• Lets Ovathrow Roe!!!! By the genious

    From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 19 07:13:23 2022
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From geoff@21:1/5 to Famous Amos on Sat May 21 15:19:39 2022
    On 20/05/2022 2:13 am, Famous Amos wrote:
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!

    Funny how the anti-choice types seem to be the same ones who are hip
    into executions.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Norbert K@21:1/5 to geoff on Sat May 21 03:59:05 2022
    On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 11:19:46 PM UTC-4, geoff wrote:
    On 20/05/2022 2:13 am, Famous Amos wrote:
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!
    Funny how the anti-choice types seem to be the same ones who are hip
    into executions.


    Or how the individuals who were most eager to make accusations of liberalism, socialism, and communism are now pro-Putin.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From geoff@21:1/5 to Norbert K on Sun May 22 12:47:25 2022
    On 21/05/2022 10:59 pm, Norbert K wrote:
    On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 11:19:46 PM UTC-4, geoff wrote:
    On 20/05/2022 2:13 am, Famous Amos wrote:
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!
    Funny how the anti-choice types seem to be the same ones who are hip
    into executions.


    Or how the individuals who were most eager to make accusations of liberalism, socialism, and communism are now pro-Putin.

    Well Putin is more sort of fascist than anything. I guess that's why the
    orange one got (gets ?) on so well with him and other dictators.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Norbert K@21:1/5 to geoff on Sun May 22 04:22:45 2022
    On Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 8:47:35 PM UTC-4, geoff wrote:
    On 21/05/2022 10:59 pm, Norbert K wrote:
    On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 11:19:46 PM UTC-4, geoff wrote:
    On 20/05/2022 2:13 am, Famous Amos wrote:
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!
    Funny how the anti-choice types seem to be the same ones who are hip
    into executions.


    Or how the individuals who were most eager to make accusations of liberalism, socialism, and communism are now pro-Putin.

    Well Putin is more sort of fascist than anything. I guess that's why the orange one got (gets ?) on so well with him and other dictators.


    Putin purports to champion communism -- only for others, not himself. Still, can you imagine any former U.S. president other than the mango mushroom praising Putin as a genius? Okay, George W. Bush said that he looked into Putin's eyes and discerned a
    good man and fellow Christian. Eventually, however, he realized he was being played.

    When the American people elect morons, the likes of Putin and Kim Jong-Un run circles around those morons. Bob Woodward described how the florid fungus proudly showed him a letter from Kim Jong-Un in which Un lavished praised upon him (Trump). Woodward
    photocopied the letter, had it submitted it for analysis, and learned that it was actually penned by North Korean intelligence. Trump's proudest achievement was actually a trick against him.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to Famous Amos on Tue Jun 28 07:22:35 2022
    On Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 10:13:25 AM UTC-4, Famous Amos wrote:
    Let's ovathrow Roe let's change the Law
    Aftawid's pottie with Brett Kavanaw
    Let's Ovathrow Row I oppose abortion
    God made it cleeya he consida's itta Sin
    Borshinist's Gonna fall flat on there face
    We gonna git Masta Putin on there case
    Let's ovathrow Roe expose the Libs lies
    Only God decide who lives an dies
    Let's Ovathrow Row cuzzit ain't know good
    Let's set ublase ebry Plant Parinthoot
    Let's ovathrow Row while pumping our fits
    Aborshim doctor is all Satanists.
    Protesta's had best stay locked in there home
    There all dictered to Andrenochrome
    Let's ovathrow Roe perfect the unborn
    Let's Bella an Holla into bigger bullhorn
    Let's ovathrow Roe make the countries grate agen
    Ever buddy happy when Jesus yer French
    Let's ovathrow Row for babies I prey
    I neva have set with woman anyway

    Masta Genious Famous Amous!!!

    The Lib's all said I was a fool and 'paranoid, but my perdickshin came true just as I said. .the SUPREME COAT of ovathrowed Roe. Just as I seddit wood. Next, they gonna repoint TRUMP as Presdint since he WUN the elekshin by a lanslite, an Joe an
    Hillrey be arrested an Sent to Cuantamoe then get beheaded on 'National TV'...it's cummin real soon, as inevitable as Ommagettin proposed in the BIBEL.
    fAmOuS aMOs

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)