• Lennon Tried to Get Project Going With Clapton in 1971

    From Norbert K@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 1 08:50:47 2022
    On Sept. 29 of 1971, Lennon penned a letter to Clapton which included the following paragraphs:

    "Eric, I know I can bring out something great, in fact greater in you than had been evident so far in your music. I hope to bring out the same kind of greatness in all of us, which I know will happen if/when we get together.

    Anyway, there it is, if you want to talk more please call us, or even come over here to New York. We're at the St. Regis til Nov 30 at least...all expenses paid of course or write. At least *think about it*, please don't be frightened, i understand
    paranoia only to well..."

    Obviously the proposed project never came about. I wonder what Clapton's specific response -- assuming he responded -- was.

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