at 6:08 am CET. The Vesta-Vertex conjunct might be the ironic heralding of the sepulchral fire mentioned in X.6, however the onset should occur decisively with the sharp blade of Saturn, through its nearly-simultaneous following trine with the MidheavenOn 1 January 2023 there is the Great Mercury of X.79, taking over the pivotal role for both the Cylindrical Vessel and the Grand Trine Pail of Water, while Venus is nearby, close to consummating union with Pluto (Babylon in Hades) several hours later
reconstitute the Ceres-Pluto Cup that was mixed during the week-long Venusian Reign. That is another example of the 'trail of breadcrumbs' format for these prophecies: it seems to be leading somewhere by declaring 'There It Is!' at every turn;The French seer has proven he comprehended the real meaning behind the Revelation passages, and only wished to provide cryptic hints for the complex, protracted scenario.
The 2 January 2023 date is feast for both Saint Basil the Great (V.83, VI.78) and another Lombard saint, Milan bishop Martinian (or Maternian), for the Fire at the Black Forest region component of V42.
There is a Saint Rhodes honored on 3 January for the Lasting Phantom of V.16 appearing as the Miracle, also a theme in I.46:
Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lectore et Mirande
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuits tombera
Cause aviendra bien stupende et mirande
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera
Very close to Aux, from Lectoure and Mirande,Beyond Great Mercury And The Lady,
Great fire will fall from the sky over three nights;
A Sign stupendous and marvelous will stand,
Very shortly after Earth's trembling will cause frights
Two Vessels For Venus At Lombardy
The dual role for Mercury as being a corner of the Cylinder and a point in the concurrent Grand Trine presented the Great Mercury situation of X.79, yet that was not the time for onset of the cataclysm, with Pluto next to Venus not engaged to
Overlooking the Pallas trine with Neptune will be over 2.5 degrees off, the Cylindrical Vessel returns for 2 January 2023, with a twist added by the location of the Moon. For Geneva coordinates the chart of the Saturn trine Midheaven aspect (2 January2023 11:15 pm CET) was compared with the previous night for its own intrinsic factors.
Moon 27 d 42 m TaurusVertex conjunction slightly precedes the Saturnin aspect in trine with Midheaven.
Pluto 27 d 43 m Capricorn
Venus 29 d 47 m Capricorn
The Moon is on the verge of a trine with Pluto: the lunar energy is torn between its natural trine with the Ascendant (24 d Virgo) and Ceres sitting at 3 d 33 m Libra, which would make a Lunar Grand Trine version of the weak Ceres-Pluto connection.
Mercury 22 d 21 m Capricorn
Neptune 22 d 54 m Pisces
East Point 21 d 19 m Virgo
Mercury has a strong sextile aspect with Neptune for the lower end of the Cylinder; Mercury also is in a degree-off trine with the East Point.
Ceres should be in a trine with Venus, yet this seems forestalled by the strong Pluto lunar aspect into the suggestion of a Reprised Grand Trine that excludes Venus altogether.
So it again appears that the Cylindrical Vessel and the Triangular Pail are superimposed over each other, both poised to spill their combined contents onto Venus, this time as distinct conceptual entities not both hinged on Mercury. Again the Vesta-
<< 2 January 2023 11:15 pm CET / 5:15 pm EST / 2:15 pm PST >>and the Cylinder featuring Pallas.
The Part of Fortune in this instance loiters around the Node, finally conjoining nine minutes later, around 11:24 pm CET. Lines 2 and 3 of II.66 could have hinted at the two overlapping configurations for the Great Mercury, the Grand Trine with Fortune,
The hagiology for 1 January reveals not only feast for the Blessed Virgin, but also Saint Clarus of Vienne (for Gaul in X.58), and Saint Telemachus, whose story fits a phrase from II.92.but Emperor Honorius hearing of the incident abolished the gladiator contests. So this phrasing could be a hint for the January First date.
Morts de spectacles
Deaths as spectacles
Telemachus was an ascetic who attempted to stop a gladiator contest in Rome by physically separating the combatants, disgusted by the bloodlust the events were intended to instill in spectators; outraged Romans immediately stoned Telemachus to death,
The more threatening date is 2 January, which brings back Pannonia with a group of martyrs killed at Syrmium (again, somewhat like Smyrna, the location known for Myrrh, to complete the Magi Gift theme without Simon of Athos). There is Basil the Greatfor VI.78, and if he is not the Doctor of the Church intended by V.83, there is also Saint Gregory Nazianzus (325-389). And of course, Saint Martinian, bishop of Milan with a Lombardy connection secondary to Benignus of 20 November for V.42, as the time
continued in IV.58 with the Offspring Grand Trine of 18 December. Then 28 December 2022 the Moon was passing in a narrow gap between Neptune and Juno, during the very time interval that was being prepared for the Cylindrical-Vessel appearance, making itsThe 13 December date for Saint Lucy (IX.68) held the Fortune-Jump Grand Trine, with the 'Soldiers' still hidden underground as still-intact gigantic magnets before raining as an infernal hail of super-heated boulder-fragments. The story was
proper occasion (IX.44, VI.17, V.24); night-time manifestations were the critical time period daily. The French seer's Magi Gift theme in II.92 (Gold) and V.16 (Frankincense) indicated by omission the 28 December date for the Myrrh exuding from theOnce the Cylinder was perceived as a Drinking Vessel, an alternate sophisticated Cup to the relatively crude Pail of the Grand Trine, the Saturn trine with Midheaven was deduced as marking the liquid level acting as the triggering aspect on the
later at 6:08 am CET. The Vesta-Vertex conjunct might be the ironic heralding of the sepulchral fire mentioned in X.6, however the onset should occur decisively with the sharp blade of Saturn, through its nearly-simultaneous following trine with theFor the 31 December version, Venus was simultaneously its own Grand Trine with the Cylinder, suggesting the doubling of Babylon's Cup: however, Venus logically does not receive the contents of the Cup she is herself composing.
On 1 January 2023 there is the Great Mercury of X.79, taking over the pivotal role for both the Cylindrical Vessel and the Grand Trine Pail of Water, while Venus is nearby, close to consummating union with Pluto (Babylon in Hades) several hours
reconstitute the Ceres-Pluto Cup that was mixed during the week-long Venusian Reign. That is another example of the 'trail of breadcrumbs' format for these prophecies: it seems to be leading somewhere by declaring 'There It Is!' at every turn;The French seer has proven he comprehended the real meaning behind the Revelation passages, and only wished to provide cryptic hints for the complex, protracted scenario.
The 2 January 2023 date is feast for both Saint Basil the Great (V.83, VI.78) and another Lombard saint, Milan bishop Martinian (or Maternian), for the Fire at the Black Forest region component of V42.
There is a Saint Rhodes honored on 3 January for the Lasting Phantom of V.16 appearing as the Miracle, also a theme in I.46:
Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lectore et Mirande
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuits tombera
Cause aviendra bien stupende et mirande
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera
Very close to Aux, from Lectoure and Mirande,Beyond Great Mercury And The Lady,
Great fire will fall from the sky over three nights;
A Sign stupendous and marvelous will stand,
Very shortly after Earth's trembling will cause frights
Two Vessels For Venus At Lombardy
The dual role for Mercury as being a corner of the Cylinder and a point in the concurrent Grand Trine presented the Great Mercury situation of X.79, yet that was not the time for onset of the cataclysm, with Pluto next to Venus not engaged to
January 2023 11:15 pm CET) was compared with the previous night for its own intrinsic factors.Overlooking the Pallas trine with Neptune will be over 2.5 degrees off, the Cylindrical Vessel returns for 2 January 2023, with a twist added by the location of the Moon. For Geneva coordinates the chart of the Saturn trine Midheaven aspect (2
Vertex conjunction slightly precedes the Saturnin aspect in trine with Midheaven.Moon 27 d 42 m Taurus
Pluto 27 d 43 m Capricorn
Venus 29 d 47 m Capricorn
The Moon is on the verge of a trine with Pluto: the lunar energy is torn between its natural trine with the Ascendant (24 d Virgo) and Ceres sitting at 3 d 33 m Libra, which would make a Lunar Grand Trine version of the weak Ceres-Pluto connection.
Mercury 22 d 21 m Capricorn
Neptune 22 d 54 m Pisces
East Point 21 d 19 m Virgo
Mercury has a strong sextile aspect with Neptune for the lower end of the Cylinder; Mercury also is in a degree-off trine with the East Point.
Ceres should be in a trine with Venus, yet this seems forestalled by the strong Pluto lunar aspect into the suggestion of a Reprised Grand Trine that excludes Venus altogether.
So it again appears that the Cylindrical Vessel and the Triangular Pail are superimposed over each other, both poised to spill their combined contents onto Venus, this time as distinct conceptual entities not both hinged on Mercury. Again the Vesta-
Fortune, and the Cylinder featuring Pallas.<< 2 January 2023 11:15 pm CET / 5:15 pm EST / 2:15 pm PST >>
The Part of Fortune in this instance loiters around the Node, finally conjoining nine minutes later, around 11:24 pm CET. Lines 2 and 3 of II.66 could have hinted at the two overlapping configurations for the Great Mercury, the Grand Trine with
but Emperor Honorius hearing of the incident abolished the gladiator contests. So this phrasing could be a hint for the January First date.The hagiology for 1 January reveals not only feast for the Blessed Virgin, but also Saint Clarus of Vienne (for Gaul in X.58), and Saint Telemachus, whose story fits a phrase from II.92.
Morts de spectacles
Deaths as spectacles
Telemachus was an ascetic who attempted to stop a gladiator contest in Rome by physically separating the combatants, disgusted by the bloodlust the events were intended to instill in spectators; outraged Romans immediately stoned Telemachus to death,
for VI.78, and if he is not the Doctor of the Church intended by V.83, there is also Saint Gregory Nazianzus (325-389). And of course, Saint Martinian, bishop of Milan with a Lombardy connection secondary to Benignus of 20 November for V.42, as the timeThe more threatening date is 2 January, which brings back Pannonia with a group of martyrs killed at Syrmium (again, somewhat like Smyrna, the location known for Myrrh, to complete the Magi Gift theme without Simon of Athos). There is Basil the Great
Two Vessels For Venus Being Remembered Into Epiphanythe Cup Venus (Mystery Babylon) mixed for herself. The Saturn trine Midheaven during the sequence was misinterpreted as indicating a fluid level: the form of the Vessel is what matters, the contents are implied; and Venus should be part of one of the
[5 January 2023 10:18 am CET / 4:18 am EST / 1:18 am PST]
The Cylindrical Vessel formation observed while the Moon passed in the gap between Neptune and Juno at the Descendant 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET was a relevant configuration, towards developing into what was ordered in Revelation, mixing double in
The Vesta-Vertex conjunct appearing as the crest of a Pediment with the Sun and Ouranos forming the base 3 January 2023 11:11 pm CET, while the now-familiar Cylindrical form of the rectangular was disintegrating, suggested some reconfigurationoccurring. For the evening of 4 January 2023, the Saturn was in a trine with Midheaven and the Moon - while it was not indicated by the program, visually the Moon at the Midheaven formed the Apex of an isosceles triangle with the South Node and Venus
The funeral service for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be held in Rome at Saint Peter's Square Thursday 5 January 2023 9:30 am CET, same time zone as Geneva and Garabandal: at about 9:49 am CET, the Vertex opposes Vesta, so a Kite configurationresults, extending the Pediment into a Grand Trine of the Vertex, Sun and Ouranos. Shifting to Geneva coordinates to have the same Vesta-opposing-Vertex aspect there required an advance of about half an hour.
For Geneva on the morning of 5 January 2023 using CET:instead of Mercury (the Sun-Vesta sextile has replaced the same aspect between Neptune and Mercury).
10:11 am - Fortune opposes Venus, creating a New Cylindrical Vessel, with an unfamiliar rectangle formed including also Ceres and Jupiter as corner points;
10:18 am - Saturn rises at the Ascendant, following Venus from nearly an hour earlier;
10:23 am - Vertex opposes Vesta - this not only completes the Grand Trine of the Kite formation, but also presents a reinvigorated version of the former Cylinder Vessel, still incorporating Pallas, yet now with Vesta instead of Neptune, and the Sun
So less than an hour into the Roman memorial service for Benedict, Geneva will finally have its two distinct Divine Vessels, appearing together at an offset angle, with one including Venus substituting for Pluto in a revised version of the Ceres trinethat was the basis for a Grand Trine during the week-long Venusian Reign. Venus interrupts the Jupiter Reign advancing into Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET: the ensuing Venusian Reign terminates about 31 hours later 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET, when
And along with the Double Vessel prodigy, a transitory replication of the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET Venus at Nadir 'Under The Balance' circumstance Grand Trine, with different participants but virtually identical orientation, as the Sun-Ouranos-Vertex equilateral triangle occurs for Geneva. This could present the 'Babylon Remembered Before God' factor, amazingly appearing with the two offset Cylindrical Vessel formations in the same chart, signifying the doubled Cup Venus mixed for herself.
So it appears Saturn rising then becomes the ominous Saturnin condition (V.24, VI.17, IX.44) during or shortly after the Benedict funeral, while a sepulchral fire then could be attributed to Vesta; and the Venus conditions are compliant. The Moon hadits Mars conjunct 3 January 2023 8:47 pm CET; the subsequent lunar conjunct is with Pallas 7 January 2023 5 am CET.
The third line of I.23 could infer more than Last Rites for Benedict: mediums have declared souls remain Earthbound until witnessing their own funeral, so the Leopard's gaze extending Heavenward could be in the spiritual state; the memorial service isessentially a Prayer for the soul of the deceased to be received favorably by the Higher Powers. The phrasing of I.52 does allow for a reading as 'Plague to the Church,' recalling that Mystery Babylon of Revelation is associated with Rome as the city of
"You can take a horse to the water,level of terror beyond the physical effects of the double cataclysm - Henoch dreamt of an Abyss opening in two dimensions.
But you can't make it drink"
[George Harrison with Jools Holland's Rhythm and Blues Orchestra - Horse to the Water]
The seer has established Benedict XVI as the Leopard, and Francis I as the Boar in I.23; the Leopard in VI.20 can be explained as the beginning of Benedict's papacy, and a Boar-like reference is also in I.64.
De nuit Soleil penseront avoir vu
Quand le porceau demi-homme on verra
Bruit, chant, bataille, au ciel battre apercu
Et betes brutes a parler l'on orra
The Sun glaring at night they'll think they have seen
When one would observe the porcine half-human;
Noise, song, battle - heavenly combat perceived -
And brute beasts overheard in conversation
The half-human swine could be the Boar, for Francis I, as pope for the first time without Benedict; the description of demonic forces unleashed, and at least aurally encountered by humanity, parallels chilling predictions by mystics, promising another
The feast of the Epiphany on 6 January is the ideal day for the Magi Gift Attack scenario to manifest. The Frankincense quatrain V.16 offering Rhodes for the Lasting Phantom of the Miracle is likely indicating 23 January 2023 for the feast of EasternOrthodox Saints of Rhodes Clement and Agathangelos: that day the Moon will be passing through about a half-degree gap between Saturn and Venus from 10:24 am CET to 11:20 am CET, now conjectured for the time the Garabandal Miracle will first be witnessed.
Gaule branler, pericliter la barqueOlivetan; yet Francis I would not be Petrus Romanus, as if being excluded from the listing, which concludes with an implicit non-clerical reincarnation of Apostle Simon (called Petros by Jesus at first prophetically for a future lifetime).
Gaul to shake, to imperil the Bark
Line 3 of X.58 indicates the trembling has the purpose of threatening the papacy, which is ultimately a non-scriptural tradition. The Malachy prophecy would have Benedict XVI with "The Glory of the Olive" motto, the Benedictine Order also being called
Saint Melanius (d. 535) was a bishop of Rennes, in Gaul, when the Franks invaded - his 6 January feast could be inferred in X.58. Saint Edeyrn with the same feast day was a hermit in the Armorica area of Brittany, for IV.95.from 433 to 467. Use of the name Victor in VI.70 could have been another comparison, with Viktor Bout as the proud one released in II.92: the Victor in IV.95 is the younger, being the cataclysm having its 'birth' on Armorican soil via Saint Edeyrn.
As for the fateful Lombardy date of V.42 and VI.16, the secondary instance (for Fire) after Benignus on 20 November 2022 for the Colorado Springs Tavern shooting should be 7 January 2023, via Saint Crispin, who served as the seventh bishop of Pavia
Line 2 of II.92 using this theory would mean "Struck for the High-Born" to insinuate the Venusian debasement; the 'marvelous feat accomplished' would perhaps be discovering the extraordinary case in judicial astrology that heralds the horrificincidents. The phrase 'pris du grand le neveu' translated as many souls being 'Taken from the Great Nephew,' recalls both X.79 and 1 January 2023 11:18 pm CET, when Mercury simultaneously appeared in the Cylindrical Vessel (with Pallas, Neptune and the
Thus 'Deaths as spectacles' opening the last line is likely a temporal confirmation using the 1 January feast of Saint Telemachus, who was stoned to death for attempting to stop the Roman gladiator contests.
Translat empire devers nation Brodde
L'oeil arrache a Narbon par Autour
Empire transformed into a 'Brother-Nation' -
Bull's-Eye struck about Narbonne by Author
adjacency ('two seas' for II.52) arrived with Venus at the Ascendant, a false rapport to receive debasement (X.28).The 25 October 2022 solar eclipse had events and elements that matched into I.52 (foretelling a plague as spoken of in Church) and X.28, so that is a likely starting point with the two eclipses linked (VIII.15). The 2 November Neptune lunar
decided for the Republican party (16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST). The Colorado Springs Tavern shootings then occurred going into 20 November for the first part of V.42's Lombardy scenario (feast of Saint Benignus, Milan bishop). The 8 December Griner-BoutThere was the lunar eclipse 8 November; the Under The Balance (V.42) condition appeared with the Geneva Nadir for Venus 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET - this was the same time when in the US the House chamber majority was announced as being
continued in IV.58 with the Offspring Grand Trine of 18 December. Then 28 December 2022 the Moon was passing in a narrow gap between Neptune and Juno, during the very time interval that was being prepared for the Cylindrical-Vessel appearance, making itsThe 13 December date for Saint Lucy (IX.68) held the Fortune-Jump Grand Trine, with the 'Soldiers' still hidden underground as still-intact gigantic magnets before raining as an infernal hail of super-heated boulder-fragments. The story was
proper occasion (IX.44, VI.17, V.24); night-time manifestations were the critical time period daily. The French seer's Magi Gift theme in II.92 (Gold) and V.16 (Frankincense) indicated by omission the 28 December date for the Myrrh exuding from theOnce the Cylinder was perceived as a Drinking Vessel, an alternate sophisticated Cup to the relatively crude Pail of the Grand Trine, the Saturn trine with Midheaven was deduced as marking the liquid level acting as the triggering aspect on the
later at 6:08 am CET. The Vesta-Vertex conjunct might be the ironic heralding of the sepulchral fire mentioned in X.6, however the onset should occur decisively with the sharp blade of Saturn, through its nearly-simultaneous following trine with theFor the 31 December version, Venus was simultaneously its own Grand Trine with the Cylinder, suggesting the doubling of Babylon's Cup: however, Venus logically does not receive the contents of the Cup she is herself composing.
On 1 January 2023 there is the Great Mercury of X.79, taking over the pivotal role for both the Cylindrical Vessel and the Grand Trine Pail of Water, while Venus is nearby, close to consummating union with Pluto (Babylon in Hades) several hours
reconstitute the Ceres-Pluto Cup that was mixed during the week-long Venusian Reign. That is another example of the 'trail of breadcrumbs' format for these prophecies: it seems to be leading somewhere by declaring 'There It Is!' at every turn;The French seer has proven he comprehended the real meaning behind the Revelation passages, and only wished to provide cryptic hints for the complex, protracted scenario.
The 2 January 2023 date is feast for both Saint Basil the Great (V.83, VI.78) and another Lombard saint, Milan bishop Martinian (or Maternian), for the Fire at the Black Forest region component of V42.
There is a Saint Rhodes honored on 3 January for the Lasting Phantom of V.16 appearing as the Miracle, also a theme in I.46:
Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lectore et Mirande
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuits tombera
Cause aviendra bien stupende et mirande
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera
Very close to Aux, from Lectoure and Mirande,Beyond Great Mercury And The Lady,
Great fire will fall from the sky over three nights;
A Sign stupendous and marvelous will stand,
Very shortly after Earth's trembling will cause frights
Two Vessels For Venus At Lombardy
The dual role for Mercury as being a corner of the Cylinder and a point in the concurrent Grand Trine presented the Great Mercury situation of X.79, yet that was not the time for onset of the cataclysm, with Pluto next to Venus not engaged to
January 2023 11:15 pm CET) was compared with the previous night for its own intrinsic factors.Overlooking the Pallas trine with Neptune will be over 2.5 degrees off, the Cylindrical Vessel returns for 2 January 2023, with a twist added by the location of the Moon. For Geneva coordinates the chart of the Saturn trine Midheaven aspect (2
Vertex conjunction slightly precedes the Saturnin aspect in trine with Midheaven.Moon 27 d 42 m Taurus
Pluto 27 d 43 m Capricorn
Venus 29 d 47 m Capricorn
The Moon is on the verge of a trine with Pluto: the lunar energy is torn between its natural trine with the Ascendant (24 d Virgo) and Ceres sitting at 3 d 33 m Libra, which would make a Lunar Grand Trine version of the weak Ceres-Pluto connection.
Mercury 22 d 21 m Capricorn
Neptune 22 d 54 m Pisces
East Point 21 d 19 m Virgo
Mercury has a strong sextile aspect with Neptune for the lower end of the Cylinder; Mercury also is in a degree-off trine with the East Point.
Ceres should be in a trine with Venus, yet this seems forestalled by the strong Pluto lunar aspect into the suggestion of a Reprised Grand Trine that excludes Venus altogether.
So it again appears that the Cylindrical Vessel and the Triangular Pail are superimposed over each other, both poised to spill their combined contents onto Venus, this time as distinct conceptual entities not both hinged on Mercury. Again the Vesta-
Fortune, and the Cylinder featuring Pallas.<< 2 January 2023 11:15 pm CET / 5:15 pm EST / 2:15 pm PST >>
The Part of Fortune in this instance loiters around the Node, finally conjoining nine minutes later, around 11:24 pm CET. Lines 2 and 3 of II.66 could have hinted at the two overlapping configurations for the Great Mercury, the Grand Trine with
death, but Emperor Honorius hearing of the incident abolished the gladiator contests. So this phrasing could be a hint for the January First date.The hagiology for 1 January reveals not only feast for the Blessed Virgin, but also Saint Clarus of Vienne (for Gaul in X.58), and Saint Telemachus, whose story fits a phrase from II.92.
Morts de spectacles
Deaths as spectacles
Telemachus was an ascetic who attempted to stop a gladiator contest in Rome by physically separating the combatants, disgusted by the bloodlust the events were intended to instill in spectators; outraged Romans immediately stoned Telemachus to
Great for VI.78, and if he is not the Doctor of the Church intended by V.83, there is also Saint Gregory Nazianzus (325-389). And of course, Saint Martinian, bishop of Milan with a Lombardy connection secondary to Benignus of 20 November for V.42, as theThe more threatening date is 2 January, which brings back Pannonia with a group of martyrs killed at Syrmium (again, somewhat like Smyrna, the location known for Myrrh, to complete the Magi Gift theme without Simon of Athos). There is Basil the
the Cup Venus (Mystery Babylon) mixed for herself. The Saturn trine Midheaven during the sequence was misinterpreted as indicating a fluid level: the form of the Vessel is what matters, the contents are implied; and Venus should be part of one of theTwo Vessels For Venus Being Remembered Into Epiphany
[5 January 2023 10:18 am CET / 4:18 am EST / 1:18 am PST]
The Cylindrical Vessel formation observed while the Moon passed in the gap between Neptune and Juno at the Descendant 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET was a relevant configuration, towards developing into what was ordered in Revelation, mixing double in
occurring. For the evening of 4 January 2023, the Saturn was in a trine with Midheaven and the Moon - while it was not indicated by the program, visually the Moon at the Midheaven formed the Apex of an isosceles triangle with the South Node and VenusThe Vesta-Vertex conjunct appearing as the crest of a Pediment with the Sun and Ouranos forming the base 3 January 2023 11:11 pm CET, while the now-familiar Cylindrical form of the rectangular was disintegrating, suggested some reconfiguration
results, extending the Pediment into a Grand Trine of the Vertex, Sun and Ouranos. Shifting to Geneva coordinates to have the same Vesta-opposing-Vertex aspect there required an advance of about half an hour.The funeral service for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be held in Rome at Saint Peter's Square Thursday 5 January 2023 9:30 am CET, same time zone as Geneva and Garabandal: at about 9:49 am CET, the Vertex opposes Vesta, so a Kite configuration
instead of Mercury (the Sun-Vesta sextile has replaced the same aspect between Neptune and Mercury).For Geneva on the morning of 5 January 2023 using CET:
10:11 am - Fortune opposes Venus, creating a New Cylindrical Vessel, with an unfamiliar rectangle formed including also Ceres and Jupiter as corner points;
10:18 am - Saturn rises at the Ascendant, following Venus from nearly an hour earlier;
10:23 am - Vertex opposes Vesta - this not only completes the Grand Trine of the Kite formation, but also presents a reinvigorated version of the former Cylinder Vessel, still incorporating Pallas, yet now with Vesta instead of Neptune, and the Sun
trine that was the basis for a Grand Trine during the week-long Venusian Reign. Venus interrupts the Jupiter Reign advancing into Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET: the ensuing Venusian Reign terminates about 31 hours later 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET,So less than an hour into the Roman memorial service for Benedict, Geneva will finally have its two distinct Divine Vessels, appearing together at an offset angle, with one including Venus substituting for Pluto in a revised version of the Ceres
Vertex equilateral triangle occurs for Geneva. This could present the 'Babylon Remembered Before God' factor, amazingly appearing with the two offset Cylindrical Vessel formations in the same chart, signifying the doubled Cup Venus mixed for herself.And along with the Double Vessel prodigy, a transitory replication of the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET Venus at Nadir 'Under The Balance' circumstance Grand Trine, with different participants but virtually identical orientation, as the Sun-Ouranos-
its Mars conjunct 3 January 2023 8:47 pm CET; the subsequent lunar conjunct is with Pallas 7 January 2023 5 am CET.So it appears Saturn rising then becomes the ominous Saturnin condition (V.24, VI.17, IX.44) during or shortly after the Benedict funeral, while a sepulchral fire then could be attributed to Vesta; and the Venus conditions are compliant. The Moon had
is essentially a Prayer for the soul of the deceased to be received favorably by the Higher Powers. The phrasing of I.52 does allow for a reading as 'Plague to the Church,' recalling that Mystery Babylon of Revelation is associated with Rome as the cityThe third line of I.23 could infer more than Last Rites for Benedict: mediums have declared souls remain Earthbound until witnessing their own funeral, so the Leopard's gaze extending Heavenward could be in the spiritual state; the memorial service
another level of terror beyond the physical effects of the double cataclysm - Henoch dreamt of an Abyss opening in two dimensions."You can take a horse to the water,
But you can't make it drink"
[George Harrison with Jools Holland's Rhythm and Blues Orchestra - Horse to the Water]
The seer has established Benedict XVI as the Leopard, and Francis I as the Boar in I.23; the Leopard in VI.20 can be explained as the beginning of Benedict's papacy, and a Boar-like reference is also in I.64.
De nuit Soleil penseront avoir vu
Quand le porceau demi-homme on verra
Bruit, chant, bataille, au ciel battre apercu
Et betes brutes a parler l'on orra
The Sun glaring at night they'll think they have seen
When one would observe the porcine half-human;
Noise, song, battle - heavenly combat perceived -
And brute beasts overheard in conversation
The half-human swine could be the Boar, for Francis I, as pope for the first time without Benedict; the description of demonic forces unleashed, and at least aurally encountered by humanity, parallels chilling predictions by mystics, promising
Orthodox Saints of Rhodes Clement and Agathangelos: that day the Moon will be passing through about a half-degree gap between Saturn and Venus from 10:24 am CET to 11:20 am CET, now conjectured for the time the Garabandal Miracle will first be witnessed.The feast of the Epiphany on 6 January is the ideal day for the Magi Gift Attack scenario to manifest. The Frankincense quatrain V.16 offering Rhodes for the Lasting Phantom of the Miracle is likely indicating 23 January 2023 for the feast of Eastern
called Olivetan; yet Francis I would not be Petrus Romanus, as if being excluded from the listing, which concludes with an implicit non-clerical reincarnation of Apostle Simon (called Petros by Jesus at first prophetically for a future lifetime).Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, to imperil the Bark
Line 3 of X.58 indicates the trembling has the purpose of threatening the papacy, which is ultimately a non-scriptural tradition. The Malachy prophecy would have Benedict XVI with "The Glory of the Olive" motto, the Benedictine Order also being
from 433 to 467. Use of the name Victor in VI.70 could have been another comparison, with Viktor Bout as the proud one released in II.92: the Victor in IV.95 is the younger, being the cataclysm having its 'birth' on Armorican soil via Saint Edeyrn.Saint Melanius (d. 535) was a bishop of Rennes, in Gaul, when the Franks invaded - his 6 January feast could be inferred in X.58. Saint Edeyrn with the same feast day was a hermit in the Armorica area of Brittany, for IV.95.
As for the fateful Lombardy date of V.42 and VI.16, the secondary instance (for Fire) after Benignus on 20 November 2022 for the Colorado Springs Tavern shooting should be 7 January 2023, via Saint Crispin, who served as the seventh bishop of Pavia
incidents. The phrase 'pris du grand le neveu' translated as many souls being 'Taken from the Great Nephew,' recalls both X.79 and 1 January 2023 11:18 pm CET, when Mercury simultaneously appeared in the Cylindrical Vessel (with Pallas, Neptune and theLine 2 of II.92 using this theory would mean "Struck for the High-Born" to insinuate the Venusian debasement; the 'marvelous feat accomplished' would perhaps be discovering the extraordinary case in judicial astrology that heralds the horrific
person would be described as 'vainglorious,' someone who has ambition with a notable level of conceit. The phrasing suggests someone prideful being forced to clear off, which appears the inevitable outcome, since the most extreme faction refuses to allowThus 'Deaths as spectacles' opening the last line is likely a temporal confirmation using the 1 January feast of Saint Telemachus, who was stoned to death for attempting to stop the Roman gladiator contests.
Translat empire devers nation Brodde
L'oeil arrache a Narbon par Autour
Empire transformed into a 'Brother-Nation' -Venus Pales With Regret After Having A Cup At Lombardy
Bull's-Eye struck about Narbonne by Author
[7 January 2023 9:40 pm CET / 3:40 pm EST / 12:40 pm PST]
Kevin McCarthy's difficulty in becoming Speaker of the House is likely intended by the end of II.92, instead of anything to do with Viktor Bout: "echappe l'orgueilleux" seems like an 'escape' rather than the Griner-Bout planned prisoner exchange; the
Another phrase from II.92, 'fait cas merveilleux' or 'marvelous case manifested,' suggests the Geneva judicial astrology during the funeral in Rome for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: the 5 January 2023 10:18 am CET chart with Saturn rising showed twocylindrical Vessels, one of which included Venus, with a Grand Trine reminiscent of the Under The Balance (V.42) situation for the Geneva Nadir 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET. The Revelation imagery having this celestial fulfillment appeared independent
There is the seeming redundancy of the phrases 'great human murder' and 'deaths as spectacles,' that potentially has 1 January indicated via Saint Telemachus with the latter phrase. Also 'taken by the great Nephew' should be parallel for the GreatMercury of X.79, however there is an upcoming Mercury solar conjunction to comply with the most plausible theory.
Since the Pelosi home invasion attack matched II.66 line 1, the next line about Fortune changing greatly in a short time could relate to the San Francisco chart 28 October 2022 2:17 am PDT, with Fortune conjoining Lilith - the events unfolded from the2:30 am PDT emergency call, with Fortune drifting further from Lilith. So in line 3 people being trapped from Pallas (rather than 'within a Palace') being added may infer the close proximity currently of Lilith and Pallas.
In IX.48 Lilith seems hinted by the 'frightful wind' that causes problems during a springtime and from a Winter Solstice. The springtime instance may have been the Uvalde school shooting 24 May 2022, as foretold in VI.45 - on 26 May 2022 6:45 am CDTLilith and Ceres conjoined, with the local time matching the quatrain enumeration!
The Winter Solstice of 2022 was late December; 6 January 2023 will be two years from the Capitol insurrection, with the hagiology providing a Brittany connection for IV.95, a Gaul match for X.58, and the now-ominous Feast Of The Epiphany; Saint Crispinmakes 7 January a Lombardy date for V.42.
The sustained nearness of Saturn and Vesta sets up a sequence where the cataclysmic onset could be in a Saturnin interval (V.24, VI.17), before the Vestal sepulchral fire (X.6) period commences. The prophecies appear to fit the observed celestialmovements placing the Moon between Pallas and Lilith, and the Descendant between Saturn and Vesta.
For 7 January 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CET:September 2001 attacks as occurring in a New York location historically called Angouleme, however here it is requirement for the events of the first half to transpire, along with the final line that cross-references with X.35.
4:59 am - The Moon conjoins Pallas;
1:54 pm - Mercury solar conjunct;
8:10 pm - Saturn falls at Descendant;
9:37 pm to 9:44 pm - Midheaven Grand Trine with Venus and Ceres, with Mars about four degrees off near Midheaven - this appears to be when Venus as Mystery Babylon conceptually consumes the contents of the doubled Cup, which is Divine Wrath;
10:16 pm - Vesta at Descendant, simultaneous with Ascendant Grand Trine including Sun-Mercury and Ouranos.
This schedule suggests the critical time would be around
<< 7 January 2023 9:40 pm CET / 3:40 pm EST / 12:40 pm PST >>
Continuing into 8 January 2023 with the same stipulations:
3:32 am - Lilith lunar conjunct;
2:42 pm - Lilith enters Leo;
5:52 pm - Venus lunar opposition.
By progressing into Leo, Lilith commences her reign; 'Ergaste' means 'Workhouse' for the concept of Labor, possibly connoting energy - these conditions could be an aftermath depicted in X.17.
Le Reine Ergaste voyant sa fille bleme
Par un regret dans l'estomac enclos
Cris lamentables seront lors d'Angolesme
Et au germain mariage forclos
The Laboring Queen seeing her daughter pale
Due to a regret in the stomach enclosed;
Lamentable cries from Angouleme a past detail,
And at the first cousin marriage foreclosed
Queen Lilith oversees the Venus opposition, after as wretched daughter Babylon Venus has 'swallowed the burning Sun down the throat' (IV.58), resulting in the regret over the contents of the 'Venusian stomach.' The seer accurately predicted the 11
The first cousin marriage of X.35 was the Mercury-Juno conjunct of 27 November 2020, feast day for Saint Bilhild of Mainz, as the wearer of the nun's habit in the lunar temple; acknowledging this was itself the foreclosure used from the final line,where a physical assault was to occur at a later date, through a then-unknown other saint of Mainz (not Maine, as written), who turned out to be Ferrutius for the 28 October date of the Pelosi attack.
observation was after the 13 July 2022 Super Moon, with an Upright Grand Trine on a false Prime Vertical a few days later for Geneva, which I related to IV.31.The monumental planetary sign arrived near when Saturn would go retrograde, a condition that was similar for the 11 September 2001 attacks. From June to December would be the seven months. The first attempt to prognosticate through an
identity of Mystery Babylon.Then the conditions on Friday 9 September 2022 matched the Babylon references (VIII.96, X.95), with the Saturn-Ceres opposition as wings being bisected by a sudden Grand Trine as the severing (Wing-Clipping on a Friday), indicating Venus as the
accomplishing an intense timing-riddle task while happening to live during that very era, are two entirely different things.The month of October was given in the Epistle -
<< Et sera au mois d'Octobre que quelque grande translation sera faite >>
'And it will be at the month of October that some great translation will be made'
During October 2022 my theories were inadequate to grasp the elaborate scheme, or how to use the seemingly open-ended generic clues. Speaking of some French seer from centuries ago having likely illuminated Revelation, and demonstrating it by
adjacency ('two seas' for II.52) arrived with Venus at the Ascendant, a false rapport to receive debasement (X.28).The 25 October 2022 solar eclipse had events and elements that matched into I.52 (foretelling a plague as spoken of in Church) and X.28, so that is a likely starting point with the two eclipses linked (VIII.15). The 2 November Neptune lunar
decided for the Republican party (16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST). The Colorado Springs Tavern shootings then occurred going into 20 November for the first part of V.42's Lombardy scenario (feast of Saint Benignus, Milan bishop). The 8 December Griner-BoutThere was the lunar eclipse 8 November; the Under The Balance (V.42) condition appeared with the Geneva Nadir for Venus 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET - this was the same time when in the US the House chamber majority was announced as being
continued in IV.58 with the Offspring Grand Trine of 18 December. Then 28 December 2022 the Moon was passing in a narrow gap between Neptune and Juno, during the very time interval that was being prepared for the Cylindrical-Vessel appearance, making itsThe 13 December date for Saint Lucy (IX.68) held the Fortune-Jump Grand Trine, with the 'Soldiers' still hidden underground as still-intact gigantic magnets before raining as an infernal hail of super-heated boulder-fragments. The story was
proper occasion (IX.44, VI.17, V.24); night-time manifestations were the critical time period daily. The French seer's Magi Gift theme in II.92 (Gold) and V.16 (Frankincense) indicated by omission the 28 December date for the Myrrh exuding from theOnce the Cylinder was perceived as a Drinking Vessel, an alternate sophisticated Cup to the relatively crude Pail of the Grand Trine, the Saturn trine with Midheaven was deduced as marking the liquid level acting as the triggering aspect on the
later at 6:08 am CET. The Vesta-Vertex conjunct might be the ironic heralding of the sepulchral fire mentioned in X.6, however the onset should occur decisively with the sharp blade of Saturn, through its nearly-simultaneous following trine with theFor the 31 December version, Venus was simultaneously its own Grand Trine with the Cylinder, suggesting the doubling of Babylon's Cup: however, Venus logically does not receive the contents of the Cup she is herself composing.
On 1 January 2023 there is the Great Mercury of X.79, taking over the pivotal role for both the Cylindrical Vessel and the Grand Trine Pail of Water, while Venus is nearby, close to consummating union with Pluto (Babylon in Hades) several hours
reconstitute the Ceres-Pluto Cup that was mixed during the week-long Venusian Reign. That is another example of the 'trail of breadcrumbs' format for these prophecies: it seems to be leading somewhere by declaring 'There It Is!' at every turn;The French seer has proven he comprehended the real meaning behind the Revelation passages, and only wished to provide cryptic hints for the complex, protracted scenario.
The 2 January 2023 date is feast for both Saint Basil the Great (V.83, VI.78) and another Lombard saint, Milan bishop Martinian (or Maternian), for the Fire at the Black Forest region component of V42.
There is a Saint Rhodes honored on 3 January for the Lasting Phantom of V.16 appearing as the Miracle, also a theme in I.46:
Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lectore et Mirande
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuits tombera
Cause aviendra bien stupende et mirande
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera
Very close to Aux, from Lectoure and Mirande,Beyond Great Mercury And The Lady,
Great fire will fall from the sky over three nights;
A Sign stupendous and marvelous will stand,
Very shortly after Earth's trembling will cause frights
Two Vessels For Venus At Lombardy
The dual role for Mercury as being a corner of the Cylinder and a point in the concurrent Grand Trine presented the Great Mercury situation of X.79, yet that was not the time for onset of the cataclysm, with Pluto next to Venus not engaged to
January 2023 11:15 pm CET) was compared with the previous night for its own intrinsic factors.Overlooking the Pallas trine with Neptune will be over 2.5 degrees off, the Cylindrical Vessel returns for 2 January 2023, with a twist added by the location of the Moon. For Geneva coordinates the chart of the Saturn trine Midheaven aspect (2
connection.Moon 27 d 42 m Taurus
Pluto 27 d 43 m Capricorn
Venus 29 d 47 m Capricorn
The Moon is on the verge of a trine with Pluto: the lunar energy is torn between its natural trine with the Ascendant (24 d Virgo) and Ceres sitting at 3 d 33 m Libra, which would make a Lunar Grand Trine version of the weak Ceres-Pluto
Vesta-Vertex conjunction slightly precedes the Saturnin aspect in trine with Midheaven.Mercury 22 d 21 m Capricorn
Neptune 22 d 54 m Pisces
East Point 21 d 19 m Virgo
Mercury has a strong sextile aspect with Neptune for the lower end of the Cylinder; Mercury also is in a degree-off trine with the East Point.
Ceres should be in a trine with Venus, yet this seems forestalled by the strong Pluto lunar aspect into the suggestion of a Reprised Grand Trine that excludes Venus altogether.
So it again appears that the Cylindrical Vessel and the Triangular Pail are superimposed over each other, both poised to spill their combined contents onto Venus, this time as distinct conceptual entities not both hinged on Mercury. Again the
Fortune, and the Cylinder featuring Pallas.<< 2 January 2023 11:15 pm CET / 5:15 pm EST / 2:15 pm PST >>
The Part of Fortune in this instance loiters around the Node, finally conjoining nine minutes later, around 11:24 pm CET. Lines 2 and 3 of II.66 could have hinted at the two overlapping configurations for the Great Mercury, the Grand Trine with
death, but Emperor Honorius hearing of the incident abolished the gladiator contests. So this phrasing could be a hint for the January First date.The hagiology for 1 January reveals not only feast for the Blessed Virgin, but also Saint Clarus of Vienne (for Gaul in X.58), and Saint Telemachus, whose story fits a phrase from II.92.
Morts de spectacles
Deaths as spectacles
Telemachus was an ascetic who attempted to stop a gladiator contest in Rome by physically separating the combatants, disgusted by the bloodlust the events were intended to instill in spectators; outraged Romans immediately stoned Telemachus to
Great for VI.78, and if he is not the Doctor of the Church intended by V.83, there is also Saint Gregory Nazianzus (325-389). And of course, Saint Martinian, bishop of Milan with a Lombardy connection secondary to Benignus of 20 November for V.42, as theThe more threatening date is 2 January, which brings back Pannonia with a group of martyrs killed at Syrmium (again, somewhat like Smyrna, the location known for Myrrh, to complete the Magi Gift theme without Simon of Athos). There is Basil the
in the Cup Venus (Mystery Babylon) mixed for herself. The Saturn trine Midheaven during the sequence was misinterpreted as indicating a fluid level: the form of the Vessel is what matters, the contents are implied; and Venus should be part of one of theTwo Vessels For Venus Being Remembered Into Epiphany
[5 January 2023 10:18 am CET / 4:18 am EST / 1:18 am PST]
The Cylindrical Vessel formation observed while the Moon passed in the gap between Neptune and Juno at the Descendant 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET was a relevant configuration, towards developing into what was ordered in Revelation, mixing double
occurring. For the evening of 4 January 2023, the Saturn was in a trine with Midheaven and the Moon - while it was not indicated by the program, visually the Moon at the Midheaven formed the Apex of an isosceles triangle with the South Node and VenusThe Vesta-Vertex conjunct appearing as the crest of a Pediment with the Sun and Ouranos forming the base 3 January 2023 11:11 pm CET, while the now-familiar Cylindrical form of the rectangular was disintegrating, suggested some reconfiguration
results, extending the Pediment into a Grand Trine of the Vertex, Sun and Ouranos. Shifting to Geneva coordinates to have the same Vesta-opposing-Vertex aspect there required an advance of about half an hour.The funeral service for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be held in Rome at Saint Peter's Square Thursday 5 January 2023 9:30 am CET, same time zone as Geneva and Garabandal: at about 9:49 am CET, the Vertex opposes Vesta, so a Kite configuration
instead of Mercury (the Sun-Vesta sextile has replaced the same aspect between Neptune and Mercury).For Geneva on the morning of 5 January 2023 using CET:
10:11 am - Fortune opposes Venus, creating a New Cylindrical Vessel, with an unfamiliar rectangle formed including also Ceres and Jupiter as corner points;
10:18 am - Saturn rises at the Ascendant, following Venus from nearly an hour earlier;
10:23 am - Vertex opposes Vesta - this not only completes the Grand Trine of the Kite formation, but also presents a reinvigorated version of the former Cylinder Vessel, still incorporating Pallas, yet now with Vesta instead of Neptune, and the Sun
trine that was the basis for a Grand Trine during the week-long Venusian Reign. Venus interrupts the Jupiter Reign advancing into Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET: the ensuing Venusian Reign terminates about 31 hours later 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET,So less than an hour into the Roman memorial service for Benedict, Geneva will finally have its two distinct Divine Vessels, appearing together at an offset angle, with one including Venus substituting for Pluto in a revised version of the Ceres
Vertex equilateral triangle occurs for Geneva. This could present the 'Babylon Remembered Before God' factor, amazingly appearing with the two offset Cylindrical Vessel formations in the same chart, signifying the doubled Cup Venus mixed for herself.And along with the Double Vessel prodigy, a transitory replication of the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET Venus at Nadir 'Under The Balance' circumstance Grand Trine, with different participants but virtually identical orientation, as the Sun-Ouranos-
had its Mars conjunct 3 January 2023 8:47 pm CET; the subsequent lunar conjunct is with Pallas 7 January 2023 5 am CET.So it appears Saturn rising then becomes the ominous Saturnin condition (V.24, VI.17, IX.44) during or shortly after the Benedict funeral, while a sepulchral fire then could be attributed to Vesta; and the Venus conditions are compliant. The Moon
is essentially a Prayer for the soul of the deceased to be received favorably by the Higher Powers. The phrasing of I.52 does allow for a reading as 'Plague to the Church,' recalling that Mystery Babylon of Revelation is associated with Rome as the cityThe third line of I.23 could infer more than Last Rites for Benedict: mediums have declared souls remain Earthbound until witnessing their own funeral, so the Leopard's gaze extending Heavenward could be in the spiritual state; the memorial service
another level of terror beyond the physical effects of the double cataclysm - Henoch dreamt of an Abyss opening in two dimensions."You can take a horse to the water,
But you can't make it drink"
[George Harrison with Jools Holland's Rhythm and Blues Orchestra - Horse to the Water]
The seer has established Benedict XVI as the Leopard, and Francis I as the Boar in I.23; the Leopard in VI.20 can be explained as the beginning of Benedict's papacy, and a Boar-like reference is also in I.64.
De nuit Soleil penseront avoir vu
Quand le porceau demi-homme on verra
Bruit, chant, bataille, au ciel battre apercu
Et betes brutes a parler l'on orra
The Sun glaring at night they'll think they have seen
When one would observe the porcine half-human;
Noise, song, battle - heavenly combat perceived -
And brute beasts overheard in conversation
The half-human swine could be the Boar, for Francis I, as pope for the first time without Benedict; the description of demonic forces unleashed, and at least aurally encountered by humanity, parallels chilling predictions by mystics, promising
Eastern Orthodox Saints of Rhodes Clement and Agathangelos: that day the Moon will be passing through about a half-degree gap between Saturn and Venus from 10:24 am CET to 11:20 am CET, now conjectured for the time the Garabandal Miracle will first beThe feast of the Epiphany on 6 January is the ideal day for the Magi Gift Attack scenario to manifest. The Frankincense quatrain V.16 offering Rhodes for the Lasting Phantom of the Miracle is likely indicating 23 January 2023 for the feast of
called Olivetan; yet Francis I would not be Petrus Romanus, as if being excluded from the listing, which concludes with an implicit non-clerical reincarnation of Apostle Simon (called Petros by Jesus at first prophetically for a future lifetime).Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, to imperil the Bark
Line 3 of X.58 indicates the trembling has the purpose of threatening the papacy, which is ultimately a non-scriptural tradition. The Malachy prophecy would have Benedict XVI with "The Glory of the Olive" motto, the Benedictine Order also being
from 433 to 467. Use of the name Victor in VI.70 could have been another comparison, with Viktor Bout as the proud one released in II.92: the Victor in IV.95 is the younger, being the cataclysm having its 'birth' on Armorican soil via Saint Edeyrn.Saint Melanius (d. 535) was a bishop of Rennes, in Gaul, when the Franks invaded - his 6 January feast could be inferred in X.58. Saint Edeyrn with the same feast day was a hermit in the Armorica area of Brittany, for IV.95.
As for the fateful Lombardy date of V.42 and VI.16, the secondary instance (for Fire) after Benignus on 20 November 2022 for the Colorado Springs Tavern shooting should be 7 January 2023, via Saint Crispin, who served as the seventh bishop of Pavia
incidents. The phrase 'pris du grand le neveu' translated as many souls being 'Taken from the Great Nephew,' recalls both X.79 and 1 January 2023 11:18 pm CET, when Mercury simultaneously appeared in the Cylindrical Vessel (with Pallas, Neptune and theLine 2 of II.92 using this theory would mean "Struck for the High-Born" to insinuate the Venusian debasement; the 'marvelous feat accomplished' would perhaps be discovering the extraordinary case in judicial astrology that heralds the horrific
person would be described as 'vainglorious,' someone who has ambition with a notable level of conceit. The phrasing suggests someone prideful being forced to clear off, which appears the inevitable outcome, since the most extreme faction refuses to allowThus 'Deaths as spectacles' opening the last line is likely a temporal confirmation using the 1 January feast of Saint Telemachus, who was stoned to death for attempting to stop the Roman gladiator contests.
Translat empire devers nation Brodde
L'oeil arrache a Narbon par Autour
Empire transformed into a 'Brother-Nation' -Venus Pales With Regret After Having A Cup At Lombardy
Bull's-Eye struck about Narbonne by Author
[7 January 2023 9:40 pm CET / 3:40 pm EST / 12:40 pm PST]
Kevin McCarthy's difficulty in becoming Speaker of the House is likely intended by the end of II.92, instead of anything to do with Viktor Bout: "echappe l'orgueilleux" seems like an 'escape' rather than the Griner-Bout planned prisoner exchange; the
cylindrical Vessels, one of which included Venus, with a Grand Trine reminiscent of the Under The Balance (V.42) situation for the Geneva Nadir 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET. The Revelation imagery having this celestial fulfillment appeared independentAnother phrase from II.92, 'fait cas merveilleux' or 'marvelous case manifested,' suggests the Geneva judicial astrology during the funeral in Rome for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: the 5 January 2023 10:18 am CET chart with Saturn rising showed two
Mercury of X.79, however there is an upcoming Mercury solar conjunction to comply with the most plausible theory.There is the seeming redundancy of the phrases 'great human murder' and 'deaths as spectacles,' that potentially has 1 January indicated via Saint Telemachus with the latter phrase. Also 'taken by the great Nephew' should be parallel for the Great
the 2:30 am PDT emergency call, with Fortune drifting further from Lilith. So in line 3 people being trapped from Pallas (rather than 'within a Palace') being added may infer the close proximity currently of Lilith and Pallas.Since the Pelosi home invasion attack matched II.66 line 1, the next line about Fortune changing greatly in a short time could relate to the San Francisco chart 28 October 2022 2:17 am PDT, with Fortune conjoining Lilith - the events unfolded from
Lilith and Ceres conjoined, with the local time matching the quatrain enumeration!In IX.48 Lilith seems hinted by the 'frightful wind' that causes problems during a springtime and from a Winter Solstice. The springtime instance may have been the Uvalde school shooting 24 May 2022, as foretold in VI.45 - on 26 May 2022 6:45 am CDT
Crispin makes 7 January a Lombardy date for V.42.The Winter Solstice of 2022 was late December; 6 January 2023 will be two years from the Capitol insurrection, with the hagiology providing a Brittany connection for IV.95, a Gaul match for X.58, and the now-ominous Feast Of The Epiphany; Saint
movements placing the Moon between Pallas and Lilith, and the Descendant between Saturn and Vesta.The sustained nearness of Saturn and Vesta sets up a sequence where the cataclysmic onset could be in a Saturnin interval (V.24, VI.17), before the Vestal sepulchral fire (X.6) period commences. The prophecies appear to fit the observed celestial
September 2001 attacks as occurring in a New York location historically called Angouleme, however here it is requirement for the events of the first half to transpire, along with the final line that cross-references with X.35.For 7 January 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CET:
4:59 am - The Moon conjoins Pallas;
1:54 pm - Mercury solar conjunct;
8:10 pm - Saturn falls at Descendant;
9:37 pm to 9:44 pm - Midheaven Grand Trine with Venus and Ceres, with Mars about four degrees off near Midheaven - this appears to be when Venus as Mystery Babylon conceptually consumes the contents of the doubled Cup, which is Divine Wrath;
10:16 pm - Vesta at Descendant, simultaneous with Ascendant Grand Trine including Sun-Mercury and Ouranos.
This schedule suggests the critical time would be around
<< 7 January 2023 9:40 pm CET / 3:40 pm EST / 12:40 pm PST >>
Continuing into 8 January 2023 with the same stipulations:
3:32 am - Lilith lunar conjunct;
2:42 pm - Lilith enters Leo;
5:52 pm - Venus lunar opposition.
By progressing into Leo, Lilith commences her reign; 'Ergaste' means 'Workhouse' for the concept of Labor, possibly connoting energy - these conditions could be an aftermath depicted in X.17.
Le Reine Ergaste voyant sa fille bleme
Par un regret dans l'estomac enclos
Cris lamentables seront lors d'Angolesme
Et au germain mariage forclos
The Laboring Queen seeing her daughter pale
Due to a regret in the stomach enclosed;
Lamentable cries from Angouleme a past detail,
And at the first cousin marriage foreclosed
Queen Lilith oversees the Venus opposition, after as wretched daughter Babylon Venus has 'swallowed the burning Sun down the throat' (IV.58), resulting in the regret over the contents of the 'Venusian stomach.' The seer accurately predicted the 11
where a physical assault was to occur at a later date, through a then-unknown other saint of Mainz (not Maine, as written), who turned out to be Ferrutius for the 28 October date of the Pelosi attack.The first cousin marriage of X.35 was the Mercury-Juno conjunct of 27 November 2020, feast day for Saint Bilhild of Mainz, as the wearer of the nun's habit in the lunar temple; acknowledging this was itself the foreclosure used from the final line,
Queen Lilith Views Her Daughter Pale;degrees. Vesta is conjunct Fortune then, however Venus and Saturn do not seem engaged.
Proud One Escapes Spectacle Of Dead Votes
[8 January 2023 2:34 am CET / 7 January 2023 8:34 pm EST / 5:34 pm PST]
The "Instant Karma" of the Warning event still seems imminent, with the recent power struggle over the US Speaker of the House office matching II.92's final line.
There will be another Cylindrical configuration 7 January 2023 11:15 pm CET [/ 5:15 pm EST / 2:15 pm PST], including the East Point at the Ascendant in Virgo, Juno at the Descendant in Pisces, the Moon in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn - all nearing 28
The Tuscan reference in IV.58 could be for 5 January 2023 via Blessed Paula of Tuscany (318-1368), a nun raised by Camaldolese Order, she mediated a dispute between Florence and Pisa.should relate to the 'burning Sun swallowed' from IV.58, indicating the fiery cataclysmic onset has already occurred by then.
The Lilith lunar conjunct seems to be ominous, with the X.17 fulfillment arriving with Queen Lilith rising 8 January 2023 6:03 am CET, as Venus in lunar opposition (conceptually 'pale') is nearing the Descendant; the 'regret enclosed in the stomach'
For 8 January 2023 using Geneva coordinates and CET:is associated with hometown Lyon, for a 9 January remembrance preceding Ulm in the same quatrain.
2:22 am - Venus is at the Fulcrum of an Inverted Grand Trine including Ceres and Mars-Vertex - this is inexact, spanning several degrees, with the weakest section between Ceres and Mars;
2:24 am to 2:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Vesta (possibly for X.6);
2:34 am - Saturn sextile Fortune (a Saturnin aspect for V.24, VI.17, IX.44) - since Venus is coincidentally at the lowest point in the chart, independent of the House cusp lines, this is the likely critical time for her debasement from X.28 -
<< 8 January 2023 2:34 am CET / 7 January 2023 8:34 pm EST / 5:34 pm PST >>
3:21 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Moon-Lilith;
3:32 am - Lilith lunar conjunct.
The final line of IV.58 foretold the 8 December 2022 release of Brittney Griner; line 3 probably regarded the Offspring Grand Trine observed 18 December 2022.
The Ulm of VIII.34 for Blessed Henry Suso (1295-1366), and the Rhodes of V.16 (for Saints Clement and Agathangelos) both potentially indicate 23 January 2023, for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle. Blessed Pauline-Marie Jaricot (1799-1862)
The 'marvelous case manifested' in the Geneva judicial astrology during the funeral for Benedict XVI for II.92; 'deaths as spectacles' for 1 January 2023 via Saint Telemachus led to the period of failed votes for Speakership, until Kevin McCarthy asthe proud or conceited one escapes the cycle by granting major concessions to the extreme faction that had been blocking his ambition for the office.
There are subtle allusions to the Magi Gifts for the 6 January 2023 Feast of the Epiphany temporal proximity: Fire color of Gold in II.92; Frankincense smoke at its highest price as incinerated human flesh in V.16; the inference of Myrrh in the 'deathand tomb' phrase from VIII.34, used for dressing wounds and in embalming. The Lombardy date in V.42 and VI.16 could be 7 January 2023 via Saint Crispin, serving as seventh bishop of Pavia, in the Lombard region, from 433 to 467.
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