Lets Suppourt Docta Oz!!@@ by Famous stable Genious Amus
From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 24 10:54:38 2022
Let's all Support Docta Oz with anga an force
He's a gonna wing this thing cuz he got Trumps endourse
Let's all support Docta Oz with hammers an mallit's
Don't turn your back on Biden he will steel your ballit's
Lets's all sport Docta Oz with Dourthy an Totow
Hel'l be a fine Senta, this ain't Kansis no mo
Let's all spoke Docta Oz just like the feelers lyin
Because because because because with Trump well be complyin
Let's all spoke Docta Oz give the man a shot
Let's all spoke Docta Oz, he'll fine the Tin Mans' hot
Let's all spoke Docta Odds he knows corvids a Hokes
Let's all sport Docta Odds the man's a descent bloke
Let's all spoke Docta Odds he got wisdum ta teach
Well celibate his VICTREE by snorti'n up some bleach!!!