Reddit mirror in case of mangled tables:
Strategy notation:
1SH Oneshot
CDS Clear-directing scanner
SCN Scanner
DOD Dodger
PAP Paper
STN Stone
BMB Stun or other bomber
VMP Vampire
/ Hybrid
+ Parallel
| Either / or
Prob Name Author Strategy
11.71 Hullab3loo Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
10.72 Maelstrom Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
7.12 Son of Vain Oversby/Pihlaja STN + CLR + IMP
7.07 Eccentric Roy van Rijn STN + CLR + IMP
6.53 Forgotten Lore II David Moore BMB / SCN / VMP
5.58 pdQscan P.Kline PAP
4.73 Eternal Exile inversed SCN
4.70 The Art of CoreWar Fluffy/Sascha Zapf PAP
4.56 unpitQ P.Kline VMP / BMB
3.95 Olivia Ben Ford (STN -> CLR) + IMP
3.66 Unpit P. Kline VMP / BMB
3.60 Armadillo Lukasz Grabun (STN -> CLR) + IMP
3.52 Cloudburst John Metcalf N x CLR + PAP / IMP
3.36 Excalibur inversed SCN
3.23 Pendulum John Metcalf SCN
2.95 luca Sascha Zapf PAP + STN
2.91 DanceOfFallenAngels Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
2.56 Infravision inversed SCN -> 1SH
2.10 Sputnik John Metcalf PAP
1.61 Ziggy Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
1.09 Kusanagi inversed SCN
1.04 Shamu P.Kline SCN / STN -> CLR -> CLR
0.90 Clairvoyance inversed SCN -> 1SH
0.51 Elven King II Christian Schmidt (STN -> CLR) + IMP
0.20 Xenosmilus John Metcalf SCN
0.09 Carmilla inversed VMP / SCN
There are 26 warriors by 13 authors. Strategy breakdown:
STN + IMP 22.25
PAP + STN 19.18
VMP / * 14.84
PAP + * / IMP 14.24
SCN 12.61
PAP 12.38
1SH 3.46
MISC 1.04
Prob Name Author Strategy
4.76 Hullab3loo Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
4.04 Armadillo Lukasz Grabun (STN -> CLR) + IMP
3.93 DanceOfFallenAngels Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
3.79 Excalibur inversed SCN
3.66 Son of Vain Oversby/Pihlaja STN + CLR + IMP
3.51 pdQscan P.Kline PAP
3.45 luca Sascha Zapf PAP + STN
3.37 The Art of CoreWar Fluffy/Sascha Zapf PAP
3.24 Olivia Ben Ford (STN -> CLR) + IMP
3.12 Eternal Exile inversed SCN
2.88 Ziggy Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
2.89 Eccentric Roy van Rijn STN + CLR + IMP
2.73 Maelstrom Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
2.60 Forgotten Lore II David Moore BMB / SCN / VMP
2.53 unpitQ P.Kline VMP / BMB
2.47 Hullabaloo Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
2.42 Raging Gale inversed PAP / IMP + STN
2.33 Xenosmilus John Metcalf SCN
1.93 Elven King II Christian Schmidt (STN -> CLR) + IMP
1.88 Carmilla inversed VMP / SCN
1.89 For John Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
1.83 Perseus Anton Marsden CDS
1.80 Kusanagi inversed SCN
1.79 Pendulum John Metcalf SCN
1.61 Red Dragon John Metcalf STN + IMP
1.60 Unpit P. Kline VMP / BMB
1.58 Rust inversed PAP + IMP
1.55 Gods Of Destiny Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
1.54 Devilstick Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
1.53 Golden Eye Roy van Rijn PAP / STN + PAP / IMP
1.36 Infravision inversed SCN -> 1SH
1.34 Neith inversed PAP + STN
1.33 Grendel's Revenge S.Fernandes CDS
1.32 SnowScan P.Kline PAP
1.32 Elven King Christian Schmidt (STN -> CLR) + IMP
1.32 Clairvoyance inversed SCN -> 1SH
1.18 Borgir Christian Schmidt PAP + STN
1.11 Halcyon Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
1.09 Song of the blue sea Miz STN + IMP
1.06 Froth and Fizzle P.Kline PAP
1.07 Cloudburst John Metcalf N x CLR + PAP / IMP
0.93 Hellfire John Metcalf BMB
0.84 Bvowkium Fizmoxid bvowk/fizmo PAP + PAP / IMP
0.79 Mascafe G.Labarga PAP + PAP / IMP
0.69 Idioteque Roy van Rijn PAP + IMP
0.68 Curse of the Undead John Metcalf VMP / SCN
0.64 Burning Metal inversed PAP + PAP / IMP
0.57 Shamu P.Kline SCN / STN -> CLR -> CLR
0.57 The Boss is back again! G.Labarga 1SH
0.54 Discord (decoy) John Metcalf SCN
0.41 Last Judgement Christian Schmidt STN + 2 x IMP
0.40 Gargantuan Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP + STN
0.35 Recon 2 David Moore SCN
0.33 Numb Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
0.19 The Utterer TNG Christian Schmidt N x STN + N x IMP
0.16 Cascade Roy van Rijn STN + IMP
0.11 Hen-Thorir bvowk/fizmo PAP / STN + PAP / IMP
0.04 Tie Fast!!! Christian Schmidt PAP / STN + 2 x IMP
There are 58 warriors by 18 authors. Strategy breakdown:
PAP + STN 25.42
STN + IMP 20.54
PAP + * / IMP 13.85
SCN 13.72
VMP / *, BMB 10.22
PAP 9.26
1SH 3.25
CDS 3.16
MISC 0.57
Rank Name Author Strategy
1.08 pdQscan P.Kline PAP
2.03 Son of Vain Oversby/Pihlaja STN + CLR + IMP
2.98 Hullab3loo Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
4.09 DanceOfFallenAngels Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
5.02 Excalibur inversed SCN
6.20 Eternal Exile inversed SCN
7.30 Rust inversed PAP + IMP
8.44 Raging Gale inversed PAP / IMP + STN
8.83 Maelstrom Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
9.69 Armadillo Lukasz Grabun (STN -> CLR) + IMP
11.11 Olivia Ben Ford (STN -> CLR) + IMP
13.25 SnowScan P.Kline PAP
14.18 Golden Eye Roy van Rijn PAP / STN + PAP / IMP 14.89 Forgotten Lore II David Moore BMB / SCN / VMP
15.56 Eccentric Roy van Rijn STN + CLR + IMP
16.18 Froth and Fizzle P.Kline PAP
17.15 luca Sascha Zapf PAP + STN
18.23 Hullabaloo Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
19.05 unpitQ P.Kline VMP / BMB
19.21 Ziggy Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
20.36 Xenosmilus John Metcalf SCN
22.18 Song of the blue sea Miz STN + IMP
23.03 Pendulum John Metcalf SCN
23.47 The Art of CoreWar Fluffy/Sascha Zapf PAP
24.25 Neith inversed PAP + STN
25.70 Hen-Thorir bvowk/fizmo PAP / STN + PAP / IMP 27.56 Kusanagi inversed SCN
27.88 For John Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
29.02 Elven King II Christian Schmidt (STN -> CLR) + IMP
30.31 Devilstick Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP
30.63 Elven King Christian Schmidt (STN -> CLR) + IMP
31.80 Red Dragon John Metcalf STN + IMP
32.89 Borgir Christian Schmidt PAP + STN
33.56 Gods Of Destiny Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
34.93 Recon 2 David Moore SCN
36.46 Idioteque Roy van Rijn PAP + IMP
37.13 Hellfire John Metcalf BMB
38.19 Mascafe G.Labarga PAP + PAP / IMP
39.04 Frantic Roy van Rijn STN + CLR + IMP
40.38 Carmilla inversed VMP / SCN
41.28 Burning Metal inversed PAP + PAP / IMP
41.42 Discord (decoy) John Metcalf SCN
42.60 Perseus Anton Marsden CDS
44.26 Tie Fast!!! Christian Schmidt PAP / STN + 2 x IMP
44.67 Spiritual Black Dimension Christian Schmidt PAP + STN
45.94 Hammerhead Lukasz Grabun (STN -> CLR) + IMP
47.01 KryneLamiya_revisited Nenad Tomasev 1SH
48.31 Shrubbery inversed/Mizcu PAP
49.00 Halcyon Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
50.60 Valkyrie S.Fernandes CDS
50.89 The Utterer TNG Christian Schmidt N x STN + N x IMP
50.96 Gargantuan Roy van Rijn PAP + PAP / IMP + STN 52.81 Last Judgement Christian Schmidt STN + 2 x IMP
54.04 Shot to Nothing Christian Schmidt 1SH
55.16 Numb Roy van Rijn PAP + STN
56.42 Grendel's Revenge S.Fernandes CDS
58.04 WaterDragon Nenad Tomasev PAP + STN
58.08 Shapeshifter Anton Marsden BMB | PAP
60.07 S.D.N. Christian Schmidt PAP / STN + PAP / IMP 60.53 Unpit P. Kline VMP / BMB
NE and ZDNE are large and diverse, reflecting the maturity of 94nop. Paper + stones are holding solid positions as they don't have a hard counter yet. Son of Vain is now 20+ years old and still ranks in the top 5 on all three rating lists - a warrior
truly ahead of its time. Olivia is another solid oldtimer from the same era. Scanning warriors are having difficulties keeping up with the rest of the equilibrium. Once popular clear-directing scanners are completely gone from NE. Oneshots aren't doing
too well either. Scanners with long scan times are holding on thanks to anti-imp capability. I believe this imbalance is temporary, as there are many ways to improve the existing CDS and 1SH designs.
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