decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which rotates
The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09 amCET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.
The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CETLilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively), markingPluto rising in opposition with Pallas.
Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This uprightGrand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound texture.
The opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.
decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which rotates
The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09 amCET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.
The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CETLilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively), markingPluto rising in opposition with Pallas.
Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This uprightGrand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound texture.
The opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.
decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which rotates
CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09 am
Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively), marking
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth and Twelfth HouseThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour away from
While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean its ownreign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.
Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of theBalance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.
decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which rotates
CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09 am
Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively), marking
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth and Twelfth HouseThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour away from
While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean its ownreign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.
Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of theBalance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.
right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on the
decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which rotates
am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09
Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth and TwelfthThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour away
own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean its
Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of the
I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm CETfor Geneva) - of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later). Thetiming is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.
The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be witnessed
Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black Forest
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on the
decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has been
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:09
Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured, the
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth and TwelfthThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour away
own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean its
Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of the
for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm CET
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later). The
after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be witnessed
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST.
The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign rotates
the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:
the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured,
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean
Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of the
CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later). The
after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be witnessed
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new trine
This brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dream
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over The
into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST.
The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign rotates
the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022 7:
the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured,
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST]. This
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different sound
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean
Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of the
CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later). The
after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be witnessed
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new trine
This brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dream
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over The
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST.
The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign rotates
the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022
the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured,
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean
the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of
CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later).
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dreamThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance of
So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is not
When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing will beat the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.
When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10degrees 53 minutes Pisces).
Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine
The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18);
Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST.
The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign rotates
the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022
the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured,
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean
the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of
CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later).
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dreamThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance of
So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is not
When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing will beat the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.
When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10degrees 53 minutes Pisces).
Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine
The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18);
Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm EST.
The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign rotates
the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical on
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November 2022
the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely poured,
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily mean
the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of
CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56 pm
announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with the
The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later).
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at the
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dreamThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance of
So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is not
When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing will beat the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.
When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10degrees 53 minutes Pisces).
Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine
The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18);
Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.
Preparation are other terms used, even in the French quatrains), wherein each person considers their own sins while no machines function.The casualties are predicted as approximately seven million, from flooding and scorching; the smoke incessantly rising is compared to incense in V.16. The terror of the cataclysm provides the Garabandal Warning (Purification and
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
EST.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm
rotates into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign
on the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
2022 7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November
poured, the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
mean its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily
the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of
pm CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56
the announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with
The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later).
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
the Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dreamThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
of the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance
the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is not
be at the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing will
degrees 53 minutes Pisces).When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10
in the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine position.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine
Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18);
this case Felix of Valois, also for 20 November.Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.The lesser Victor of IV.95 on the land of Brittany seems to be Saint Maximus, sharing the 18 November feast day with Saint Mawes, having the Brittany association.
The genuine Victor of VI.70 appears to be Saint Maxentia with the 20 November feast day.
The feminization of Victor as Vitrix appears in V.18 -
De deuil mourra l'infelix proflige
Celebrera son Vitrix l'Hecatombe
He would die overcome, forlorn with grief:
His Conqueress will celebrate the Sacrifice instead
The word 'infelix,' as again with Felix of Nantes being suggested for the 7 July 2005 London train attack (Ringo Starr's birthday - he has wished people to hope for Peace at Noon on this day since), alerts to the feast day for a saint named Felix, in
Felix of Valois was an ascetic living in Cerfroid, Soissons, France; around age 70 a disciple of his named John of Matha suggested he found the Trinitarians to free slaves held in Muslim captivity. At his advanced age, Felix did so in France and Italy,before returning to Maison de la Trinite in Cerfroid. After his death in 1212, his order attested he had been canonized in 1262, but there was some dispute and his cult was officially recognized in 1666. He did not actually die from grief, the line only
So knowing the association of Saint Felix of Valois to the Trinity is a hint towards the Grand Trines appearing in the associated prophecy regarding a massively lethal cataclysm. Felix would be unhappy ('infelix') that the symbol for the Trinity isappearing as a sudden Sign at an incredible Slaughter ('Hecatombe' invokes the ritual slaughter of a herd of cattle).
Yet his co-honored Lady ('honored through force of terror' in I.94), Saint Maxentia does not have the same inherent reverence for the triangular form of the Trinity concept.
It is an elaborate prediction whimsically comparing how saints sharing a certain feast day would react to a specific catastrophic incident, using gallows humor.
And the seer made a subtle commentary about his own prophecy critically involving Grand Trines through judicial astrology.
Preparation are other terms used, even in the French quatrains), wherein each person considers their own sins while no machines function.The casualties are predicted as approximately seven million, from flooding and scorching; the smoke incessantly rising is compared to incense in V.16. The terror of the cataclysm provides the Garabandal Warning (Purification and
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
EST.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm
rotates into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign
on the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical
been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber has
rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign, which
2022 7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November
poured, the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely
marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET, respectively),
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an hour
mean its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily
the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling of
pm CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:56
the announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with
The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later).
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
the Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at
pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch's dreamThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near future
of the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance
the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is not
be at the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing will
degrees 53 minutes Pisces).When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10
in the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine position.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine
Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18);
this case Felix of Valois, also for 20 November.Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.The lesser Victor of IV.95 on the land of Brittany seems to be Saint Maximus, sharing the 18 November feast day with Saint Mawes, having the Brittany association.
The genuine Victor of VI.70 appears to be Saint Maxentia with the 20 November feast day.
The feminization of Victor as Vitrix appears in V.18 -
De deuil mourra l'infelix proflige
Celebrera son Vitrix l'Hecatombe
He would die overcome, forlorn with grief:
His Conqueress will celebrate the Sacrifice instead
The word 'infelix,' as again with Felix of Nantes being suggested for the 7 July 2005 London train attack (Ringo Starr's birthday - he has wished people to hope for Peace at Noon on this day since), alerts to the feast day for a saint named Felix, in
Felix of Valois was an ascetic living in Cerfroid, Soissons, France; around age 70 a disciple of his named John of Matha suggested he found the Trinitarians to free slaves held in Muslim captivity. At his advanced age, Felix did so in France and Italy,before returning to Maison de la Trinite in Cerfroid. After his death in 1212, his order attested he had been canonized in 1262, but there was some dispute and his cult was officially recognized in 1666. He did not actually die from grief, the line only
So knowing the association of Saint Felix of Valois to the Trinity is a hint towards the Grand Trines appearing in the associated prophecy regarding a massively lethal cataclysm. Felix would be unhappy ('infelix') that the symbol for the Trinity isappearing as a sudden Sign at an incredible Slaughter ('Hecatombe' invokes the ritual slaughter of a herd of cattle).
Yet his co-honored Lady ('honored through force of terror' in I.94), Saint Maxentia does not have the same inherent reverence for the triangular form of the Trinity concept.
It is an elaborate prediction whimsically comparing how saints sharing a certain feast day would react to a specific catastrophic incident, using gallows humor.
And the seer made a subtle commentary about his own prophecy critically involving Grand Trines through judicial astrology.
timing appears to bolster the Democrats in I.34, as striking when the Republicans could claim some victory (perhaps House majority).The US political scenario is intertwined, with a new election preceding sustained great trembling in VI.21: the first portion was already fulfilled through a solar eclipse in August 2008 at the time of the Georgian Uprising. The
Preparation are other terms used, even in the French quatrains), wherein each person considers their own sins while no machines function.The casualties are predicted as approximately seven million, from flooding and scorching; the smoke incessantly rising is compared to incense in V.16. The terror of the cataclysm provides the Garabandal Warning (Purification and
when this Lasting Phantom or Stupendous Marvel would be perceived - Rhodes is a Greek Island of the Sun, Helios in Greek, this suggested 21 November for Saint Heliodorus.The Miracle would then become visible, having been placed Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with all stipulations met by Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local for Garabandal. The seer used Rhodes as a codeword for
EST.The reporting of the US House or Representatives going to a Republican majority was perfectly synchronized with Venus being debased at the Nadir in the Geneva chart: 17 November 2022 CET 12:47 am, equivalent to 16 November 2022 6:47 pm
rotates into different orientations. It gives the impression of a Cup for the Vessel of Wrath, whose contents will be poured out.The terms in the quatrains 'Under the Balance' and 'the Movable Sign' did not refer to the Libra constellation, but a current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith in water signs around 23 degrees: as time progresses, this Sign
on the right side. That is where Case 2 of the Fortune jump occurs - this time avoiding imminent union with Saturn altogether, and zapping to the Moon's position, which roughly opposes Vesta.There were two observed cases for Fortune jumping instantaneously for II.66.
In Case 1 (16 Nov 4:59 pm CET) Fortune was with Saturn, jumped down to the opposing Moon, later notably opposing Vesta; the Pallas lunar adjacency was at 5:06 pm CET.
The Lilith-Neptune side of the Grand Trine appears level-horizontal above the grouping of South Node, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Fortune 16 Nov 11:35 pm CET - that was the 'Under the Balance' circumstance.
From that time, the Inverted Grand Trine appears to be tipping, Neptune reaching the Descendant, then 17 Nov 7:44 am CET (Dawn for Geneva, Sun at Ascendant) it seems fully emptied, the side that had been the horizontal top then vertical
has been decided precisely coinciding with the applied meaning of Venus being debased at the Geneva location.This could solve the riddle of Saturn enduring the worst (initial explosive blast), with the resultant sepulchral fire being named for Vesta (immediately afterwards).
It is an illumination of Revelation's Vessel of Wrath being poured, for the Ill-Fated Reign of Venus as Mystery Babylon.
Marian apparitions warned the Cup of Divine Wrath was overflowing, and would be poured.
The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius 17 Nov 9:41 am CET (3:41 am EST) ends the brief interval of Venusian supremacy.
The second case of Fortune leaping when the Vessel seems fully poured seems critical {17 November 2022 7:44 am CET, 1:44 am EST / 16 November 2022 10:44 pm PST}, especially since the party setting agenda for the US legislative chamber
which rotates within the charts over time: so it could be the Movable Sign of I.54, representing the Cup of Divine Wrath itself esoterically.Thoughts on the reverse guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows," after this update on the Black Forest cataclysmic event prediction.
The current Grand Trine of the Sun, Neptune and Lilith appeared inverted and tipping from 16 November 2022 11:35 pm CET, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus then grouped 'Under the Balance' as in V.42. The Grand Trine is a celestial Sign,
2022 7:09 am CET to 17 November 2022 9:45 am CET), fulfilling the Revelation passage where Babylon sits as Queen.The debasement of Venus at the Nadir for Geneva 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET coincided perfectly with the announcement of the US House of Representatives going to Republican majority. This was during a brief Venusian Reign (16 November
poured, the Lilith-Neptune side which had appeared level horizontal about eight hours earlier turned vertical to the right side of the Grand Trine. Fortune jumped from Saturn to the Moon opposing Vesta.The subsequent Mercury Reign could be the Great Mercury of X.79, rather than the recent Mercury-Sun conjunct at the lunar eclipse. This Mercury interval lasts until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET
Line 1 of II.66 suggests the 28 October 2022 home invasion hammer attack on Paul Pelosi.
The second line, requiring Fortune to change greatly in a short time, indicates a pivotal situation where the Sun crosses the Ecliptic. That could be the 17 November 2022 7:44 am CET Geneva Dawn case where the 'Cup' appears completely
respectively), marking Pluto rising in opposition with Pallas.Line 3 brings in Pallas with the Palace pun, which becomes significant 17 November 2022 12:15 pm CET, when Pallas reaching the Descendant is the prelude to Saturn then Vesta rising at the Ascendant (at 1:20 pm and 1:45 pm CET,
This upright Grand Trine does not have its apex on a House cusp - this could be the 'Good Omen' of the final line in II.66, that marks a city being besieged.Since the Sun moves faster then either Neptune or Lilith, the Grand Trine is rapidly degrading: yet between the risings of Saturn and Vesta, it again assumes an upright orientation, 17 November 2022 1:35 pm CET [7:35 am EST, 4:35 am PST].
sound texture.*
The reversed guitar solo in "Tomorrow Never Knows" was done by reversing an original performance, hearing what that sounded like and reproducing it, then reversing that second performance to obtain the original articulation in a different
hour away from the 'Under the Balance' situation as the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appeared inverted with the horizontal top line leveling at 11:35 pm CET. For Texas, the quake arrived when the Moon in opposition with Vesta aligned with the Sixth andThe opening phrase of the solo sounds like,
'The Last Supper'
[In the American mono mix this is followed by a 'seagull' sound seeming to echo '-Supper!-'] but allowing another tangent to emerge the opening phrase resembled instead,
'The Sat-Guru'
That is a term meaning 'World Teacher' - and the next instrumental phrases seemed to continue,
'...Born Near The Hopi Nation...
CAME to Power BEYOND...
What Men Before May Call... -'
Some versions of the track do not even include the final reversed guitar phrase for the solo, as the original release used an alternate take.There was a 5.4 magnitude quake in western Texas 16 November 2022 3:32 pm CST; the same area had a similar quake in March 2020, oil drilling practices have been blamed. At that time Geneva, seven hours ahead at 10:32 pm CST, was about an
mean its own reign, with the' Under the Balance' condition recurring 17 November 2022 11:38 pm CET (5:38 pm EST; 2:38 pm PST), before the Sun progresses so far the Grand Trine degrades.While the Grand Trine may be considered a 'Good Omen' with some irony, the critical condition is when it is inverted (so there are celestial characters under its 'Balancing' top), rather than upright. The Great Mercury in X.79 could easily
of the Balance line topping the inverted Grand Trine seems to be the triggering condition.Saturn reaches the Descendant 17 November 2022 11:09 pm CET; Vesta follows about three minutes after midnight on the 18th. This is consistent with clues linking Saturn to the initial onset, and Vesta with a resulting fire: so the leveling
56 pm CET for Geneva) -I conjectured very recently how the given prophetic elements converge, link below to post explaining critical time for major cataclysmic event (consistent with the Garabandal Warning) should be 7:56 am PST / 10:56 am EST 18 November 2022 (4:
the announcement of US House chamber majority being decided for the Republican party (6:47 pm EST).
Under the Balance in V.42 meant the tipping top of an inverted Grand Trine when Venus was at the debasing Nadir for Geneva, paralleling the Moon-Vesta opposition angle: this was 17 November 12:47 am CET - a timing perfectly synchronized with
. The timing is just after local Sunset, with Saturn overhead.Feast day for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification is 18 November; and a combined recurrence of two post-springtime precursors from July 2021, with a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune (which technically happens 5.25 hours later)
witnessed after a horrifically lethal incendiary event (VIII.34 puts casualties around seven million, with fire and flood), encoded by the Island of the Sun Rhodes, implying Saint Heliodorus by Greek transliteration, for his 21 November feast day.The Lombardy connection for V.42 and VI.16 (which involved The Beatles "Help!" musical tangent) emerges 20 November via Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy, during an era of oppressive occupation.
The Garabandal Miracle had all stipulations met for its placement Ascension Thursday 13 May 2021, with the story of Blessed Imelda and a Mercury lunar conjunct at 8:30 pm local time. In V.16 Nostradamus revealed a Lasting Phantom would be
the Nadir (which coincided with US House majority determination).Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilve
Feront auberge et feu de Lombardie
The villains of the Temple where stood the Black ForestI did not expect to have a conclusive final update, however looking further this was found, a very timely conjecture:--
Will build a fire for the Tavern, at Lombardy
The esotericism of the seer's prophecies regarding the imminent cataclysm is extreme, with acknowledgment of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine appearing to Balance on the Sun-Fulcrum at the 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET debasement of Venus at
Pallas pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity regarding the stages after the 18 November 2022 10:11 pm CET Neptune lunar opposition.
The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).
Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).
For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).
On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).
Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -
Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.
Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.
This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.
Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).
So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:
Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-
trine is connecting with Jupiter beyond Neptune. So the celestial bodies have been staged to keep the Grand Trine imagery extended through this period.Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.
Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.
And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.
So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.
The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occurring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'
That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,
19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].
The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches
Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces
Gaule branler, pericliter la barque
Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
[EOM]Final sequence for this cataclysmic timing now seems to be in VI.70, now that II.66 has allowed 19 November 2022 to be pinpointed by the Dusk leap of Fortune to Pallas for Geneva.
Line 3 of VI.70 -
Son bruit et los les cieux surpassera
Its noise and light will surpass the Heavens
The Greek name Ouranos means a personification of the Sky of Heavens; and the above-Ecliptic part of the Prime Vertical is called the Midheaven point.
Ouranos will be at the Midheaven point for Geneva 19 November 2022 11:36 pm CET.
The Saturn-onset, Vesta-sepulchral fire sequence shifts to their setting at the Descendant for this final stage.
Saturn falls below the Ecliptic at 11:02 pm CET; and Vesta reaches the Descendant 20 November 2022 12:04 am CET.
The Grand Trine will then again be Inverted with the Sun at the Fulcrum position, and the horizontal top appearing perfectly Balanced then.
This Grand Trine involving the Sun has been sustained through a bizarre quirk: Lilith and Neptune have maintained their trine by being slow-moving; Pallas near Lilith is progressed enough to have a connection with the Sun; and the Sun for its new
future when Mars will be at fifteen degrees while another Grand Trine is occurring - the implication could be that the Garabandal Miracle appearing shortly after the world trembles (circa 21 November 2022) will not remain a stationary oddity. In Henoch'sThis brings the incident into the 20 November feast day for Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan, Lombardy.
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroi
A ceux de l'Aigle compris sous la Balance
The Lombard folk will be made so greatly afraid
By those which Eagal included under the Balance
That's the second half of V.42: the first half is a 1495 history lesson about Charles VIII driving the Savoyards from France, speaking of Mars being elevated to the midpoint of a sign as its 'highest belfry.' This hints at a date in our near
of the Sun crossing the Ecliptic at Dawn Fortune was in its own Grand Trine at 15 degrees Capricorn, with Midheaven in Virgo and Ouranos in Taurus - then Fortune jumps to the Moon (in opposition with Chiron).Back to The Beatles!
The electric guitar solo in "Fixing A Hole" was found to have a subliminal tangent about Astral Projection, articulating in its first part,
'Flower Child,
Will You Go
Far Over TheSomething simple like Ouranos reaching Midheaven does not seem to be in the seer's complex theme, which is featuring Grand Trines: and I overlooked that after the Dusk jump of Fortune to Pallas 19 November 2022 for Geneva, in the following instance
not the trigger, since Saturn must be engaged.So after the Pallas Dusk on the 19th, there is a Dawn where Fortune is in a Midheaven Grand Trine with Ouranos: that seems to be 'Heavens' condition of VI.70 that will be surpassed, now trapped beyond the Pallas circumstance (for II.66).
Relevant timing has shifted from Sun at the Ecliptic to observe the Fortune jumps, to Saturn then Vesta at the Eleventh House cusp false Midheaven Vertical Apex for presumed activation near Sunset in Geneva. The transitory Fortune Grand Trine is
will be at the Nadir of the Prime Vertical, in opposition with Pluto at Midheaven. The triggering aspect should be evident before Vesta gets to the Apex line.When Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 20 November 4:26 pm CET, the Moon will be near where the Vertex is stationed to form the currently daily transitory upright Grand Trine (of Saturn, Mars and the Vertex). The Lilith-Pallas pairing
degrees 53 minutes Pisces).When the Sun sets at the Descendant 4:54 pm CET, Fortune will be in opposition with the Moon - and the leap will bring Fortune to 11 degrees 7 minutes Cancer, in another Grand Trine with the South Node (12 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio) and Juno (10
Trine in the Venus debasement chart of 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET.Then Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:02 pm CET, as the fast-moving Part of Fortune slips past its Grand Trine position.
So the transitory Grand Trine of Fortune - South Node - Juno, between Saturn then Vesta reaching the Apex, after Sunset for Geneva, seems to be the critical condition.
Venus and Mercury less than half a degree apart will descend with the appearance of a fused Double Evening Star: these are the celestial characters that had appeared 'under the Balance' with the Sun-Fulcrum of the major Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand
; Saint Adventor has a name meaning the patron of a tavern, potentially playing into the theme of VI.16.The Fortune-Juno-Dragon's Tail Grand Trine forms 20 November 2022 4:55 pm CET [10:55am EST, 7:55 am PST].
The 20 November date is clearly indicated by the Lombardy encoding, for the feast day of Saint Benignus, archbishop of Milan.
Also with that feast day, perhaps Saint Maxentia of Beauvais (with a story similar to that of Saint Eurosia) is both the Lady honored through force of terror for I.94, and the Victor of VI.70 (going from name connotation, possibly feminized in V.18)
this case Felix of Valois, also for 20 November.Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, ending the Mercury Reign that X.79 promises will be planetary ruler during the trembling of land, sea and country - after the Hercules superpower has exhibited its flowering of lies.The lesser Victor of IV.95 on the land of Brittany seems to be Saint Maximus, sharing the 18 November feast day with Saint Mawes, having the Brittany association.
The genuine Victor of VI.70 appears to be Saint Maxentia with the 20 November feast day.
The feminization of Victor as Vitrix appears in V.18 -
De deuil mourra l'infelix proflige
Celebrera son Vitrix l'Hecatombe
He would die overcome, forlorn with grief:
His Conqueress will celebrate the Sacrifice instead
The word 'infelix,' as again with Felix of Nantes being suggested for the 7 July 2005 London train attack (Ringo Starr's birthday - he has wished people to hope for Peace at Noon on this day since), alerts to the feast day for a saint named Felix, in
Italy, before returning to Maison de la Trinite in Cerfroid. After his death in 1212, his order attested he had been canonized in 1262, but there was some dispute and his cult was officially recognized in 1666. He did not actually die from grief, theFelix of Valois was an ascetic living in Cerfroid, Soissons, France; around age 70 a disciple of his named John of Matha suggested he found the Trinitarians to free slaves held in Muslim captivity. At his advanced age, Felix did so in France and
appearing as a sudden Sign at an incredible Slaughter ('Hecatombe' invokes the ritual slaughter of a herd of cattle).So knowing the association of Saint Felix of Valois to the Trinity is a hint towards the Grand Trines appearing in the associated prophecy regarding a massively lethal cataclysm. Felix would be unhappy ('infelix') that the symbol for the Trinity is
of Fortune was in trine with Mars.Yet his co-honored Lady ('honored through force of terror' in I.94), Saint Maxentia does not have the same inherent reverence for the triangular form of the Trinity concept.
It is an elaborate prediction whimsically comparing how saints sharing a certain feast day would react to a specific catastrophic incident, using gallows humor.
And the seer made a subtle commentary about his own prophecy critically involving Grand Trines through judicial astrology.The shooting incident overnight around midnight at Colorado Springs was attended by a transitory Grand Trine where Fortune was in Libra, passing between the positions of Saturn (19+ degrees Aquarius) and Mars (22.5 degrees Gemini): by midnight the Part
For the Geneva event, activation at Sunset with the sudden Grand Trine involving Fortune is an ominous sign (when applying II.66), yet not necessarily the critical time being predicted: since the Lombardy date has arrived, and the reign of GreatMercury is ending, what was actually foreseen may become clearer, rather than relying on previous presumptions being correct.
The 'Under The Balance" stipulation of V.42 suggests the Lilith-Neptune trine line appearing horizontal, which occurs between settings of Saturn and Vesta, just before Ouranos reaches the Midheaven point (a Double-Heaven aspect).
At 10:18 pm CET Vesta enters Pisces, ending the reign of Great Mercury (X.79) - however fire goddess Vesta is associated with a sepulchral fire in X.6.
Saturn sets for Geneva 10:58 pm CET.
Then at 11:18 pm CET, the Moon has a trine with Saturn: this coincides with the Nodes aligning with the Prime Vertical; a near Grand Trine will exist between the Moon, Saturn, and Mars (about 3 degrees off the perfect lunar trine).
This should be the critical time that could yet make everything written about cataclysmic onset accurate:
20 November 2022 11:18 pm CET [5:18 pm EST / 2:18 pm PST].
The 'Balancing line' in the chart seems Level around 11:23 pm CET, but the Saturn trine is ominous considering IX.44 and V.24.
Ouranos reaches the Midheaven point at 11:32 pm CET [reinstating the VI.70 theory regarding 'The Heavens' being surpassed].
Finally, Vesta sets for Geneva at 11:56 pm CET.
These circumstances presents two new ways that Saturn and Vesta are engaged: Saturn in a lunar trine; and Vesta reigning. Unlike the risings and settings, which are local phenomena, these are more universally applicable conditions.
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