Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances prior toonset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]
onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances prior to
as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its second phase
The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.bottom lip of the vessel.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus at the
A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.
to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances prior
as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its second phase
bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus at the
visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining the Moon
The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Dusk);
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21 December 2022
4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being precisely
<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near The
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
change in IX.44).During the period when the Sun and Moon are conjoining, each celestial body that rises at the Ascendant appears with its Fortune conjunct very close, with the greatest synchronicity for the rising of Saturn (justifying being cast as an agent of
from II.66 about Pallas likely has a dual application, to alert to both the 21 December 2022 Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas, and the 23 December morning descent of Pallas.The Surprise Venusian Reprise Grand Trine during the Sun-Moon union is too transitory to be the Mobile Sign of I.54 (the 17 November 2022 Venus-At-Nadir instance is implied instead), since the rapidly-moving Vertex is a participant. The line
effectively obscured.The critical time clearly appears to be the New Moon itself, however by providing jumbled factoids for the judicial astrology extending over a protracted period of time with several distinct circumstances being subtly implied, this was
have inherited from the Revelation version.* New Moon, Animated Pouring Cup For Venus;
Saturn Points East; Mercury Grand With A Square
Taking V.66 "De Sol et Lune' as 'From Sun and Moon,' meaning the New Moon (with oddly coinciding Venusian Grand Trine) of 23 December 2022 closely precedes a further moment advancing the debasement sequence for Venus, which the seer appears to
prior to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances
phase as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its second
bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus at the
visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining the Moon
2022 at Dusk);The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Eve.
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21 December
precisely at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being
did not provide a road map, more like a jigsaw puzzle.<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near TheOf course the Moon and Mercury had not had their conjunction before dropping below the Ecliptic: if the conditions following this Mercury lunar conjunct are the subject, the critical time is close and requires further analysis to determine. The seer
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
The Geneva charts give the impression both the celestial bodies falling at the Descendant and the lunar aspects are relevant, with the onset expected to feature Venus in some way.previously, the 'two seas' condition of 2 November 2022, which had Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X.28);
For Geneva using CET 24 December 2022:
7:09 pm - Saturn in lunar adjacency;
8:32 pm - Mercury lunar conjunct (X.79 Great Mercury);
8:48 pm - Neptune lunar sextile (III.3 Corinth-Ephesus perplexity manifested simply - 'lors' for 'then' should apply not to the quatrain line about trembling, but establish a chronology for the other Corinth-Ephesus reference in II.52 happening
8:58 pm - Saturn at Descendant (this could commence the Saturnin interval for VI.17 and V.24, to terminate when Vesta subsequently falls beneath the horizon);
9:10 pm - Pallas lunar opposition (possible double meaning from the Palais-Palace pun in II.66, beyond the Fortune-jump scenario);
9:15 pm - Venus conjunct Vertex (possible understated triggering aspect), Ouranos at Midheaven;
10:43 pm - Vesta reaches the Descendant.
The critical time would be when Venus is conjoined by the Vertex at
<< 24 December 2022 9:15 pm CET / 3:15 pm EST / 12:15 pm PST >>
'Rainbow -
For Noah!'
identical to the appearance of the Lilith-Pallas, Neptune-Jupiter, Sun-As-Fulcrum Grand Trine at the Geneva Venus Nadir chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET ('Under The Balance' condition for V.42);11:06 am - Saturn at Ascendant concurrent with Fortune conjunct ('The Saturnins will endure the worst,' V.24);
11:12 am to 11:19 am - Sudden Grand Trine of the fast-moving Vertex with Venus and Ouranos peaks, reprising the tripled Venusian Grand Trine as the Sun and Moon meet - the orientation of the Grand Trine, tipping to the Right, is virtually
of change in IX.44).11:16 am - Sun and Moon conjoin ('With Sun and Moon are the glittering metals,' V.66) -
<< 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET / 5:16 am EST / 2:16 am PST >> ;
1:48 am - Vesta conjoined by Fortune;
11:49 am - Vesta at Ascendant ('Vesta sepulchral fire,' X.6).
12:30 pm - Ceres at Descendant, Jupiter at Ascendant with Fortune and the East Point, Sun and Moon at Midheaven.
During the period when the Sun and Moon are conjoining, each celestial body that rises at the Ascendant appears with its Fortune conjunct very close, with the greatest synchronicity for the rising of Saturn (justifying being cast as an agent
from II.66 about Pallas likely has a dual application, to alert to both the 21 December 2022 Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas, and the 23 December morning descent of Pallas.The Surprise Venusian Reprise Grand Trine during the Sun-Moon union is too transitory to be the Mobile Sign of I.54 (the 17 November 2022 Venus-At-Nadir instance is implied instead), since the rapidly-moving Vertex is a participant. The line
effectively obscured.The critical time clearly appears to be the New Moon itself, however by providing jumbled factoids for the judicial astrology extending over a protracted period of time with several distinct circumstances being subtly implied, this was
have inherited from the Revelation version.* New Moon, Animated Pouring Cup For Venus;
Saturn Points East; Mercury Grand With A Square
Taking V.66 "De Sol et Lune' as 'From Sun and Moon,' meaning the New Moon (with oddly coinciding Venusian Grand Trine) of 23 December 2022 closely precedes a further moment advancing the debasement sequence for Venus, which the seer appears to
prior to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances
phase as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its second
the bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus at
visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining the Moon
2022 at Dusk);The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Eve.
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21 December
precisely at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being
did not provide a road map, more like a jigsaw puzzle.<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near TheOf course the Moon and Mercury had not had their conjunction before dropping below the Ecliptic: if the conditions following this Mercury lunar conjunct are the subject, the critical time is close and requires further analysis to determine. The seer
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
previously, the 'two seas' condition of 2 November 2022, which had Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X.28);The Geneva charts give the impression both the celestial bodies falling at the Descendant and the lunar aspects are relevant, with the onset expected to feature Venus in some way.
For Geneva using CET 24 December 2022:
7:09 pm - Saturn in lunar adjacency;
8:32 pm - Mercury lunar conjunct (X.79 Great Mercury);
8:48 pm - Neptune lunar sextile (III.3 Corinth-Ephesus perplexity manifested simply - 'lors' for 'then' should apply not to the quatrain line about trembling, but establish a chronology for the other Corinth-Ephesus reference in II.52 happening
correspondence with this Grand Trine concept in its latter phase with the East Point that should be critical.8:58 pm - Saturn at Descendant (this could commence the Saturnin interval for VI.17 and V.24, to terminate when Vesta subsequently falls beneath the horizon);
9:10 pm - Pallas lunar opposition (possible double meaning from the Palais-Palace pun in II.66, beyond the Fortune-jump scenario);
9:15 pm - Venus conjunct Vertex (possible understated triggering aspect), Ouranos at Midheaven;
10:43 pm - Vesta reaches the Descendant.
The critical time would be when Venus is conjoined by the Vertex at
<< 24 December 2022 9:15 pm CET / 3:15 pm EST / 12:15 pm PST >>
'Rainbow -
For Noah!'Taking the hint for the Vertex moving from Venus, it crosses Mercury and the Moon, then Pluto, on its way to Saturn then Vesta.
Using those Vertex conjunctions brings another episode of the Cup appearing with Venus at the bottom lip, using the vestiges of its trine with Ouranos, nearly three degrees apart, with the Ascendant, then the East Point - it is the Venusian
For Geneva using CET:
10:56 pm - Saturn conjunct Vertex;
11:22 pm - Venus trine Ascendant, for Phase One of the Defunct Grand Trine (Emptying);
11:41 pm - Venus trine East Point, for Phase Two of the Defunct Grand Trine (Draining);
11:42 pm - Vesta crossed by the Vertex (ending the micro-timing for the Saturnin interval).
Shifting to the Vertex timing could be the necessary marvelous feat of II.92, following the Venus at Vertex condition confirmed by Ouranos at Midheaven.
<< 24 December 2022 11:41 pm CET / 5:41 pm EST / 2:41 pm PST >>
Ascendant, and East Point, respectively - however a further episode appears to be the setting for the actual cataclysmic onset.The Pouring sequence for Venus as Mystery Babylon was convincingly accomplished in the judicial astrology for the evening of 22 December 2022, through the three successive Grand Trines for the Venus-Ouranos trine, with the Part of Fortune,
identical to the appearance of the Lilith-Pallas, Neptune-Jupiter, Sun-As-Fulcrum Grand Trine at the Geneva Venus Nadir chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET ('Under The Balance' condition for V.42);The extraordinary circumstances of the impending New Moon could provide the ultimate solution, using Geneva coordinates and CET time zone for 23 December 2022:
8:23 am - Dawn brings a miniscule jump for Fortune (from slightly below the Ecliptic to the nearby lunar position above it), since the Sun and Moon are very close to conjoining for the New Moon;
9:22 am - Venus rises at the Ascendant;
9:39 am - Mercury at Ascendant (the Great Mercury of X.79, because immediately -);
9:42 am - Mercury conjoined by Fortune;
9:46 am - Pallas at Descendant ('From the Pallas the people become trapped,' II.66);
11:06 am - Saturn at Ascendant concurrent with Fortune conjunct ('The Saturnins will endure the worst,' V.24);
11:12 am to 11:19 am - Sudden Grand Trine of the fast-moving Vertex with Venus and Ouranos peaks, reprising the tripled Venusian Grand Trine as the Sun and Moon meet - the orientation of the Grand Trine, tipping to the Right, is virtually
agent of change in IX.44).11:16 am - Sun and Moon conjoin ('With Sun and Moon are the glittering metals,' V.66) -
<< 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET / 5:16 am EST / 2:16 am PST >> ;
1:48 am - Vesta conjoined by Fortune;
11:49 am - Vesta at Ascendant ('Vesta sepulchral fire,' X.6).
12:30 pm - Ceres at Descendant, Jupiter at Ascendant with Fortune and the East Point, Sun and Moon at Midheaven.
During the period when the Sun and Moon are conjoining, each celestial body that rises at the Ascendant appears with its Fortune conjunct very close, with the greatest synchronicity for the rising of Saturn (justifying being cast as an
line from II.66 about Pallas likely has a dual application, to alert to both the 21 December 2022 Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas, and the 23 December morning descent of Pallas.The Surprise Venusian Reprise Grand Trine during the Sun-Moon union is too transitory to be the Mobile Sign of I.54 (the 17 November 2022 Venus-At-Nadir instance is implied instead), since the rapidly-moving Vertex is a participant. The
effectively obscured.The critical time clearly appears to be the New Moon itself, however by providing jumbled factoids for the judicial astrology extending over a protracted period of time with several distinct circumstances being subtly implied, this was
to have inherited from the Revelation version.* New Moon, Animated Pouring Cup For Venus;
Saturn Points East; Mercury Grand With A Square
Taking V.66 "De Sol et Lune' as 'From Sun and Moon,' meaning the New Moon (with oddly coinciding Venusian Grand Trine) of 23 December 2022 closely precedes a further moment advancing the debasement sequence for Venus, which the seer appears
prior to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some circumstances
phase as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its second
the bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus at
Moon visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining the
December 2022 at Dusk);The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Eve.
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21
precisely at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being
seer did not provide a road map, more like a jigsaw puzzle.<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near TheOf course the Moon and Mercury had not had their conjunction before dropping below the Ecliptic: if the conditions following this Mercury lunar conjunct are the subject, the critical time is close and requires further analysis to determine. The
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
previously, the 'two seas' condition of 2 November 2022, which had Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X.28);The Geneva charts give the impression both the celestial bodies falling at the Descendant and the lunar aspects are relevant, with the onset expected to feature Venus in some way.
For Geneva using CET 24 December 2022:
7:09 pm - Saturn in lunar adjacency;
8:32 pm - Mercury lunar conjunct (X.79 Great Mercury);
8:48 pm - Neptune lunar sextile (III.3 Corinth-Ephesus perplexity manifested simply - 'lors' for 'then' should apply not to the quatrain line about trembling, but establish a chronology for the other Corinth-Ephesus reference in II.52 happening
correspondence with this Grand Trine concept in its latter phase with the East Point that should be critical.8:58 pm - Saturn at Descendant (this could commence the Saturnin interval for VI.17 and V.24, to terminate when Vesta subsequently falls beneath the horizon);
9:10 pm - Pallas lunar opposition (possible double meaning from the Palais-Palace pun in II.66, beyond the Fortune-jump scenario);
9:15 pm - Venus conjunct Vertex (possible understated triggering aspect), Ouranos at Midheaven;
10:43 pm - Vesta reaches the Descendant.
The critical time would be when Venus is conjoined by the Vertex at
<< 24 December 2022 9:15 pm CET / 3:15 pm EST / 12:15 pm PST >>
'Rainbow -
For Noah!'Taking the hint for the Vertex moving from Venus, it crosses Mercury and the Moon, then Pluto, on its way to Saturn then Vesta.
Using those Vertex conjunctions brings another episode of the Cup appearing with Venus at the bottom lip, using the vestiges of its trine with Ouranos, nearly three degrees apart, with the Ascendant, then the East Point - it is the Venusian
a grouping alongside Venus in opposition with Pallas and Lilith. Saturn is in a sextile aspect with the Vertex.For Geneva using CET:
10:56 pm - Saturn conjunct Vertex;
11:22 pm - Venus trine Ascendant, for Phase One of the Defunct Grand Trine (Emptying);
11:41 pm - Venus trine East Point, for Phase Two of the Defunct Grand Trine (Draining);
11:42 pm - Vesta crossed by the Vertex (ending the micro-timing for the Saturnin interval).
Shifting to the Vertex timing could be the necessary marvelous feat of II.92, following the Venus at Vertex condition confirmed by Ouranos at Midheaven.
<< 24 December 2022 11:41 pm CET / 5:41 pm EST / 2:41 pm PST >>Planet Ouranos makes its respective trines in the 24 December 2022 Geneva schedule with the Ascendant at 11:05 pm, and the East Point at 11:29 pm CET, alternating with the times listed for Venus doing the same (at 11:22 pm and 11:41 pm CET).
During about four minutes at 25 December 2022 1:08 am CET [24 December 7:08 pm EST / 4:08 pm PST], an upright Grand Trine appears with the Midheaven Apex, South Node and Vesta forming the base. The Moon is then midway between Mercury and Pluto, forming
And a Phantom Grand Trine oriented like the Geneva Venus at Nadir chart 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET appears, with Venus as the Fulcrum of the Tipping Balance, transitory with Fortune, and again utilizing Ouranos.are perennially enjoyed and universally beloved without necessarily having their true intent consciously comprehended.
This could be the phase where Venus as Mystery Babylon is being 'Remembered Before God.'
When Venus reaches the Geneva Nadir about an hour later at 1:44 am CET [24 December 7:44 pm EST / 4:44 pm PST], a different impression emerges:
Pallas sextile Fortune makes a short line;
Pallas trine Neptune makes a longer line;
Neptune sextile Mercury makes a short line; and
Mercury trine Fortune completes the rectangle -
'Within The Pallas The People Become Trapped'
Pallas at 22 degrees 56 minutes Cancer;
Fortune at 22 degrees 42 minutes Virgo;
Neptune at 22 degrees 46 minutes Pisces; and
Mercury at 22 degrees 45 minutes Capricorn.
The fleeting Oblong Box configuration has Venus in the debased Nadir position for Geneva, which could be the source of the 'physically entrapped' idea from II.66.
Using the deteriorating Venus trine with Ouranos, which had been in former Grand Trines, was using the Cup she mixed for herself; the dual reinvigoration with the Ascendant and East Point could be perceived as having mixed it double.
Observing these signs recognized as enacting progressive fulfillment of a highly esoteric ancient prophecy, illuminated by another ancient French prophetic cycle, is an extremely challenging eschatological endeavor.
The parables of Jesus, Hebrew prophecies from the time of Daniel and Isaiah, through Christian Revelation and the French illumination by Nostradamus, share unsolved enigmatic elements, despite being revered as genuine - just as the songs by The Beatles
the Moon was at the crest of the pediment Banner, with Mercury-Fortune at one side, and the Vertex at the other; the Fulcrum of the Grand Trine below was Ouranos, in lunar opposition.Remarkably, viewing the parallel Geneva chart at the time of the quake (20 December 2022 11:34 am CET) showed another differently-composed Upward Banner, as the top part of a Kite configuration with a Grand Trine in the lower portion:
as a visual message in the chart imagery, usually in tandem with the attributes ascribed to the participants.Sometimes in judicial astrology it seems the celestial bodies are performers gliding through precisely pre-ordained staging to produce various specific effects periodically, so that a form being introduced as a conceptual notion emerges
Grand Trine situation in IV.58, where the 'Chief Pail of Water' leads its offspring in spinning.*
'Somewhere -
Near the fabled -
Location -
For the books -
By Grimm'...
'Near The "Grimm Brother" Land'Post-Pouring For Venus, New Moon Surprise Grand Trine
As Triggering Phase For Fire & Flood Cataclysmic Onset
On the evening of 17 December 2022, when the Geneva Dusk Fortune jump created a Grand Trine with Venus and the Node, which then shifted as Fortune progressed to form a new Grand Trine with Mercury and Ouranos, presented the Offspring
Ascendant, and East Point, respectively - however a further episode appears to be the setting for the actual cataclysmic onset.The Pouring sequence for Venus as Mystery Babylon was convincingly accomplished in the judicial astrology for the evening of 22 December 2022, through the three successive Grand Trines for the Venus-Ouranos trine, with the Part of Fortune,
identical to the appearance of the Lilith-Pallas, Neptune-Jupiter, Sun-As-Fulcrum Grand Trine at the Geneva Venus Nadir chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET ('Under The Balance' condition for V.42);The extraordinary circumstances of the impending New Moon could provide the ultimate solution, using Geneva coordinates and CET time zone for 23 December 2022:
8:23 am - Dawn brings a miniscule jump for Fortune (from slightly below the Ecliptic to the nearby lunar position above it), since the Sun and Moon are very close to conjoining for the New Moon;
9:22 am - Venus rises at the Ascendant;
9:39 am - Mercury at Ascendant (the Great Mercury of X.79, because immediately -);
9:42 am - Mercury conjoined by Fortune;
9:46 am - Pallas at Descendant ('From the Pallas the people become trapped,' II.66);
11:06 am - Saturn at Ascendant concurrent with Fortune conjunct ('The Saturnins will endure the worst,' V.24);
11:12 am to 11:19 am - Sudden Grand Trine of the fast-moving Vertex with Venus and Ouranos peaks, reprising the tripled Venusian Grand Trine as the Sun and Moon meet - the orientation of the Grand Trine, tipping to the Right, is virtually
agent of change in IX.44).11:16 am - Sun and Moon conjoin ('With Sun and Moon are the glittering metals,' V.66) -
<< 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET / 5:16 am EST / 2:16 am PST >> ;
1:48 am - Vesta conjoined by Fortune;
11:49 am - Vesta at Ascendant ('Vesta sepulchral fire,' X.6).
12:30 pm - Ceres at Descendant, Jupiter at Ascendant with Fortune and the East Point, Sun and Moon at Midheaven.
During the period when the Sun and Moon are conjoining, each celestial body that rises at the Ascendant appears with its Fortune conjunct very close, with the greatest synchronicity for the rising of Saturn (justifying being cast as an
line from II.66 about Pallas likely has a dual application, to alert to both the 21 December 2022 Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas, and the 23 December morning descent of Pallas.The Surprise Venusian Reprise Grand Trine during the Sun-Moon union is too transitory to be the Mobile Sign of I.54 (the 17 November 2022 Venus-At-Nadir instance is implied instead), since the rapidly-moving Vertex is a participant. The
effectively obscured.The critical time clearly appears to be the New Moon itself, however by providing jumbled factoids for the judicial astrology extending over a protracted period of time with several distinct circumstances being subtly implied, this was
to have inherited from the Revelation version.* New Moon, Animated Pouring Cup For Venus;
Saturn Points East; Mercury Grand With A Square
Taking V.66 "De Sol et Lune' as 'From Sun and Moon,' meaning the New Moon (with oddly coinciding Venusian Grand Trine) of 23 December 2022 closely precedes a further moment advancing the debasement sequence for Venus, which the seer appears
circumstances prior to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some
second phase as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its
at the bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had Venus
Moon visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining the
December 2022 at Dusk);The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Eve.
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21
precisely at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being
seer did not provide a road map, more like a jigsaw puzzle.<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near TheOf course the Moon and Mercury had not had their conjunction before dropping below the Ecliptic: if the conditions following this Mercury lunar conjunct are the subject, the critical time is close and requires further analysis to determine. The
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
previously, the 'two seas' condition of 2 November 2022, which had Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X.28);The Geneva charts give the impression both the celestial bodies falling at the Descendant and the lunar aspects are relevant, with the onset expected to feature Venus in some way.
For Geneva using CET 24 December 2022:
7:09 pm - Saturn in lunar adjacency;
8:32 pm - Mercury lunar conjunct (X.79 Great Mercury);
8:48 pm - Neptune lunar sextile (III.3 Corinth-Ephesus perplexity manifested simply - 'lors' for 'then' should apply not to the quatrain line about trembling, but establish a chronology for the other Corinth-Ephesus reference in II.52 happening
correspondence with this Grand Trine concept in its latter phase with the East Point that should be critical.8:58 pm - Saturn at Descendant (this could commence the Saturnin interval for VI.17 and V.24, to terminate when Vesta subsequently falls beneath the horizon);
9:10 pm - Pallas lunar opposition (possible double meaning from the Palais-Palace pun in II.66, beyond the Fortune-jump scenario);
9:15 pm - Venus conjunct Vertex (possible understated triggering aspect), Ouranos at Midheaven;
10:43 pm - Vesta reaches the Descendant.
The critical time would be when Venus is conjoined by the Vertex at
<< 24 December 2022 9:15 pm CET / 3:15 pm EST / 12:15 pm PST >>
'Rainbow -
For Noah!'Taking the hint for the Vertex moving from Venus, it crosses Mercury and the Moon, then Pluto, on its way to Saturn then Vesta.
Using those Vertex conjunctions brings another episode of the Cup appearing with Venus at the bottom lip, using the vestiges of its trine with Ouranos, nearly three degrees apart, with the Ascendant, then the East Point - it is the Venusian
forming a grouping alongside Venus in opposition with Pallas and Lilith. Saturn is in a sextile aspect with the Vertex.For Geneva using CET:
10:56 pm - Saturn conjunct Vertex;
11:22 pm - Venus trine Ascendant, for Phase One of the Defunct Grand Trine (Emptying);
11:41 pm - Venus trine East Point, for Phase Two of the Defunct Grand Trine (Draining);
11:42 pm - Vesta crossed by the Vertex (ending the micro-timing for the Saturnin interval).
Shifting to the Vertex timing could be the necessary marvelous feat of II.92, following the Venus at Vertex condition confirmed by Ouranos at Midheaven.
<< 24 December 2022 11:41 pm CET / 5:41 pm EST / 2:41 pm PST >>Planet Ouranos makes its respective trines in the 24 December 2022 Geneva schedule with the Ascendant at 11:05 pm, and the East Point at 11:29 pm CET, alternating with the times listed for Venus doing the same (at 11:22 pm and 11:41 pm CET).
During about four minutes at 25 December 2022 1:08 am CET [24 December 7:08 pm EST / 4:08 pm PST], an upright Grand Trine appears with the Midheaven Apex, South Node and Vesta forming the base. The Moon is then midway between Mercury and Pluto,
Beatles are perennially enjoyed and universally beloved without necessarily having their true intent consciously comprehended.And a Phantom Grand Trine oriented like the Geneva Venus at Nadir chart 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET appears, with Venus as the Fulcrum of the Tipping Balance, transitory with Fortune, and again utilizing Ouranos.
This could be the phase where Venus as Mystery Babylon is being 'Remembered Before God.'
When Venus reaches the Geneva Nadir about an hour later at 1:44 am CET [24 December 7:44 pm EST / 4:44 pm PST], a different impression emerges:
Pallas sextile Fortune makes a short line;
Pallas trine Neptune makes a longer line;
Neptune sextile Mercury makes a short line; and
Mercury trine Fortune completes the rectangle -
'Within The Pallas The People Become Trapped'
Pallas at 22 degrees 56 minutes Cancer;
Fortune at 22 degrees 42 minutes Virgo;
Neptune at 22 degrees 46 minutes Pisces; and
Mercury at 22 degrees 45 minutes Capricorn.
The fleeting Oblong Box configuration has Venus in the debased Nadir position for Geneva, which could be the source of the 'physically entrapped' idea from II.66.
Using the deteriorating Venus trine with Ouranos, which had been in former Grand Trines, was using the Cup she mixed for herself; the dual reinvigoration with the Ascendant and East Point could be perceived as having mixed it double.
Observing these signs recognized as enacting progressive fulfillment of a highly esoteric ancient prophecy, illuminated by another ancient French prophetic cycle, is an extremely challenging eschatological endeavor.
The parables of Jesus, Hebrew prophecies from the time of Daniel and Isaiah, through Christian Revelation and the French illumination by Nostradamus, share unsolved enigmatic elements, despite being revered as genuine - just as the songs by The
Venus Exalted Receives Vestal Urn In Saturnin Lunar IntervalHowever, nothing occurred with Venus during that interval beyond reaching the Ninth House cusp line.
[27 December 2022 1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST]
Returning to basics would put the cataclysmic finale at 27 December 2022: the Moon would then be between Saturn (for the Saturnin label, when the worst is endured, V.24) and Vesta (with the sepulchral fire in X.6).
What looks ominous for Venus then is when it crosses Midheaven (1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST / 4:47 am PST), because that coincides with Fortune slipping into a Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node.
Using Geneva coordinates and CET time zone for 27 December 2022:
1:47 pm - Venus at Midheaven;
1:47 pm to 1:51 pm - Grand Trine of Fortune-Vesta-South Node;
1:49 pm - Pallas at the Nadir;
1:53 pm - Ouranos at the Ascendant;
1:56 pm - Mercury at Midheaven (possibly the Great Mercury reference of X.79), an exalted position that may have had an ill-fated effect for Venus as her debasement.
The Saturnin interval would be defined as between the Saturn lunar conjunct 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET and the Vesta lunar conjunct 28 December 2022 5:30 am CET.
Two Upright Grand Trines were found on Christmas Day: one with Saturn at the Eleventh House cusp Apex point, having Fortune and the Vertex as the base, at 2:17 pm CET; and one with Vesta at the Apex, with Fortune and the South Node at 3:20 pm CET.
So the critical time is projected for -43 minutes Pisces; and Vesta is at 12 degrees 17 minutes Pisces.
<< 27 December 2022 1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST / 4:47 am PST >>
It can be presumed the Revelation judicial astrology has been largely satisfied by the complex Grand Trine sequences, which could be clarified in retrospect.
The hagiology has become confused, probably due to deliberate obfuscation by the seer; for some events in 2023 clear event-confirmations have been determined that are unlikely to seem unfulfilled.
What especially seems characteristic of Nostradamus is the reset for the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity during the new critical time: the Moon will be at 3 degrees 9 minutes Pisces, and Neptune at 22 degrees 48 minutes Pisces, very near Juno at 22 degrees
The 5 July 2021 precedent for the 'two seas' condition of II.52 had the Moon conjoined by Ceres, midway between Lilith and Ouranos as a 15-degree conceptual 'sea' to compare the Moon with Neptune in watery Pisces. The meaning of perplexity isintertwining, as the new condition has the Moon conspicuously between Saturn and Vesta, within Pisces with Neptune, which is itself occupied with Juno in near-conjunction.
The primary meaning of II.52's 'swimming in two seas' became clear 2 November 2022, as a Neptune lunar adjacency involving Aquarius and Pisces, coinciding with Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X28.
So the primary interpretation for the perplexity of III.3 could merely have Neptune and the Moon tangled up together in Pisces, without requiring any official aspect between themselves.
Pointing Pediment Banner formed with Ceres and the Vertex. It appears two casualties were reported from medical emergencies unrelated to falling debris.The recent 6.4 magnitude quake in the Bay area was the largest among a cluster of smaller tremors, occurring offshore 20 December 2022 2:34 am PST: the chart showed little above the Ecliptic, but at the Midheaven point was an Upward-
time equivalent of 12:38 am PST, about two hours prior to the Bay area quake. Timing of events can carry messages through judicial astrology: and the strongest tremor occurring offshore could be perceived as an immense Power displaying restraint andThis was reminiscent of the similarly-shaped configuration termed a Downward Banner, appearing in Geneva when the Mars-Chiron trine was augmented by the East Point (simultaneous with Venus rising 20 December 2022 9:38 am CET), at a
the Moon was at the crest of the pediment Banner, with Mercury-Fortune at one side, and the Vertex at the other; the Fulcrum of the Grand Trine below was Ouranos, in lunar opposition.Remarkably, viewing the parallel Geneva chart at the time of the quake (20 December 2022 11:34 am CET) showed another differently-composed Upward Banner, as the top part of a Kite configuration with a Grand Trine in the lower portion:
emerges as a visual message in the chart imagery, usually in tandem with the attributes ascribed to the participants.Sometimes in judicial astrology it seems the celestial bodies are performers gliding through precisely pre-ordained staging to produce various specific effects periodically, so that a form being introduced as a conceptual notion
Grand Trine situation in IV.58, where the 'Chief Pail of Water' leads its offspring in spinning.*
'Somewhere -
Near the fabled -
Location -
For the books -
By Grimm'...
'Near The "Grimm Brother" Land'Post-Pouring For Venus, New Moon Surprise Grand Trine
As Triggering Phase For Fire & Flood Cataclysmic Onset
On the evening of 17 December 2022, when the Geneva Dusk Fortune jump created a Grand Trine with Venus and the Node, which then shifted as Fortune progressed to form a new Grand Trine with Mercury and Ouranos, presented the Offspring
Fortune, Ascendant, and East Point, respectively - however a further episode appears to be the setting for the actual cataclysmic onset.The Pouring sequence for Venus as Mystery Babylon was convincingly accomplished in the judicial astrology for the evening of 22 December 2022, through the three successive Grand Trines for the Venus-Ouranos trine, with the Part of
virtually identical to the appearance of the Lilith-Pallas, Neptune-Jupiter, Sun-As-Fulcrum Grand Trine at the Geneva Venus Nadir chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET ('Under The Balance' condition for V.42);The extraordinary circumstances of the impending New Moon could provide the ultimate solution, using Geneva coordinates and CET time zone for 23 December 2022:
8:23 am - Dawn brings a miniscule jump for Fortune (from slightly below the Ecliptic to the nearby lunar position above it), since the Sun and Moon are very close to conjoining for the New Moon;
9:22 am - Venus rises at the Ascendant;
9:39 am - Mercury at Ascendant (the Great Mercury of X.79, because immediately -);
9:42 am - Mercury conjoined by Fortune;
9:46 am - Pallas at Descendant ('From the Pallas the people become trapped,' II.66);
11:06 am - Saturn at Ascendant concurrent with Fortune conjunct ('The Saturnins will endure the worst,' V.24);
11:12 am to 11:19 am - Sudden Grand Trine of the fast-moving Vertex with Venus and Ouranos peaks, reprising the tripled Venusian Grand Trine as the Sun and Moon meet - the orientation of the Grand Trine, tipping to the Right, is
agent of change in IX.44).11:16 am - Sun and Moon conjoin ('With Sun and Moon are the glittering metals,' V.66) -
<< 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET / 5:16 am EST / 2:16 am PST >> ;
1:48 am - Vesta conjoined by Fortune;
11:49 am - Vesta at Ascendant ('Vesta sepulchral fire,' X.6).
12:30 pm - Ceres at Descendant, Jupiter at Ascendant with Fortune and the East Point, Sun and Moon at Midheaven.
During the period when the Sun and Moon are conjoining, each celestial body that rises at the Ascendant appears with its Fortune conjunct very close, with the greatest synchronicity for the rising of Saturn (justifying being cast as an
line from II.66 about Pallas likely has a dual application, to alert to both the 21 December 2022 Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas, and the 23 December morning descent of Pallas.The Surprise Venusian Reprise Grand Trine during the Sun-Moon union is too transitory to be the Mobile Sign of I.54 (the 17 November 2022 Venus-At-Nadir instance is implied instead), since the rapidly-moving Vertex is a participant. The
effectively obscured.The critical time clearly appears to be the New Moon itself, however by providing jumbled factoids for the judicial astrology extending over a protracted period of time with several distinct circumstances being subtly implied, this was
appears to have inherited from the Revelation version.* New Moon, Animated Pouring Cup For Venus;
Saturn Points East; Mercury Grand With A Square
Taking V.66 "De Sol et Lune' as 'From Sun and Moon,' meaning the New Moon (with oddly coinciding Venusian Grand Trine) of 23 December 2022 closely precedes a further moment advancing the debasement sequence for Venus, which the seer
circumstances prior to onset. The Offspring Grand Trine did not seem to increase the 'Pouring' impression, actually pulling back from tipping, so it became a case of waiting for the proper conditions to manifest.The evening after the Solar-Lunar union has some ominous quirks revealed through judicial astrology, observing the Geneva chart progression for 23 December 2022 using CET time zone:
4:49 pm - Dusk brings a small leap for the Part of Fortune, from slightly below the Ecliptic to slightly above it;
5:06 pm - Vertex in peak position for Grand Trine with Neptune and the Vertex, oriented as though Pouring for Venus nearing the Descendant as Evening Star;
5:30 pm - Ascendant in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, oriented at a more extreme angle, suggesting Dumping the contents of the conical Cup;
5:48 pm - Fortune in peak position for Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node, so the triangle is oriented at an even further tipping angle, implying the contents being Drained;
5:51 pm - Saturn trine East Point, a menacing 'Saturnin' aspect that could be the cataclysm onset trigger (IX.44, V.24) -
<< 23 December 2022 5:51 pm CET / 11:51 am EST / 8:51 am PST >> ;
6 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Descendant, as a Grand Square is forming (Great Mercury, X.79);
6:29 pm to 6:36 pm - East Point in Cancer traverses positions for a Cardinal Grand Square including Jupiter in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and Ceres in Libra;
6:32 pm - Pallas rises at the Ascendant (II.66, 'From the Pallas the people become trapped').
Three iterations of the Cup being Poured, Dumped, and Drained before Venus descends are presented; Saturn has an aspect at the critical time; and the Cardinal Grand Square might justify the X.79 designation of Great Mercury.
Some of the cryptic lines seem intended for dual usage, applicable to more than one situation in the judicial astrology of the extended scenario. Parallel observations revealing unexpected correlations appears to eliminate some
second phase as Mercury and Ouranos engaged (Venus and Mercury were then crossing the Geneva Descendant in succession).*
“Come out of her, my people,
Lest you take part in her sins,
Lest you share in her plagues;
For her sins are heaped high as heaven,
And God has remembered her iniquities.
Render to her as she herself has rendered,
And repay her double for her deeds;
Mix a double draught for her in the cup she mixed."
[Revelation 18:4-6]Revealed through the Geneva charts, the Venus-Node trine being completed for a Grand Trine 18 December 2022 was the initial part of the Offspring Grand Trine suggested by IV.58, using Fortune, which reversed the pouring suggestion in its
Venus at the bottom lip of the vessel.The Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3 was presented by two simultaneous Grand Trines 20 December 2022 1:21 am CET: one with the Moon, Midheaven, and Vesta; the other with Neptune, Pallas, and Fortune.
The jump for Fortune at Geneva Dusk 21 December 2022 was directly to Pallas for II.66.
The Venus-Ouranos trine becomes a Grand Trine three times in succession on 22 December 2022: with Fortune at 10:35 pm CET; with the Ascendant at 11:15 pm CET; and with the East Point at 11:35 pm CET. The impression of a pouring Cup had
the Moon visibly close to Mercury, the likeliest meaning of the Great Mercury in X.79 (when Mercury joins the Sun it cannot be viewed easily, and the Grand Square only coincided with a Mercury descent).A fourth iteration was the Vertex-Venus-Ouranos Grand Trine that was synchronized with the New Moon 23 December 2022 11:16 am CET.
{Correction, prior post should read: 5:06 pm listing regards Vertex-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine, which may be an inconsequential element.}
The Saturn trine line with the East Point essentially crosses over the Venus-Ouranos trine line at an acute angle (an appearance of cancellation).
The Fortune trine South Node line then is nearly parallel to the Venus-Ouranos trine line (echoing how 'her own cup was mixed').
These factors together with the doubling of the Vesta-South Node Grand Trine, first with the Ascendant, then with Fortune, makes this circumstance a potential match for the Revelation scenario.Mercury Left To Be Great With Moon,
Vestal Infernal Cup, & Saturnin Alerts
There is a rare quirk for the evening of 24 December 2022 in that the Moon will be interposed between Venus and Mercury when they cross the Descendant for Geneva Dusk: this means when Venus sets beneath the horizon, it will leave remaining
December 2022 at Dusk);The horrific catastrophe apparently has its tragedy compounded by being timed at Geneva's Christmas Eve.
Reviewing what was observed using CET time zone:
4 pm - Saturn passing a skewed Midheaven ushers in a Grand Trine of Vesta, Fortune, and the South Node (briefly with the Vertex);
4:50 pm - Dusk brings a leap for Fortune from slightly below the Ecliptic near Pallas to slightly above it near Mars - this has Fortune properly leaping from Pallas (for II.66) rather than towards it (as occurred from the East Point on 21
precisely at the Descendant. So the critical time is conjectured for4:52 pm - Grand Trine of Neptune (near Juno) with Pallas and the Vertex;
5:16 pm - Grand Trine of Vesta (near the Midheaven point) with the Ascendant and South Node;
5:20 pm - Saturn trine Fortune, during the Vestal Grand Trine, as a first stage for Saturn's influence;
5:36 pm - Vestal Grand Trine disintegrates;
5:48 pm - Saturn trine East Point, arriving like a flashing signal after the Fortune trine, dissipating quickly;
6:03 pm - Venus reaches the Descendant, leaving the Moon and Mercury close together above the horizon briefly as the Great Mercury of X.79;
6:17 pm - Moonset;
6:24 pm - Mercury reaches the Ecliptic.
Precisely what is intended by the Saturnins enduring the worst (V.24) with this scheduling is nebulous, probably implying after the double Saturn trines (with Fortune and East Point) the event debasing Venus logically coincides with her being
seer did not provide a road map, more like a jigsaw puzzle.<< 24 December 2022 6:03 pm CET / 12:03 pm EST / 9:03 am PST >>
The apocalyptic hail of explosively unearthed magnet-fragment debris from the Geneva LHC being high temperature would likely be the implication of swallowing the burning Sun from IV.58, not a solar Nadir situation.
'Somewhere Near TheOf course the Moon and Mercury had not had their conjunction before dropping below the Ecliptic: if the conditions following this Mercury lunar conjunct are the subject, the critical time is close and requires further analysis to determine. The
They'll Build A Machine
Strong Enough To -'
previously, the 'two seas' condition of 2 November 2022, which had Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X.28);The Geneva charts give the impression both the celestial bodies falling at the Descendant and the lunar aspects are relevant, with the onset expected to feature Venus in some way.
For Geneva using CET 24 December 2022:
7:09 pm - Saturn in lunar adjacency;
8:32 pm - Mercury lunar conjunct (X.79 Great Mercury);
8:48 pm - Neptune lunar sextile (III.3 Corinth-Ephesus perplexity manifested simply - 'lors' for 'then' should apply not to the quatrain line about trembling, but establish a chronology for the other Corinth-Ephesus reference in II.52 happening
correspondence with this Grand Trine concept in its latter phase with the East Point that should be critical.8:58 pm - Saturn at Descendant (this could commence the Saturnin interval for VI.17 and V.24, to terminate when Vesta subsequently falls beneath the horizon);
9:10 pm - Pallas lunar opposition (possible double meaning from the Palais-Palace pun in II.66, beyond the Fortune-jump scenario);
9:15 pm - Venus conjunct Vertex (possible understated triggering aspect), Ouranos at Midheaven;
10:43 pm - Vesta reaches the Descendant.
The critical time would be when Venus is conjoined by the Vertex at
<< 24 December 2022 9:15 pm CET / 3:15 pm EST / 12:15 pm PST >>
'Rainbow -
For Noah!'Taking the hint for the Vertex moving from Venus, it crosses Mercury and the Moon, then Pluto, on its way to Saturn then Vesta.
Using those Vertex conjunctions brings another episode of the Cup appearing with Venus at the bottom lip, using the vestiges of its trine with Ouranos, nearly three degrees apart, with the Ascendant, then the East Point - it is the Venusian
forming a grouping alongside Venus in opposition with Pallas and Lilith. Saturn is in a sextile aspect with the Vertex.For Geneva using CET:
10:56 pm - Saturn conjunct Vertex;
11:22 pm - Venus trine Ascendant, for Phase One of the Defunct Grand Trine (Emptying);
11:41 pm - Venus trine East Point, for Phase Two of the Defunct Grand Trine (Draining);
11:42 pm - Vesta crossed by the Vertex (ending the micro-timing for the Saturnin interval).
Shifting to the Vertex timing could be the necessary marvelous feat of II.92, following the Venus at Vertex condition confirmed by Ouranos at Midheaven.
<< 24 December 2022 11:41 pm CET / 5:41 pm EST / 2:41 pm PST >>Planet Ouranos makes its respective trines in the 24 December 2022 Geneva schedule with the Ascendant at 11:05 pm, and the East Point at 11:29 pm CET, alternating with the times listed for Venus doing the same (at 11:22 pm and 11:41 pm CET).
During about four minutes at 25 December 2022 1:08 am CET [24 December 7:08 pm EST / 4:08 pm PST], an upright Grand Trine appears with the Midheaven Apex, South Node and Vesta forming the base. The Moon is then midway between Mercury and Pluto,
Beatles are perennially enjoyed and universally beloved without necessarily having their true intent consciously comprehended.And a Phantom Grand Trine oriented like the Geneva Venus at Nadir chart 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET appears, with Venus as the Fulcrum of the Tipping Balance, transitory with Fortune, and again utilizing Ouranos.
This could be the phase where Venus as Mystery Babylon is being 'Remembered Before God.'
When Venus reaches the Geneva Nadir about an hour later at 1:44 am CET [24 December 7:44 pm EST / 4:44 pm PST], a different impression emerges:
Pallas sextile Fortune makes a short line;
Pallas trine Neptune makes a longer line;
Neptune sextile Mercury makes a short line; and
Mercury trine Fortune completes the rectangle -
'Within The Pallas The People Become Trapped'
Pallas at 22 degrees 56 minutes Cancer;
Fortune at 22 degrees 42 minutes Virgo;
Neptune at 22 degrees 46 minutes Pisces; and
Mercury at 22 degrees 45 minutes Capricorn.
The fleeting Oblong Box configuration has Venus in the debased Nadir position for Geneva, which could be the source of the 'physically entrapped' idea from II.66.
Using the deteriorating Venus trine with Ouranos, which had been in former Grand Trines, was using the Cup she mixed for herself; the dual reinvigoration with the Ascendant and East Point could be perceived as having mixed it double.
Observing these signs recognized as enacting progressive fulfillment of a highly esoteric ancient prophecy, illuminated by another ancient French prophetic cycle, is an extremely challenging eschatological endeavor.
The parables of Jesus, Hebrew prophecies from the time of Daniel and Isaiah, through Christian Revelation and the French illumination by Nostradamus, share unsolved enigmatic elements, despite being revered as genuine - just as the songs by The
However, nothing occurred with Venus during that interval beyond reaching the Ninth House cusp line.Venus Exalted Receives Vestal Urn In Saturnin Lunar Interval
[27 December 2022 1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST]
Returning to basics would put the cataclysmic finale at 27 December 2022: the Moon would then be between Saturn (for the Saturnin label, when the worst is endured, V.24) and Vesta (with the sepulchral fire in X.6).
What looks ominous for Venus then is when it crosses Midheaven (1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST / 4:47 am PST), because that coincides with Fortune slipping into a Grand Trine with Vesta and the South Node.
Using Geneva coordinates and CET time zone for 27 December 2022:
1:47 pm - Venus at Midheaven;
1:47 pm to 1:51 pm - Grand Trine of Fortune-Vesta-South Node;
1:49 pm - Pallas at the Nadir;
1:53 pm - Ouranos at the Ascendant;
1:56 pm - Mercury at Midheaven (possibly the Great Mercury reference of X.79), an exalted position that may have had an ill-fated effect for Venus as her debasement.
The Saturnin interval would be defined as between the Saturn lunar conjunct 26 December 2022 7:20 pm CET and the Vesta lunar conjunct 28 December 2022 5:30 am CET.
Two Upright Grand Trines were found on Christmas Day: one with Saturn at the Eleventh House cusp Apex point, having Fortune and the Vertex as the base, at 2:17 pm CET; and one with Vesta at the Apex, with Fortune and the South Node at 3:20 pm CET.
degrees 43 minutes Pisces; and Vesta is at 12 degrees 17 minutes Pisces.So the critical time is projected for -
<< 27 December 2022 1:47 pm CET / 7:47 am EST / 4:47 am PST >>
It can be presumed the Revelation judicial astrology has been largely satisfied by the complex Grand Trine sequences, which could be clarified in retrospect.
The hagiology has become confused, probably due to deliberate obfuscation by the seer; for some events in 2023 clear event-confirmations have been determined that are unlikely to seem unfulfilled.
What especially seems characteristic of Nostradamus is the reset for the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity during the new critical time: the Moon will be at 3 degrees 9 minutes Pisces, and Neptune at 22 degrees 48 minutes Pisces, very near Juno at 22
intertwining, as the new condition has the Moon conspicuously between Saturn and Vesta, within Pisces with Neptune, which is itself occupied with Juno in near-conjunction.The 5 July 2021 precedent for the 'two seas' condition of II.52 had the Moon conjoined by Ceres, midway between Lilith and Ouranos as a 15-degree conceptual 'sea' to compare the Moon with Neptune in watery Pisces. The meaning of perplexity is
exalted as Great in X.79, and also the Great Nephew of II.92, with souls massively taken by that time, after the striking of the High-Born Harlot Venus, humbling her when she attains the celestial top of the skewed Prime Vertical.The primary meaning of II.52's 'swimming in two seas' became clear 2 November 2022, as a Neptune lunar adjacency involving Aquarius and Pisces, coinciding with Venus at the Ascendant for the false rapport of X28.
So the primary interpretation for the perplexity of III.3 could merely have Neptune and the Moon tangled up together in Pisces, without requiring any official aspect between themselves.Reviewing the hagiology, 16 November 2022 for Saint Gratia (for the Isle de Graye hint) could hold because of the US House chamber partisan majority announcement with Venus at the Geneva Nadir: the quatrain was V.16, whose numeration matches that date.
The theme of smoke as from Frankincense from burning human flesh ('The Sabean Tear at its highest price') presents one of the Magi gifts as an aspect of cataclysmic horror; the 'fire color of Gold' in II.92 presents another.
The celestial clues lead to Venus exalted at Midheaven for Geneva 27 December 2022 1:47 pm CET, debased by the explosive onset during the Saturnin lunar period, when Neptune and the Moon are intertwined in Pisces. Mercury following at Midheaven is
New research shows the Lady honored through force of terror (I.94) could indicate the feast for Blessed Virgin Mary on January First.
As for the third Magi Gift of Myrrh, this is associated with Smyrna, and there is a near-anagram through Syrmium, Pannonia, for Saint Artaxus, martyr in a group circa 3rd or 4th century, with a 2 January feast.
Another possibility is the 28 December date being inferred by omission through Saint Simon of Athos, whose relics exude myrrh.
The Second of January also has a Lombardy connection, through Saint Martinian (aka Maternian), bishop of Milan; consecrated in 423, Martinian attended the Council of Ephesus, and opposed the heresy of Nestorianism denying Mary the title 'Mother of God.'
Also for 2 January, Saint Basil the Great (d. 379) is a very likely candidate for the Bible reading person of renown in V.83: a learned and eloquent orator, Basil was bishop of Caesaria, opposing simony and Arianism; called Great in life, and declareda Doctor of the Church in death, Basil appears to simultaneously be the character from VI.78 whose feast perhaps marks the initial cultural stirrings towards spiritual Redemption.
Puis par eux-memes Basil grand reclameentering Aquarius 3 January 2023 3:10 am CET; this Venusian reign ends about 31 hours later when Venus exceeds the relative location of Jupiter 4 January 2023 10:09 am CET. Within the Venusian Reign, Venus will reach Midheaven for Garabandal 3 January 2:
Translating Basil as Lord and presuming the Second Coming Christ is being reclaimed goes too far.
Then through Great Basil themselves reclaimed
It is a simple matter of rearranging the poetic syntax into something esoterically plausible.
There is a Saint Rhodes with a 3 January feast, which V.16 could be the 2023 date for the first sighting of the Garabandal Miracle. Garbandal is in the same time zone as Geneva, using CET, with a shift of coordinates. Venus will commence a new reign
'Gold And Frankincense
And Myrrh As Presents...'
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