• Re: [Comicbook.com] Dungeons & Dragons LEGO Adventure Is Free to Downlo

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to gmkeros@gmail.com on Wed Apr 3 14:34:16 2024
    XPost: rec.toys.lego

    gmkeros@gmail.com wrote:

    Source: >https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/dungeons-dragons-lego-adventure-free/

    Dungeons & Dragons LEGO Adventure Is Free to Download Now

    Oooh! I'll have to check it out!

    I think I still have my Wendy's D&D adventure somewhere...

    Let's go Brandon!

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  • From Justisaur@21:1/5 to Kyonshi on Fri Apr 5 08:43:04 2024
    XPost: rec.toys.lego

    On 4/3/2024 4:20 AM, Kyonshi wrote:
    Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/dungeons-dragons-lego-adventure-free/

    Dungeons & Dragons LEGO Adventure Is Free to Download Now

    Wizards of the Coast has released a new D&D adventure to celebrate their collaboration with LEGO.

    By Christian Hoffer - April 3, 2024 07:00 am EDT

    Dungeons & Dragons has released its tie-in adventure to its massive new
    LEGO set, with fans able to download a copy of the set for free from D&D Beyond. Today, Wizards of the Coast released Dungeons & Dragons: Red
    Dragon's Tale, a new adventure that utilizes the set pieces and monsters
    seen in the LEGO set of the same name. The adventure, written by D&D
    game architect Chris Perkins, is made for Level 5 characters, although
    it does feature some interesting story twists to explain how a group of
    Tier 2 adventurers could survive encounters with a beholder and an adult
    red dragon, both of which are present in the LEGO set. D&D Beyond
    account holders can access the LEGO-themed adventure for free, along
    with several digital tie-ins like digital dice.

    As expected, Dungeons & Dragons: Red Dragon's Tale is split into six
    scenes, each of which focuses on a different part of the D&D LEGO set. Players will start off in a local tavern before eventually traveling
    into a crumbling tower and exploring both underneath it and above it.

    Perhaps the most interesting part about Red Dragon's Tale is that it
    contains an alternative set of rules that allows players to play through
    the adventure without using the D&D ruleset. The simplified 1-page
    ruleset utilizes a simplistic ruleset that replaces saving throws with
    coin flips and deals set amount of damage based on what kind of combat
    action is performed on a monster. Additionally, there is a "Knocked
    Down" mechanic that essentially replaces a death throw and dictates that
    any character depicted by a minifigure is knocked down whenever it is successfully hit by a "a weapon attack, a damage-dealing spell, or some
    other damaging effect." Once a minifigure is knocked down three times,
    it is removed from the combat encounter.

    I DL the PDF, the 1 page rules are surprisingly simple and could work
    pretty well with kids. I'm very tempted to try it with the kids. But:

    The Dungeons & Dragons: Red Dragon's Tale is available now at the LEGO website for $359.99. The set, released to celebrate D&D's 50th
    anniversary contains 3,745 pieces.



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  • From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to gmkeros@gmail.com on Wed Apr 10 04:30:48 2024
    XPost: rec.toys.lego

    In article <20240407022348.00003a3e@gmail.com>, gmkeros@gmail.com wrote:
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    I think I still have my Wendy's D&D adventure somewhere...

    Wasn't that it's own system? I only glanced at it though.

    I haven't looked at it for awhile, but I remember it being open-license D&D.

    Let's go Brandon!

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