From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 08:23:00 2022
I own the Lib's yes I play them four fool's
I Own the Lib's Jared Kushners so Cool
I Own the Lib's I call Left Winga's Scum
I Own the Lib's King Jong Uns so Hansome
I Own the Lib's yes I pump my clench fist
I Own the Lib's I crush all Comminist
I Own the Lib's Yes I puff out my cb
I Own the Libs Wisselburg is the best
I Own the Lib's yes I cause them mush strife
I Own the Lib's Trump is Prezdint fer Life
I Own the Lib's when I make them annoyed
I Own the Lib's Tucka Carlsens my Boy
I Own the Lib's Putin is so astoot
I Own the Lib's for the Rushin's I root
I Own the Lib's it's the land of the Free
I Own the Lib's yes and Putin own's ME