'Sober as a Judge...a brand new poet by Famous Amos???
From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 18 09:35:11 2022
I ador the oath keepers and give Proud Boy's a Nudge
Biden lovers are bonker's, I'm sober as a Judge
Eager to greet John=John to Dealy Plaza I trudge
Mainstream news's for morons, I'm sober as a judge
Dont care much for female's I prefer packin fudge
In the sky I see chemtrails, I'm sober as a judge
All the dope an l.s.d. has turned my mind to sludge
MDA and PCP I'm sober as a jude
Election results are fudged, an thats the final straw
Im as sober as a Jude, JUDGE KAVANAUGH!!!!