Thingg's Are Lookin Up For Trump!!! A GENIOUS poem by the Famouss One!!
From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 25 07:47:12 2022
Thingg's are lookin up for Donald Trump
On the cam=pane trale he soon gunna stump
His tacks return's never gunna be scene
He never bribed Stormie Daniel's that would be mean
Thi8ngg's are lookin up for Doanld Trump
Afta his speech the pole's showe'd a bump
His thurd presdennce is gonna be grate
He gonna espouse the Deep State
Thingg's are looki9n up for Donald Trump
On Peppronie Pizza he becomed quite plump
He neva eggzagrated nun o his wealth
He neva had Corvid he in prefect health
Thingg's ate loomkin up for Donald Trump
Hes gropein Ivanka by the pussy and rump
His pal Putins a prop at keepin the po,llice
The Prout Boy's is gonbna kill lotsa police!!
Thuing's are lookin up for Doanld TrumpIn his own pance hes knowe'd to take a dump
Off the flat earth the libb's wi9ll get shove'd
With Kim Jong Onion he has fallen in LOVEW!!