I need help. I have born in 1980. My name is Tomas Erno Ukkonen. (For example in 1980s UK is said to be Great Britain in Finland (GB) but in 1990s it is UK (United Kingdom) (my surname stars with UKkonen - strange coincidence ++ more in films and
My Elisa phone operator bill is 1700 eur / month and police does not investigate crimes in EU / USA.
Major cities destroyed and physics bypassed. 15.000 euros disappeared from my bank accounts and banks don’t work well + Mastercard + VISA.
I’m murdered and now in Akerhus Oslo hospital area D which keeps me hospital without reason or high-level intelligence. Your CNS/brain and thinking cannot work well (stopped/disabled thinking paths / thoughts). Remote control of Brain. Major companies
destroyed and act to be “real” companies. You are being lied constantly.
Washington DC (USA) buildings and London (UK / Great Britain) and EU government + United Nations (UN / London) buildings cannot work normally or empty.
Short-term robots with ”guns” don’t have common sense to stay alive or keep society / countries working. Actor (näyttelijä) don’t want to understand anything. Remote control of CNS body and physics(?).
Read my Ello.co posts (Tomas Ukkonen) (linked in posts removed / modified / pictures modified / physical items modified / changed / disappear). Internet don’t work well and newsgroups, and other services may not work.
Taxation etc works strangely and cannot contact old friends / contacts / businesses.
Matrix (1999) and Dark City (1998) films have some content but keep lying to watcher. Robocop film from 1980s seems modified ( trailers) (police destroyed), music industry down and music performers songs modified (Material Girl - Madonna told to me by
remote controller / brain destroyer in France). (Also Simpsons might tell you you are not really so clever).
Russia / Europe / USA, Pacific looks destroyed. Haven’t been physically in China, India, Japan, Africa, Middle East but looks not working.
Many buildings/houses empty in USA (Washington etc) and in Europe. There were empty rooms in 1980 in Outokumpu Finland but much much less I think.
More information:
Large areas of the World is destroyed. Hospitals are strange in many places. Democracies and TV shows propaganda and people are being lied all the time. Political movements are destroyed, music sector is destroyed, companies seem to destroyed, emergency
numbers don’t work well, police don’t investigate crimes easily, economics (money transfers) cannot work normally anymore don’t work etc.
Food and items appear / move to shops by itself, people brain functions are disabled / remote controlled, physical body not as described by doctors, physics bypassed, sounds seem to be caused differently than described in physics, light/leds without
electricity, outdoor temperatures and some situation may change, time move faster forward or jump back in time(?), 3d continuum world not normal always, buldings and items disappear and appear, physical midification of normal items, stars not visible
always on the sky or clouds not normal / exist, short-term ”robots” appear to airports and cities and not high-level common sense to try stay alive, world is not optimized although possible with normal computers, stars difficult to stay normal balls
with normal physical explanation etc. Most buildings empty and normal people disappeared. Internet/computers/phones/physics may not work.
Most parlaments and USA Congress seem to be empty / disappeared / not virtually functional anymore. Shop employee becomes angry when talking about optimization of his shop. ”People” not interested to talk that world is not ”real”.
Hospitals and police work badly and on Washington DC streets I was caused pain (torture). Run away from Washington to airport because of remote control of brain I think. (cannot fully control myself is the feeling and cannot plan / think smartly).
I need help. I have born in 1980.
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