Here's a short optima number calculator in Python which should be pretty
easy to translate to other languages. It uses the bomb-free space method.
Other methods (closest previous hit, distance from midpoint and Fibonacci-
like gaps) produce almost identical results with a few small differences.
The code is also available on the optima page with a brief description of
the other optima algorithms I'm aware of (please let me know if I've
missed anything):
# pyoptima v0.1 - Core War optima number calculator in Python
# using the bomb-free space method
# Usage: >>> from optima import optima
# >>> optima(coresize, modulo)
from math import gcd
def optima(coresize, modulo = 1):
scores = []
for step in range(modulo, 1 + coresize // 2, modulo):
if gcd(coresize, step) == modulo:
score = coresize - 1
high = low = pos = step
pos = (pos + step) % coresize
high, low = max(pos, high), min(pos, low)
score += coresize - high + low - 1
scores.append((step, score))
scores.sort(key = lambda x: x[1])
print('(step, score)')
for i in range(20):
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