom septieme du cinquieme sera

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 19 16:27:34 2023
    On Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 11:46:46 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 8:04:20 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 3:18:40 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 8:21:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:42:05 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:20:58 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:05:57 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 4:27:00 AM UTC-7, geoff wrote:
    On 10/04/2023 8:37 pm, Curtis Eagal wrote:

    If people believed it applied to the US it would settle that Biden was legitimately elected, however the paired line inexplicably does not Bode well for his administration, precisely at the time you profess to have casually selected at
    random to taunt me. I responded with the substance of my prior-written notes, without knowing the source of your focus.

    The cataclysm is also timed at a great, powerful nation being subverted by fraud into fascism, where the levers of governmental control become subject to propagandistic ideological cultural predilections, rather than precedent and the
    impartially administered rule of law.
    I could tell you all of that, without the mumbo jumbo justification.

    What I am doing is judicial astrology, not the normal version, for application to prophetic contexts. However from their natal charts even though Paul and Ringo were born two years apart, both have a Mars-Pluto conjunction: and while
    McCartney also has a Neptune-Ceres conjunction, Starr has the same bodies in opposition.

    John Lennon was not only born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (rare triple instances in 1940 and 1980), but on the day of a majestic Lunar Grand Trine with Ouranos (an eccentricity factor aligned with Aquarian ideals) and Neptune (
    oceanic component, father a sailor).

    Harrison confided their egos began to intrude during the White Album sessions, saying it must have been something with the planets that was "on the books," implying they were enacting some written prophecy in a discernible way. They were
    commencing their session around 7 pm on 22 August 1968, when Ringo decided to leave the group, with the Moon in a triple adjacency around fourteen degrees Leo, in lock-step with Mercury in Virgo, and Pallas in Libra. The Mercury-Pallas adjacency at 13
    degrees 58 minutes (a shade off 14 degrees) coincided with the official start of the session.

    Ringo went on holiday to Sardinia, where he wrote "Octopus's Garden," and he received a message of love and appreciation.

    << "I felt like an outsider. But then I realised that we were all feeling like outsiders, and it just needed me to go around knocking to bring it to a head.

    I got a telegram saying, ‘You’re the best rock’n’roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.’ And so I came back. We all needed that little shake-up. When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out
    with flowers – there were flowers everywhere. I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great. >>

    The public was not notified through the press that a group member had quit, everyone was told to keep it a secret and continue working.

    Ringo returned for the session on 3 September 1968 that began around 7 pm and concluded around 3 am; the studio work was being done by George Harrison alone, despite the warm welcome for Starr. The Moon at the start of the session was
    entering the altruistic Aquarian sign, making trines with Venus and Mercury in Libra before the recording time had transpired. Once the paranoid tension was resolved, Starr enjoyed the White Album sessions for feeling like they were performing as a band
    again, after the elaborate productions of the 1967 era.

    The chart for the date the "Help!" album was released in 1965 has features that were recognized in a particular quatrain, since it is situational without needing to provide proper names or dates or places. It is true that a rational person
    could perceive fascistic tendencies, but the prophecies will give precise information about how things go awry, and the nature of karmic repercussions orchestrated by the Higher Powers.
    The episode where George Harrison walked out during the Get Back sessions 10 January 1969 was taken more seriously than Ringo's previous departure, with John Lennon immediately proposing Eric Clapton as a suitable replacement. That morning
    the Libran Moon made aspects with a dissociated Venus-Mars trine, after conjoining Jupiter: the sequence suggested being on a great mission, while unable to connect with a separately coupled power, as Harrison might have felt the momentum of the Lennon-
    McCartney collaborative partnership was obliterating his own contribution.


    The obvious refinement to the latest elaborate cataclysmic onset theory is that Vendome as 11 April (via Duchess Marie Anne) has the event quite soon, while Lombardy as 12 April seems to be the exact date in 2023 for Geneva, shifting to 3:40
    pm CEST [9:40 am EDT / 6:40 am PDT].

    Instead of the Moon participating in a Grand Trine with Vesta and the Ascendant, it has a trine aspect with Mercury 3:35 pm CEST; Vesta is again engulfed by its square with the Vertex.

    The South Node in a near trine with Saturn, and the Moon in its Mercury trine, will still appear beneath the Balance triangular form of the Grand Trine, albeit falsified by degradation, a counter-intuitive stipulation from VI.89.

    And Saturn sets locally at 3:54 pm CEST.

    The derived Lorraine date is 13 April for Saint Ida, however the secondary Venusian Grand Trine with the Vertex occurs briefly 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, when the Vertex occupies a position near Ceres that serendipitously matches the Venus
    lunar connection in the other Air signs.

    The Saturnin fire event shortly precedes the Lorraine deluge, with this sequence transposed between the 6 April 2023 Full Moon (with Chiron solar conjunct) and the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse (at feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian),
    combining VI.70 and V.66.

    On 13 April Venus is supplanted by Midheaven, so the Moon is no longer under the Balance, but part of the new Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine excluding Venus altogether, with the Vertex superfluous near Pluto. And Geneva Dawn of 13 April
    2023 has the jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Moon, as described in II.66 - during the long vigil this has been encountered already, yet the correct instance is for the active fulfillment.

    Chiron was officially discovered 1 November 1977, orbiting beyond Saturn, but it was found retrospectively in photographic plates circa 1895.

    The Vertex gained popularity in the 1970s, associated with Wishes and Karmic Destiny, as a calculated point appearing in the Fifth through Eighth Houses, derived through an intersection of the Prime Vertical with the Ecliptic.
    George Harrison, thinking he was born ten minutes after midnight with the time change from WWII instituting permanent daylight saving time, considered that arbitrary government decision had altered the actual day of his birth, so that he felt
    confusion rendered him having two birthdays: if someone commemorated one of those days, he would claim they had the date wrong, and it was actually the day they missed noting. When his actual birth records were found, the time was 11:50 pm, ten minutes
    before instead of after midnight, so the incorrect family story had spawned the notion of supposed ambiguity.


    Cupbearer Falsifies By Excluding Venus [13 April 2023 3:43 pm CEST / 9:43 am EDT / 6:43 am PDT]

    The falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89 should not be a nebulous Grand Trine lacking clarity of form. The phrasing of V.42 describes the Balance appearance with more than one celestial point underneath, on the 12 April 2023 feast of Saint Damian of
    Pavia, for Lombardy - yet the terror is a future potential. The Moon moves from under the Balance to form a new Cup at the same edge, again with Ceres, yet no longer requiring the Vertex or Venus: this seems to be the falsifying factor, that the Cup for
    Venus is taken instead by the nearby Midheaven point.

    For Geneva at Dawn 13 April 2023 the II.66 leap of Fortune from the proximity of Pallas to the opposing Moon takes place around 7 am CEST.


    3:31 pm - Venus conjunct Fortune;

    3:38 pm - Vertex square Vesta;

    3:42 pm - Pluto conjunct the Vertex;

    3:43 pm - Falsifying Cupbearer, lacking Venus -

    Ceres 25 degrees 40 minutes Virgo;
    Midheaven 25 degrees 42 minutes Taurus;
    Moon 25 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn

    - Unlike the degraded Grand Trine version with Venus-Ceres, this triangular form has crisp, clean lines;

    3:50 pm - Venus trine Vertex;

    3:51 pm - Saturn at Descendant, in near-trine with the South Node, which still appears under the Balance line;

    4:15 pm - Neptune in Pisces sextile aspect with Capricorn Moon (both at 26 degrees 10 minutes) - since Ceres is also in the mix at 25 degrees 39 minutes Virgo, there is a Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right-angled triangle with the post-
    lunar trine for Ceres - this could be the post-cataclysmic onset situation of perplexity of III.3 involving Corinth (for Neptune) and Ephesus (for the Moon).

    The Lunar Midheaven Grand Trine with Ceres does not comply with the expectation of Venus (and the Vertex, from V.18) being involved, as is the case 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST, with that Venus-Moon-Vertex Chalice formation expected to attend the
    massive flooding event, after the incendiary happening.

    The Vertex has the square with Vesta five minutes prior (for the engulfment of VI.19), and the trine with Venus about seven minutes afterward, just as the Saturnin factor is activating at the Descendant.

    The two Grand Trines occurring so closely together intensifies the impression they are a pairing.

    The second of the 6 February 2023 Turkey-Syria sibling quakes was slightly less powerful, but designated the Victor in IV.95 since a Grand Trine was evident in the chart (the stronger first quake emerged from a Grand Square configuration); in
    VI.70 the cataclysmic explosion aspires to the sole title 'Victor,' and there is a feast for Saint Victor the same day as Damian's Lombardy - the seismic quake for the Big Victor disaster should be monumental, with a similar crisply articulated Grand
    Trine in the chart as the Next-Born from 6 February (feast for two nephews of Saint Patrick).

    Parameters from various quatrains conglomerate to suggest the mid-April dates through hagiology, with V.66 setting the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse in the aftermath, rather than as a prior portentous astronomical event.
    John Lennon promoted The Beatles with an early press release satirizing Revelation, and with the January 1969 sessions the early original tune "The One After 909" was refurbished, giving Lennon an opportunity to speak with his guitar on the
    subject, the title suggesting the Chapter after 'Nine, Oh Nine,' i.e. Revelation Ten. The locomotive theme emerges at the opening, providing an instrumental wail,

    'Book Of The Bible!'

    The dramatic pauses in John's guitar solo performance spotlight what could be subliminal expressions of his personal esoteric beliefs regarding Saint John writing the Christian Apocalypse:

    'He Didn't Have -

    A *Vision*:



    'What sort of insects do you rejoice in, where YOU come from?' the Gnat inquired.

    `I don't REJOICE in insects at all,' Alice explained, `because I'm rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds. But I can tell you the names of some of them.'

    `Of course they answer to their names?' the Gnat remarked carelessly.

    - Lewis Carroll, "Through The Looking Glass"


    Saturnin Chalice With South Node [13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST] & Venusian Lunar Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST]

    While the Moon-Midheaven-Ceres Grand Trine closely preceded Saturn falling for Geneva, emerging from a defunct Venus-Ceres-Vertex triangle was its ominous inheritance, without the instant activation inferred. So that Saturnin definition should be
    discarded - however two Grand Trines involving Saturn and the South Node were found before the Venus-Moon-Vertex formation: with Fortune, 13 April 2023 6:12 pm CEST; and with the Vertex, at 10:50 pm CEST.

    Either one could be the instrument of inflicting the initial Saturnin punishment, and the instance with the Vertex is preferable considering V.18's 'vitrix.'

    The latter portion of V.42 was a depiction of the hazy triangular formation, as the falsifying Cupbearer of VI.89, on 12 April 2023 as Lombardy via Saint Damian, with the Moon and South Node beneath the lower horizontal line: this called for the
    Moon and South Node to separately participate in two successive Grand Trines, which now can be deduced.

    The first Chalice for the fiery cataclysmic onset would be the Saturn-Vertex-South Node Grand Trine 13 April 2023 10:50 pm CEST [4:50 pm EDT / 1:50 pm PDT]; and the second Great Urn for the Lorraine deluge would be the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine
    with the Vertex 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT]. Both arrive at the peak of the hagiological cautionary references, circa 11 to 13 April, and prior to the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse featured in V.66 as golden
    engraving for an already burning Vestal Lamp.

    For the Saturnin Cup the Vertex moves into a position very close to Mars, perhaps as the New Mars of I.94, for vengeance and remorse: the Vertex joins Mars 13 April 2023 11:13 pm CEST, less than half an hour after the peak of the Grand Trine.

    The previous observation of the Neptune lunar sextile creating a right-triangle with Ceres 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST would still present the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity for III.3.

    The engulfing of Vesta from VI.19 as the Lady on burning coals who would put Innocents to the fire occurs shortly prior to the Saturnin Chalice formation: when the Moon is in square aspect with Vesta 13 April 2023 9:15 pm CEST, the Moon will be
    conjoined by Fortune, so there is a dual square aspect with Vesta. Also the Moon is then very close to its conjunct with Pluto, taking place 13 April 2023 11:11 pm CEST.

    This extremely complex prophecy was deliberately fragmented into open-ended cryptic factoids that were consequently difficult to effectively sort out and apply, to derive the actual timing.
    Venusian Lunar-Vertex Urn Doubled By Saturnin South Node-Fortune Chalice [14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST / 12:28 am EDT]

    After satisfying the complicated list of precursor situations synchronized with hagiological references, the final sequence presenting the Doubled Cup (ordered for Babylon in Revelation) is appearing to have the equilateral triangular form
    featuring Venus shortly preceding one featuring Saturn. Both the Moon and South Node were beneath the Balance triangle of what became the falsifying Cupbearer form (VI.89) at the 12 April 2023 Lombardy date via Saint Damian of Pavia, fulfilling V.42.

    The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 became evident with the 13 April 2023 4:15 pm CEST Neptune lunar sextile complicated by the Ceres-Neptune opposition, forming a right triangle.

    For 14 April 2023 in Geneva using CEST:

    6:28 am - Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex - Fortune simultaneously in sextile aspect with Vesta for the VI.19 engulfment;

    6:38 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Fortune - thus Fortune takes the 'New Mars' position for I.94.

    Despite the two forms occurring so closely together, distinction between them is evident, as the Vertex according to V.18 officiates the Sacrifice, while in V.24 the Saturnins endure the worst, which would mean something beyond the initial
    explosive onset.

    The Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the Vertex is not recurrent, whereas the near-trine between Saturn and the South Node sets up a potential for a recurrent Grand Trine through either Fortune of the Vertex, which in one instance with Fortune
    happens to form ten minutes later than the Venusian Urn triangle, so they seem delivered as a doubled phenomenon.

    The critical time is thus suitably with the Venusian Urn appearance 14 April 2023 6:28 am CEST [12:28 am EDT / 13 April 2023 9:28 pm PDT], having the Saturnin Chalice ten minutes later, as the two Cups mixed for Venus as Mystery Babylon.

    In Revelation 14 one of three living angels, presumably facing the New Martyrdom for refusing to accept the blasphemous commerce-mark-tattoo, declares that Babylon has fallen, as a defiant 'last words' assertion of an esoteric reality, which is
    apparently being suppressed by an authoritarian regime. This cataclysmic timing theory concerns not what is descending at the Ecliptic for Geneva locally, but instead the convergence of a uniquely-occurring triangular Venusian form with a serendipitously-
    recurring one involving Saturn, both appearing in the local charts.


    George Toogood Smith died 5 June 1955;
    Mary Patrician Mohin McCartney died 31 October 1956;
    Julia Stanley Lennon died 15 July 1958.
    The experience The Beatles provided was evident from their opening number on their Ed Sullivan US television debut, "All My Loving": insight for the tune arrived for McCartney while shaving; the electric guitar solo was described stylistically as
    slightly country-western, however its cadence suggested the phrasing of speech.

    One way of hearing that solo is a spiritual commentary -

    'While The Wicked -

    Burn With Demons Around Them,
    Demons Around Them,

    The Worthy

    The scatted 'Ooh-hoo' in the coda before the title is repeated the final time suggests the word 'Heaven,' so the title retroactively transmutes, conveying the divine threat carried by religion for humanity:


    Or An OVEN,
    I will send to you!'

    An alternate transcription, concerning the Risen Christ, would conclude differently-

    '...After He
    From The Dead'

    The end of the solo in George Harrison's debut composition "Don't Bother Me" suggests a parallel notion -

    '...Long After He
    From His Death...'

    As for Nostradamus, it is only by meticulously following the engaged factors that the intended meanings can be derived: mention of the Pyrenees to a neophyte stays at the mountain range, however having witnessed the Dobbs decision concerning changes
    in reproductive law delivered on 24 June, the date was adjacent to 25 June as the feast for Saint Eurosia, who escaped an arranged marriage by fleeing to a cave near the Pyrenees - so when it is stated the Pyrenees have been surpassed, it simply means
    that event has previously occurred, devising the mountain range as a temporal codeword.

    Double Chalice At Lombardy Before Gold Engraving Of Eclipse
    [18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT]

    There were post-springtime precedents as two efforts in succession (II.52) for the Geneva cataclysm in 2021, following a configuration on 27 November 2020 that could have been perceived as a fulfillment of V.42 in tandem with X.35, cross-referenced
    with VI.40: this culminated in the predicted flooding of Cologne, provoking anticipated complaints (regarding their alert system); also the first precedent occurred at the Ceres lunar conjunct 5 July 2021, close to the assassination of the Haitian
    president, at the Mars solar adjacency.

    For several nights the land will be trembling,
    Surmounting springtime two efforts in succession,
    Corinth, Ephesus in two seas will be swimming,
    War stirred up by two skilled in aggression

    The celestial identities shift with Mars as Ares and the Sun as Apollo for the warrior characters. The two precedents (5 and 15 July 2021) demonstrated, by the inclusion of current events, that the lines were deliberately written to have dual
    meanings, and that the colossal major event would coalesce later, under more comprehensively compliant circumstances. The 12 April 2023 Geneva chart depicted the advanced manifestation of V.42, on the feast of Damian of Pavia for Lombardy: the South Node
    and the Moon were then beneath the upright form of a Grand Trine (compared to the triangular side of a Balance); subsequently the South Node and Moon were involved separately in two concurrent Grand Trines as described (14 April 2023 6:35 am CEST),
    without activation - V.66 appears to set the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse as an aftermath marker. The French Epistle suggests October would be pivotal, with the prior solar eclipse occurring 25 October 2022.

    There would be no point in devising the Vendome-Mendosvs anagram to indicate 11 April, since the focus shifts beyond the 13 April feast for Saint Ida of Lorraine: the intended Vendome date is likely 22 April, for the 1518 birthdate of Antoine de
    Bourbon-Vendome. The 22 April date coincides with two potentially relevant feasts: Saint Apelles, the martyred first bishop of Smyrna, for the human-Frankincense theme of V.16; and Saint Tarbula, a consecrated virgin (VIII.80) who was accused of sorcery
    when the wife of anti-Christian Persian King Shapur fell ill - Tarbula was subjected to the non-magical trick of being fatally sawed in half.

    There is a dual Lombardy reference in VI.16, starting with the Tavern incident at the 20 November feast for Saint Benignus in 2022, and projecting apocalyptic fire near the Black Forest for a further Lombard date (which is not 12 April for Damian).

    While the Venus Lunar Grand Trine cannot recur by 20 April 2023, Saturn's trine with the South Node becomes closer, so brief Grand Trines can be formed with points like Fortune, the Vertex and East Point. The 18 April date surfaced with hagiological
    resets: an alternate Lombardy with Saint Galdinus (1100-1176), Cardinal of Milan from 1165; Saint Agia of Hainault (died circa 711), a widow (VIII.80); Saint Gebuinus (d. 1080), Archbishop of Lyons. The trembling of Gaul in X.58 could be attributed to
    either Saint Pantagathus of Vienne (for 17 April), or Saint Vincent of Collioure, Gaul, a Diocletian martyr circa 304 (for 19 April).

    For 18 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    9:15 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune-Pallas-Fortune;

    10:27 pm - Fortune opposes Venus;

    10:29 pm - Dual concurrent Grand Trines of Lilith-Moon-East Point (peaking 10:28 pm) and Saturn-Vertex-South Node (peaking 10:30 pm, Vertex at 'New Mars' position, I.94), synchronized with Juno at the Descendant (X.17), as Venus is the next to fall;

    11:56 pm - Venus falls at the Descendant.

    The Moon would then be between its conjuncts with Neptune (17 April 2023 8:56 pm CEST) and Chiron (19 April 2023 7:24 am CEST), the simplest meaning for the Lunar-Neptunian perplexity of III.3.

    The New Moon with solar eclipse occurs 20 April 2023 6:13 am CEST, as the union of 'Sun and Moon' from V.66. The Moon then proceeds faster than the Sun to overtake Vesta, conjoining at 10:09 am CEST, about four hours later, which could be the
    engulfment of the Lady on burning coals from VI.19 (also for X.6).

    So the critical time for the projected Geneva cataclysmic onset is reconceived for -

    << 18 April 2023 10:29 pm CEST / 4:29 pm EDT / 1:29 pm PDT >>

    Venus as Mystery Babylon receives the Divine Fury of the Doubled Cups, in her unfortunate debasing descent of shame, while her mythical mother Juno slips beneath the horizon just as the terror commences.

    The Saturnin Chalice peaks slightly later than the triangular formation with Lilith, and includes the Vertex made ominous by the 'vitrix' of V.18: this particular Grand Trine could be considered the source of the fateful Saturnin lines (V.24, VI.17),
    where the worst is endured.
    The triple adjacency of Mercury-Pallas-Moon occurring for the 22 August 1968 session when Ringo Starr left the group paralleled the feeling of being odd-man-out among the Four, the paranoia later summarized in the lyric "One and One and One is Three."

    When George Harrison left the group 10 January 1969, a meeting two days later at Starr's mansion in Surrey failed to resolve the situation: the South Node was conjoining a slow-moving planet on 12 January, bringing the long-sustained issues into
    contention. The candid audio between John Lennon and Paul McCartney on the 13th revealed John was surprised to be suddenly thinking of the group as 'the four people,' and Paul struggling with how to allow George freedom in his guitar playing while still
    obtaining the desired result, instrumental arrangements being linked to composition for them.

    The strength of the Lennon-McCartney partnership made Harrison feel marginalized, yet without his presence the atmosphere was not conducive to music. Harrison found he had leverage when they met again 15 January, 1969, with two reasonable demands:
    first, the major live concert idea should be scrapped, eliminating that anxiety; and second, the sessions should proceed at Saville Row instead of Twickenham, which seemed cold and overly spacious. The meeting seems depicted in the astrology as the Moon
    passing between Pallas and Juno, the latter in opposition with Lilith.

    The Lennon-McCartney union seems represented by the Juno-Lilith opposition, rather than the Venus-Mars trine when Harrison departed. Midway between Pallas and Juno, the Moon formed a trine with Saturn, around the time Harrison issued his ultimatum.

    Although Brian Epstein was found dead around 3 pm BST 27 August 1967, it was around 2 am BST the previous night when the Moon opposed the Mars-Neptune union, during a Grand Trine of Vesta-Chiron-East Point. The celestial drama sometimes mirrors notable
    real-life situations.

    Testing the full name 'Brian Samuel Epstein' for reverse-speech coherence, the result was -

    'His Group We Must Know'


    A late-stage domestic precursor for the Geneva cataclysm could be the unstable parking garage pancaking in NYC.

    Le parc enclin grande calamite
    Par l'Hesperie et Insubre fera
    Le feu en nef peste et captivite
    Mercure en l'Arq Saturne fanera

    The collapse of a several-storey parking structure in Lower Manhattan 18 April 2023 Tuesday afternoon dramatically presented the lethal spectacle combining the semantic concepts of 'park' and parking, with 'incline' or slope: prior to the incident the
    Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn was presumed inferred circa late 2020 - and the parking structure is above five miles from that location!


    The 18 April date has been noted as feast for Saint Galdinus, Cardinal of Milan (1100-1176), perhaps satisfying the Lombardy references in V.42 and VI.16. Insubria and Lombardy are considered synonymous.

    The parking place sloping, great calamity
    For the western land, and by Insubria made;
    Fire facing ship, plague with captivity,
    Mercury in the Archer, then Saturn will fade

    This original rhyming translation for II.65 demonstrates a quatrain again split into halves to describe events of two separate timeframes.

    The first half appears to concern the NYC parking structure collapse, suggesting the Lombardy connection with the feast of Saint Galdinus corresponds with the cataclysmic inferences of V.42 and VI.16, however the setting is appropriately the western
    land relative to France, rather than Geneva from IX.44.

    The second half was apparently set circa late 2020: the Vesta opposition with Neptune ('Fire facing Ship') was prominent around the 6 January 2021 Capitol riot as the pike and fire of X.61, although being sustained through the prior period; the
    pandemic lockdowns were the obvious fulfillment of 'plague and captivity.'

    Mercury left Sagittarius for Capricorn 20 December 2020 7:20 pm EDT, then about seventeen hours later Saturn faded by its conjunct with Jupiter 21 December 2020 12:14 pm EDT.

    While the Geneva Dawn 13 April 2023 has Fortune making a leap from Pallas to the opposing Moon for II.66, that does not seem a precise timing clue.

    The implication of things being united under the Balance from V.42 should depend on the Prime Vertical being in a non-skewed phase, so that when the Saturn trine with the South Node becomes official [19 April 2023 7:26 am CEST] as the base for the
    Grand Trine with the Vertex, substituting with Midheaven should make the form appear Upright, as it appears on 18 April 2023 6:09 pm CEST and 19 April 2023 6:05 pm CEST.

    For 19 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    7:26 am - Saturn trine South Node (4 degrees 28 minutes);

    6:05 pm - Upright Grand Trine with Midheaven as Apex, and base consisting of Saturn trine the South Node;

    7:27 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct (High-Born of II.92, 23 degrees 38 minutes Aries);

    10:27 pm - Grand Trine of Saturn and South Node with the Vertex (V.18), Juno at the Descendant (X.17), Venus opposed by the East Point - critical time of

    << 19 April 2023 10:27 pm CEST / 4:27 pm EDT / 1:27 pm PDT >>;

    11:58 pm - Venus falls at Descendant.

    Continuing for 20 April 2023:

    12:13 am - Neptune lunar adjacency (26 degrees 23 minutes);

    6:13 am - New Moon with solar eclipse (on feast of Trajan martyr Saint Servilian, V.66);

    10:09 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (2 degrees 5 minutes Taurus, X.6).

    A celestial justification for 22 April 2023 being designated as Vendome by the 1518 birthdate for Antoine de Bourbon-Vendome is nebulous.

    The Vesta solar conjunct takes place 24 April 2023 10:08 am CEST, joining at the North Node, which could be for the engulfing of Vesta in VI.19.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Apr 21 09:34:59 2023
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible for
    the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for parts
    of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled -
    he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains have
    presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with Mars,
    which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation, bringing
    the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium, circa
    1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar conjunct
    date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).

    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Famous Amos on Fri Apr 21 11:43:17 2023
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible
    for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled -
    he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains have
    presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with Mars,
    which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium, circa
    1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar conjunct
    date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.

    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his subterranean
    bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the genuine
    cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the nebulous advice
    to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when produced in
    twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with workers
    resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are also
    redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Apr 22 11:31:45 2023
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately responsible
    for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and fled
    - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When Attila
    the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great of 30
    January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a Bologna
    date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with
    Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and beheaded
    circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the genuine
    cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the nebulous advice
    to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when produced
    in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with workers
    resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are also
    redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.

    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Famous Amos on Sun Apr 23 10:08:00 2023
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase, since
    attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts for
    parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and
    fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When
    Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great
    of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a
    Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn with
    Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the nebulous
    advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when produced
    in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with workers
    resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are also
    redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!

    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh Trumpet.
    Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is a
    delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version a
    concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and therefore
    only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are so
    strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from Truman
    signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about Saturn
    midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However the
    list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Mon Apr 24 11:50:37 2023
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused the
    remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts
    for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy and
    fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view. When
    Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the Great
    of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with a
    Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several quatrains
    have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the nebulous
    advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are also
    redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh Trumpet.
    Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is a
    delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version a
    concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and therefore
    only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are so
    strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from Truman
    signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about Saturn
    midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However the
    list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.

    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical score,
    rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta,
    While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of the
    Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the critical
    period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the recent
    hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also
    accurately inferred.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 25 02:51:41 2023
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio blackouts
    for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran constellation,
    bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre, Belgium,
    circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars' lunar
    conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the nebulous
    advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are
    also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh Trumpet.
    Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is a
    delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version a
    concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are so
    strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However
    the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical score,
    rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta,
    While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of the
    Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the critical
    period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the recent
    hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also
    accurately inferred.

    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested by
    the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an angel
    liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated and a
    beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania just
    prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree

    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with clubs;
    her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse
    should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 25 10:13:06 2023
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are
    also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is
    a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version
    a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are
    so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However
    the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical score,
    rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of
    the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the recent
    hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also
    accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested by
    the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated and
    a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania just
    prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with clubs;
    her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.

    The first half of II.15 was considered fulfilled in a post dated 8 February 2015.


    << Six passengers on a North Metro commuter train were killed along with the driver of a black jeep, caught in the descending gate, struck on the tracks, on February Third near White Plains, New York.

    ...the subject is the funerals for those killed beginning around 6-7 February, bringing in...Saint Augulus of London (...7 February feastday)...

    Le sang du juste à Londres fera faute
    Brûlés par foudres de vingt trois les six
    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De même secte plusieurs seront occis

    The blood of the just at London will manifest its lack
    Burnt by the lightning from 23 the six
    The ancient lady will fall from her high place...

    The word "faute" is usually translated as mistake or error, but also means 'want' or 'lack': the six train passengers made no error, but their 'just blood' manifests its absence through their funerals, which commence in the 7 February 'London' timeframe.

    The second line provides confirmatory information: the 'lightning' was from the shattered electrically-charged third rail, which caused a catastrophic fire (it was reported this track had an unusual construction design, with the charge conducted at the
    bottom rather than the top). By writing number 'twenty-three' ("vingt trois") the seer provides the actual date when using Arabic numerals, and placing a slash between digits, using our calendric shorthand - '23' becomes '2/3' or February Third. And of
    course six was the number of dead on the train, excluding the driver of the jeep who also perished. >>


    So the current focus on the second half of II.51 is timed over eight years from when the first half was associated with the 3 February 2015 commuter train disaster.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 25 10:09:35 2023
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are
    also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is
    a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version
    a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are
    so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However
    the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical score,
    rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of
    the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the recent
    hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also
    accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested by
    the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated and
    a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania just
    prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with clubs;
    her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.

    The first half of II.15 was considered fulfilled in a post dated 8 February 2015.


    << Six passengers on a North Metro commuter train were killed along with the driver of a black jeep, caught in the descending gate, struck on the tracks, on February Third near White Plains, New York.

    ...the subject is the funerals for those killed beginning around 6-7 February, bringing in...Saint Augulus of London (...7 February feastday)...

    Le sang du juste à Londres fera faute
    Brûlés par foudres de vingt trois les six
    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De même secte plusieurs seront occis

    The blood of the just at London will manifest its lack
    Burnt by the lightning from 23 the six
    The ancient lady will fall from her high place
    With several of her same sect being struck

    The word "faute" is usually translated as mistake or error, but also means 'want' or 'lack': the six train passengers made no error, but their 'just blood' manifests its absence through their funerals, which commence in the 7 February 'London' timeframe.

    The second line provides confirmatory information: the 'lightning' was from the shattered electrically-charged third rail, which caused a catastrophic fire (it was reported this track had an unusual construction design, with the charge conducted at the
    bottom rather than the top). By writing number 'twenty-three' ("vingt trois") the seer provides the actual date when using Arabic numerals, and placing a slash between digits, using our calendric shorthand - '23' becomes '2/3' or February Third. And of
    course six was the number of dead on the train, excluding the driver of the jeep who also perished. >>


    So the current focus on the second half of II.51 is timed over eight years from when the first half was associated with the 3 February 2015 commuter train disaster.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Apr 25 16:23:33 2023
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to purchase,
    since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob caused
    the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt unworthy
    and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public view.
    When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including Basil the
    Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event associated with
    a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and Saturn
    with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with the
    genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials are
    also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day the
    Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy is
    a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain version
    a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are
    so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7 July
    birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex. However
    the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where the Park
    Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical score,
    rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of
    the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the recent
    hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also
    accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested by
    the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated and
    a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania just
    prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with clubs;
    her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.

    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for her
    later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    The Saturnin Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node 25 April 2023 6:38 am CEST had the Geneva Dawn Fortune jump from Saturn to the Moon, within the same Grand Trine! The Fortune leap was reminiscent of the one creating a Grand Trine on 13 December 2022 4:
    44 pm CET at Geneva Dusk.

    The final line of VI.89 could imply a non-activating Grand Trine followed by the triggering formation, perhaps as the doubling of a Cup; also there could be a Grand Trine being distinguished from a Pediment configuration.

    The Mars-iteration of the Saturnin-Vertex Chalice has an independent Pediment:

    Juno 26 degrees 49 minutes Taurus;
    Neptune 26 degrees 36 minutes Pisces;
    Pallas 27 degrees 39 minutes Cancer.

    The Moon at 24 degrees 46 minutes Cancer progresses to making a more precise Pediment just before reaching Pallas, on 27 April 2023 from 1:40 am to 2:20 am CEST - this Juno-Neptune-Moon Pediment is another potential Corinth-Ephesus (i.e., Neptune-Moon)
    perplexity situation for III.3, which should indicate the aftermath following the initial cataclysmic onset caused by Saturn with the Vertex and South Node. Over a week beyond the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse should violate the sense of the 'newly-joined
    King' clause from I.52.

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 26 16:14:50 2023
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob
    caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and
    Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with
    the genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials
    are also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day
    the Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy
    is a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain
    version a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are
    so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7
    July birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex.
    However the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where
    the Park Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical
    score, rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of
    the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the
    recent hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was
    also accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested
    by the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated
    and a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania
    just prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with
    clubs; her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.
    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for her
    later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    The Saturnin Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node 25 April 2023 6:38 am CEST had the Geneva Dawn Fortune jump from Saturn to the Moon, within the same Grand Trine! The Fortune leap was reminiscent of the one creating a Grand Trine on 13 December 2022
    4:44 pm CET at Geneva Dusk.

    The final line of VI.89 could imply a non-activating Grand Trine followed by the triggering formation, perhaps as the doubling of a Cup; also there could be a Grand Trine being distinguished from a Pediment configuration.

    The Mars-iteration of the Saturnin-Vertex Chalice has an independent Pediment:

    Juno 26 degrees 49 minutes Taurus;
    Neptune 26 degrees 36 minutes Pisces;
    Pallas 27 degrees 39 minutes Cancer.

    The Moon at 24 degrees 46 minutes Cancer progresses to making a more precise Pediment just before reaching Pallas, on 27 April 2023 from 1:40 am to 2:20 am CEST - this Juno-Neptune-Moon Pediment is another potential Corinth-Ephesus (i.e., Neptune-Moon)
    perplexity situation for III.3, which should indicate the aftermath following the initial cataclysmic onset caused by Saturn with the Vertex and South Node. Over a week beyond the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse should violate the sense of the 'newly-joined
    King' clause from I.52.

    When the Neptune lunar trine occurs 27 April 2023 1:40 am CEST, the Pediment formation of Neptune-Juno-Moon will coexist with two other Pediment formations, both involving Venus, from roughly 17 to 18.5 degrees in various signs.

    Pediment-1 is Fortune-Vertex-Venus (placing the Crest in the middle); Pediment-2 is Chiron-Venus-Vertex. Chiron and Fortune are roughly in opposition.

    If the Lombardy of V.42 and VI.16 means 28 April 2023, that should be 5:33 pm CEST, since the upright vertical Apex Midheaven is in a Grand Trine then for Geneva with a base of the South Node and Saturn.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 26 15:58:11 2023
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob
    caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and
    Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured and
    beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in his
    subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with
    the genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even when
    produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied with
    workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials
    are also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day
    the Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from prophecy
    is a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain
    version a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths are
    so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as the
    people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7
    July birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months from
    Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint about
    Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex.
    However the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where
    the Park Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical
    score, rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition of
    the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the
    recent hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was
    also accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an Earth
    sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for Saint
    Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested
    by the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated
    and a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania
    just prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with
    clubs; her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas the
    Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar interval.

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied by
    specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.
    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for her
    later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    The Saturnin Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node 25 April 2023 6:38 am CEST had the Geneva Dawn Fortune jump from Saturn to the Moon, within the same Grand Trine! The Fortune leap was reminiscent of the one creating a Grand Trine on 13 December 2022
    4:44 pm CET at Geneva Dusk.

    The final line of VI.89 could imply a non-activating Grand Trine followed by the triggering formation, perhaps as the doubling of a Cup; also there could be a Grand Trine being distinguished from a Pediment configuration.

    The Mars-iteration of the Saturnin-Vertex Chalice has an independent Pediment:

    Juno 26 degrees 49 minutes Taurus;
    Neptune 26 degrees 36 minutes Pisces;
    Pallas 27 degrees 39 minutes Cancer.

    The Moon at 24 degrees 46 minutes Cancer progresses to making a more precise Pediment just before reaching Pallas, on 27 April 2023 from 1:40 am to 2:20 am CEST - this Juno-Neptune-Moon Pediment is another potential Corinth-Ephesus (i.e., Neptune-Moon)
    perplexity situation for III.3, which should indicate the aftermath following the initial cataclysmic onset caused by Saturn with the Vertex and South Node. Over a week beyond the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse should violate the sense of the 'newly-joined
    King' clause from I.52.

    When the Neptune lunar trine occurs 27 April 2023 1:40 am CEST, the Pediment formation of Neptune-Juno-Moon will coexist with two other Pediment formations, both involving Venus, from roughly 17 to 18.5 degrees in the Fire signs.

    Pediment-1 is Fortune-Vertex-Venus (placing the Crest in the middle); Pediment-2 is Chiron-Venus-Vertex. Chiron and Fortune are then roughly in opposition.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Apr 26 19:33:49 2023
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 4:14:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was ultimately
    responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob
    caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and
    Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured
    and beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in
    his subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along with
    the genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even
    when produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied
    with workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected officials
    are also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder. One day
    the Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from
    prophecy is a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain
    version a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths
    are so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as
    the people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7
    July birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months
    from Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint
    about Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex.
    However the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where
    the Park Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical
    score, rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta, While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition
    of the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the
    recent hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was
    also accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an
    Earth sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for
    Saint Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is suggested
    by the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested; an
    angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to 45
    centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added to
    the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud dissipated
    and a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari, Albania
    just prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with
    clubs; her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas
    the Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is implied
    by specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.
    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for her
    later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    The Saturnin Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node 25 April 2023 6:38 am CEST had the Geneva Dawn Fortune jump from Saturn to the Moon, within the same Grand Trine! The Fortune leap was reminiscent of the one creating a Grand Trine on 13 December
    2022 4:44 pm CET at Geneva Dusk.

    The final line of VI.89 could imply a non-activating Grand Trine followed by the triggering formation, perhaps as the doubling of a Cup; also there could be a Grand Trine being distinguished from a Pediment configuration.

    The Mars-iteration of the Saturnin-Vertex Chalice has an independent Pediment:

    Juno 26 degrees 49 minutes Taurus;
    Neptune 26 degrees 36 minutes Pisces;
    Pallas 27 degrees 39 minutes Cancer.

    The Moon at 24 degrees 46 minutes Cancer progresses to making a more precise Pediment just before reaching Pallas, on 27 April 2023 from 1:40 am to 2:20 am CEST - this Juno-Neptune-Moon Pediment is another potential Corinth-Ephesus (i.e., Neptune-
    Moon) perplexity situation for III.3, which should indicate the aftermath following the initial cataclysmic onset caused by Saturn with the Vertex and South Node. Over a week beyond the 20 April 2023 solar eclipse should violate the sense of the 'newly-
    joined King' clause from I.52.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Apr 27 04:23:04 2023
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:33:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 4:14:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was
    ultimately responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the mob
    caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but several
    quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics; and
    Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the activating

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of Beaupre,
    Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New Mars'
    lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found, tortured
    and beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen in
    his subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along
    with the genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even
    when produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied
    with workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected
    officials are also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder.
    One day the Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the Seventh
    Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from
    prophecy is a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain
    version a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it") and
    therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite truths
    are so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,' just as
    the people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's 7
    July birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months
    from Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint
    about Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex.
    However the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where
    the Park Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a musical
    score, rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94) ...

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta,
    While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The addition
    of the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this indicates the
    critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the
    recent hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was
    also accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an
    Earth sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for
    Saint Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is
    suggested by the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested;
    an angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels, and
    subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to
    45 centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added
    to the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud
    dissipated and a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari,
    Albania just prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten with
    clubs; her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried, whereas
    the Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023 solar
    eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is
    implied by specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.
    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for
    her later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    The Saturnin Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node 25 April 2023 6:38 am CEST had the Geneva Dawn Fortune jump from Saturn to the Moon, within the same Grand Trine! The Fortune leap was reminiscent of the one creating a Grand Trine on 13 December
    2022 4:44 pm CET at Geneva Dusk.

    The final line of VI.89 could imply a non-activating Grand Trine followed by the triggering formation, perhaps as the doubling of a Cup; also there could be a Grand Trine being distinguished from a Pediment configuration.

    The Mars-iteration of the Saturnin-Vertex Chalice has an independent Pediment:

    Juno 26 degrees 49 minutes Taurus;
    Neptune 26 degrees 36 minutes Pisces;
    Pallas 27 degrees 39 minutes Cancer.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Apr 29 12:36:26 2023
    On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 4:23:07 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:33:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 4:14:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was
    ultimately responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the
    mob caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but
    several quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics;
    and Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the
    activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of
    Beaupre, Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New
    Mars' lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found,
    tortured and beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.

    The first bishop of Civitas Silvanectium in Gaul was Saint Regulus (died 260), also having a 30 March feast (Gaul to tremble in X.58).

    Another memorial on 30 March is for a group of martyrs in Greece circa 300 with Saint Domninus and others, including one named Victor (VI.70).
    The only "STRAw'S" that rilly Matta are....George Santos...Margree Tayla Green ...George Samtos...Roger Stone...Paul Manafart... the QAnon Shamin....


    The biggest Straw of all time's...even got his own Tradin Cod's ...

    Donald Trump! Forma Current and fyootcha President of the USA.
    Deaths in a group as a pattern is sometimes noted as occurring in threes: such a situation occurred at the end of WWII, with FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all dying closely together in April 1945 - Hitler as Second Antichrist was foreseen
    in his subterranean bunker [WWII scenario in Book 1], and the demise of Mussolini is also featured.

    That passage implied the three could be immediately reincarnated with a shared destiny factor: notice three former US presidents were born in 1946, in the consecutive months of June, July and August.

    The May 2000 Taurean planetary alignment was an omen of ill-fated power, coinciding with a storm where hailstones larger than eggs fell for the Chicago area, where the George W Bush tax cut plan would be later presented as a stimulus.

    The Columbia shuttle disaster appearing like a comet running in the daylight sky, with a hundred dead from the Great White pyrotechnic tragedy, became portents of the Second Iraq War.

    Some states have become not experiments in democracy, but authoritarianism, and culture war politics is a reflection of failing to comprehend morality through scripture, where infernal atrocity has insinuated itself as essential, along
    with the genuine cryptic truths that require enlightenment to possess any meaning whatsoever.

    The Higher Powers are capable of conducting the Test towards a separation Soul Harvest where objective morality is the criteria for Judgment, which Jesus Christ only alluded to as being beyond the thinking of the ancient day, giving the
    nebulous advice to 'Watch.'

    A quatrain recognizably about the JFK assassination starts with 'Ancient work being accomplished,' for the coinciding release date of the second album, where Lennon said they nearly vocally double-tracked themselves off the record, even
    when produced in twin-track mono, for audio vocal texture towards the Remembrance of a visiting Spectral Risen Christ. In another JFK mention the Jeane Dixon prediction was noted, and a comparison made with the RFK assassination era, when students allied
    with workers resulted in massive strikes at named locations.

    The Dominion case has revealed how news agencies might be tailoring their presentation to what their audience wants to believe, treating their service as entertainment for a faction of society rather than factual reports. Elected
    officials are also redefining their roles to seize more power, with gerrymandered redistricting undermining the representation concept. Whether the top court will adhere to ethical standards is dubious, and judicial activism is in the eye of the beholder.
    One day the Capitol rioters are dismissed as Antifa, the next day they are being glorified as party patriots. Like concern over inflation transformed into the projection of weaponization of government, the bait-&-switch has become a reliable reality.
    Speakin of DEATH soon Bidens gonna die. Camelot Harris won't be Prez cause she's from another planet. SO the damage libs gonna try to permote Nancy Pelosy with Elizabeth Warren as veep.

    But don't worry buddies....TRUMPS REINSTmint will happen. any day now!!!
    The 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse has the Sun and Moon united with Chiron, in an alignment of otherwise major planets: those features suggest the metaphorical 'Rod of Iron' through which the Second Coming Messiah will reign at the
    Seventh Trumpet. Beyond that a Mars-Jupiter aspect is set for the Chastisement, as a punishing solar coronal mass ejection.

    The most wicked regime is allowed to reign for a brief period, to complete the number of martyrs through the fatalistic edict: it is odious to celebrate being the people who would facilitate that. Self-absolution and self-exemption from
    prophecy is a delusional path, there is no opting-out from Judgment.

    In a few sentences from his Epistle, Nostradamus described the US economic crisis of 2008 during two wars, including a second Mesopotamian exigency, and how his third Antichrist Saddam Hussein would be hanged, even including in the quatrain
    version a concurrent salmonella outbreak. The exposure of the scandalous prisoner abuse was also foreseen as coinciding with an astronomical event.

    The omniscient knowledge of the Higher Powers proceeds from an intrinsic, immutable morality, by whose standard none are worthy outside whatever protection Christ can manifest. The esoteric truths are elusive ("Few there are who find it")
    and therefore only acquired by a unique process - "The Harvest is great, yet the Laborers are few," "One Sows, the Other Reaps."

    Society believing its own devised pursuits supervene whatever prophecy has to offer suggests the mindset of vanity precluding salvation. It is not as if some people can learn and propagate education in the normal fashion: the requisite
    truths are so strange they strain credulity, rendering fulfillment of the 'As in the days of Noah' comparison by Jesus. The End-Times society would be fated to generally disbelieve their critical esoteric truths, which 'no one can resist or gainsay,'
    just as the people of Noah's time scoffed at the notion of an impending Deluge.

    Sardon Nemaus si haut deborderont
    Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaitre
    Dans le colosse la plus part fuiront
    Vesta sepulcre feu eteint apparaitre

    The Gardon will flood Nimes to such a high degree
    That one will believe Deucalion was reincarnated;
    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta sepulchral fire would make them incinerated

    The clues always correspond with something actual, and timeframe can usually be roughly inferred. I knew something would affect a parliament on a feast for a saint named Felix before the London train bombing, which happened on Ringo Starr's
    7 July birthdate with Felix of Nantes. I projected an explosive event around a Mercury solar transit at the feast of a saint of Tours, however it occurred later with the Beirut stockpile explosion on the day for Saint Euphronius of Tours.

    The Husk of III.75 was determined to be Ceres long before the 11 January 2020 convergence with Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury as portents of the pandemic; the March 2020 lockdowns were anticipated a different way, counting 73 years 7 months
    from Truman signing the AEC into being. The George Floyd Memorial Day police murder had its date pre-derived as stirring the ire of Hannibal, from the feast of Leo of Troyes. The Ukrainian invasion date was surmised many years prior using I.16's hint
    about Saturn midway through Aquarius having a lunar sextile aspect with Sagittarius.

    Once the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse failed to produce what I.52 line 3 projected, the 20 April 2023 subsequent solar eclipse should been the focus, with the Venusian lunar conjunct bringing the relevant Grand Trines involving the Vertex.
    However the list of intervening relevant events has been extensive, including the Griner-Bout prisoner exchange, Nepal plane crash into Seti Gorge, massively lethal sibling quakes at the Turkey-Syria border, and so on. My posts on apn are archived where
    the Park Slope NYC neighborhood solution for II.65 was outlined, many months before the collapse of the parking garage.
    From the observations described below, I must admit the Grand Trine with the Vertex will probably not be timing for the catastrophe: instead, the astrological influences are setting up different associations, like notes harmonizing in a
    musical score, rearranging along a theme. The retained factors are Saturn and the South Node as base, but the Moon should also be a necessary element, having left its conjunct with Venus, heading towards The New Mars (for vengeance and remorse from I.94)

    Vertex At South Node In Saturnin-Lunar Grand Trine Facing Solar Vesta,
    While Transiting From Venus To New Mars Conjunct
    [25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT]

    The likely culmination of the cataclysmic ominous warnings surfaced when examining the circumstances of the Lunar Grand Trine involving Saturn and the South Node, whose trine formed a Balanced Grand Trine with Midheaven for Geneva. The
    addition of the Moon recalls the 2 February 2023 Venusian Lunar Grand Trine with the South Node on the feast of Saint Joan de Lestonnac, with X.17 jumping to the 23 April Venus lunar conjunct coinciding with a Juno-Ceres-Vertex Grand Trine: this
    indicates the critical period, and hints at a defining parameter, so that the Grand Trine as the true Cup should include the Moon and South Node with Saturn, replacing regretful Venus.

    For 25 April 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    4:55 am - Vertex conjunct Ceres;

    5:05 am - Cancer Moon trine the South Node in Scorpio (both at 4 degrees 9 minutes respectively) - this puts the Moon officially within the range for the Grand Trine;

    6:39 am - Saturn in Pisces has its lunar trine (both at 4 degrees 57 minutes respectively) - this technically finalizes the esoteric potentiality of the Saturn-Moon-South Node Grand Trine;

    8:22 am - Vertex conjunct the South Node, in opposition to the Vesta solar union at the North Node - this added feature seems to be the triggering aspect if the 'vitrix' of V.18 meant the Vertex, rendering a critical time of

    << 25 April 2023 8:22 am CEST / 2:22 am EDT / 24 April 2023 11:22 pm PDT >>

    There are other elements of the chart that are intriguing, like synchronized conjunctions for Fortune and the East Point, however the Moon and Vertex augmented Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node is the major ominous feature. Some of the
    recent hagiological associations might still apply; the expectation is an explosive outset with hail of unearthed molten metal, followed by some massive flooding, as the karmic legacy of the Capitol riot in I.62. The foretold circumstances aligning also
    included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter
    was also accurately inferred.
    The commonplace view of astrology is that the Sun sign dictates which of twelve personality types a person possesses, and relevant forecasts can be obtained daily on that basis alone. Judicial astrology is very different, finding celestial
    correspondences that are more specific, often indicating a personal destiny through the natal chart that manifests throughout the course of the life, in tandem with further emerging situations.

    The natal chart for Brian Epstein, presuming the 4:30 am local time is correct on 19 September 1934, has the prominent feature of Vesta in square aspect with the Nodes, while the South Node is near conjunct with Lilith. His Sun was in Virgo, an
    Earth sign; Lilith represents Wind; and Vesta symbolizes Fire. The Moon was on a cusp, only about fourteen minutes of a degree towards entering the Water-bearing sign of Aquarius.

    Saturnin Chalice From Golden Solar Aspect As Sword Before New Mars Lunar Influence
    [25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST / 4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT]

    The deduced jump of Fortune from Pallas to the opposing Half Moon for Geneva 13 April 2023 could have indicated the 20 April 2023 New Moon eclipse ahead of it, for II.66 progressing into V.66.

    The foretold circumstances aligning included the 24 April 2023 Neptune lunar square complicated by Pallas lunar adjacency for the perplexity of III.3.

    The 18 April 2023 collapse of the parking structure in lower Manhattan appears used in II.65 ('le parc enclin') as a precursor specific to the western land relative to France, associated with Insubria (i.e., Lombardy) via the 18 April feast for
    Saint Galdinus (110-1176), a Milan Cardinal; Mercury leaving Sagittarius in late 2020 prior to Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter was also accurately inferred.

    While the Saturnin potential for a Grand Trine with South Node seems hinted by V.42, since their forming the base for a Grand Trine with the Midheaven as Apex appears symmetrically Balanced; the addition of the Vertex for the Sacrifice is
    suggested by the 'vitrix' of V.18.

    The second line from IX.44 implies Saturn with Gold becoming transformed into a Sword, so the solar aspect coinciding for the golden element presents yet another potential feature for imminent fulfillment under unique conditions.

    Mythical Titan Saturn would be the High-Born figure striking via the Grand Trine in II.92, towards the New Mars lunar conjunct which could be the subject of I.94, portending vengeance and remorse.

    The second half of II.51 could have begun its fulfillment 23 April 2023, the day of the Venus lunar conjunct -

    La dame antique cherra de place haute
    De meme secte plusieurs seront occis

    The ancient lady will fall from her elevated station
    Several from the same sect will be slain

    The 23 April date is feast for three saints martyred together, Felix (a priest), Fortunatus and Achilleus (two deacons), sent by the bishop of Lyons to evangelize Valence: they achieved conversions from preaching and miracles, and were arrested;
    an angel liberated them from prison, and bade them destroy the local idols with hammers - images of Mercury and Saturn, the likeness of Jupiter rendered in amber. Under the Caracalla reign in 212, their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels,
    and subjected to noxious fumes, before ultimately being beheaded.

    The ancient lady in II.51 should be Venus, falling by conceptual debasement as a primordial presence.

    The trembling Gaul of X.58 could indicate 25 April via Saint Phaebadius of Agen (d. 392).

    The pairing of widow and virgin from VIII.80 (when innocent bloodshed occurs) appears on 26 April as a dual feast: Saint Aldo, widow and visionary of Siena; and Saint Exuperantia, virgin of Troyes.

    The Lady honored through force of terror in I.94 could be the 26 April commemoration for Our Lady of Good Counsel, involving a church painting miraculously appearing in Genezzano, Italy.

    << Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 to
    45 centimetres (16 to 18 in) the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell. Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the extent that a reference to it was added
    to the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout the world. Her feast day is 26 April...

    According to tradition, the story is said to have begun in 1467. By then the church was in dire need of repair. A local widow, Petruccia, was dedicated to the restoration project, but ran out of funds before the task was completed.

    In the midst of the festivities for the Feast of Saint Mark, the townfolk suddenly heard "exquisite music." A mysterious cloud was then said to have descended on the unfinished wall of the parish church. In front of the people, the cloud
    dissipated and a beautiful fresco, no thicker than a carte-de-visite and no more than eighteen inches square, of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child was revealed. It was widely believed that it had been miraculously transported from a church in Scutari,
    Albania just prior to its invasion by the Ottomans.

    The picture of Our Lady was at first called "La Madonna del Paradiso" and now better known as "Madonna del Buon Consiglio" (Our Lady of Good Counsel) >>

    The New Mars lunar conjunct takes place 26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST, so the dates match to fulfill I.94 -

    Le nouveau Mars par vindicte et remort
    Dame par force de frayeur honoree
    The New Mars for vengeance and remorse
    Lady by force of terror honored

    The fateful invocations of Lombardy in V.42 and VI.16 could be for husband-and-wife early martyrs, possibly fictional Saints Valeria and Vitalis of Milan, sharing the 28 April feast: Valeria gave burials to Christian martyrs, and was beaten
    with clubs; her husband Vitalis was buried alive for his faith.

    The Lunar Grand Trine with Saturn and the South Node not bringing the Chalice activation forces reversion to the Vertex theory - the final line of VI.89 suggests the daily repetition for the Cupbearer recurring until the Chalice is tried,
    whereas the Moon substituting for the Vertex deviated from that pattern as an isolated incident.

    The 25 April 2023 10:03 pm CEST [4:03 pm EDT / 1:03 pm PDT] iteration of the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex arrives when the Moon is about 3.5 degrees from its Mars conjunct, still within the post-Venusian conjunct lunar

    The Saturn solar sextile 25 April 2023 12:24 pm CEST seems required by IX.44, as 'Saturn with Gold' to transform the Saturnin influence into its violent Sword mode.

    The Geneva chart thus shows the Saturn-Vertex side of the Grand Trine as a Pediment with the Sun-Vesta-Node grouping as its Crest.

    The Saturnin Grand Trine formation at 10:03 pm CEST occurs after Ouranos sets at the Descendant locally for Geneva (9:40 pm CEST), and before Juno falls (10:23 pm CEST); Venus crosses the Ecliptic about eight minutes after midnight, appearing
    inconsequential. Since Ouranos means The Heavens that descent beneath the horizon may correspond with the 'noise and light surpassing the Heavens' concept from VI.70.

    The debasement of Venus from X.28 may derive from cataclysmic onset arriving near the end of the Venusian lunar interval, when the Moon is nearing its New Mars conjunct for I.94. For the King to be newly-joined from I.52, the 20 April 2023
    solar eclipse should be recent, probably less than a week transpiring: the post-eclipse lunar intervals for Venus and Mars thus appear to comply with this ominous scheduling.

    Since Saturn will be below the Ecliptic at the critical time, and the Vertex and South Node are conceptual points, the V.65 comment that the principals of the affair will be hidden applies; additionally the proximity of Vesta to the Sun is
    implied by specifying the lady on burning coals no longer being in view.
    John Lennon during an interview in Memphis, Tennessee on 19 August 1966 decided to go against the advice of Epstein to waffle on the issue of the Vietnam War, rather than expressing any genuine opinions which could prove controversial.

    "You can't keep quiet about anything that's going on in the world, unless you're a monk...

    Sorry, monks! I didn't mean it! [comically gesticulating] ...I meant actually...."


    The verbiage of Revelation could be figurative where the illuminating quatrains are precise: the Cup Venus mixed for herself should be 2 February 2023 with the Venusian Lunar Grand Trine including the South Node, yet how that is mixed double for
    her later remains nebulous; in I.94 the vengeance and remorse is attributed to the 'New Mars,' implying the singular instance when the Saturnin Grand Trine with the South Node and Vertex forms [26 April 9:59 pm CEST / 3:59 pm EDT / 12:59 pm PDT, Fortune
    opposing Saturn] during the interval between the Mars lunar conjunct [26 April 2023 5:08 am CEST] and the subsequent Pallas-Moon union [27 April 2023 3:59 am CEST].

    Venus could only be figuratively debased by this scenario, as though humiliated by having the Mars vengeance ensue in the wake of her lunar temple interval.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Apr 29 12:49:34 2023
    On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 4:23:07 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:33:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 4:14:52 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:23:35 PM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 2:51:43 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 11:50:39 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-7, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 2:43:19 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, Famous Amos wrote:
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 3:29:25 PM UTC-4, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    Bob Eubanks recently recalled how manager Brian Epstein limited the famous group's earning potential by insisting the maximum price for a ticket to a Beatles' concert would be seven dollars. Also there was nothing else for fans to
    purchase, since attempts to relitigate an unfavorable merchandising deal ruined the production-distribution chain, and the band members were sickened to learn how much income they had lost by that source.

    There was a harrowing incident when they toured Manila: a public relations nightmare ensued when they were cast as national villains for not attending a state function televised live; the group conferring decided Epstein was
    ultimately responsible for the scheduling debacle and ensuing ordeal, in a collective terse expletive.


    Tornadoes Of 24 March Attributable To Bologna (IX.13)

    From 4 March 2023:


    << Two of Modena truculent for Bologna,
    Set discovered through the fire of Buzancais

    The interpretation should be focused on hagiology, rather than geography, since timing is thusly frequently obscured.

    Buzancais was known for a food riot in 1847, with half-starved peasants intercepting grain carts, ultimately suppressed by three rioters being guillotined, after a local elite retaliating with gunfire being beaten to death by the
    mob caused the remainder to cower. Instead the date of 9 January is inferred via feast for Saint Honorius of Buzancais (d. 1250), a cattle merchant who financially assisted young girls, but was ultimately killed by thieves he had reprimanded.

    January Ninth 2023 was the day about 1200 insurrectionists were arrested in Brasilia, however the fire in IX.13 may have been supplied by an X1.9-class solar flare from an active sunspot (AR3184) facing Earth that day, causing radio
    blackouts for parts of South America; the same sunspot was responsible for an X1.2-class solar flare 5 January 2023 (day of the funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) - an X2 solar flare is four times more powerful than an M5 flare.

    Line 3 employs a subtle trick for the 'Two of Modena': the town's patron is Saint Geminiano (312-397), whose name suggests the Gemini twins; although the citizens of Modena overwhelmingly wanted Geminiano for their bishop, he felt
    unworthy and fled - he had to be found and persuaded. Renowned as an exorcist, Geminiano performed this service successfully for the daughter of Emperor Jovian. In Modena on his 31 January feast there is a special Mass, and his crypt is opened to public
    view. When Attila the Hun threatened to invade Modena in 452, Geminiano was invoked for protection, and a thick fog conveniently blanketed the city so it was safely bypassed. January 31 2023 was the gap-day between the Three Holy Hierarchs including
    Basil the Great of 30 January (V.83, VI.78), and the predominantly German thunderstorm with two tornadoes on 1 February 2023. Thus the harsh (or truculent) storm razing a pine forest in northern Germany was indicated as precursor for a later event
    associated with a Bologna date. >>

    Tornadoes in the southern US on 24 March 2023 have caused about two dozen fatalities; hagiological research had been done designating Saint John del Bastone with a 24 March feast and association with Bologna for the IX.13 allusion.


    Two episodes of cyclonic activity derived as dual subjects, in different places at different times, makes the fulfillment dramatic.


    The open-ended astrological hints for the cataclysmic onset in Geneva appear to coalesce for late March 2023; the Saturnin reign and cycles from I.54 line 2 have transpired, and the hagiology cannot be easily re-evaluated, but
    several quatrains have presented recent fulfillments suggesting imminent inevitability.

    There are two close sustained trines that could be used for transforming into a Grand Trine with the Vertex (V.18): Ceres with Pluto, leading to the 9:40 pm CEST general time daily, without much potential for the proper dynamics;
    and Saturn with Mars, which could provide the Sword element for IX.44, after the 22 February 2023 10:47 am CET Saturnin Grand Trine with solar proximity for the Golden factor.

    The Saturn-Mars-Vertex Grand Trine for Geneva recurs daily in late March 2023 at a time that also brings Venus into conjunction with the East Point. The Cupbearer falsifies as VI.89 says, until the Chalice is tried with the
    activating conditions.

    From V.66 the time after the 21 March 2023 New Moon was indicated, implying a limit at the Half Moon 29 March 4:31 am CEST.

    A pivotal aspect is Mercury conjoining Jupiter as the striking of the High-Born from II.92 28 March 2023 8:42 am CEST - this provides a rival conjunction diminishing the established claim Venus has on the recurring Grand Trine.

    Looking back, the prior lunar conjunct was with Ouranos 25 March 2023 12:51 am CET, as VI.70 expresses the noise and light surpassing the Heavens, occurring before the next celestial body is reached.

    And the prior lunar aspect was a square with Neptune 28 March 2023 3:39 am CEST, for the perplexity between Corinth and Ephesus in III.3.

    The spot occupied by the rapidly-shifting Vertex to form the Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars is about two degrees into Scorpio, fulfilling the final line of V.42 by suggesting a point 'under the Balance,' or beneath the Libran
    constellation, bringing the Grand Trine together as combined points.

    For 28 March 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CEST:

    3:39 am - Neptune lunar square (III.3);

    8:42 am - Mercury-Jupiter conjunct, Jupiter as High-Born of II.92;

    10:00 am - Saturnin Grand Trine with Mars and the Vertex - Venus debased at the East Point, upstaged by the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, critical time -

    << 28 March 2023 10 am CEST / 4 am EDT / 1 am PDT >>;

    10:02 am - Ceres lunar square (ends III.3 condition);

    3:19 pm - Mars lunar conjunct - 'The New Mars for vengeance and remorse' (I.94);

    Mercury proceeds to make its next planetary conjunction with Vesta 30 March 2023 4:03 pm CEST, corresponding with the X.6 line -

    'Vesta - sepulchral extinguishing fire to appear'

    For the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94, there is Blessed Agnes of Chatillon with feast on 28 March, and an additional memorial on 29 March in the Cisterian order; Agnes served as sub-prioress in the monastery of
    Beaupre, Belgium, circa 1200. She was a visionary with a particular devotion to the Eucharist, falling into ecstasy frequently after partaking Communion. The extension into the adjacent day with the extra memorial could be what is inferred from the 'New
    Mars' lunar conjunct date of 28 March 2023.

    The Saturn trine with Mars that is foundational for the Chalice officially occurs 30 March 2023 8:15 pm CEST, a date with plausibly relevant hagiology.

    Saint Secundus of Asti has the 30 March feast, a Roman soldier of the Patrician class, baptized as a Christian in Milan; when it was discovered he gave a Christian burial to a martyr he fled to Asti, but was ultimately found,
    tortured and beheaded circa 119. Milan is in the Lombard region for V.42 and VI.16.