• Re: After There Was "No Reply" (3/3)

    From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Mon Nov 21 18:50:49 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    The Sun quickly progresses past Vesta's position to have a Renewed Vestal Reign 22 November 2022 10:48 pm CET: the moment the Sun goes a minute of a degree farther for Geneva, Saturn is at the Descendant - that is a suitable interpretation for Saturnin,
    a reprise of the Vestal Reign identified by its initial descent of Saturn at the IX.44 location.

    When the Ecliptic line is halfway between Saturn and Vesta subsequently, it is Renewed Vesta's Lunar Debasement 22 November 2022 11:26 pm CET [5:26 pm EST / 2:36 pm PST], the Moon at the Nadir in opposition with Ouranos at the Midheaven point. This could
    be VI.70's 'surpassing the Heavens' condition - and also likely time for the implicit cataclysmic onset.

    While it has degraded substantially, the major Jupiter-Sun-Pallas Grand Trine (no longer assisted by the East Point) is still discernible, perfectly Balanced Level on the Sun-Fulcrum, with the featured stars Venus and Mercury. The protracted conjoining
    of the two inner planets seemed to present the cryptic hint Conchita of Garabandal had about The Warning - "It will be like two stars colliding.'

    While the Prime Vertical is slightly askew, the Sun is sitting squarely at the bottom of the chart.

    The Pluto opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the 6th and 12th House cusps.

    Again Ouranos seems to be at the top of its own Grand Trine, with Ceres and the Vertex.

    Fortune is opposing Juno.

    Going to the later time when Vesta reaches the Descendant (22 November 2022 11:51 pm CET) the picture changes somewhat.--

    The Upright Grand Trine with the Midheaven Point (beyond Ouranos) strengthens as the Vertex point meets Pluto, with Ceres still engaged on the other side of the base.

    Since a Saturnin-Vestal Reign was the apparent hidden subtext, the period being indicated extends until Mercury enters Capricorn 11:09 pm CET Tuesday 6 December 2022.

    This confirms the 6 December date for the Lorraine flood via Saint Nicholas.

    The Saturnin recurrence of the Vesta Reign will temporally encompass both the fire and flood divine punishments whose command was reflected in I.62.

    Feu, grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres
    Que de long siecle ne se verra refait

    La Mobile Signe, a son endroit si ingere
    Aux deux egaux et d'inclination

    Translation of I.54 and I.62 in combination: the fire and flood will be more for ignorant leaders than that the Saturn long cycle of reigning influence behind the events of 6 January 2021 would not be repeated; indeed another revolt will recur in March
    2023 under similar Saturn circumstances (7 to 16 March 2023) towards the same goal; however an intervening incident whose prophecy involves a Grand Trine as a rotational symbol would demonstrate the Higher Powers being completely infuriated.

    And the manifestation of this Wrath would be through Fire, timed with the Grand Trine Mobile Sign, during the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, culminating in the Lorraine Deluge of X.50 circa 6 December 2022 for the feast of Saint Nicholas. Examining what happens
    after the Sun relinquishes its brief reign to Vesta provided some clarity.

    Par Saturnins endurera le pire [V.24]

    The worst will be endured by the Saturnins

    Les Saturnins brules par les meuniers [VI.17]

    The Saturnins burned by the 'millers'

    Migrez, migrez de Geneue trestous
    Saturne d'or en fer se changera

    Leave, leave Geneva, every last one:
    Saturn will change itself from gold to sword!

    The planetary configuration on the 6 August 1965 date the "Help!" album was released was the meaning of the first half of V.24 -

    Le regne et loi sous Venus eleve
    Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire

    The rule and law elevated under Venus
    Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter

    That day Venus was closely clustered with Ouranos and Pluto, the 13 to 15-degree grouping in Virgo opposing Saturn near 16 degrees Pisces.

    Jupiter was lower on the planetary ladder than Saturn then, a little past 23.5 degrees Gemini.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Tue Nov 22 12:46:08 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    As for the Lorraine deluge of X.50, for a combined 'fire and flood' problem, the patron saint of Lorraine is Nicholas, with his feast day on 6 December, apparently also for 2022, following the fire.

    << St. Nicholas of Bari, also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas of Lorraine, St. Nicholas the Great, St. Niccolò and St. Nicolò (Patara in Lycia, about 270 - Myra, December 6, 343) is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, the
    Orthodox Church and several other Christian denominations. He is well known even outside the Christian world because his figure gave rise to the myth of Santa Claus >>

    The solution was more complicated than expected, looking at the wrong block of time, because of an undefined term: with a single word an interval was designated that would include the double divine punishments of fire and flood - the Grand Trine theme
    is the Cup of Wrath being offered when oriented properly for the chart symbolism.

    The enigmatic term 'Saturnin' had its meaning revealed observing the second phase of the current Vestal Reign, after the Sun has taken the lead role, then progressed beyond.

    The Sun quickly progresses past Vesta's position to have a Renewed Vestal Reign 22 November 2022 10:48 pm CET: the moment the Sun goes a minute of a degree farther for Geneva, Saturn is at the Descendant - that is a suitable interpretation for Saturnin,
    a reprise of the Vestal Reign identified by its initial descent of Saturn at the IX.44 location.

    When the Ecliptic line is halfway between Saturn and Vesta subsequently, it is Renewed Vesta's Lunar Debasement 22 November 2022 11:26 pm CET [5:26 pm EST / 2:36 pm PST], the Moon at the Nadir in opposition with Ouranos at the Midheaven point. This
    could be VI.70's 'surpassing the Heavens' condition - and also likely time for the implicit cataclysmic onset.

    While it has degraded substantially, the major Jupiter-Sun-Pallas Grand Trine (no longer assisted by the East Point) is still discernible, perfectly Balanced Level on the Sun-Fulcrum, with the featured stars Venus and Mercury. The protracted conjoining
    of the two inner planets seemed to present the cryptic hint Conchita of Garabandal had about The Warning - "It will be like two stars colliding.'

    While the Prime Vertical is slightly askew, the Sun is sitting squarely at the bottom of the chart.

    The Pluto opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the 6th and 12th House cusps.

    Again Ouranos seems to be at the top of its own Grand Trine, with Ceres and the Vertex.

    Fortune is opposing Juno.

    Going to the later time when Vesta reaches the Descendant (22 November 2022 11:51 pm CET) the picture changes somewhat.--

    The Upright Grand Trine with the Midheaven Point (beyond Ouranos) strengthens as the Vertex point meets Pluto, with Ceres still engaged on the other side of the base.

    Since a Saturnin-Vestal Reign was the apparent hidden subtext, the period being indicated extends until Mercury enters Capricorn 11:09 pm CET Tuesday 6 December 2022.

    This confirms the 6 December date for the Lorraine flood via Saint Nicholas.

    The Saturnin recurrence of the Vesta Reign will temporally encompass both the fire and flood divine punishments whose command was reflected in I.62.

    Feu, grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres
    Que de long siecle ne se verra refait

    La Mobile Signe, a son endroit si ingere
    Aux deux egaux et d'inclination

    Translation of I.54 and I.62 in combination: the fire and flood will be more for ignorant leaders than that the Saturn long cycle of reigning influence behind the events of 6 January 2021 would not be repeated; indeed another revolt will recur in March
    2023 under similar Saturn circumstances (7 to 16 March 2023) towards the same goal; however an intervening incident whose prophecy involves a Grand Trine as a rotational symbol would demonstrate the Higher Powers being completely infuriated.

    And the manifestation of this Wrath would be through Fire, timed with the Grand Trine Mobile Sign, during the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, culminating in the Lorraine Deluge of X.50 circa 6 December 2022 for the feast of Saint Nicholas. Examining what
    happens after the Sun relinquishes its brief reign to Vesta provided some clarity.

    Par Saturnins endurera le pire [V.24]

    The worst will be endured by the Saturnins

    Les Saturnins brules par les meuniers [VI.17]

    The Saturnins burned by the 'millers'

    Migrez, migrez de Geneue trestous
    Saturne d'or en fer se changera

    Leave, leave Geneva, every last one:
    Saturn will change itself from gold to sword!

    The planetary configuration on the 6 August 1965 date the "Help!" album was released was the meaning of the first half of V.24 -

    Le regne et loi sous Venus eleve
    Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire

    The rule and law elevated under Venus
    Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter

    That day Venus was closely clustered with Ouranos and Pluto, the 13 to 15-degree grouping in Virgo opposing Saturn near 16 degrees Pisces.

    Jupiter was lower on the planetary ladder than Saturn then, a little past 23.5 degrees Gemini.

    The electric guitar solo of "Fixing A Hole" offers an example of how the speak-singing quality of the instrumental articulation can be heard as certain semantical things with parallel audio characteristics.

    Along the major Christian tangent, I would hope the intended message was -

    'Some - Would - Think -
    Jesus Was -
    An Easy Leader To

    He Told The Parable...' {etc}

    Along the Grimm Fairy Tale tangent, the same instrumental phrasing would mean for "Jack And The Beanstalk,"

    'Magic Beans -
    Overnight -
    Grew Into A Giant

    There Was A Castle...' {etc}

    So it is amazing that the astral Projection tangent is also in parallel audio proximity:

    'Flower Child,
    Will You Go -
    Far Over The Cosmic

    There Is A Journey...' {etc}

    * Update: Recent Shootings In Colorado Springs May Be Precursor To Two Imminent Major Catastrophes *

    The Colorado Springs nightclub shooting timed a minute into the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date (via Saint Beningus) had a chart showing the Venus Under The Balance condition, the Nadir between the Sun and Venus-Mercury. Also feast for Saint Adventor,
    whose name means Tavern Patron.

    The newly-defined notorious 'Saturnin' period commences 22 Nov 10:48 pm CET, the Sun progressing to reinstate the reign of slower Vesta for a lengthy interval, ominously marked by Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva.

    Leave, Leave Geneva, every last one -
    Saturn will cause the change from gold to sword

    This time the puzzle pieces seem to interlock more definitively.

    The dark ones of the Temple - in the Black Forest place
    Will build a fire, from the Tavern of Lombardy

    The 'noirs' or black ones of the Temple in VI.16 could be the seven angels with the dark task of administering the combined Vessel contents for the coup de grace of Furious Wrath.

    The 'Black Forest place' implies Geneva, the fire a potential LHC cataclysm, occurring from the Tavern incident at the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date.

    Tragic acts of senseless violence have too often emerged in the prophetic content, albeit with stunning accuracy and terse poignancy.

    It is a completely different idea being conveyed in V.42 -

    The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
    At those which Eagal included under the Balance

    This puts the post-Lombard public, absorbing the news of the Colorado shooting, at the terrifying cataclysmic event. Also referring to how I comprehended Venus and Mercury as being properly situated 'Under The Balance' of the horizontal line in the solar
    Grand Trine, to figure in an imminent occurrence.

    There is the Grand Trine theme, as seen by V.18's subtle reference to Saint Felix of Valois as Trinitarian Order founder.

    Combining the Grand Trine as the Good Omen of II.66, with the Pallas hint, and a significant leap of Fortune when the Sun crosses the Ecliptic, within the Saturnin interval for Renewed Vestal Reign, starting at the first Dawn, the jumbled-yet-scheduled
    elements appear conceivably lined up in time.

    The Sun at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 7:53 am CET causes Fortune to leap from after its joining with Venus and Mercury, zapping to the Moon at 22 degrees Scorpio.

    In a short time Fortune greatly changed

    Now that Venus and Mercury have conjoined, Venus has switched to rise first at the Ascendant, so as Mystery Babylon receiving the Cup contents however that manifests. The seer appears to have illuminated that when celestial bodies are on the local
    horizon rising at events, they in a sense own that happening as their own, as with Mercury being insulted by the warlike noise of the 9-11 attack onset. This incident is for Venus, yet with Mercury conspicuously close behind.

    The seer does not intend a pedestrian rehash of the Revelation symbolism, it has been refined and redrawn within the same parameters.

    Thus Venus at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST] would be the critical time: the rising of Mercury would be three minutes later [8:36 am CET], too late to have the singular Venus association. A quirk is by that time Fortune will
    have migrated to the Sun's position (the Moon meanwhile at 22 degrees 22 minutes Scorpio).

    One would say the land trembles to the depths of Asia
    Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity

    The sequencing could be correct in III.3 - the global trembling, then a lunar (Ephesus) aspect with Neptune (Corinth).

    The 'perplexity' would be a lunar trine, in this case within a Grand Trine including Pallas, for the 'Palais' of line 3 of II.66, indicating the genuine threatening Good Omen.

    Neptune will be in trine with the Moon 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET, both at 22 degrees 40 minutes in their respective signs; Pallas will be further on, slightly around 26.25 degrees Cancer.

    The two horrifying Garabandal-predicted events, The Warning and The Chastisement, appear as the two halves of VI.17 -

    AFTER the beams burned the ass-drivers,
    They will be obliged to change from diverse garbs;

    The Saturnins burned by the *Millers*,
    The majority outside who will not be covered

    The Chastisement has been dated using VI.35, as a solar coronal mass ejection aimed at the Great Plains region, when Mars and Jupiter conjoin at the Node. The intense heat would force people to disrobe, the meaning of changing from different clothing. It
    begins by setting the chronology after the 'beams' burned those driving the asses as at a Mill, foreshadowing the flashback to the conditions of the previous Warning.

    The Saturnin period has those harnessing the powerful LHC energy beams as Ass-drivers at a Mill, which is how they can get burned.

    The flying fiery debris having an effect on those uncovered comes upon them suddenly, and overheating from excessive clothing is not their issue.

    The end of the Saturnin interval arrives when Mercury enters Capricorn 6 December 2022 11:09 pm CET, feast for Saint Nicholas of Lorraine for X.50.

    Mountain and plain, town, city and borough -
    Flood at Lorraine, betrayed by the Great Urn

    The onset of this flood should be evident in the Geneva charts some time before the Saturnin time ends: about eight hours earlier there is another prominent Grand Trine.

    The Taurus Moon will reach the Ascendant just as it is completing a Grand Trine, with Ceres in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET.

    It seems the Saturnin period will have the Fiery cataclysm soon after its beginning, and the Deluge punishing event towards its conclusion.

    Through fire from the sky the city nearly incinerated;
    The Urn threatens, as in the time of Noah

    The two Saturnin events appear in II.81, fire and flood, as given paired in I.62. The fire falling is likely related to the Geneva cataclysm, not meteoric activity. The Great Urn may not be a planetary Bucket, but the incontrovertible Cup of Divine Wrath.

    The Gardon will flood the Nimes so high
    One would *BELIEVE* that Noah has been reborn;

    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta's sepulchral consuming fire to appear

    In X.6 the split quatrain puts the later flood before the prior fire. Referring to the LHC as a Colossus reminds of the Rhodes use in V.16: the Ancient Wonder Colossus was a Sun deity Helios, whereas the LHC harnesses power comparable to that of Solar
    heat. Also it is the largest machine on the planet; it is suggested a sudden undirected mass evacuation will ensue.

    The fire attributed to Vesta does not seem to be easily extinguished, but to emerge as a consuming entity difficult to quench.

    Summarizing with US coastal time zone transpositions onto the Geneva chart observations -

    The Fire cataclysm after the beginning of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when Venus is at the Ascendant - 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST / 22 November 2022 11:33 pm PST] {during a Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine}; and

    The Flood calamity before the conclusion of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when the Moon reaches the Ascendant - 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET [9:45 am EST / 6:45 am PST] {during a Moon-Pluto-Ceres Grand Trine}.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Nov 23 15:08:44 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    On the 22nd at Dusk, Fortune jumps from the Node, opposing the Moon at the South Node, to the proximity of Mars.

    The Apex concept is not as tangibly concrete as the Horizon line represented by the Ecliptic: therefore the case where Saturn is approaching the solid ground, going out of view for Geneva, is far more likely to be indicated by the 'Saturnin' term.

    Vesta does not have to follow Saturn to satisfy X.6, since her reign is indicated until the Sun enters Sagittarius on 22 November 2022 at 9:21 am CET.

    As for the Lorraine deluge of X.50, for a combined 'fire and flood' problem, the patron saint of Lorraine is Nicholas, with his feast day on 6 December, apparently also for 2022, following the fire.

    << St. Nicholas of Bari, also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas of Lorraine, St. Nicholas the Great, St. Niccolò and St. Nicolò (Patara in Lycia, about 270 - Myra, December 6, 343) is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, the
    Orthodox Church and several other Christian denominations. He is well known even outside the Christian world because his figure gave rise to the myth of Santa Claus >>

    The solution was more complicated than expected, looking at the wrong block of time, because of an undefined term: with a single word an interval was designated that would include the double divine punishments of fire and flood - the Grand Trine
    theme is the Cup of Wrath being offered when oriented properly for the chart symbolism.

    The enigmatic term 'Saturnin' had its meaning revealed observing the second phase of the current Vestal Reign, after the Sun has taken the lead role, then progressed beyond.

    The Sun quickly progresses past Vesta's position to have a Renewed Vestal Reign 22 November 2022 10:48 pm CET: the moment the Sun goes a minute of a degree farther for Geneva, Saturn is at the Descendant - that is a suitable interpretation for
    Saturnin, a reprise of the Vestal Reign identified by its initial descent of Saturn at the IX.44 location.

    When the Ecliptic line is halfway between Saturn and Vesta subsequently, it is Renewed Vesta's Lunar Debasement 22 November 2022 11:26 pm CET [5:26 pm EST / 2:36 pm PST], the Moon at the Nadir in opposition with Ouranos at the Midheaven point. This
    could be VI.70's 'surpassing the Heavens' condition - and also likely time for the implicit cataclysmic onset.

    While it has degraded substantially, the major Jupiter-Sun-Pallas Grand Trine (no longer assisted by the East Point) is still discernible, perfectly Balanced Level on the Sun-Fulcrum, with the featured stars Venus and Mercury. The protracted
    conjoining of the two inner planets seemed to present the cryptic hint Conchita of Garabandal had about The Warning - "It will be like two stars colliding.'

    While the Prime Vertical is slightly askew, the Sun is sitting squarely at the bottom of the chart.

    The Pluto opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the 6th and 12th House cusps.

    Again Ouranos seems to be at the top of its own Grand Trine, with Ceres and the Vertex.

    Fortune is opposing Juno.

    Going to the later time when Vesta reaches the Descendant (22 November 2022 11:51 pm CET) the picture changes somewhat.--

    The Upright Grand Trine with the Midheaven Point (beyond Ouranos) strengthens as the Vertex point meets Pluto, with Ceres still engaged on the other side of the base.

    Since a Saturnin-Vestal Reign was the apparent hidden subtext, the period being indicated extends until Mercury enters Capricorn 11:09 pm CET Tuesday 6 December 2022.

    This confirms the 6 December date for the Lorraine flood via Saint Nicholas.

    The Saturnin recurrence of the Vesta Reign will temporally encompass both the fire and flood divine punishments whose command was reflected in I.62.

    Feu, grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres
    Que de long siecle ne se verra refait

    La Mobile Signe, a son endroit si ingere
    Aux deux egaux et d'inclination

    Translation of I.54 and I.62 in combination: the fire and flood will be more for ignorant leaders than that the Saturn long cycle of reigning influence behind the events of 6 January 2021 would not be repeated; indeed another revolt will recur in
    March 2023 under similar Saturn circumstances (7 to 16 March 2023) towards the same goal; however an intervening incident whose prophecy involves a Grand Trine as a rotational symbol would demonstrate the Higher Powers being completely infuriated.

    And the manifestation of this Wrath would be through Fire, timed with the Grand Trine Mobile Sign, during the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, culminating in the Lorraine Deluge of X.50 circa 6 December 2022 for the feast of Saint Nicholas. Examining what
    happens after the Sun relinquishes its brief reign to Vesta provided some clarity.

    Par Saturnins endurera le pire [V.24]

    The worst will be endured by the Saturnins

    Les Saturnins brules par les meuniers [VI.17]

    The Saturnins burned by the 'millers'

    Migrez, migrez de Geneue trestous
    Saturne d'or en fer se changera

    Leave, leave Geneva, every last one:
    Saturn will change itself from gold to sword!

    The planetary configuration on the 6 August 1965 date the "Help!" album was released was the meaning of the first half of V.24 -

    Le regne et loi sous Venus eleve
    Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire

    The rule and law elevated under Venus
    Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter

    That day Venus was closely clustered with Ouranos and Pluto, the 13 to 15-degree grouping in Virgo opposing Saturn near 16 degrees Pisces.

    Jupiter was lower on the planetary ladder than Saturn then, a little past 23.5 degrees Gemini.
    The electric guitar solo of "Fixing A Hole" offers an example of how the speak-singing quality of the instrumental articulation can be heard as certain semantical things with parallel audio characteristics.

    Along the major Christian tangent, I would hope the intended message was -

    'Some - Would - Think -
    Jesus Was -
    An Easy Leader To

    He Told The Parable...' {etc}

    Along the Grimm Fairy Tale tangent, the same instrumental phrasing would mean for "Jack And The Beanstalk,"

    'Magic Beans -
    Overnight -
    Grew Into A Giant

    There Was A Castle...' {etc}

    So it is amazing that the astral Projection tangent is also in parallel audio proximity:

    'Flower Child,
    Will You Go -
    Far Over The Cosmic

    There Is A Journey...' {etc}

    * Update: Recent Shootings In Colorado Springs May Be Precursor To Two Imminent Major Catastrophes *

    The Colorado Springs nightclub shooting timed a minute into the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date (via Saint Beningus) had a chart showing the Venus Under The Balance condition, the Nadir between the Sun and Venus-Mercury. Also feast for Saint Adventor,
    whose name means Tavern Patron.

    The newly-defined notorious 'Saturnin' period commences 22 Nov 10:48 pm CET, the Sun progressing to reinstate the reign of slower Vesta for a lengthy interval, ominously marked by Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva.

    Leave, Leave Geneva, every last one -
    Saturn will cause the change from gold to sword

    This time the puzzle pieces seem to interlock more definitively.

    The dark ones of the Temple - in the Black Forest place
    Will build a fire, from the Tavern of Lombardy

    The 'noirs' or black ones of the Temple in VI.16 could be the seven angels with the dark task of administering the combined Vessel contents for the coup de grace of Furious Wrath.

    The 'Black Forest place' implies Geneva, the fire a potential LHC cataclysm, occurring from the Tavern incident at the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date.

    Tragic acts of senseless violence have too often emerged in the prophetic content, albeit with stunning accuracy and terse poignancy.

    It is a completely different idea being conveyed in V.42 -
    The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
    At those which Eagal included under the Balance

    This puts the post-Lombard public, absorbing the news of the Colorado shooting, at the terrifying cataclysmic event. Also referring to how I comprehended Venus and Mercury as being properly situated 'Under The Balance' of the horizontal line in the
    solar Grand Trine, to figure in an imminent occurrence.

    There is the Grand Trine theme, as seen by V.18's subtle reference to Saint Felix of Valois as Trinitarian Order founder.

    Combining the Grand Trine as the Good Omen of II.66, with the Pallas hint, and a significant leap of Fortune when the Sun crosses the Ecliptic, within the Saturnin interval for Renewed Vestal Reign, starting at the first Dawn, the jumbled-yet-scheduled
    elements appear conceivably lined up in time.

    The Sun at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 7:53 am CET causes Fortune to leap from after its joining with Venus and Mercury, zapping to the Moon at 22 degrees Scorpio.

    In a short time Fortune greatly changed

    Now that Venus and Mercury have conjoined, Venus has switched to rise first at the Ascendant, so as Mystery Babylon receiving the Cup contents however that manifests. The seer appears to have illuminated that when celestial bodies are on the local
    horizon rising at events, they in a sense own that happening as their own, as with Mercury being insulted by the warlike noise of the 9-11 attack onset. This incident is for Venus, yet with Mercury conspicuously close behind.

    The seer does not intend a pedestrian rehash of the Revelation symbolism, it has been refined and redrawn within the same parameters.

    Thus Venus at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST] would be the critical time: the rising of Mercury would be three minutes later [8:36 am CET], too late to have the singular Venus association. A quirk is by that time Fortune will
    have migrated to the Sun's position (the Moon meanwhile at 22 degrees 22 minutes Scorpio).

    One would say the land trembles to the depths of Asia
    Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity

    The sequencing could be correct in III.3 - the global trembling, then a lunar (Ephesus) aspect with Neptune (Corinth).

    The 'perplexity' would be a lunar trine, in this case within a Grand Trine including Pallas, for the 'Palais' of line 3 of II.66, indicating the genuine threatening Good Omen.

    Neptune will be in trine with the Moon 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET, both at 22 degrees 40 minutes in their respective signs; Pallas will be further on, slightly around 26.25 degrees Cancer.

    The two horrifying Garabandal-predicted events, The Warning and The Chastisement, appear as the two halves of VI.17 -

    AFTER the beams burned the ass-drivers,
    They will be obliged to change from diverse garbs;

    The Saturnins burned by the *Millers*,
    The majority outside who will not be covered

    The Chastisement has been dated using VI.35, as a solar coronal mass ejection aimed at the Great Plains region, when Mars and Jupiter conjoin at the Node. The intense heat would force people to disrobe, the meaning of changing from different clothing.
    It begins by setting the chronology after the 'beams' burned those driving the asses as at a Mill, foreshadowing the flashback to the conditions of the previous Warning.

    The Saturnin period has those harnessing the powerful LHC energy beams as Ass-drivers at a Mill, which is how they can get burned.

    The flying fiery debris having an effect on those uncovered comes upon them suddenly, and overheating from excessive clothing is not their issue.

    The end of the Saturnin interval arrives when Mercury enters Capricorn 6 December 2022 11:09 pm CET, feast for Saint Nicholas of Lorraine for X.50.

    Mountain and plain, town, city and borough -
    Flood at Lorraine, betrayed by the Great Urn

    The onset of this flood should be evident in the Geneva charts some time before the Saturnin time ends: about eight hours earlier there is another prominent Grand Trine.

    The Taurus Moon will reach the Ascendant just as it is completing a Grand Trine, with Ceres in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET.

    It seems the Saturnin period will have the Fiery cataclysm soon after its beginning, and the Deluge punishing event towards its conclusion.

    Through fire from the sky the city nearly incinerated;
    The Urn threatens, as in the time of Noah

    The two Saturnin events appear in II.81, fire and flood, as given paired in I.62. The fire falling is likely related to the Geneva cataclysm, not meteoric activity. The Great Urn may not be a planetary Bucket, but the incontrovertible Cup of Divine

    The Gardon will flood the Nimes so high
    One would *BELIEVE* that Noah has been reborn;

    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta's sepulchral consuming fire to appear

    In X.6 the split quatrain puts the later flood before the prior fire. Referring to the LHC as a Colossus reminds of the Rhodes use in V.16: the Ancient Wonder Colossus was a Sun deity Helios, whereas the LHC harnesses power comparable to that of Solar
    heat. Also it is the largest machine on the planet; it is suggested a sudden undirected mass evacuation will ensue.

    The fire attributed to Vesta does not seem to be easily extinguished, but to emerge as a consuming entity difficult to quench.

    Summarizing with US coastal time zone transpositions onto the Geneva chart observations -

    The Fire cataclysm after the beginning of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when Venus is at the Ascendant - 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST / 22 November 2022 11:33 pm PST] {during a Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine}; and

    The Flood calamity before the conclusion of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when the Moon reaches the Ascendant - 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET [9:45 am EST / 6:45 am PST] {during a Moon-Pluto-Ceres Grand Trine}.

    A number of corrections have been made, some incorporating the 20 November 2022 Colorado Springs nightclub shooting event.

    Now that the Saturnin period has been defined (as a renewed Vestal reign after a Solar interruption, commencing with Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva), the Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine near its outset 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET can be perceived
    as simultaneously the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3, and being trapped within the Palace of II.66 - the early Saturnin period (about ten hours in) was being indicated.

    While the slow-merging of Venus and Mercury probably constituted the Great Mercury of X.79, and Conchita of Garabandal's 'like two stars colliding' for the Warning prerequisite, other prophesied elements should prove more helpful towards projected

    Line 2 of II.66 not only implies the Sun crossing the Ecliptic to create a leap of Fortune, but also that the change should be dramatically great: because of the way the Part of Fortune is calculated, the change is greatest when the Sun is at a lunar
    square - so that is another hint for the cataclysmic onset within the Saturnin interval.

    The most extreme jump for Fortune in this Saturnin cycle is at Dusk on 30 November 2022, when the jump is from the bottom of the Geneva chart, at the Fifth House cusp, to the Moon at the Eleventh House cusp Apex - that is essentially the greatest
    absolute distance possible.

    Looking at ominous conditions to emerge subsequently, not much later when Venus reaches the Ascendant, 3 December 2022 8:55 am CET, Saturn will be at precisely 20 degrees Aquarius, in a Grand Trine with the Midheaven point (18 degrees 18 minutes Libra)
    and Mars (17 degrees 59 minutes Gemini, in retrograde).

    The Sun will be at 11 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius; Chiron will be at 12 degrees 7 minutes Aries, as the next lower-ranked celestial body after the Sun. And the Moon will have conjoined Chiron previously, at 3:35 am CET, so it still very close, before
    reaching Ouranos at 10:36 am CET.

    This is the condition from VI.70 --

    Au chef du monde le grand CHIREN sera
    PLVS OVTRE, apres aime, craint, redoute
    Son bruit et los les cieus surpassera
    Et du seul titre Victeur fort content

    The great CHIRON will be at the master of the world,
    PLUS OUTER, after being fancied, feared, dreaded;
    Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens unfurled,
    And with the sole title Victor quite contented

    The locational values of the Sun, as master of the world, and Chiron comply by relative proximity; also the Moon is at Chiron physically post-conjunct as the 'PLUS OUTER' satellite for Earth.

    The planet Ouranous, meaning 'Heavens,' meets the Midheaven point 3 December 2022 10:39 pm CET - and there is an accompanying transitory Grand Trine of the East Point with the Sun and Chiron. If the major commotion stops a bit later from an 8:55 am
    onset, that is about fourteen hours before some settling effect.

    The previous hagiological connections require reassessment.

    The Victor of line 4 might be a proper name, as for Saint Victor of Nicomedia, who was martyred in 303 under Diocletian, with a 3 December feast day. The final line of IV.95 has a lesser Victor associated with Brittany soil: on 7 December Saint Victor
    of Piacenza (d. 375) is honored; and 9 December is feast for Saint Boduc, a Brittany bishop.

    There is Saint Mirocles on 4 December, archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, for 4 December. Notice how VI.16 is worded:

    Le noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
    Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie

    The dark ones of the Temple in the Black Forest place
    Will make Tavern AND FIRE for Lombardy

    Thus the Tavern event occurring on the 20 November 2022 date via Saint Benignus was associated with Lombardy - the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting was 'Lombardy Part One': and on a not-too-much-later Lombardy date, like 4 December, the incident would
    be the cataclysmic fire at Geneva, delivered by the angels of the heavenly Temple with the darkest of tasks, conveying Divine Wrath.

    Also for 4 December is feast for The Great Martyr Saint Barbara, a Roman beheaded by her pagan father: she could be the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94.

    Saint Agricola of 3 December revives the Pannonia condition for VIII.15.

    The Bible reader of V.83 fits for Saint Clement of Alexandria, honored on 4 December.

    Saint Apro, a 7th century priest and hermit, has the 4 December date with associations to Lyons (VIII.34) and Gaul (X.58).

    Saint Bassus was martyred in 250 under Trajan (V.66), with a 5 December feast.

    Saint Bernard degli Uberti (d. 1133) honored 4 December was bishop of Parma for V.22 and VII.5.

    Saint Nicholas is still a match for Lorraine on 6 December 2022 to solve the deluge timing for X.50, the betraying Great Urn being taken for the Cup of Divine Fury. There is an attendant lunar Grand Trine with Pluto and Ceres 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET;
    the Saturnin period concludes later that day at 11:09 pm CET when Mercury enters Capricorn.

    There is no Vienne for the critical Saturnin timeframe however, and this could be because IX.70 is about another subject.

    Harnois tranchants dans les flambeaux caches
    Dedans Lyon, le jour du Sacrement
    Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
    Par les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment

    Sharp weapons under the torches hidden -
    Within Lyons, The Sacrament has its Special Day;
    Those of Vienne all hacked apart, unbidden
    By the Latin Cantons - Macon not led astray

    The period 2000 to 2027 was examined for confluences of the Feast of Corpus Christi and a Lyons saint memorial day. A martyred group of Lyons saints is honored 2 June; in 2017 the Feast of Corpus Christi fell on 3 June.

    The torch imagery should recall the "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virgina, where a woman was killed by a man driving a car through protestors. In 2016 a local high school student had initiated a petition to remove the statue of Confederate
    general Lee; the city council voted to do so in early 2017, but this was delayed by a legal challenge that was rejected by the Virgina Supreme Court in April. Throughout the summer of 2017 - when the seer makes his forecast of the Lyons/Corpus Christ
    coincidence - the far-right was rallying to protect the Confederacy as a noble legacy.

    The second part of IX.70 regards the papal ambush of Fatima's Third Secret.

    The Vienne of IX.70 appears to be for Saint Didier, 23 May - he was bishop of Vienne, also potentially a match for an Autun or Gaul reference.

    Taking the two reds making cheer together from the final line of V.22, where the papal ambush is described as near Parma, as planets Mars and Jupiter (the latter for its Giant Red Spot), a conjunction is not required: on 23 May 2023, Mars in Leo will be
    in a square aspect with Jupiter in Taurus, both at 1 degree 28 minutes in their respective signs.

    Vin sur la table en sera repandu
    Le tiers n'aura celle qu'il pretendait
    Deux fois du noir de Parme descendu
    Perouse a Pise fera ce qu'il cuidait

    Wine on the table, some to be spilled by Karma -
    The third will only have that which is expected,
    Two times of darkness descended for Parma
    Perugia at Pisa will accomplish what was anticipated

    In VII.5 the seer may be clarifying the 'Three nights to Warn' from V.83, disclosing the third night will be normal evening darkness, arriving after two successive night-time episodes that apparently will be quite unusual. Parma as 4 December via Saint
    Bernard degli Uberti suggest the Saturnin cataclysms. The final line might concern the papal ambush, setting the date ironically at an anniversary of the Perugian populace rebelling against papal rule, 20 June 2023 from the 1859 identical date; the
    verifying nearby Pisa date is 17 June,feast for Saint Raynerius.

    The first line of VIII.34 having the victory of 'The Lion over the Lion' puts the chronology after Obama's second presidential win in 2012, since his Natal Sun sign is Leo. The scene changes to the Jura mountain range of Geneva for the horrific massive
    slaughter - then final line starts with Lyons, now comprehended as a 4 December 2022 reference via Saint Apro. The end of the quatrain seems to go further -

    ...Vlme a Mansol mort et tombe

    ...Ulm at Mausoleum, death and tomb

    The Ulm location is probably being used to project the date when the dead can be buried or entombed in crypts or mausoleums: Blessed Henry Suso (1300-1366) died at Ulm on 25 January, but has a feast on 23 January, as well as another observance on 2 March.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Wed Nov 23 16:14:59 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    On the 22nd at Dusk, Fortune jumps from the Node, opposing the Moon at the South Node, to the proximity of Mars.

    The Apex concept is not as tangibly concrete as the Horizon line represented by the Ecliptic: therefore the case where Saturn is approaching the solid ground, going out of view for Geneva, is far more likely to be indicated by the 'Saturnin' term.

    Vesta does not have to follow Saturn to satisfy X.6, since her reign is indicated until the Sun enters Sagittarius on 22 November 2022 at 9:21 am CET.

    As for the Lorraine deluge of X.50, for a combined 'fire and flood' problem, the patron saint of Lorraine is Nicholas, with his feast day on 6 December, apparently also for 2022, following the fire.

    << St. Nicholas of Bari, also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas of Lorraine, St. Nicholas the Great, St. Niccolò and St. Nicolò (Patara in Lycia, about 270 - Myra, December 6, 343) is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, the
    Orthodox Church and several other Christian denominations. He is well known even outside the Christian world because his figure gave rise to the myth of Santa Claus >>

    The solution was more complicated than expected, looking at the wrong block of time, because of an undefined term: with a single word an interval was designated that would include the double divine punishments of fire and flood - the Grand Trine
    theme is the Cup of Wrath being offered when oriented properly for the chart symbolism.

    The enigmatic term 'Saturnin' had its meaning revealed observing the second phase of the current Vestal Reign, after the Sun has taken the lead role, then progressed beyond.

    The Sun quickly progresses past Vesta's position to have a Renewed Vestal Reign 22 November 2022 10:48 pm CET: the moment the Sun goes a minute of a degree farther for Geneva, Saturn is at the Descendant - that is a suitable interpretation for
    Saturnin, a reprise of the Vestal Reign identified by its initial descent of Saturn at the IX.44 location.

    When the Ecliptic line is halfway between Saturn and Vesta subsequently, it is Renewed Vesta's Lunar Debasement 22 November 2022 11:26 pm CET [5:26 pm EST / 2:36 pm PST], the Moon at the Nadir in opposition with Ouranos at the Midheaven point. This
    could be VI.70's 'surpassing the Heavens' condition - and also likely time for the implicit cataclysmic onset.

    While it has degraded substantially, the major Jupiter-Sun-Pallas Grand Trine (no longer assisted by the East Point) is still discernible, perfectly Balanced Level on the Sun-Fulcrum, with the featured stars Venus and Mercury. The protracted
    conjoining of the two inner planets seemed to present the cryptic hint Conchita of Garabandal had about The Warning - "It will be like two stars colliding.'

    While the Prime Vertical is slightly askew, the Sun is sitting squarely at the bottom of the chart.

    The Pluto opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the 6th and 12th House cusps.

    Again Ouranos seems to be at the top of its own Grand Trine, with Ceres and the Vertex.

    Fortune is opposing Juno.

    Going to the later time when Vesta reaches the Descendant (22 November 2022 11:51 pm CET) the picture changes somewhat.--

    The Upright Grand Trine with the Midheaven Point (beyond Ouranos) strengthens as the Vertex point meets Pluto, with Ceres still engaged on the other side of the base.

    Since a Saturnin-Vestal Reign was the apparent hidden subtext, the period being indicated extends until Mercury enters Capricorn 11:09 pm CET Tuesday 6 December 2022.

    This confirms the 6 December date for the Lorraine flood via Saint Nicholas.

    The Saturnin recurrence of the Vesta Reign will temporally encompass both the fire and flood divine punishments whose command was reflected in I.62.

    Feu, grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres
    Que de long siecle ne se verra refait

    La Mobile Signe, a son endroit si ingere
    Aux deux egaux et d'inclination

    Translation of I.54 and I.62 in combination: the fire and flood will be more for ignorant leaders than that the Saturn long cycle of reigning influence behind the events of 6 January 2021 would not be repeated; indeed another revolt will recur in
    March 2023 under similar Saturn circumstances (7 to 16 March 2023) towards the same goal; however an intervening incident whose prophecy involves a Grand Trine as a rotational symbol would demonstrate the Higher Powers being completely infuriated.

    And the manifestation of this Wrath would be through Fire, timed with the Grand Trine Mobile Sign, during the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, culminating in the Lorraine Deluge of X.50 circa 6 December 2022 for the feast of Saint Nicholas. Examining what
    happens after the Sun relinquishes its brief reign to Vesta provided some clarity.

    Par Saturnins endurera le pire [V.24]

    The worst will be endured by the Saturnins

    Les Saturnins brules par les meuniers [VI.17]

    The Saturnins burned by the 'millers'

    Migrez, migrez de Geneue trestous
    Saturne d'or en fer se changera

    Leave, leave Geneva, every last one:
    Saturn will change itself from gold to sword!

    The planetary configuration on the 6 August 1965 date the "Help!" album was released was the meaning of the first half of V.24 -

    Le regne et loi sous Venus eleve
    Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire

    The rule and law elevated under Venus
    Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter

    That day Venus was closely clustered with Ouranos and Pluto, the 13 to 15-degree grouping in Virgo opposing Saturn near 16 degrees Pisces.

    Jupiter was lower on the planetary ladder than Saturn then, a little past 23.5 degrees Gemini.
    The electric guitar solo of "Fixing A Hole" offers an example of how the speak-singing quality of the instrumental articulation can be heard as certain semantical things with parallel audio characteristics.

    Along the major Christian tangent, I would hope the intended message was -

    'Some - Would - Think -
    Jesus Was -
    An Easy Leader To

    He Told The Parable...' {etc}

    Along the Grimm Fairy Tale tangent, the same instrumental phrasing would mean for "Jack And The Beanstalk,"

    'Magic Beans -
    Overnight -
    Grew Into A Giant

    There Was A Castle...' {etc}

    So it is amazing that the astral Projection tangent is also in parallel audio proximity:

    'Flower Child,
    Will You Go -
    Far Over The Cosmic

    There Is A Journey...' {etc}

    * Update: Recent Shootings In Colorado Springs May Be Precursor To Two Imminent Major Catastrophes *

    The Colorado Springs nightclub shooting timed a minute into the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date (via Saint Beningus) had a chart showing the Venus Under The Balance condition, the Nadir between the Sun and Venus-Mercury. Also feast for Saint Adventor,
    whose name means Tavern Patron.

    The newly-defined notorious 'Saturnin' period commences 22 Nov 10:48 pm CET, the Sun progressing to reinstate the reign of slower Vesta for a lengthy interval, ominously marked by Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva.

    Leave, Leave Geneva, every last one -
    Saturn will cause the change from gold to sword

    This time the puzzle pieces seem to interlock more definitively.

    The dark ones of the Temple - in the Black Forest place
    Will build a fire, from the Tavern of Lombardy

    The 'noirs' or black ones of the Temple in VI.16 could be the seven angels with the dark task of administering the combined Vessel contents for the coup de grace of Furious Wrath.

    The 'Black Forest place' implies Geneva, the fire a potential LHC cataclysm, occurring from the Tavern incident at the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date.

    Tragic acts of senseless violence have too often emerged in the prophetic content, albeit with stunning accuracy and terse poignancy.

    It is a completely different idea being conveyed in V.42 -
    The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
    At those which Eagal included under the Balance

    This puts the post-Lombard public, absorbing the news of the Colorado shooting, at the terrifying cataclysmic event. Also referring to how I comprehended Venus and Mercury as being properly situated 'Under The Balance' of the horizontal line in the
    solar Grand Trine, to figure in an imminent occurrence.

    There is the Grand Trine theme, as seen by V.18's subtle reference to Saint Felix of Valois as Trinitarian Order founder.

    Combining the Grand Trine as the Good Omen of II.66, with the Pallas hint, and a significant leap of Fortune when the Sun crosses the Ecliptic, within the Saturnin interval for Renewed Vestal Reign, starting at the first Dawn, the jumbled-yet-scheduled
    elements appear conceivably lined up in time.

    The Sun at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 7:53 am CET causes Fortune to leap from after its joining with Venus and Mercury, zapping to the Moon at 22 degrees Scorpio.

    In a short time Fortune greatly changed

    Now that Venus and Mercury have conjoined, Venus has switched to rise first at the Ascendant, so as Mystery Babylon receiving the Cup contents however that manifests. The seer appears to have illuminated that when celestial bodies are on the local
    horizon rising at events, they in a sense own that happening as their own, as with Mercury being insulted by the warlike noise of the 9-11 attack onset. This incident is for Venus, yet with Mercury conspicuously close behind.

    The seer does not intend a pedestrian rehash of the Revelation symbolism, it has been refined and redrawn within the same parameters.

    Thus Venus at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST] would be the critical time: the rising of Mercury would be three minutes later [8:36 am CET], too late to have the singular Venus association. A quirk is by that time Fortune will
    have migrated to the Sun's position (the Moon meanwhile at 22 degrees 22 minutes Scorpio).

    One would say the land trembles to the depths of Asia
    Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity

    The sequencing could be correct in III.3 - the global trembling, then a lunar (Ephesus) aspect with Neptune (Corinth).

    The 'perplexity' would be a lunar trine, in this case within a Grand Trine including Pallas, for the 'Palais' of line 3 of II.66, indicating the genuine threatening Good Omen.

    Neptune will be in trine with the Moon 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET, both at 22 degrees 40 minutes in their respective signs; Pallas will be further on, slightly around 26.25 degrees Cancer.

    The two horrifying Garabandal-predicted events, The Warning and The Chastisement, appear as the two halves of VI.17 -

    AFTER the beams burned the ass-drivers,
    They will be obliged to change from diverse garbs;

    The Saturnins burned by the *Millers*,
    The majority outside who will not be covered

    The Chastisement has been dated using VI.35, as a solar coronal mass ejection aimed at the Great Plains region, when Mars and Jupiter conjoin at the Node. The intense heat would force people to disrobe, the meaning of changing from different clothing.
    It begins by setting the chronology after the 'beams' burned those driving the asses as at a Mill, foreshadowing the flashback to the conditions of the previous Warning.

    The Saturnin period has those harnessing the powerful LHC energy beams as Ass-drivers at a Mill, which is how they can get burned.

    The flying fiery debris having an effect on those uncovered comes upon them suddenly, and overheating from excessive clothing is not their issue.

    The end of the Saturnin interval arrives when Mercury enters Capricorn 6 December 2022 11:09 pm CET, feast for Saint Nicholas of Lorraine for X.50.

    Mountain and plain, town, city and borough -
    Flood at Lorraine, betrayed by the Great Urn

    The onset of this flood should be evident in the Geneva charts some time before the Saturnin time ends: about eight hours earlier there is another prominent Grand Trine.

    The Taurus Moon will reach the Ascendant just as it is completing a Grand Trine, with Ceres in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET.

    It seems the Saturnin period will have the Fiery cataclysm soon after its beginning, and the Deluge punishing event towards its conclusion.

    Through fire from the sky the city nearly incinerated;
    The Urn threatens, as in the time of Noah

    The two Saturnin events appear in II.81, fire and flood, as given paired in I.62. The fire falling is likely related to the Geneva cataclysm, not meteoric activity. The Great Urn may not be a planetary Bucket, but the incontrovertible Cup of Divine

    The Gardon will flood the Nimes so high
    One would *BELIEVE* that Noah has been reborn;

    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta's sepulchral consuming fire to appear

    In X.6 the split quatrain puts the later flood before the prior fire. Referring to the LHC as a Colossus reminds of the Rhodes use in V.16: the Ancient Wonder Colossus was a Sun deity Helios, whereas the LHC harnesses power comparable to that of Solar
    heat. Also it is the largest machine on the planet; it is suggested a sudden undirected mass evacuation will ensue.

    The fire attributed to Vesta does not seem to be easily extinguished, but to emerge as a consuming entity difficult to quench.

    Summarizing with US coastal time zone transpositions onto the Geneva chart observations -

    The Fire cataclysm after the beginning of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when Venus is at the Ascendant - 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST / 22 November 2022 11:33 pm PST] {during a Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine}; and

    The Flood calamity before the conclusion of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when the Moon reaches the Ascendant - 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET [9:45 am EST / 6:45 am PST] {during a Moon-Pluto-Ceres Grand Trine}.

    A number of corrections have been made, some incorporating the 20 November 2022 Colorado Springs nightclub shooting event.

    Now that the Saturnin period has been defined (as a renewed Vestal reign after a Solar interruption, commencing with Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva), the Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine near its outset 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET can be perceived
    as simultaneously the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3, and being trapped within the Palace of II.66 - the early Saturnin period (about ten hours in) was being indicated.

    While the slow-merging of Venus and Mercury probably constituted the Great Mercury of X.79, and Conchita of Garabandal's 'like two stars colliding' for the Warning prerequisite, other prophesied elements should prove more helpful towards projected

    Line 2 of II.66 not only implies the Sun crossing the Ecliptic to create a leap of Fortune, but also that the change should be dramatically great: because of the way the Part of Fortune is calculated, the change is greatest when the Sun is at a lunar
    square - so that is another hint for the cataclysmic onset within the Saturnin interval.

    The most extreme jump for Fortune in this Saturnin cycle is at Dusk on 30 November 2022, when the jump is from the bottom of the Geneva chart, at the Fifth House cusp, to the Moon at the Eleventh House cusp Apex - that is essentially the greatest
    absolute distance possible.

    Looking at ominous conditions to emerge subsequently, not much later when Venus reaches the Ascendant, 3 December 2022 8:55 am CET, Saturn will be at precisely 20 degrees Aquarius, in a Grand Trine with the Midheaven point (18 degrees 18 minutes Libra)
    and Mars (17 degrees 59 minutes Gemini, in retrograde).

    The Sun will be at 11 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius; Chiron will be at 12 degrees 7 minutes Aries, as the next lower-ranked celestial body after the Sun. And the Moon will have conjoined Chiron previously, at 3:35 am CET, so it remains very close, before
    reaching Ouranos at 10:36 am CET.

    This is the condition from VI.70 --

    Au chef du monde le grand CHIREN sera
    PLVS OVTRE, apres aime, craint, redoute
    Son bruit et los les cieus surpassera
    Et du seul titre Victeur fort content

    The great CHIRON will be at the master of the world,
    PLUS OUTER, after being fancied, feared, dreaded;
    Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens unfurled,
    And with the sole title Victor quite contented

    The locational values of the Sun, as master of the world, and Chiron comply by relative proximity; also the Moon is at Chiron physically post-conjunct as the 'PLUS OUTER' satellite for Earth.

    The planet Ouranos, meaning 'Heavens,' meets the Midheaven point 3 December 2022 10:39 pm CET - and there is an accompanying transitory Grand Trine of the East Point with the Sun and Chiron. If the major commotion stops a bit later from an 8:55 am onset,
    that is about fourteen hours before some settling effect.

    The previous hagiological connections require reassessment.

    The Victor of line 4 might be a proper name, as for Saint Victor of Nicomedia, who was martyred in 303 under Diocletian, with a 3 December feast day. The final line of IV.95 has a lesser Victor associated with Brittany soil: on 7 December Saint Victor of
    Piacenza (d. 375) is honored; and 9 December is feast for Saint Boduc, a Brittany bishop.

    There is Saint Mirocles on 4 December, archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, for 4 December. Notice how VI.16 is worded:

    Le noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
    Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie

    The dark ones of the Temple in the Black Forest place
    Will make Tavern AND FIRE for Lombardy

    Thus the Tavern event occurring on the 20 November 2022 date via Saint Benignus was associated with Lombardy - the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting was 'Lombardy Part One': and on a not-too-much-later Lombardy date, like 4 December, the incident would
    be the cataclysmic fire at Geneva, delivered by the angels of the heavenly Temple with the darkest of tasks, conveying Divine Wrath.

    Also for 4 December is feast for The Great Martyr Saint Barbara, a Roman beheaded by her pagan father: she could be the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94.

    Saint Agricola of 3 December revives the Pannonia condition for VIII.15.

    The Bible reader of V.83 fits for Saint Clement of Alexandria, honored on 4 December.

    Saint Apro, a 7th century priest and hermit, has the 4 December date with associations to Lyons (VIII.34) and Gaul (X.58).

    Saint Bassus was martyred in 250 under Trajan (V.66), with a 5 December feast.

    Saint Bernard degli Uberti (d. 1133) honored 4 December was bishop of Parma for V.22 and VII.5.

    Saint Nicholas is still a match for Lorraine on 6 December 2022 to solve the deluge timing for X.50, the betraying Great Urn being taken for the Cup of Divine Fury. There is an attendant lunar Grand Trine with Pluto and Ceres 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET;
    the Saturnin period concludes later that day at 11:09 pm CET when Mercury enters Capricorn.

    There is no Vienne for the critical Saturnin timeframe however, and this could be because IX.70 is about another subject.

    Harnois tranchants dans les flambeaux caches
    Dedans Lyon, le jour du Sacrement
    Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
    Par les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment

    Sharp weapons under the torches hidden -
    Within Lyons, The Sacrament has its Special Day;
    Those of Vienne all hacked apart, unbidden
    By the Latin Cantons - Macon not led astray

    The period 2000 to 2027 was examined for confluences of the Feast of Corpus Christi and a Lyons saint memorial day. A martyred group of Lyons saints is honored 2 June; in 2017 the Feast of Corpus Christi fell on 3 June.

    The torch imagery should recall the 12 August 2017 "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed by a man driving a car through protestors. In 2016 a local high school student had initiated a petition to remove the statue
    of Confederate general Lee; the city council voted to do so in early 2017, but this was delayed by a legal challenge that was rejected by the Virginia Supreme Court in April. Throughout the summer of 2017 - when the seer makes his forecast of the Lyons/
    Corpus Christ coincidence - the far-right was rallying to protect the Confederacy as a noble legacy.

    The second part of IX.70 regards the papal ambush of Fatima's Third Secret.

    The Vienne of IX.70 appears to be for Saint Didier, 23 May feast - he was bishop of Vienne, also potentially a match for an Autun or Gaul reference.

    Taking the two reds making cheer together from the final line of V.22, where the papal ambush is described as near Parma, as planets Mars and Jupiter (the latter for its Giant Red Spot), a conjunction is not required: on 23 May 2023, Mars in Leo will be
    in a square aspect with Jupiter in Taurus, both at 1 degree 28 minutes in their respective signs.

    Vin sur la table en sera repandu
    Le tiers n'aura celle qu'il pretendait
    Deux fois du noir de Parme descendu
    Perouse a Pise fera ce qu'il cuidait

    Wine on the table, some to be spilled by Karma -
    The third will only have that which is expected,
    Two times of darkness descended for Parma
    Perugia at Pisa will accomplish what was anticipated

    Of course the wine spilling represents human bloodshed.

    In VII.5 the seer may be clarifying the 'Three nights to Warn' from V.83, disclosing the third night will be normal evening darkness, arriving after two successive night-time episodes that apparently will be quite unusual. Parma as 4 December via Saint
    Bernard degli Uberti suggests the primary Saturnin cataclysm. The final line might concern the papal ambush, setting the date ironically at an anniversary of the Perugia citizenry rebelling against papal rule, 20 June 2023, from the 1859 identical date;
    the verifying nearby Pisa date is 17 June, feast for Saint Raynerius.

    The first line of VIII.34 having the victory of 'The Lion over the Lion' puts the chronology after Obama's second US presidential win in 2012, since his Natal Sun sign is Leo. The scene changes to the Jura mountain range of Geneva for the horrific
    massive slaughter - then final line starts with Lyons, now comprehended as a 4 December 2022 reference via Saint Apro. The end of the quatrain seems to go further -

    ...Vlme a Mansol mort et tombe

    ...Ulm at Mausoleum, death and tomb

    The Ulm location is probably being used to project the date when the dead from the Geneva incident can be buried, or entombed in crypts or mausoleums: Blessed Henry Suso (1300-1366) died at Ulm on 25 January, but has a feast on 23 January, as well as
    another observance on 2 March.

    The 4 December date is an anniversary of the "Beatles For Sale" album release in 1964, whose lead track was "No Reply."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Curtis Eagal@21:1/5 to Curtis Eagal on Fri Dec 2 12:10:01 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    The judicial astrology concept would favor studying the moment of the actual Venus-Mercury union, and the discovery of the East Point participating to make a refined Balance-Tipping Grand Trine with the Sun and Jupiter is more intellectually
    compelling than a sudden upright Vestal Grand Trine at Sunset.

    It is difficult to believe their merging Under The Briefly-Renewed Balance with the Moon at the Nadir would be upstaged by the simple Fortune-Jump Vestal Sunset Grand Trine.

    So the Venus-Mercury conjunct has sufficient ominous attending features to be the true cataclysmic trigger,

    On 21 November 2022 at 10:37 pm CET [4:37 pm EST / 1:37 pm PST].

    The 'Saturnins' term could then mean Geneva having the descent of Saturn imminent.

    After Fortune's jump to Pallas at Dusk on 19 November 2022 for Geneva, the subsequent Dusk recurrences went into Grand Trines.

    On the 20th at Dusk Fortune leapt into a Grand Trine with the South Node and Juno.

    The Fortune leap on the evening of the 21st to conceptually form a Grand Trine with Vesta at the Apex, and the Moon with the Vertex is a more dramatic instance.

    On the 22nd at Dusk, Fortune jumps from the Node, opposing the Moon at the South Node, to the proximity of Mars.

    The Apex concept is not as tangibly concrete as the Horizon line represented by the Ecliptic: therefore the case where Saturn is approaching the solid ground, going out of view for Geneva, is far more likely to be indicated by the 'Saturnin' term.

    Vesta does not have to follow Saturn to satisfy X.6, since her reign is indicated until the Sun enters Sagittarius on 22 November 2022 at 9:21 am CET.

    As for the Lorraine deluge of X.50, for a combined 'fire and flood' problem, the patron saint of Lorraine is Nicholas, with his feast day on 6 December, apparently also for 2022, following the fire.

    << St. Nicholas of Bari, also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas of Lorraine, St. Nicholas the Great, St. Niccolò and St. Nicolò (Patara in Lycia, about 270 - Myra, December 6, 343) is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, the
    Orthodox Church and several other Christian denominations. He is well known even outside the Christian world because his figure gave rise to the myth of Santa Claus >>

    The solution was more complicated than expected, looking at the wrong block of time, because of an undefined term: with a single word an interval was designated that would include the double divine punishments of fire and flood - the Grand Trine
    theme is the Cup of Wrath being offered when oriented properly for the chart symbolism.

    The enigmatic term 'Saturnin' had its meaning revealed observing the second phase of the current Vestal Reign, after the Sun has taken the lead role, then progressed beyond.

    The Sun quickly progresses past Vesta's position to have a Renewed Vestal Reign 22 November 2022 10:48 pm CET: the moment the Sun goes a minute of a degree farther for Geneva, Saturn is at the Descendant - that is a suitable interpretation for
    Saturnin, a reprise of the Vestal Reign identified by its initial descent of Saturn at the IX.44 location.

    When the Ecliptic line is halfway between Saturn and Vesta subsequently, it is Renewed Vesta's Lunar Debasement 22 November 2022 11:26 pm CET [5:26 pm EST / 2:36 pm PST], the Moon at the Nadir in opposition with Ouranos at the Midheaven point. This
    could be VI.70's 'surpassing the Heavens' condition - and also likely time for the implicit cataclysmic onset.

    While it has degraded substantially, the major Jupiter-Sun-Pallas Grand Trine (no longer assisted by the East Point) is still discernible, perfectly Balanced Level on the Sun-Fulcrum, with the featured stars Venus and Mercury. The protracted
    conjoining of the two inner planets seemed to present the cryptic hint Conchita of Garabandal had about The Warning - "It will be like two stars colliding.'

    While the Prime Vertical is slightly askew, the Sun is sitting squarely at the bottom of the chart.

    The Pluto opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the 6th and 12th House cusps.

    Again Ouranos seems to be at the top of its own Grand Trine, with Ceres and the Vertex.

    Fortune is opposing Juno.

    Going to the later time when Vesta reaches the Descendant (22 November 2022 11:51 pm CET) the picture changes somewhat.--

    The Upright Grand Trine with the Midheaven Point (beyond Ouranos) strengthens as the Vertex point meets Pluto, with Ceres still engaged on the other side of the base.

    Since a Saturnin-Vestal Reign was the apparent hidden subtext, the period being indicated extends until Mercury enters Capricorn 11:09 pm CET Tuesday 6 December 2022.

    This confirms the 6 December date for the Lorraine flood via Saint Nicholas.

    The Saturnin recurrence of the Vesta Reign will temporally encompass both the fire and flood divine punishments whose command was reflected in I.62.

    Feu, grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres
    Que de long siecle ne se verra refait

    La Mobile Signe, a son endroit si ingere
    Aux deux egaux et d'inclination

    Translation of I.54 and I.62 in combination: the fire and flood will be more for ignorant leaders than that the Saturn long cycle of reigning influence behind the events of 6 January 2021 would not be repeated; indeed another revolt will recur in
    March 2023 under similar Saturn circumstances (7 to 16 March 2023) towards the same goal; however an intervening incident whose prophecy involves a Grand Trine as a rotational symbol would demonstrate the Higher Powers being completely infuriated.

    And the manifestation of this Wrath would be through Fire, timed with the Grand Trine Mobile Sign, during the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, culminating in the Lorraine Deluge of X.50 circa 6 December 2022 for the feast of Saint Nicholas. Examining what
    happens after the Sun relinquishes its brief reign to Vesta provided some clarity.

    Par Saturnins endurera le pire [V.24]

    The worst will be endured by the Saturnins

    Les Saturnins brules par les meuniers [VI.17]

    The Saturnins burned by the 'millers'

    Migrez, migrez de Geneue trestous
    Saturne d'or en fer se changera

    Leave, leave Geneva, every last one:
    Saturn will change itself from gold to sword!

    The planetary configuration on the 6 August 1965 date the "Help!" album was released was the meaning of the first half of V.24 -

    Le regne et loi sous Venus eleve
    Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire

    The rule and law elevated under Venus
    Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter

    That day Venus was closely clustered with Ouranos and Pluto, the 13 to 15-degree grouping in Virgo opposing Saturn near 16 degrees Pisces.

    Jupiter was lower on the planetary ladder than Saturn then, a little past 23.5 degrees Gemini.
    The electric guitar solo of "Fixing A Hole" offers an example of how the speak-singing quality of the instrumental articulation can be heard as certain semantical things with parallel audio characteristics.

    Along the major Christian tangent, I would hope the intended message was -

    'Some - Would - Think -
    Jesus Was -
    An Easy Leader To

    He Told The Parable...' {etc}

    Along the Grimm Fairy Tale tangent, the same instrumental phrasing would mean for "Jack And The Beanstalk,"

    'Magic Beans -
    Overnight -
    Grew Into A Giant

    There Was A Castle...' {etc}

    So it is amazing that the astral Projection tangent is also in parallel audio proximity:

    'Flower Child,
    Will You Go -
    Far Over The Cosmic

    There Is A Journey...' {etc}

    * Update: Recent Shootings In Colorado Springs May Be Precursor To Two Imminent Major Catastrophes *

    The Colorado Springs nightclub shooting timed a minute into the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date (via Saint Beningus) had a chart showing the Venus Under The Balance condition, the Nadir between the Sun and Venus-Mercury. Also feast for Saint Adventor,
    whose name means Tavern Patron.

    The newly-defined notorious 'Saturnin' period commences 22 Nov 10:48 pm CET, the Sun progressing to reinstate the reign of slower Vesta for a lengthy interval, ominously marked by Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva.

    Leave, Leave Geneva, every last one -
    Saturn will cause the change from gold to sword

    This time the puzzle pieces seem to interlock more definitively.

    The dark ones of the Temple - in the Black Forest place
    Will build a fire, from the Tavern of Lombardy

    The 'noirs' or black ones of the Temple in VI.16 could be the seven angels with the dark task of administering the combined Vessel contents for the coup de grace of Furious Wrath.

    The 'Black Forest place' implies Geneva, the fire a potential LHC cataclysm, occurring from the Tavern incident at the 20 November 2022 Lombardy date.

    Tragic acts of senseless violence have too often emerged in the prophetic content, albeit with stunning accuracy and terse poignancy.

    It is a completely different idea being conveyed in V.42 -
    The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
    At those which Eagal included under the Balance

    This puts the post-Lombard public, absorbing the news of the Colorado shooting, at the terrifying cataclysmic event. Also referring to how I comprehended Venus and Mercury as being properly situated 'Under The Balance' of the horizontal line in the
    solar Grand Trine, to figure in an imminent occurrence.

    There is the Grand Trine theme, as seen by V.18's subtle reference to Saint Felix of Valois as Trinitarian Order founder.

    Combining the Grand Trine as the Good Omen of II.66, with the Pallas hint, and a significant leap of Fortune when the Sun crosses the Ecliptic, within the Saturnin interval for Renewed Vestal Reign, starting at the first Dawn, the jumbled-yet-
    scheduled elements appear conceivably lined up in time.

    The Sun at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 7:53 am CET causes Fortune to leap from after its joining with Venus and Mercury, zapping to the Moon at 22 degrees Scorpio.

    In a short time Fortune greatly changed

    Now that Venus and Mercury have conjoined, Venus has switched to rise first at the Ascendant, so as Mystery Babylon receiving the Cup contents however that manifests. The seer appears to have illuminated that when celestial bodies are on the local
    horizon rising at events, they in a sense own that happening as their own, as with Mercury being insulted by the warlike noise of the 9-11 attack onset. This incident is for Venus, yet with Mercury conspicuously close behind.

    The seer does not intend a pedestrian rehash of the Revelation symbolism, it has been refined and redrawn within the same parameters.

    Thus Venus at the Ascendant 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST] would be the critical time: the rising of Mercury would be three minutes later [8:36 am CET], too late to have the singular Venus association. A quirk is by that time Fortune will
    have migrated to the Sun's position (the Moon meanwhile at 22 degrees 22 minutes Scorpio).

    One would say the land trembles to the depths of Asia
    Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity

    The sequencing could be correct in III.3 - the global trembling, then a lunar (Ephesus) aspect with Neptune (Corinth).

    The 'perplexity' would be a lunar trine, in this case within a Grand Trine including Pallas, for the 'Palais' of line 3 of II.66, indicating the genuine threatening Good Omen.

    Neptune will be in trine with the Moon 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET, both at 22 degrees 40 minutes in their respective signs; Pallas will be further on, slightly around 26.25 degrees Cancer.

    The two horrifying Garabandal-predicted events, The Warning and The Chastisement, appear as the two halves of VI.17 -

    AFTER the beams burned the ass-drivers,
    They will be obliged to change from diverse garbs;

    The Saturnins burned by the *Millers*,
    The majority outside who will not be covered

    The Chastisement has been dated using VI.35, as a solar coronal mass ejection aimed at the Great Plains region, when Mars and Jupiter conjoin at the Node. The intense heat would force people to disrobe, the meaning of changing from different clothing.
    It begins by setting the chronology after the 'beams' burned those driving the asses as at a Mill, foreshadowing the flashback to the conditions of the previous Warning.

    The Saturnin period has those harnessing the powerful LHC energy beams as Ass-drivers at a Mill, which is how they can get burned.

    The flying fiery debris having an effect on those uncovered comes upon them suddenly, and overheating from excessive clothing is not their issue.

    The end of the Saturnin interval arrives when Mercury enters Capricorn 6 December 2022 11:09 pm CET, feast for Saint Nicholas of Lorraine for X.50.

    Mountain and plain, town, city and borough -
    Flood at Lorraine, betrayed by the Great Urn

    The onset of this flood should be evident in the Geneva charts some time before the Saturnin time ends: about eight hours earlier there is another prominent Grand Trine.

    The Taurus Moon will reach the Ascendant just as it is completing a Grand Trine, with Ceres in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET.

    It seems the Saturnin period will have the Fiery cataclysm soon after its beginning, and the Deluge punishing event towards its conclusion.

    Through fire from the sky the city nearly incinerated;
    The Urn threatens, as in the time of Noah

    The two Saturnin events appear in II.81, fire and flood, as given paired in I.62. The fire falling is likely related to the Geneva cataclysm, not meteoric activity. The Great Urn may not be a planetary Bucket, but the incontrovertible Cup of Divine

    The Gardon will flood the Nimes so high
    One would *BELIEVE* that Noah has been reborn;

    From the Colossus the majority will flee,
    Vesta's sepulchral consuming fire to appear

    In X.6 the split quatrain puts the later flood before the prior fire. Referring to the LHC as a Colossus reminds of the Rhodes use in V.16: the Ancient Wonder Colossus was a Sun deity Helios, whereas the LHC harnesses power comparable to that of
    Solar heat. Also it is the largest machine on the planet; it is suggested a sudden undirected mass evacuation will ensue.

    The fire attributed to Vesta does not seem to be easily extinguished, but to emerge as a consuming entity difficult to quench.

    Summarizing with US coastal time zone transpositions onto the Geneva chart observations -

    The Fire cataclysm after the beginning of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when Venus is at the Ascendant - 23 November 2022 8:33 am CET [2:33 am EST / 22 November 2022 11:33 pm PST] {during a Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine}; and

    The Flood calamity before the conclusion of the Saturnin-Vestal Reign, when the Moon reaches the Ascendant - 6 December 2022 3:45 pm CET [9:45 am EST / 6:45 am PST] {during a Moon-Pluto-Ceres Grand Trine}.
    A number of corrections have been made, some incorporating the 20 November 2022 Colorado Springs nightclub shooting event.

    Now that the Saturnin period has been defined (as a renewed Vestal reign after a Solar interruption, commencing with Saturn at the Descendant for Geneva), the Moon-Neptune-Pallas Grand Trine near its outset 23 November 2022 9:03 am CET can be perceived
    as simultaneously the Corinth-Ephesus perplexity of III.3, and being trapped within the Palace of II.66 - the early Saturnin period (about ten hours in) was being indicated.

    While the slow-merging of Venus and Mercury probably constituted the Great Mercury of X.79, and Conchita of Garabandal's 'like two stars colliding' for the Warning prerequisite, other prophesied elements should prove more helpful towards projected

    Line 2 of II.66 not only implies the Sun crossing the Ecliptic to create a leap of Fortune, but also that the change should be dramatically great: because of the way the Part of Fortune is calculated, the change is greatest when the Sun is at a lunar
    square - so that is another hint for the cataclysmic onset within the Saturnin interval.

    The most extreme jump for Fortune in this Saturnin cycle is at Dusk on 30 November 2022, when the jump is from the bottom of the Geneva chart, at the Fifth House cusp, to the Moon at the Eleventh House cusp Apex - that is essentially the greatest
    absolute distance possible.

    Looking at ominous conditions to emerge subsequently, not much later when Venus reaches the Ascendant, 3 December 2022 8:55 am CET, Saturn will be at precisely 20 degrees Aquarius, in a Grand Trine with the Midheaven point (18 degrees 18 minutes Libra)
    and Mars (17 degrees 59 minutes Gemini, in retrograde).

    The Sun will be at 11 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius; Chiron will be at 12 degrees 7 minutes Aries, as the next lower-ranked celestial body after the Sun. And the Moon will have conjoined Chiron previously, at 3:35 am CET, so it remains very close,
    before reaching Ouranos at 10:36 am CET.

    This is the condition from VI.70 --

    Au chef du monde le grand CHIREN sera
    PLVS OVTRE, apres aime, craint, redoute
    Son bruit et los les cieus surpassera
    Et du seul titre Victeur fort content

    The great CHIRON will be at the master of the world,
    PLUS OUTER, after being fancied, feared, dreaded;
    Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens unfurled,
    And with the sole title Victor quite contented

    The locational values of the Sun, as master of the world, and Chiron comply by relative proximity; also the Moon is at Chiron physically post-conjunct as the 'PLUS OUTER' satellite for Earth.

    The planet Ouranos, meaning 'Heavens,' meets the Midheaven point 3 December 2022 10:39 pm CET - and there is an accompanying transitory Grand Trine of the East Point with the Sun and Chiron. If the major commotion stops a bit later from an 8:55 am
    onset, that is about fourteen hours before some settling effect.

    The previous hagiological connections require reassessment.

    The Victor of line 4 might be a proper name, as for Saint Victor of Nicomedia, who was martyred in 303 under Diocletian, with a 3 December feast day. The final line of IV.95 has a lesser Victor associated with Brittany soil: on 7 December Saint Victor
    of Piacenza (d. 375) is honored; and 9 December is feast for Saint Boduc, a Brittany bishop.

    There is Saint Mirocles on 4 December, archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, for 4 December. Notice how VI.16 is worded:

    Le noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
    Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
    The dark ones of the Temple in the Black Forest place
    Will make Tavern AND FIRE for Lombardy

    Thus the Tavern event occurring on the 20 November 2022 date via Saint Benignus was associated with Lombardy - the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting was 'Lombardy Part One': and on a not-too-much-later Lombardy date, like 4 December, the incident
    would be the cataclysmic fire at Geneva, delivered by the angels of the heavenly Temple with the darkest of tasks, conveying Divine Wrath.

    Also for 4 December is feast for The Great Martyr Saint Barbara, a Roman beheaded by her pagan father: she could be the Lady honored through force of terror in I.94.

    Saint Agricola of 3 December revives the Pannonia condition for VIII.15.

    The Bible reader of V.83 fits for Saint Clement of Alexandria, honored on 4 December.

    Saint Apro, a 7th century priest and hermit, has the 4 December date with associations to Lyons (VIII.34) and Gaul (X.58).

    Saint Bassus was martyred in 250 under Trajan (V.66), with a 5 December feast.

    Saint Bernard degli Uberti (d. 1133) honored 4 December was bishop of Parma for V.22 and VII.5.

    Saint Nicholas is still a match for Lorraine on 6 December 2022 to solve the deluge timing for X.50, the betraying Great Urn being taken for the Cup of Divine Fury. There is an attendant lunar Grand Trine with Pluto and Ceres 6 December 2022 3:45 pm
    CET; the Saturnin period concludes later that day at 11:09 pm CET when Mercury enters Capricorn.

    There is no Vienne for the critical Saturnin timeframe however, and this could be because IX.70 is about another subject.

    Harnois tranchants dans les flambeaux caches
    Dedans Lyon, le jour du Sacrement
    Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
    Par les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment

    Sharp weapons under the torches hidden -
    Within Lyons, The Sacrament has its Special Day;
    Those of Vienne all hacked apart, unbidden
    By the Latin Cantons - Macon not led astray

    The period 2000 to 2027 was examined for confluences of the Feast of Corpus Christi and a Lyons saint memorial day. A martyred group of Lyons saints is honored 2 June; in 2017 the Feast of Corpus Christi fell on 3 June.

    The torch imagery should recall the 12 August 2017 "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed by a man driving a car through protestors. In 2016 a local high school student had initiated a petition to remove the
    statue of Confederate general Lee; the city council voted to do so in early 2017, but this was delayed by a legal challenge that was rejected by the Virginia Supreme Court in April. Throughout the summer of 2017 - when the seer makes his forecast of the
    Lyons/Corpus Christ coincidence - the far-right was rallying to protect the Confederacy as a noble legacy.

    The second part of IX.70 regards the papal ambush of Fatima's Third Secret.

    The Vienne of IX.70 appears to be for Saint Didier, 23 May feast - he was bishop of Vienne, also potentially a match for an Autun or Gaul reference.

    Taking the two reds making cheer together from the final line of V.22, where the papal ambush is described as near Parma, as planets Mars and Jupiter (the latter for its Giant Red Spot), a conjunction is not required: on 23 May 2023, Mars in Leo will
    be in a square aspect with Jupiter in Taurus, both at 1 degree 28 minutes in their respective signs.

    Vin sur la table en sera repandu
    Le tiers n'aura celle qu'il pretendait
    Deux fois du noir de Parme descendu
    Perouse a Pise fera ce qu'il cuidait

    Wine on the table, some to be spilled by Karma -
    The third will only have that which is expected,
    Two times of darkness descended for Parma
    Perugia at Pisa will accomplish what was anticipated

    Of course the wine spilling represents human bloodshed.

    In VII.5 the seer may be clarifying the 'Three nights to Warn' from V.83, disclosing the third night will be normal evening darkness, arriving after two successive night-time episodes that apparently will be quite unusual. Parma as 4 December via Saint
    Bernard degli Uberti suggests the primary Saturnin cataclysm. The final line might concern the papal ambush, setting the date ironically at an anniversary of the Perugia citizenry rebelling against papal rule, 20 June 2023, from the 1859 identical date;
    the verifying nearby Pisa date is 17 June, feast for Saint Raynerius.

    The first line of VIII.34 having the victory of 'The Lion over the Lion' puts the chronology after Obama's second US presidential win in 2012, since his Natal Sun sign is Leo. The scene changes to the Jura mountain range of Geneva for the horrific
    massive slaughter - then final line starts with Lyons, now comprehended as a 4 December 2022 reference via Saint Apro. The end of the quatrain seems to go further -

    ...Vlme a Mansol mort et tombe

    ...Ulm at Mausoleum, death and tomb

    The Ulm location is probably being used to project the date when the dead from the Geneva incident can be buried, or entombed in crypts or mausoleums: Blessed Henry Suso (1300-1366) died at Ulm on 25 January, but has a feast on 23 January, as well as
    another observance on 2 March.

    The 4 December date is an anniversary of the "Beatles For Sale" album release in 1964, whose lead track was "No Reply."

    An update, with an extra addendum exclusively for Beatle fans:

    << The significance of Saturn being at precisely twenty degrees at the critical time with this Saturnin-Vestal interval theory can be found in IX.72:

    Encore seront les saints temples pollus
    Et expillez par Senat Tholosain
    Saturne deux trois cycles revolus
    Dans Avril, May, gens de nouveau levain

    The holy temples will again be polluted
    And plundered from Toulouse with Senate askew;
    Saturn two-thirds of its cycle completed -
    From, April, May, people of Leaven-Anew

    This could be presenting the flip-side of destroying the separation of Church and State: the authoritarian State in merging its interests with religious institutions can dominate them, thereby negating their ethical power entirely. The Toulouse date
    inferred is likely 29 May, for the lethal beatings suffered by twelve men over the night of 28-29 May 1242, slaughtered on the feast of The Ascension in a church while singing Te Deum, by Albigenisan heretics.

    This end of May timing dovetails with the final line, where the sequencing of April and May into June is implied by omission.

    We know the Senate will ostensibly have Democratic majority control at the outset in January 2023, featuring the Senate is a clue that situation will have a partisan disruption associated with the late May Toulouse date that same year. And subsequently
    the pollution and plundering of all things sacred will commence, as it has in other eras under various totalitarian regimes.

    The third line gives us the 3 December 2022 condition of Saturn at twenty degrees through the total thirty of Aquarius: notice a similar term of 'siecle' for cycle was used in I.16, where by temporal context it inferred instead the midpoint of the seven-
    month direct month phase for Saturn in early February 2022, since that was only a few days from the 28 January 2022 condition established in the first half of the quatrain.

    So the cataclysmic chronology could be confirmed with the innocuous-seeming third line of IX.72.

    Reviewing I.51 -

    Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn
    Eternal God, what mutations!
    Then for long cycle his wicked time RETURNS
    Gaul and Italy - what emotions!

    The first half identified the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at the Winter Solstice of 2020, with the Moon at the head of Aries: this was also when the first reporting of Covid variant strain mutations entered the news.

    The second half is a jump to the second revolt under a long cycle of Saturn reigning, skipping over the US Capitol riot which ensued when Saturn had its long cycle ending on 6 January 2021, commencing from its Jupiter conjunct. The final line concerns
    the yet-incomplete installment from my own book series relating to The Crucifixion of The Lord Jesus Christ: the Gaul and Italy references are a future-past distillation of the incident where wine mixed with gall was offered to the condemned Savior
    nailed to a tree.

    The final line of IX.73 has the Sun-Mars-Mercury convergence of 9 October 2021 as being near the Urn, which as used in II.81, not for a planetary Bucket configuration, but to refer to the Divine Cup of Wrath from the bowl-pouring sequence finale in
    Revelation. >>

    I will add here that the meaning of the Gaul and Italy reference is already known to relate to the two album covers released in 1965, using photographs from the October 1964 Farringdon Road sessions, featuring The Beatles enjoying a bottle of champagne,
    for France and Italy - that seems their subtle remembrance of wine being mixed with gall (using the Gaul pun).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)