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Nine new entries have been published since the last update:
Dimachaerus 3 Bishot
Synergy 2 T.N.T.-style bomber
Microfunk Stone + imp
Desync Silk-based anti-imp paper
Spiky Palms Silkdwarf / coreclear paper
Desert Rose Silk-based paper
AR: Lava Flow Gnarly mess
AR: Chthonic Bunny Evolved paper
Chaderia Hysura Evolved paper
Resinoid still holds the top NE and ZDNE positions despite the arrival of anti-imp papers (Desync and Spiky Palms). New evolved replicators (Chaderia Hysura, AR: Chthonic Bunny) occupy solid positions thanks to the abundance of silk-based papers to prey
upon. Another evolved warrior, AR: Lava Flow, ranks surprisingly high despite its bizzare strategy.
! New warriors
+ Existing warriors entering NE
- Warriors leaving NE
Rank Prob Score Name
1 24.47 138.6 Resinoid
2 12.22 138.6 Double Shock
3! 11.14 138.6 Spiky Palms
4! 9.57 138.6 Synergy 2
5 9.41 138.6 Chorus
6+ 6.88 138.6 Table Scan
7+ 6.20 138.6 Bitwise
8+ 6.20 138.6 Nectar
9! 4.61 138.6 Chaderia Hysura
10 3.70 138.6 e21ca502-19d74cde-aae5d75
11! 2.72 138.6 Desync
12 2.37 138.6 Raven
13+ 0.29 138.6 White Noise (RBv1.5r10)
14+ 0.16 138.6 Consonance
15+ 0.06 138.6 Dreadnought
16 138.1 Serval
17 138.1
18 137.9 Digital Swarm
19 137.8 Hardliner
20 137.7 Alpha Centauri
21! 137.7 Desert Rose
22 137.3 7b15f4b8-fe7a5779-6bea0a4
23- 136.7 interlocking
24! 136.5 Dimachaerus 3
25- 136.3 4b0804b3-6cdda893-4255d96
26- 135.5 Endless pain
27 134.6 Killer Bees
28 134.3 All over the core
29! 134.2 AR: Chthonic Bunny
30 134.2 TL5 (Tiny Lord 5)
31! 134.0 AR: Lava Flow
32- 133.4 Tiny Tiny Bombers
33! 132.9 Microfunk
... ... ...
54- 127.6 Yukikaze
... ... ...
68- 125.7 clock strikes twelve
Strategy breakdown:
37.9 Paper
24.5 Stone + Imp, Clear + Imp
21.8 Stone, Clear, Bomber
15.8 Scanner
Rank Prob Name
1 9.53 Resinoid
2 9.19 Double Shock
3! 5.68 Dimachaerus 3
4 5.00 Consonance
5 4.91 Hardliner
6! 4.63 Synergy 2
7! 4.27 Microfunk
8! 4.24 Desync
9 4.23 e21ca502-19d74cde-aae5d75
10 4.10 Chorus
11 4.06 Serval
12 3.65 Raven
13 3.62 Table Scan
14! 2.85 AR: Lava Flow
15 2.76 7b15f4b8-fe7a5779-6bea0a4
16 2.62 Nectar
17 2.58 Dreadnought
18 2.50 4b0804b3-6cdda893-4255d96
19! 2.49 Spiky Palms
20 2.15
21! 2.13 AR: Chthonic Bunny
22! 1.86 Chaderia Hysura
23 1.75 Digital Swarm
24 1.41 Silent Snowfall
25 1.40 Rabies
26 1.36 Bitwise
27 1.18 Resin
28 1.02 Tarragon
29 0.99 Alpha Centauri
30! 0.77 Desert Rose
31 0.44 TL5 (Tiny Lord 5)
32 0.26 Will-o'-the-Wisp
33+ 0.24 White Noise (RBv1.5r10)
34 0.12 Endless pain
40- 7fe57f81-b6bada1-1150ad2e
43- Hired Sword
44- Tiny Zooom...
47- Yukikaze
49- Tiny Tiny Bombers
59- Cream and Chocolate
70- Provenance
Strategy breakdown:
38.6 Paper
27.4 Scanner
17.7 Stone, Clear, Bomber
16.4 Stone + Imp, Clear + Imp
MeanRank Name
1.05! Dimachaerus 3
2.15 Resinoid
3.57 Consonance
5.37! AR: Lava Flow
5.65 Chorus
6.15 Double Shock
7.68! Synergy 2
8.75 Serval
9.50! Desync
10.19 e21ca502-19d74cde-aae5d75
10.27! Microfunk
10.74 4b0804b3-6cdda893-4255d96
13.62 Hardliner
13.95 Tarragon
14.64 Dreadnought
16.33 Silent Snowfall
17.26 Raven
18.64 Nectar
18.75! AR: Chthonic Bunny
18.81 Table Scan
20.97 7b15f4b8-fe7a5779-6bea0a4
21.63 Digital Swarm
21.68 Alpha Centauri
26.13 Nanotech A8
26.17 RedBorg v1.0r7
27.85 rdrc: Rental Downspout
29.64! Chaderia Hysura
29.89 Microcosmos
30.84 Rabies
31.73! Desert Rose
33.15 T-Scan
33.61 Wizard
33.76 Gatling Gun
33.86 Nanotech D11
36.64 Resin
36.65 holograph
37.43 Synergy
39.03 Stingray
39.98 Endless pain
41.58 7fe57f81-b6bada1-1150ad2e
42.78! Spiky Palms
42.79 White Noise (RBv1.5r10)
44.13 Tiny Zooom...
44.62 Dimachaerus 2
46.48 Stackpile
47.56 Hired Sword
47.62 s774++
48.42 476
50.20 TL5 (Tiny Lord 5)
50.63 Evolving Threat
51.81 Yukikaze
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