Fokes, I blieve it's Monday. Monday, first day of the week, a time
fer new beginnins. And I feel...hold on sompin's not rite...what was
it? Oh yeah.
Ahhhhhhh. That's better. I just put my cape on.
Now where was I? Oh yeah, new beginnins. Fokes, I blieve it's a time
of change...both for the world itself and for yours truely. Ya see,
I'm sneakin up on the big ole 6-0. And on toppa that, I gots myself
quite a busy, active, challengin offline life these days. (Ever tried
to smoke 2 lids of the finest medcal marijuaners a day?)
So you can prolly figger outs where I'm goin wif dis. Today's a day
of sollim announcements, where I will announce many things, changes in
my own life which will affect us all...and the course of our belovered Rec.Music.Beatles. So sit back, put on some Beatles, smoke 'em if you
got 'em (assuming there's any left ferda restoya), and give your
beloved Ole Mista Charlie a lissens.
Fokes, I'm plannin on retirin from the group. So this post, and mebbe
a few follerups, represents one last wavin of the cape, one last tip o
the ole hat, one last passin o the ole baton, one last display of my
anus. Yep, you heard me. But I can't do that without findin myself a sucksexer. A follower, somone willin and able to spread my message
and what I stand for so my legsy will be membered. After much soul
searchin, interviews and reflections, I have found that man. Lemme
tellya how I did it, fores I tellya who the man is.
First off, I knew it hadta be somone who disliked books. Fokes, God
doesn't wantya readin. It's the Garden of Eden after all not the
Garden of Readin. Books is a source of nuffin but lies, falsehoods, unverifiable frictions, and misinfermations, and a good ole dollop of innuendo on top. No books. So my follower, the carrier of my torch,
cannot quite obviously be one of them book readin types.
Second, my follerer, the New Mista Charlie if you will, hasta love and
admire Yoko. She was John friggin Lennons busbi fer God sakes, and I
met her and almost touched her. So my foolerer can't be some cotton
pickin book readin, marijuana abstainin Yoke basher. Awrite? Still
Now one of my most unique distinguishing charactersticks iffyawill, I
feel, has always been my macho nature. My take no prisoners
approach. My forbiddin demeanor, capble of instillin the fear of God
into any troll. So my sucksexer gotta be macho. Gotta be manly.
Gotta be able to say "shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck." This ain't the
time or place for wussies.
Well fokes, the time has come. Many o you prolly guessd by now.
But I hereby annoint SEAN CARROL to be my sucksexer.
Sean, this is an exciting time ferya, as it is fer all of RMB. And
even fer yours truely, seein you take my baton. I blieve you gots
whattit takes. And one day, if you stay with it, showing the bravery,
the machismo, the constant posting, the book hating, the Yoke too will one day haveyer chance tameet the Yoke. Just
don't try and toucher fer Godsakes! She hates that!
One day, Sean, you'll be sittin their, sittin right their up on the
same ole couch with the Yoke. Your jowly cheeks will be flushed, your
hands sticky with sweat, your lil mini manly member will be pointin Heaven. And Sean, always rememeber...
"Look for me in the sky. I'm a bird. I'm a plane. I'm superman.
No, wait. I'm a CLOUD. A cotton pickin cloud fer Godsakes!
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