• Wendy Carlos bio and movie scores (article)

    From jgrossnas@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 1 20:05:42 2022

    In the latest issue of Perfect Sound Forever <https://www.furious.com/perfect/index1222.html>, you'll find (among other things):

    What the synth pioneer's bio tells us, by Julian George
    "The soundtrack of my Wonder Bread years, and a hot topic of conversation, Switched-On, in suburban salons across the nation. Never mind 'authenticity' or 'original performance' -- were the 'Smart People' listening to Switched-On? Was it 'in' with 'The
    In-Crowd'? Was it chic, or was it crass? And if crass, whatever next, Bach on a Strat? A kazoo? QED, PDQ. Ah, but they'd say one thing and do another, the grown-ups, switching on Switched-On soon as they got home, they couldn't get enough of that
    Lutheran rag, so elegant, so intelligent."

    We're always looking for good writers and/or ideas so let us know if you have anything to share.

    See you online,

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