• 'aBUOT Me'....mastapeace pome by FaMouS AmUss!!!!

    From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 27 11:17:37 2022
    Im follerin the White Rabbit through all its tunnel's
    My family gets worride when I stop takein my pill's

    'Cheese pizza is a code word' for Chile Porno
    Edgar Welch shottim dead now hes my hee-row!

    Hillree Clintons aresst is awreddy in motion
    The "earth" is rilly flat ya know, so I stay outta the oshin

    Trump won evry contest that he eva enturrd
    The gubmit made drone's to spie on me and says their 'burd's'

    Docta Oz killed Fedamin and espouse allis Fib's
    Wish he was the docta to alla dem Lib's

    An Angel of Death is comin down on the Cubball
    Hes name is Jeesus and hes gonna skwelch them all

    I neva reed the papa cuz it only tells LIES!!
    I neva leave the cella cuz their's CHEMTRAIL'S IN THE SKY!!!

    by the MASTA GENIOUS fAmUss Anuss

    Im even a betta pote then Samuels Becker

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