From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 22 10:39:30 2023
Kevin McCothy is a leada with strength
His speekaship will have grate length
George Santos does his job real good
He is the model of manhood
JFK Joonyas Death was staged
Against the Deep State a wore been waged
Putin likes Trump so he is our friend
On Trumps Tradin Codd's our savins we spend
His,reinstatement will ucker any DAY
UPON the stage hel'l be joined by jfK
Margree Tayla Green will protech our land
She knows 911 never happand
Clinton and Obutthole will lose there heads
I bleave this stuff cuzz Im off my syke medd's
Syke medd's is like the vax....a conspiracies by the guvminr to spy on me.. so I don't take Etha...