• matchmaking ability granted to many

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 19 02:33:02 2020
    XPost: alt.chinese.fengshui, alt.meditation.qigong, alt.astrology.asian
    XPost: alt.healing.reiki

    ALL delivered assisted shaktipat from my current
    state followed by granting of matchmaking ability
    followed by lightening 12:24 --> 12:57 a.m. NDT
    (0327 UTC/GMT) March 19, 2020. In this I tried
    to help using my own abilities.

    After receiving assisted shaktipat, recipients should:

    1, have matchamking ability (siddhi), including identification
    of sexual harmonics and personality matching, for
    the rest of their lives,

    2. experience at least a temporary lightening (I don't
    mean lightning) and come into a period of centred
    clarity and sustained productive creativity

    3. have all of my current special abilities and special
    connections, with the exception of any special romantic
    connection I might have with Sarah McLachlan.

    4. receive (P) (a perineum click or analogy, so a
    short period mula bandha, immediately followed
    by a shakti/kundalini buzz/rush/wave) as closure
    to magickal workings that they perform. That
    does not always mean that the magickal working has
    been successful (after attempting one I sometimes
    then try to divine by perineum click divination
    if it has been successful, but as you know
    such divination has been unreliable for me, but
    perhaps it will be more reliable when I come
    out of the low years, and more reliable for
    assisted shaktipat recipients, but I doubt it,
    one must use your head and look for evidence).

    5. have any other special connection and special
    abilities they had before the assisted shaktipat
    occurred. This may differ from those they had
    before the special ability evolution occurred.
    For example Liz Solo now has card divination
    special ability when she didn't before. Thus
    in general, not only due to the matchmaking
    ability which I currently do not have but hope
    will return to me when I come out of the low years,
    recipients have more than I do. Many of them
    also have specialized magickal, shamanic, yogic,
    bioenergetic, or religious training which will
    facilitate their making use of the assisted shaktipat
    related and other special abilities.

    The recipients include those who have read at least
    8000 words of my writing, those ordained to bishop
    level (the lowest level that can ordain to levels
    below him or her) or equivalent or higher, and
    those ordained by ALL (according to five qualifications:
    (!) ability, (2) knowledge, (3) experience, (4) goodness
    measure as defined by ALL, which I divine is goodness
    towards ALL as defined and measured by ALL, and
    (5) subconscious interview conducted by ALL.
    It also includes some political leaders, yoga
    teachers who train other yoga teachers, reiki,
    qi gong, and martial arts Masters, matchmakers, and
    some who are considered to be major religious figures,
    and some other categories (a slightly out of date
    summary is on the Recent Changes/Working Notes
    subpage of my Salmon on the Thorns web page).

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "Well, remember how I found you there/Alone in your electric chair
    I told you dirty jokes until you smiled" (Billy Joel)

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