'WOMAN IN THE NOOSE...a new poem by the FAMOUS one...
From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 10 10:01:19 2022
Nancy Pelosis is responciblle...for the stormin of the capital
Shell neva take responcibilty..I pray shes' killed by the KGB
KBJ is a women most vile...a blood sucka and pedrophile
She wasnt even born in the US o A....less sender back to Zim-baba-way
Hiller'ys emails reveel a sinsta plan...shes the murdra of Vince McMan
Started the war in Afganstan....them Clintons is a dangroes clan
Markus Rascins been destroyed...taken down
By a great intlectuual...hes just a clown
Only one good women I ever seen.....Her name is Marjorie Tayler Green