Discord is an Agony-style scanner which ended up looking very similar to Excalibur (.8c scan, .67c wipe, dat clear and an anti-imp step). It's optimized against a paper/imp benchmark and saves one instruction by
creating dbmb with the instruction at x.
;name Discord
;author John Metcalf
;strategy scanner
;assert CORESIZE==8000
st equ 7599 ; 3147 ; 1161 ; 493 ; 903
gap equ 10 ; 8 ; 8 ; 10 ; 8
count equ 9 ; 8 ; 8 ; 9 ; 8
self equ dbmb+gap+3-ptrs
org scan+1
scan add inc, ptrs
ptrs sne scan+st, scan+st-gap
add.x inc, ptrs
seq *ptrs, @ptrs
slt.a #self, ptrs
jmz scan, #0
wptr mov.ab ptrs, #4000
x mov.x #15, dbmb
wipe mov inc, <wptr
mov inc, <wptr
djn.a wipe, dbmb
jmz scan, scan-1
inc spl #st, st
clear mov dbmb, >wipe+2
djn.f clear, {wipe+2
dbmb equ x+count
There's a study of Agony-style scanners in CoreOps issue 1 and a program
to calculate anti-imp steps below:
/* anti-imp - lists anti 3- and 7-point imp steps for CORESIZE 8000 */
#include <stdio.h>
int inverse( int b, int m, int s0, int s1 )
return !m ? s0 : inverse( m, b % m, s1, s0 - s1 * ( b / m ) );
int gcd( int a, int b )
return !b ? a : gcd( b, a % b );
void main()
unsigned x, coresize = 8000;
for ( x = 1; x < 50; x++ )
if ( gcd( x, coresize ) == 1 )
printf ("%d\n",inverse( 3 * 7 * x, coresize, 1, 0));
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)