• Santa Monica / West LA a cappella group - singers wanted

    From natureartistic@gmail.com@21:1/5 to David on Tue Oct 30 02:43:15 2018
    On Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 10:57:05 AM UTC-8, David wrote:
    I'm David, an experienced amateur choral and quartet singer looking to
    form a small mixed vocal quartet or octet based in the Santa Monica /
    Venice / West Los Angeles area. I'm not looking for professional
    musicians, just people like me who love to sing and are relatively
    good at it. Sight-singing ability is terrific but not required.
    Singers with instrumental skills are more than welcome, but I would
    like to perform mostly a cappella (unaccompanied) vocal music. My
    interests and experience include vocal jazz, doo-wop, gospel/sacred
    and barbershop. I'd like to develop a varied repertoire for this
    group, and I'm open to trying anything that sounds good. The meeting
    place and time, and any other logistic considerations, will be worked
    out later. For now, if you're interested, send me an email and tell me
    about yourself. Also, if you know your vocal range or part, please
    include that information.

    Me again. I don't really know how to use this Google Group system. I was actually looking for my chorus as they posted some new music up here instead of using our old website to do it. That's how I stumbled upon your post. I don't know if I would find
    this page again on purpose, so if you want to respond to me, please use regular email so I will for sure see it. I see that the email address this account is showing above is my son's. My name is Tamar and my email address is LuxMentis @ att.net

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  • From natureartistic@gmail.com@21:1/5 to David on Tue Oct 30 02:37:32 2018
    On Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 10:57:05 AM UTC-8, David wrote:
    I'm David, an experienced amateur choral and quartet singer looking to
    form a small mixed vocal quartet or octet based in the Santa Monica /
    Venice / West Los Angeles area. I'm not looking for professional
    musicians, just people like me who love to sing and are relatively
    good at it. Sight-singing ability is terrific but not required.
    Singers with instrumental skills are more than welcome, but I would
    like to perform mostly a cappella (unaccompanied) vocal music. My
    interests and experience include vocal jazz, doo-wop, gospel/sacred
    and barbershop. I'd like to develop a varied repertoire for this
    group, and I'm open to trying anything that sounds good. The meeting
    place and time, and any other logistic considerations, will be worked
    out later. For now, if you're interested, send me an email and tell me
    about yourself. Also, if you know your vocal range or part, please
    include that information.

    I would be interested. It depends on where and when you will be rehearsing. I am already a part of the Santa Monica Chorus, a women's a cappella barbershop organization and we meet every Tuesday night. But if it's a different night, I might like to check
    it out. I sang in SATB choruses and also a Jazz ensemble, and was an Alto in those groups. As you probably know, Barbershop is different in assigning parts, so I sing Baritone, which is always a harmony part either above or below the Lead, depending on
    where the melody is. I don't have the extreme high (tenor) voice, nor the very low bass notes. I get bored singing melody, which is why I chose bari.

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