• Wolfpack Common Summer Fever 2017 is over

    From Wolfpack@21:1/5 to funny.. that's exactly what my last on Sat Sep 2 09:51:27 2017
    The Wolfpack Common Summer Fever is over, Sorak won. Congratulations!

    - = [ Empire Power Report ] = -
    as of Fri Sep 1 00:01:01 2017

    sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money
    Sorak 440 100% 405K 17K 32K 1.8K 27K 420K 2.7K 37K 80 330 52 4.7M 100447.00
    1 121 100% 119K 13K 31K 1.5K 6.9K 95K 7.3K 9.0K 31 71 21 955K
    6 0 0% 0 56 88 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 425K
    Cowl 0 0% 0 109 165 18 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 -13K
    ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- worldwide 561 100% 525K 30K 63K 3.4K 34K 515K 10K 46K 111 414 73 6.1M

    Fri Sep 1 00:01:01 2017
    # name tech research education happiness capital
    1 1 229.94 0.00 18.85 0.00 -47,13
    2 Sorak 321.74 0.00 20.50 12.89 67,29
    4 Cowl 175.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,22
    6 6 244.22 0.00 0.11 0.00 26,-20

    Coming up: Wolfpack Hvy Fall Fever! Watch this space for the

    Announcements since Thu Nov 5 00:01:01 2015

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Mon Jul 3 16:57:46 2017
    Hello world!

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Mon Jul 3 19:24:20 2017
    Tough crowd... or just antipathy. Hard to tell.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Tue Jul 4 16:29:46 2017
    It's too early in the day for some of us.

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Tue Jul 4 19:29:47 2017
    I get that.. it was just a whole day had passed and not even a wishker of a response.



    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 5 03:44:25 2017
    You want attention ?
    Join the army!

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 5 03:45:16 2017
    At least I responded...why is the other guy quiet? What's his excuse?

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 5 09:00:37 2017

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Wed Jul 5 11:43:09 2017
    Shy we are, but at least not jabbing like a couple of school girls.

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 5 14:53:08 2017
    Looks like someone is walking around with a chip on their shoulder.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 5 15:38:20 2017
    Hate to break this to you 6, but....

    SCHOOL's OUT buddy!

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 5 17:16:15 2017
    Maybe 6 has special needs that keep him in school year-round ...

    Announcement from visitor, (#9) dated Thu Jul 6 10:19:17 2017

    Announcement from visitor, (#9) dated Thu Jul 6 10:20:54 2017
    Make that


    The first couple of ships are out!

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Thu Jul 6 11:28:46 2017
    dockyards up and running
    soon ships will be coming

    explore explore explore

    before the killing

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Thu Jul 6 11:29:01 2017
    yeah yeah .. rub it in ...

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Thu Jul 6 18:41:15 2017
    Oye 6...hope your captains get drunk and
    run around in circles :)

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Thu Jul 6 22:26:06 2017
    They will definitely get drunk.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Fri Jul 7 07:23:45 2017

    There's actually land out there!!
    With my crew, I would've expected them
    to find the Bermuda triangle first!

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Fri Jul 7 17:03:32 2017
    Not getting the math here ... if you guys have 4 ships and are cruising to find land.. and there rae natives
    typically 5 per land .... you have 150 mil. that works out to 120 net avail (assuming you leave some training sergeant's
    behind, then that means you are averaging out to 30 mil per frig ... with 20% chance of assault
    and my typically bad luck .. that's a lot of casualties for a single piece of (mostly barren) land ...

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Fri Jul 7 17:04:46 2017
    correction: not 20% chance of assault - but assault with 20% of avail

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Fri Jul 7 17:09:45 2017
    or is that valid only for the shotgun style and this is plain vanilla... hmmm

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Fri Jul 7 17:27:44 2017
    ignore that.. resolved it by myself.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 01:15:20 2017

    Took me a little bit to figure out what you were
    doing with the math, but eventually figured it out.

    This game has vanilla code. The shotgun style was the previous game.

    If you think the chances with 4 ships are slim....
    6 has 6 ships! He's in over-drive!

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:03:04 2017
    woo-hoo! wow.. 6 ships means 2 e-centers... damn! and he would need to do another 4-6 this turn. Damn! he better start digging ...

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:05:53 2017
    I know he can manage 6 ships with 1 e-center... just said it for effect. psych!

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:09:52 2017
    since 6 is borg-ish (you know the "we" thing he's got going on)... I sure hope none of his 6 are the fb variety
    very few use cases for them being useful ...

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:11:40 2017
    along the same lines.. that's what they should do.. reduce the tech rate.. so it becomes a fb-race
    and then... we can have a small little bird that drops messages between them.. and you know what we'll call that...

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:15:04 2017
    is 6 always grouchy or was he just having a bad-hair day?

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 03:22:59 2017
    6 is conserving his BTUs...

    you know for something really important!
    like killing...

    killing fish that is!

    I would tend to agree, he's got A big
    fleet but his mil strength tends to
    suggest he's got a bunch of either
    well equipped FBs or poorly armed FRGs

    either case not good...UNLESS
    if you are thinking the more FBs you have
    the more area you'll cover and
    the more posts you'll make about where
    you've been and what you've seen...

    Water, fish, water
    Water, fish, water

    Geronimo! I see lots of fish
    Water, fish, fish, water

    Water, fish, water

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:30:56 2017
    so.. the thing with fb's is that they are slow and at the current stage.. do need to keep your civs working for you
    rather than getting a sun-tan. imo
    but..if there is a piece of land within a stone's throw.. the case does make for itself.

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:31:52 2017

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 03:35:44 2017
    hey 6, I'll sell you some BTU's .. got a great deal for ya!

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 04:33:50 2017

    FBs pretty useful in another scenario....when food is enabled.

    6: 10 BTUs absolutely free*, guaranteed, if you make a post in the next 10 min!

    *T&C apply: post at least 140 chars long

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 05:46:47 2017
    true ... but who play for food now-a-days?

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 05:48:28 2017
    slave ships are pretty much live fb - but more of a white elephant

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 05:48:43 2017
    er.. *like

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 05:52:39 2017
    so who's drunk on a friday evening?

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 05:54:55 2017

    6 probably...can't even see the keyboard
    straight to type, hence nothing from him

    He lost the 10 BTU offer also (sigh)

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 06:01:26 2017

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 06:02:07 2017
    6 getting ready to attack

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 06:03:15 2017
    the btu's?

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 06:03:56 2017
    the fish

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 06:04:32 2017
    6's fav card game?
    go fish

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 06:06:16 2017
    6's profession?
    Software Devloper - (ph)ishing

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sat Jul 8 06:07:26 2017
    Fav food?
    Fish 'n chips

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Sat Jul 8 13:08:19 2017
    No worries fellow navigators, my ships are of
    the cruise / science variety.

    Later to be equipped with cannon.

    You can contribute to my exploration fund by
    sending dust to killing@paypal.com

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 15:14:47 2017
    funny.. that's exactly what my last fb captain said about his ship ...
    how's the avail situation?

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sat Jul 8 15:24:26 2017
    bah ... tried to make a contribution - but it kept routing the funds back to me.

    you try that line on all your fishermen-folk?

    Announcement from visitor, (#9) dated Sun Jul 9 05:10:23 2017
    Welcome 1!

    Three updates late...enjoy!

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Sun Jul 9 12:41:43 2017

    :ong 4th of July.
    I could call myself fodder but that name has already been used

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sun Jul 9 14:49:40 2017
    Looks like someone really enjoyed their 4th of July!


    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sun Jul 9 20:10:27 2017
    So quiet now.

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Sun Jul 9 22:34:20 2017

    It is quite different in Minnesota now that you can buy beer on Sunday.
    Takes the presssure off whe deciding how much to buy on Friday night.

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sun Jul 9 22:41:23 2017
    Its good to get someone who is more talkative around. 6 is a big grouch (who probably has a something stuck where
    the sun don't shine). Sorak was getting sore just trying to make small talk. I'm not much of a talker,
    but do think some chatter adds more interest to the game.

    also, here we don't have any such constraints - and I don't drink beer (gasp!)

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Sun Jul 9 23:03:58 2017
    DOH! and Double DOH!

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Mon Jul 10 00:03:31 2017
    blah ... blah ... blah

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Mon Jul 10 01:24:46 2017
    6 - don't forget to create 2 more ships before the update... cuz we'll really by surprised by such a move...
    no. really.
    ...er .awwwwwww

    basic rule of thumb is to get 22-25 ships by tech 20 ...

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Mon Jul 10 05:10:25 2017
    20 - 25 ships by tech 20...that ain't gonna happen for me..that's for sure

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Mon Jul 10 05:46:40 2017
    dude ... manage your avail ...

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Mon Jul 10 05:51:13 2017
    Managing avail is not the issue...need more harbors :)

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Tue Jul 11 06:00:13 2017
    all quiet on the front ....

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Tue Jul 11 06:02:03 2017

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Tue Jul 11 14:11:09 2017

    At least with you younger guys, no one is takling about sheep.

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Wed Jul 12 14:44:57 2017


    I may be the runt of the litter.
    But even thoes who are soon to be eaten, like to be recognized.
    So far Sorak is the only one to make contact with me. IT was a rather short "how you doing" but at least
    he showed a litte intrest.

    Perhaps the problem is you all have too many sectors to manage and don't have time.
    While I, on ther otherhand, have so few civs and ships that after five or six min
    Im done for the upadate.

    Just to let you know

    Things are going well.

    over and out

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 12 15:04:27 2017
    Yo 1. Whattup?

    I am just busy trying to figure out how not to go broke. Other than that we are all pretty much fodder, cept 6
    who walks around with a chip on his shoulder

    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 12 15:10:24 2017
    An easy way to instant recognition (and fame) is to share details to your capitol.

    Absolute landmarks via anno. You can tele me the releative ones ;)

    See you soon!

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Wed Jul 12 16:29:53 2017
    Welcome to the game #1...no chip on my

    Hopefully my ships will find you soon. The
    Captains when, not drunk, would love to come
    on board your ships.

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Wed Jul 12 16:33:48 2017

    Now Thats more like it

    Thanks guys

    see you soon.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 12 18:18:24 2017
    There goes 1...ruining my reputation!

    See you at the botton of the ocean!!


    Announcement from Cowl, (#4) dated Wed Jul 12 18:27:10 2017
    Sorak, u lookin' for yowse reputhasion at the bottom of the ocean?
    me, confused. Are you the crab or that be 1?

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 12 18:43:57 2017

    Them fighting words!







    Ugh...time for my medication!

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Thu Jul 13 07:06:50 2017

    And as Cowl had so brazenly struck first at the peaceful state of Sorak, without
    in so much as a warning, in an pre-dawn attack, the naval forces have secured an
    island that was being jointly shared with Cowl.

    Press Release:

    Based on the earlier attacks by Cowl, there were heightened security levels in the seas
    near Cowl (we refer to as Cowland). We feared that our time on this island
    was limited and an attack from Cowl was immiinent. Instead of backing away, we thought
    of our fallen brothers and their memory gave us the strength to engage, fight and
    emerge victorious. If Cowl wants a fight, we will not back away.

    The naval commander only had this to say: "They drew first blood! Not me! They drew first blood!"

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 19 04:43:44 2017

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    The hunter is becoming the hunted!

    Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
    (I love cheap thrills)!

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Thu Jul 20 15:30:52 2017

    Out to prove a point, Cowl showcased his aerial superiority over Sorak today. His dreaded bombers wrecked havoc across multiple sectors and burnt
    Sorak fortresses to the ground. This was followed by extensive shelling resulting in many civilian casualties.

    To counteract the arial disadvantage, the naval team felt it was up to them
    to step up. Holding a slight maritime advantage, the fleet scoured the seas for Cowl ships. It found many Cowl subs in its waters and quickly sent them
    to the depths of the ocean.

    The armed forces are now putting the finishing touches on their planes so
    that unwanted planes will not find it so easy to enter Sorak space.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Fri Jul 21 14:13:09 2017

    Sorak Airforce took off today amid wild cheers, hoopla and great expectations!

    Once again, as expected, the deadly Cowl deathbirds violated Sorak airspace. However, unlike yestereay, the Sorak Airforce was ready. They flew
    at the incoming wave. Cowl pilots known for the deftness, were able to
    drop off a couple of bombs, but Sorak airforce didn't stop. Sorak claimed the first aerial warfare casualty when it shot down a Cowl bomber!

    Bouyed by the sharpshooting of the defence, the Sorak bombers took to the skies!
    They entered Cowland with surprisingly no resistance and were able to easily incapcitate the Cowl fortress and radar station.

    This provided a shot in the arm to the naval team which then proceeded
    to exterminate Cowl from an outlier island that Cowl had taken from Sorak sometime
    back. Sorak had expected the island to fall as it was one of the outermost islands but while it was missed, it was not forgotten. Operation InTheEnd
    (in reference to LP) went smoothly and the island is back under Sorak control.

    The next step would be to remove Cowl's footprint from another adjacent outlier island.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Sun Jul 23 21:25:54 2017
    Oh my!

    What a capitulation by Cowl!
    Looks like he ran with his tail between his legs!
    He just couldn't handle the truth!

    Kicked him off all my lands and took some of his too!


    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Tue Jul 25 00:02:22 2017
    I will have to leave the game. Real life of course.
    Too much time required and these updates are at 2am
    for me..... US EST

    My suggestions that could get more players involved:
    Treat more like a regular long term game, i.e.

    bigger start islands
    fewer expansion islands
    rotating update schedule, like every 30 hours or every 36 hours

    Sorak, you area good player, would love to play against you
    in a setup like I suggest.

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Tue Jul 25 16:19:55 2017
    6...thanks for joining and having a bit of fun

    See you around!

    In other news, Cowland is all but gone now.
    Cowl started strong, moving into the lead in edu and tech but
    steadily let the tech lead slip and once I took him over, there
    was no looking back as far as Cowl and I were concerned.

    Even if 6 had not attacked him, I don't think Cowl would've
    survived a one-on-one battle with Sorak!


    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Tue Jul 25 16:21:06 2017

    6 sacked Cowl's capital!

    Kudos to 6!!

    I got his bank and his warehouse :-)

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Tue Jul 25 16:23:42 2017
    Spot check: Cowl had 1000-odd bars in his bank
    I'm like 500 bars ahead of him at the same stage!


    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Wed Jul 26 11:09:29 2017
    #6 bars = 1988

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Wed Jul 26 14:27:15 2017
    Umm 6, you were at 1988 bars when I took Cowl's bank ?
    If so, fantastic!

    Excluding Cowl's bank, I'm currently at 2043 bars

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Wed Jul 26 16:14:57 2017

    You really kow how to hurt a guy. I have only 684 bars.

    Announcement from 6, (#6) dated Fri Jul 28 19:55:42 2017
    Figured I would capture that last Cowl sector so
    Sorak has no reason to worry about his comeback.

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Tue Aug 15 14:20:53 2017
    Sorak is the winner of this game.

    Announcement from 1, (#1) dated Sat Aug 26 16:29:53 2017

    thanks for letting me play

    Sorak is always a winner

    I reamain Ugly

    Announcement from Sorak, (#2) dated Thu Aug 31 14:55:39 2017

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