• Re: The Flip Side Of The Beatles' First Single (1/2)

    From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Dec 29 07:05:32 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement further
    justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people think.

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over the
    lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing in
    the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began to
    spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners, yearning
    for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they were
    experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title 'Mother
    of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in life,
    and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a shift of
    coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and the
    story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions") who
    was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new success
    when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva shows
    several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is technical
    debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario, when
    supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to their
    consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making an
    entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to play a
    major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between their
    lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-Midheaven
    trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the theory
    Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning Jupiter
    placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later circa 1969,
    tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut across
    the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out upon

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from being
    limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon union (by
    then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-type
    plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and so on,
    often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40 pm (
    with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the II.92
    of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this Leopard
    could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.

    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    << ...I.23 line 1, where a spotlight on a wall was taken for the Sunrise on the cover of "A Heard Dream's Rite," my publication released 28 March 2012 (i.e., the third month). The topic was of course the film and album "A Hard Day's Night" from early
    1964. The context of I.23 was the papal conclave resulting in Benedict XVI (as Leopard) defeating later Francis I (as Boar), the interregnum 'field of Mars' marked by the Mars-Neptune conjunct 13 April 2005 (IX.50 line 3); the Vatican Leaks Scandal
    received a public statement on 30 May 2012, with Benedict resigning 28 February 2013. The final portion of I.23, where the tired Leopard gazes heavenward, appears like a Last Rites epiphany. >>

    The final line of I.23 is -

    Un Aigle autour du Soleil voit s'ebattre

    The rhyming English translation created now originally is -

    At the third month the issue with Dawn-Arisen;
    Boar, Leopard, on the field of Mars set for battle;
    Tired Leopard extending his gaze up to Heaven
    Sees an Eagal author about the Sun full of prattle

    The fourth line would more traditionally be rendered as -

    Sees an Eagle frolicking around the Sun

    Also in VI.20 line 3 the Revelation concept of the Seven Vessels was introduced -

    Dans les vaisseaux sera gent enduree

    From the Vessels the people will be suffering

    Recognizable events in that prior sequence would be the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Disaster, the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, dissolution of the Soviet Union, Galaxy IV failure at a solar incident, the 1999 Izmit quake, 11 September 2001 attacks. The line does
    not declare that all of the Seven Vessels had been delivered by the time the Benedict XVI papacy commenced, since the seer had that date foretold separately in X.74 (again an original translation):

    For the great seventh number's completion addressed,
    Its appearance and the Games of Sacrifice converge:
    From the great millennial age not too far progressed,
    When those who had been buried from their tomb will emerge

    The Seventh Vessel being poured on the air was in late December 2009 when I released "The Comedy Of Eros," as the first issue in my book series, the air concept being related to the Ascension theme discerned in the debut material. A couple of days later
    there was the story of a deranged woman who overcame barriers to hurl the pope to the ground. Then there was the 2010 Winter Olympics where a luge athlete was killed on a practice run before the opening ceremonies, hence The Games of Sacrifice.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Dec 29 09:36:52 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement further
    justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over the
    lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing in
    the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began to
    spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they were
    experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in life,
    and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a shift
    of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and the
    story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions")
    who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new success
    when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva shows
    several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is technical
    debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario, when
    supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to their
    consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making an
    entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to play a
    major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between their
    lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the theory
    Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning Jupiter
    placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later circa
    1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut across
    the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out upon

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from being
    limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon union (
    by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-type
    plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and so
    on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40 pm (
    with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the II.
    92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.
    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    << ...I.23 line 1, where a spotlight on a wall was taken for the Sunrise on the cover of "A Heard Dream's Rite," my publication released 28 March 2012 (i.e., the third month). The topic was of course the film and album "A Hard Day's Night" from early
    1964. The context of I.23 was the papal conclave resulting in Benedict XVI (as Leopard) defeating later Francis I (as Boar), the interregnum 'field of Mars' marked by the Mars-Neptune conjunct 13 April 2005 (IX.50 line 3); the Vatican Leaks Scandal
    received a public statement on 30 May 2012, with Benedict resigning 28 February 2013. The final portion of I.23, where the tired Leopard gazes heavenward, appears like a Last Rites epiphany. >>

    The final line of I.23 is -

    Un Aigle autour du Soleil voit s'ebattre

    The rhyming English translation created now originally is -

    At the third month the issue with Dawn-Arisen;
    Boar, Leopard, on the field of Mars set for battle;
    Tired Leopard extending his gaze up to Heaven
    Sees an Eagal author about the Sun full of prattle

    The fourth line would more traditionally be rendered as -

    Sees an Eagle frolicking around the Sun

    Also in VI.20 line 3 the Revelation concept of the Seven Vessels was introduced -

    Dans les vaisseaux sera gent enduree

    From the Vessels the people will be suffering

    Recognizable events in that prior sequence would be the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Disaster, the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, dissolution of the Soviet Union, Galaxy IV failure at a solar incident, the 1999 Izmit quake, 11 September 2001 attacks. The line does
    not declare that all of the Seven Vessels had been delivered by the time the Benedict XVI papacy commenced, since the seer had that date foretold separately in X.74 (again an original translation):

    For the great seventh number's completion addressed,

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Dec 29 17:43:55 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over
    the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing
    in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began to
    spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they
    were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in
    life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a
    shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and
    the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions")
    who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva
    shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is technical
    debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario,
    when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to
    their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making an
    entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would be

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to play
    a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between their
    lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later circa
    1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out
    upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from being
    limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon union (
    by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-type
    plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and
    so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40 pm
    (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the II.
    92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.
    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    << ...I.23 line 1, where a spotlight on a wall was taken for the Sunrise on the cover of "A Heard Dream's Rite," my publication released 28 March 2012 (i.e., the third month). The topic was of course the film and album "A Hard Day's Night" from early
    1964. The context of I.23 was the papal conclave resulting in Benedict XVI (as Leopard) defeating later Francis I (as Boar), the interregnum 'field of Mars' marked by the Mars-Neptune conjunct 13 April 2005 (IX.50 line 3); the Vatican Leaks Scandal
    received a public statement on 30 May 2012, with Benedict resigning 28 February 2013. The final portion of I.23, where the tired Leopard gazes heavenward, appears like a Last Rites epiphany. >>

    The final line of I.23 is -

    Un Aigle autour du Soleil voit s'ebattre

    The rhyming English translation created now originally is -

    At the third month the issue with Dawn-Arisen;
    Boar, Leopard, on the field of Mars set for battle;
    Tired Leopard extending his gaze up to Heaven
    Sees an Eagal author about the Sun full of prattle

    The fourth line would more traditionally be rendered as -

    Sees an Eagle frolicking around the Sun

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Dec 29 19:49:27 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over
    the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing
    in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began
    to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they
    were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in
    life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a
    shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and
    the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions"
    ) who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva
    shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario,
    when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to
    their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making
    an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would
    be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to
    play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between
    their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later
    circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out
    upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from
    being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon
    union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-
    type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and
    so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40
    pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the
    II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.
    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    [continued in next message]

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Dec 29 19:32:34 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over
    the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing
    in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began
    to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they
    were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in
    life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a
    shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and
    the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions"
    ) who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva
    shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario,
    when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to
    their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making
    an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would
    be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to
    play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between
    their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later
    circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out
    upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from
    being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon
    union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-
    type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and
    so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40
    pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the
    II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.
    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    [continued in next message]

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Dec 30 11:35:03 2022
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some people

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken over
    the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison singing
    in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began
    to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how those
    performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was produced.
    George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they
    were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration
    matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that he
    thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice say,
    Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in
    life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a
    shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday; and
    the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many Mansions"
    ) who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the evening for
    Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul McCartney's
    nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions, as
    Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva
    shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario,
    when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to
    their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor making
    an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time would
    be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the judicial
    astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to
    play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between
    their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later
    circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between the
    Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush out
    upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from
    being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon
    union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-
    type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released, and
    so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The morning
    condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:40
    pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at the
    inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with the
    II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    The quatrain flashes back to the interregnum prior to the conclave for selection of a new pope after John Paul II in April 2005: the field of Mars was the interregnum mentioned in IX.50, remarking the red one becomes pale, confirming his prophecy
    through the Mars-Neptune conjunct of 13 April 2005.
    I had posted on the recent might-have-been birthday for John Lennon, 9 October 2022:

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Dec 30 15:41:07 2022
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some
    people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken
    over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison
    singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they began
    to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how
    those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what they
    were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that
    he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice
    say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title '
    Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in
    life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a
    shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday;
    and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many
    Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions,
    as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in Geneva
    shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive fatalities
    occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack scenario,
    when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied to
    their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor
    making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time
    would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the
    judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to
    play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between
    their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later
    circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between
    the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush
    out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from
    being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon
    union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an apocalyptic-
    type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can be more
    effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released,
    and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The
    morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:
    40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at
    the inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with
    the II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether this
    Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    The societal change they wrought is in the next line, as stimulating further progressive change -

    Des uns changes reformes la plupart

    From those changed the majority reformed

    The line about Benedict now is at the end of I.23 -
    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Dec 31 16:23:42 2022
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript statement
    further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some
    people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have taken
    over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the unison
    singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they
    began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage listeners,
    yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how
    those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what
    they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness that
    he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a voice
    say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the
    title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great
    in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with
    a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension Thursday;
    and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many
    Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found new
    success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two dimensions,
    as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in
    Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift applied
    to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor
    making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time
    would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the
    judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself to
    play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap between
    their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the Saturn-
    Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports the
    theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised later
    circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that cut
    across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line between
    the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly gush
    out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far from
    being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-Moon
    union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was released,
    and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The
    morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around 11:
    40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus at
    the inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming with
    the II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    The administering of Last Rites for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI appears predicted, along with his initial rise to the papacy, using the codename Leopard - an article was found discussing Benedict as incoming pope with a title asking whether
    this Leopard could change his spots.
    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...
    This line is from VI.20, a quatrain that actually begins regarding The Beatles' breakup in 1970 as a 'Make-Believe Union' of regrettably short duration.

    L'union feinte sera peu de duree

    The Make-Believe Union will not seem to last long enough

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Dec 31 19:07:39 2022
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some
    people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have
    taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the
    unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they
    began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how
    those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what
    they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness
    that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a
    voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the
    title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called
    Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET,
    with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many
    Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found
    new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in
    Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift
    applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor
    making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time
    would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the
    judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself
    to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap
    between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports
    the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised
    later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that
    cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line
    between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly
    gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far
    from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-
    Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The
    morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around
    11:40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus
    at the inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming
    with the II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Dec 31 18:49:01 2022
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which some
    people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have
    taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the
    unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they
    began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in how
    those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive what
    they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness
    that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a
    voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the
    title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called
    Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET,
    with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many
    Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found
    new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in
    Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift
    applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor
    making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical time
    would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the
    judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in itself
    to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap
    between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports
    the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised
    later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that
    cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line
    between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly
    gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far
    from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-
    Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The
    morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle when
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up around
    11:40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto Venus
    at the inside bottom-lip position.

    The Vesta conjunct with the Vertex appears to be the triggering factor, occurring just as the Descendant slips between Neptune and Juno, less than a degree apart. This precedes the first trine for Mercury to form the pattern, conforming
    with the II.92 of massive fatalities occurring by the time of the Great Nephew; the Revelation theme puts the spotlight on Venus as being the High-Born target struck, despite her implicit passivity in the critical chart.

    So the critical time is calculated for

    << 29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST / 2:27 pm PST >>

    The following day will present a less ominous circumstance, with the Saturn trines for Midheaven and Fortune over fifty minutes apart (11:26 pm and 12:17 am).

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Dec 31 21:28:46 2022
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which
    some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have
    taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the
    unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how they
    began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in
    how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive
    what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such brightness
    that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon heard a
    voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the
    title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called
    Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET,
    with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of Many
    Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band found
    new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely comprehended.

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval in
    Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which is
    technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift
    applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an actor
    making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical
    time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16), the
    judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in
    itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap
    between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58 supports
    the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset, reigning
    Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised
    later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point that
    cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line
    between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly
    gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far
    from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-
    Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET. The
    morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle
    when the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up
    around 11:40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    Saturn is in its respective trine aspects with Fortune and East Point about fifteen minutes apart. Again the Saturn trine lines, now reinforced with Fortune added to the Midheaven aspect, indicate the Vessel Full and Overflowing onto
    Venus at the inside bottom-lip position.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sun Jan 1 15:54:56 2023
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 9:28:48 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which
    some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists have
    taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like the
    unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how
    they began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but in
    how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what was
    produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive
    what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such
    brightness that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon
    heard a voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary
    the title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called
    Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET,
    with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of
    Many Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band
    found new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval
    in Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position, which
    is technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift
    applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an
    actor making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical
    time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16),
    the judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in
    itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap
    between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However, the
    Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58
    supports the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset,
    reigning Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was reprised
    later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point
    that cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line
    between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents implicitly
    gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass, far
    from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-corner;

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending Jupiter-
    Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET.
    The morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the cycle
    when the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    11:29 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven;

    11:32 pm - Pallas trine East Point;

    11:33 pm - Mercury trine Ascendant;

    11:42 pm - Mercury trine East Point.

    The Cylindrical-Vessel configuration appears formed from the 11:18 pm Pallas trine with the Ascendant; it is reconstituted using the East Point (as a conveniently nearby Ascendant backup) around 11:32 pm; the configuration breaks up
    around 11:40 pm (with Pallas then over four degrees from its East Point trine).

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Jan 3 06:02:22 2023
    On Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 9:28:48 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg, which
    some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists
    have taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like
    the unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is how
    they began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but
    in how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what
    was produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would perceive
    what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose
    numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such
    brightness that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon
    heard a voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary
    the title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism;
    called Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using
    CET, with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of
    Many Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band
    found new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin interval
    in Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position,
    which is technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the massive
    fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift Attack
    scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta shift
    applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an
    actor making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the critical
    time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16),
    the judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in
    itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute gap
    between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However,
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58
    supports the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset,
    reigning Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was
    reprised later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East Point
    that cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile line
    between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents
    implicitly gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass,
    far from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending
    Jupiter-Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET.
    The morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022, there are two differences: first, following the Venus-Mercury conjunct, Mercury is now on the outside corner, with Venus close to Pluto (also called Hades); second, this is the instance in the
    cycle when the Saturn-Midheaven trine occurs closest to a Saturn-Fortune trine, doubling the effect of the 'Liquid-Level-Setting' line.

    For the evening of 29 December 2022 using Geneva coordinates and CET:

    11:13 pm - Saturn trine Fortune;

    11:18 pm - Pallas trine Ascendant;

    11:27 pm - Vesta conjunct Vertex, Descendant between Neptune and Juno (less than a degree apart);

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Thu Jan 5 12:27:56 2023
    On Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:02:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 9:28:48 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a postscript
    statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg,
    which some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual Home.

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists
    have taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like
    the unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is
    how they began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to engage
    listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation, but
    in how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process what
    was produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would
    perceive what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16,
    whose numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such
    brightness that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon
    heard a voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying
    Mary the title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism;
    called Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using
    CET, with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an Ascension
    Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier than

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple Of
    Many Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in the
    evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the band
    found new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in two
    dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin
    interval in Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position,
    which is technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the
    massive fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift
    Attack scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta
    shift applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like an
    actor making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the
    critical time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.16),
    the judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor in
    itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute
    gap between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However,
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58
    supports the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset,
    reigning Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was
    reprised later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East
    Point that cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile
    line between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents
    implicitly gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking Glass,
    far from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending
    Jupiter-Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to an
    apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing can
    be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner was
    released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    The rectangular configuration being sustained except for a single corner makes the pattern completed at two points in the day for Geneva: with the Vertex around 11:15 am CET; and with the Ascendant and East Point around 11:15 pm CET.
    The morning condition places Venus incorrectly at an upper corner, so this is not consequential to the cataclysmic timing, while the near-midnight circumstances ominously comply.

    [continued in next message]

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Jan 7 14:16:04 2023
    On Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 12:27:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:02:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 9:28:48 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a
    postscript statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg,
    which some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing vocalists
    have taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds more like
    the unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that is
    how they began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to
    engage listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation,
    but in how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process
    what was produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would
    perceive what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16,
    whose numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such
    brightness that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon
    heard a voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying
    Mary the title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism;
    called Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva,
    using CET, with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an
    Ascension Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier
    than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A Temple
    Of Many Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar conjunctions in
    the evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18 June 1961 (Paul
    McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the
    band found new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in
    two dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin
    interval in Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position,
    which is technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the
    massive fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift
    Attack scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta
    shift applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon, like
    an actor making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the
    critical time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.
    16), the judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too minor
    in itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-minute
    gap between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET. However,
    the Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.58
    supports the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive onset,
    reigning Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was
    reprised later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East
    Point that cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile
    line between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents
    implicitly gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking
    Glass, far from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees Cancer;

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very upper-

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending
    Jupiter-Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    Having learned from studying the intricacies of judicial astrology on a more advanced level, after examining the Geneva charts circa the 13 July 2022 Super-Moon, the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse (which I.52 warns was prelude to
    an apocalyptic-type plague, such as one would hear about in church), and the discovery that the observed Oblong Box formation was likely the 'Ancient Urn,' depicted as a modern Cylindrical Vessel (shaped like a water-drinking glass), a definitive timing
    can be more effectively deduced.

    This contemporary augury has not occurred in an academic vacuum, but while acknowledging various major concurrent news events, such as the home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the prisoner exchange whereby Brittney Griner
    was released, and so on, often predicted with confirmatory facts.

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Sat Jan 7 23:10:38 2023
    On Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 2:16:06 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 12:27:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:02:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 9:28:48 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 7:07:41 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:23:44 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 3:41:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:35:05 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:43:57 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:36:54 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:05:34 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:03:03 PM UTC-8, pamel...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 8:20:15 PM UTC-6, eagali...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:18:09 PM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:44:42 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 11:04:03 AM UTC-8, Curtis Eagal wrote:
    In my book on the debut album by The Beatles, "The Comedy Of Eros," after the section for "Love Me Do," the B-Side "P.S. I Love You" had its analysis, covering the contrasting commitment factor, appending a
    postscript statement further justifying the lyrical command of the A-Side.

    John Lennon said Paul McCartney was attempting to write a song in a mode like "Soldier Boy," by The Shirelles. McCartney refuted rumors: "It's not based in reality, nor did I write it to my girlfriend from Hamburg,
    which some people think."

    There is no bargaining for a relationship here, one already exists threatened by the physical separation of distance - "Keep all my love forever" from "I'll always be true"; there is a reunion promised at a mutual

    In a sort of brisk calypso Latin-Rock style, they used a cha-cha beat, with session drummer Andy White providing subtle percussion while Ringo Starr rattled a maraca.

    << ...The bridge is more traditional in structure and chord choices than the verse, but the tune relies on unexpected tonalities, mixing familiar chords with ones more appropriate to jazz...

    The backing vocals by Lennon and Harrison highlight certain syllables in the lyrical phrases of the verse, starting with first syllable, concluding with the final two syllables.

    The tune derives some drama from variations in these backing vocals: in the intro and first appearance of the bridge, they seem to be in unison with the lead vocal - but when the bridge returns, the backing
    vocalists have taken over the lead role, and Paul scats around them for an exhilarating twist; and in the final, fourth instance of the verse, the backing vocals come in slightly sooner than the lead, and the syllabic emphasis diminishes, so it sounds
    more like the unison singing in the first bridge.

    After a triple repeat of the "You, you, you" line, there is some rhythmic strumming, a final invocation of "I love you," and the tune simply halts with a cessation of the rhythm.

    The title nearly intones,

    I love you,"

    which could be a subtly hidden reference to the Christian symbol for Jesus consisting of an elongated letter "P" with an "X" crossing its shaft, representing the Greek letters Chi and Rho respectively, since that
    is how they began to spell the word "Christ" - this notion was probably conscious, because it seems pivotally hinted by the first line,

    "As I write this

    ...the protracted scat-crooning of "you, you, you" in the lead vocal resembles,

    'You -

    The band joked in a Christmas message recorded for fans about their early hit "From Me To You" having become a standard; they would look back on their early phases as a sort of rut, full of personal pronouns to
    engage listeners, yearning for some exotic chords or rhythms to avoid any impression of monotony, despite the pop song-crafting inherently utilizing repetition.

    There is no substitute to actually hearing the music for getting intended deeper messages, since they would not be apparent in the overt lyrical content, but how it is treated, and not in the instrumental notation,
    but in how those performances were meant to strike the ear.

    John Lennon would later explain The Beatles as a unified group was about forging ahead and getting the collective task accomplished, while being aware it might take well into the next century for people to process
    what was produced. George Harrison wrote The Beatles had thrown boulders into the collective consciousness with the ripples yet to manifest.

    Lennon commented on the unconscious Christ-transference, earning him the so-called apology interview, where he responded to aggressive journalists with thoughtful contemplations of how Jesus of the gospels would
    perceive what they were experiencing at their concerts. The seeds of that conflict between Faith-Based-Art and Faith-Lacking-Base were evident even in the B-Side of their first vinyl release from 5 October 1962.

    Venus At Its Saturnin Nadir
    With Relics Exuding Myrrh

    Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16,
    whose numeration matches the date.

    The theme of smoke as from Frankincense due to burning human flesh in V.16 presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'Fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.

    As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.

    A more likely possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics purportedly exude myrrh.


    << Saint Simon the Myrrh-Gusher lived an ascetical life on Mt Athos, and was glorified by many miracles. He was the founder of the New Bethlehem monastery, now known as Simonopetra. One night, he saw a star of such
    brightness that he thought it must be the Star of Bethlehem. Seeing the star remain motionless for several nights, he thought at first that it was a demonic temptation. On the eve of the Lord’s Nativity the star stood over a high rock, and Saint Simon
    heard a voice say, “Here, O Simon, you must lay the foundations of your monastery for the salvation of souls.” He built the monastery and called it New Bethlehem.

    He reposed in the year 1287, and his holy relics exude myrrh. >>

    The Second of January has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying
    Mary the title 'Mother of God.'

    Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible-reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism;
    called Great in life, and declared a Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 line 4 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.

    Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclame

    Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.

    Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed

    It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.

    The Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.

    There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 line 4 could make the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle for its 'Lasting Phantom.' Garabandal is in the same time zone as Geneva,
    using CET, with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign entering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET.

    The Miracle stipulations were met 13 May 2021, the foretold 8:30 pm CEST local Garabandal time was synchronized with a Mercury lunar conjunction (Fortune was opposing Venus about ten minutes later): this was an
    Ascension Thursday; and the story of concurrently-honored Blessed Imelda matches as an unusual martyr of the Eucharist, dying from her first Communion, after a spectral Host appearing over her persuaded the priest to let her receive the Sacrament earlier
    than planned.

    On 3 January 2022, there will be a Mars lunar conjunct also in the evening, at 8:47 pm CET; Fortune conjoins Neptune two minutes later. The vision of the Miracle was shared by a young priest (story retold in "A
    Temple Of Many Mansions") who was ecstatic, yet died hours later (the young girl visionaries said he would be found incorrupt, but he was later exhumed and this was not the case). The coincidence of these two dates having major planetary lunar
    conjunctions in the evening for Garabandal may be significant, so it can be presumed the Miracle would be first visible in this scenario shortly before 3 January 2022 9 pm CET. Garabandal is directly below Liverpool, with the apparitions beginning on 18
    June 1961 (Paul McCartney's nineteenth birthday); Hamburg is directly east of Liverpool.

    As the world was mystified by the unexplained phenomenon at Garabandal, The Beatles were honing their craft at Hamburg nightclubs, and evolving into their collective long-haired personas. Returning to Liverpool, the
    band found new success when being promoted as 'Direct From Hamburg,' causing the British audience to presume they were an unfamiliar foreign act.


    The text explains how the Israelis regaining Jerusalem in June 1967 was a key factor in both the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation vision, occurring within a seven-year period whose significance was not widely

    The Miracle as Henoch's Sword would not be a static Metaphysical Monument, but activate as hinted in V.42 at a later date (using Mars for a timing clue), driving the wicked into an Abyss that opens simultaneously in
    two dimensions, as Charles VIII drove the Savoyards from France to Turin, Italy, circa 1495.

    So if the Saturnin interval has been properly defined for lunar conjunctions, the Moon subsequently reaching Vesta would be the limiting temporal parameter. The judicial astrology for the remainder of the Saturnin
    interval in Geneva shows several elements previously observed, however the precise details are unique (using CET):

    27 December 2022 6:40 pm - Neptune conjunct Juno;

    10:28 pm to 10:39 pm - The Moon and South Node form a Grand Trine with the Part of Fortune;

    28 December 2022 12:38 am - Sun at Nadir;

    1 am - Upright Grand Trine peaks with Midheaven-Apex, the Moon and South Node trine line forming the horizontal base;

    1:47 am - Venus at Nadir, Pallas at Midheaven (their opposition occurred 27 December 2022 8:28 pm) - this could be the cataclysmic onset time -

    << 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET / 27 December 2022 7:47 pm EST / 4:47 pm PST >>;

    1:55 am - Mercury at Nadir, Ouranos conjoined by the Vertex;

    3:29 am to 3:32 am - East Point forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    3:47 am - Saturn at Nadir, South Node at Ascendant;

    4:48 am to 4:53 am - Ascendant forms a Grand Trine with Pallas and Neptune-Juno;

    5:18 am to 5:28 am - Grand Trine of Moon-Vesta with South Node and the Vertex;

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct (ends Saturnin interval).

    The Upright Lunar Grand Trine at 1 am CET appears particularly ominous, as though the Upturned Cup (with Venus beneath) and Divine Trinity concepts are visually merged, shortly before Venus reaches the Nadir position,
    which is technical debasement (X.28); the Moon involved somehow as Neptune consummates its union with Juno demonstrates further perplexity for III.3, beyond the two being in Pisces.

    The opposition of Venus and Pallas puts the latter at Midheaven, reminding of the theme from II.66 about being trapped from 'Palais' for Pallas.

    The eight-minute gap between Venus and Mercury reaching the Nadir should be critical, with X.79 calling Mercury Great perhaps ironically for positioning at the Nadir: High-Born Venus would mark the onset, with the
    massive fatalities occurring by Mercury's time, as the Great Nephew of II.92.

    The most compelling factor for fixing the date of this double fire-and-water catastrophe at 28 December 2022 is the honoring of Saint Simon of Mount Athos, whose relics exude myrrh: this would complete the Magi Gift
    Attack scenario, when supplied with the horrific manifestations of Frankincense-like smoke and Golden fire.
    Looking slightly past the Vesta lunar conjunct, while still in 28 December 2022 for the Myrrh connection with Saint Simon of Mount Athos, the Geneva chart shows circumstances potentially complying for the Saturn-Vesta
    shift applied to their consecutive risings at the Ascendant, when a moment unequivocally focuses a spotlight on planet Venus, in yet another Grand Trine.

    Saturn rises 10:47 am CET; Vesta is at the Ascendant later, at 11:33 am CET.

    A Venusian Grand Trine forms with conceptual points the Vertex and Fortune acting in tandem at about 11:31 am CET, peaking around 11:35 am CET, then quickly disintegrating, just as Vesta is emerging on the horizon,
    like an actor making an entrance on cue.

    If Saturn and Vesta herald the double cataclysm in this way, the notable feature of the Grand Trine in the chart would point conclusively towards Venus, on the day to complete the Magi Gift theme with Myrrh, and the
    critical time would be -

    << 28 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    However for the projected Miracle Awareness Day of 3 January 2023, the Mars lunar conjunct under a Venusian Reign has Venus and Mars potentially alright that night for Garabandal.
    With the Neptune lunar conjunct on the 28 December 2022 date providing unequivocal perplexity for III.3, on the feast of Saint Simon of Mount Athos for the contribution of Myrrh to the Magi Gift Attack scenario (II.92, V.
    16), the judicial astrology should be approached with extreme flexibility.

    Using CET and Geneva coordinates for that date:

    5:30 am - Vesta lunar conjunct;

    4:39 pm to 4:44 pm - Vertex in Grand Trine position for Pallas and Neptune, Venus opposing Pallas;

    4:51 pm - Dusk brings jump for Fortune from lunar opposition (around 19 degrees Virgo) to nearly 25 degrees Aries;

    7:47 pm to 8:14 pm - Fortune moves through positions to form a Grand Trine with Ceres and Pluto - since Venus and Mercury are near Pluto, Venus seems poised beneath the lip of a tipping Cup;

    8:44 pm - Saturn reaches the Descendant;

    9:21 pm - Pallas lunar trine;

    10:35 pm - Vesta at Descendant (X.6);

    11:05 pm - Neptune lunar conjunct (III.3);

    11:28 pm - Neptune at Descendant;

    11:29 pm - Moonset, Fortune in Solar opposition, the Vertex at Vesta;

    11:31 pm - Juno at Descendant;

    11:32 pm - Saturn trine Midheaven (IX.44), as another 'Oblong Box' presentation appears, having the Ascendant trine Venus, with Pallas and Neptune-Moon also all around 22-23 degrees in their respective signs (II.66);

    11:53 pm - Juno lunar conjunct.

    Saturn falling at the Descendant precedes by about half an hour Venus joined by the Vertex, then three minutes later the Vertex has moved on to Mercury - yet the Vertex merely conjoining a celestial body appears too
    minor in itself to play a major role in the denouement of this elaborate scheme.

    The Vesta designation of X.6 would remain from its lunar conjunct of 5:30 am CET, until the Neptune lunar conjunct. Since Juno is very close to Neptune, the appearance of the rectangular configuration during the 48-
    minute gap between their lunar conjunctions appears ominous.

    The lunar conjunction sequence of Saturn, Vesta, Neptune may be indicated with isolated warnings for each, muddling things when precise clarity is sought: Saturn was joined by the Moon 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET.
    However, the Saturn-Midheaven trine synchronized with the critical time potentially justifies the urgency of the Saturnin warnings on that basis alone. And Vesta falling at the Descendant precedes the critical Neptune-Moonset by less than an hour.

    The proximity of Neptune to Juno at the time of its lunar conjunct could provide the implied perplexity of III.3, spotlighting the period of less than an hour until the Moon reaches Juno.

    The seer could have created the device of being trapped within the 'Pallas' of II.66 because the Revelation Cup symbolism was too temporally inexact for his illuminated version; the phrasing 'Chief pail of water' in IV.
    58 supports the theory Saint John's vision has been generically reprocessed. Venus seemed debased by being placed beneath Pallas at her Nadir 28 December 2022 1:47 am CET, as a condition of judicial astrology that should shortly precede the explosive
    onset, reigning Jupiter placing his wretched daughter Venus (as Mystery Babylon) in the 'Palace Basement Dungeon.'

    The Great Mercury of X.79 in this timing context would be the Venus-Mercury conjunct occurring 29 December 2022 2:55 pm CET.

    Presuming the Venusian trine with the Ascendant during the Oblong Box for setting Neptune-Moon will be the triggering aspect derives the critical time as

    << 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET / 5:32 pm ST / 2:32 pm PST >>

    The rectangular configuration has proportions very similar to the yellow oblong area seen above The Beatles on their debut album sleeve cover photo, when they leaned over the balcony at EMI headquarters - the image was
    reprised later circa 1969, tentatively for the Get Back sessions, but was ultimately used for the latter half of the double vinyl career compilation (1966-1970) with a blue border.

    The notion of the Oblong Box presenting a trapped circumstance, hinted by Pallas being involved with II.66, is one way of interpreting the judicial astrology imagery.

    Another approach would be to marvel at how the rectangular shape is potentially the side-view of a cylindrical modern drinking glass vessel.

    Then comparing the two appearances it can be observed how Venus could drink from the Glass, the contents of which are shown by respective Saturn trines.

    In the first case, Christmas Day 1:44 am CET, Venus was at the Nadir, and the rectangle's lowest point was Mercury near Venus, with Pallas, Neptune, and the fast-moving Part of Fortune; Saturn was in a trine with the East
    Point that cut across the lower portion of the Glass, suggesting a small amount of fluid sloshing at the bottom, with the open-end above between Pallas and Fortune.

    The Glass is neither full nor oriented to pour.

    For the second case, the Myrrh Day of 28 December 2022 11:32 pm CET, Venus herself is at the low point of the Glass, which is turned so Neptune with the Moon at the Ecliptic seems the upper lip of the open-end (the sextile
    line between the Ascendant and Pallas would be the upper, closed-end); the lengthier trine lines form the cylindrical walls of the conceptual Glass.

    Now Saturn in trine with the Midheaven point paints a different picture, bisecting the Neptune-Moon portion at an oblique angle: the Glass thus appears completely Full, with a small gap of air at the top as its contents
    implicitly gush out upon Venus.

    The Cup symbolism of Revelation was not outdated despite its ancient source, but too sophisticated (referring to line drawings in judicial astrology) to be perceived initially in its advanced form as the Modern Drinking
    Glass, far from being limited to the simpler appearances of the Grand Trines.
    Venus Drains The Cup With Saturn Marking Meager Dregs [29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST]

    The Draining Phase for the Cylindrical Vessel celestial manifestation was observed for Geneva charts following the Pouring Phase about twelve hours earlier when the Moon was between Neptune and Juno.

    This is preceded by Saturn rising 29 December 2022 10:43 am CET - continuing with similar parameters:

    11:21 am to 11:35 am - The Vertex moves into position in Virgo for the rectangular Cylindrical-Vessel, with Venus-Mercury around 24 degrees Capricorn, Neptune-Juno around 23 degrees Pisces, and Pallas nearing 22 degrees

    11:30 am - Vesta at the Ascendant;

    11:31 am - Saturn sextile Midheaven bisects the upper section where Venus-Mercury seems to be up-ending the Cylinder, at a very slight angle so it visually suggests some remnant dregs that failed to pour out at the very

    11:50 am - As Neptune-Juno reaches the Ascendant, the Cylinder-Vessel impression is sustained as the Vertex progresses, finding a new connection with Lilith to replace Pallas at the lowest corner, in trine with the impending
    Jupiter-Moon union (by then the Saturn-Midheaven aspect is inconsequential, about 4.5 degrees off);

    1:12 pm - Jupiter lunar conjunct;

    1:49 pm - Venus and Mercury arrive at Midheaven;

    2:55 pm - Venus and Mercury have their conjunction (perhaps as the Great Mercury of X.79).

    Since Saturn is generally given as the agent of change, its Midheaven sextile during the Draining Vessel prodigy suggests the critical time should be -

    << 29 December 2022 11:31 am CET / 5:31 am EST / 2:31 am PST >>

    The reconstitution of the Vessel structure with Lilith as back-up for Pallas accentuates the feeling of tangibility, as well as functionally enacting the draining of every last drop from the Cup of Divine Wrath.


    Lors aura Rome un nouveau Leopard

    Then Rome will have a new Leopard...

    {VI.20 ... I.23}

    Leopard lasse au ciel etend son oeil

    The tired Leopard extends his gaze heavenward
    Papa Ratzinger?
    Saturn Line Doubles To Pour Over Venus,
    Vesta Struck By The Vertex
    [29 December 2022 11:27 pm CET / 5:27 pm EST]

    [continued in next message]

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