• How is Artificial Intelligence dangerous?

    From VegasJerry@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 4 14:21:15 2023
    How is Artificial Intelligence dangerous?

    I asked AI (either Bing or ChatBOT, doesn’t matter), How is AI dangerous to us?

    The talking heads of our leading computer giants seem worried.

    My answer was:
    JOB LOSSES DUE TO AI AUTOMATION. AI can replace human workers in many tasks, especially those that are repetitive, routine or low-skill. This could lead to unemployment, inequality and social unrest.

    SOCIAL MANIPULATION THROUGH AI ALGORITHMS. AI can influence our behavior, opinions and emotions by analyzing our data and personalizing our online experiences. This could be used for political propaganda, advertising, misinformation or cyberattacks.

    SOCIAL SURVEILLANCE WITH AI TECHNOLOGY. AI can enable mass surveillance of people’s activities, movements and communications by governments or corporations. This could violate our privacy, civil liberties and human rights.

    BIASES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. AI can inherit or amplify the biases of its creators, data or users. This could result in unfair or discriminatory outcomes for certain groups of people, such as minorities, women or the poor.

    WIDENING SOCIOECONOMIC INEQUALITY AS A RESULT OF AI. AI can create a digital divide between those who have access to its benefits and those who do not. AI can also increase the power and wealth of a few individuals or organizations at the expense of the

    WEAKENING ETHICS AND GOODWILL BECAUSE OF AI. AI can erode our moral values and social norms by making us less empathetic, compassionate and responsible. AI can also undermine our trust and cooperation with each other by creating conflicts, deception or

    AUTONOMOUS WEAPONS POWERED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. AI can enable the development of lethal autonomous weapons systems that can select and engage targets without human intervention. This could increase the risk of war, violence and human rights

    I see no problem. But what their answer was, was self-serving bull shit.
    (for those unable to think for themselves).

    Bullshit. Automation has always lead to job losses, and that’s a good thing. Remember Elevator Operators? (Okay, so I’m an old fart). What was wrong in automating that position? Or the Traffic Cop that stood in an intersection and directed traffic.
    Lights ran him out of a job.

    One of the big worries of the time in Chicago was, “The city has 20,000 horses. Cleaning and handling this problem is unsurmountable!” Then came the car. And we through Horse Shit Shoveler out of work.

    This is a bad thing? Give the Doctors and Engineers additional data and information (for humans) to make decisions.


    So what? We’ve been doing this for years. You allow your grocer to track your purchases. They know when you’ll purchase something on sale or not. They have your data. So what? Phone companies track your locations. So what?

    BIASES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. AI can inherit or amplify the biases of its creators, data or
    users. This could result in unfair or discriminatory outcomes for certain groups of people, such as minorities,
    women or the poor.

    So what? We have idiots that let FOX jerk their changes to their nose rings.

    WIDENING SOCIOECONOMIC INEQUALITY AS A RESULT OF AI. AI can create a digital divide between
    those who have access to its benefits and those who do not. AI can also increase the power and wealth of a few
    individuals or organizations at the expense of the many.

    Bull shit. Show us. Only the weak mind allows this kind of BS. Fox have been doing it for years.

    WEAKENING ETHICS AND GOODWILL BECAUSE OF AI. AI can erode our moral values…

    Bullshit again. Anybody can ‘erode’ your “moral values” if you let them…
    Fox does it all the time.

    lethal autonomous weapons systems that can select and engage targets without human intervention. This could
    increase the risk of war, violence and human rights violations.

    Granted, AI (Bing AI and Chatbot AI) supporters are delusional, if they believe we’d allow munitions to “self-decide” what towns to wipe out. This competition between Windows and Google for the press only. It’s all about marketing.

    Yea, AI is a hell of a tool. I’ve been using Google for years. You can get a list of ‘Answers” for anything. And why not? There is no danger in looking at possibilities. I would hope my Doctor solicits possible diagnosis from its well of

    I, myself, have experienced converging diagnosis. The computer was right.*

    All I’m saying is, AI will give you suggestions, information and data from 10 million pages of information. What doctor can do that?

    * I one arrived home, after my morning bike ride, and experienced shaking hands. As it grew worse, I told the
    wife, “I guess I’ll have to go to the ER. What else can I do.”

    She said, “You always say Google has the answer to everything. Ask it.”

    Why not? So before I left for ER, I Googled, “My hands are shaking and I don’t know why.”

    Google came back with a list of stuff. “Take vitamin D,” to, “Exercise more,” to, “Drink more water.”
    Then I realized I hadn’t drank water for over 12 hours.” (I have no sense of thirst). So I drank two bottles;
    waited, and it went away…

    Terrible pain in my left shoulder and chest got two days. No sleep. So I go to the ER (“Famous” for helping heart victims.” (Southern Hills, Las Vegas). They ask what’s wrong. “Constant pain in left shoulder and forearm and two little fingers.

    “Any pain in your left chest? (Remember, they claim to be heart attack specialists). Yea, some pain in left chest.
    They immediately call it a heart attack and hook me up to EKG. Six hours of blood drawing and X-Rays and they
    tell me, “Your heart is okay.”

    “Yea, so why is this shoulder and arm pain keeping me up?”

    “Well, we can keep you over night and run more heart tests in the morning.” (Here is your bill for $12,500) (For finding nothing…)

    I elect to go home. I stop at another ER for pain pills. “You’ll have to sign in.”
    (Another couple of thousand dollars)

    I saw my Oncologist the next morning. “Two little fingers of the left hand? You have a pinched nerve in C8.”

    Sure enough. Had I Googled my diagnostic to Google (not to mentions AI), which I eventually did, it found
    the same as my Oncologist. Pinched nerve in the neck.

    So, yea, AI is a useful tool. Not something taking over the world…

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