• [88] Leviathan

    From John Metcalf@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 13 10:42:22 2021
    Leviathan is a hydra-style warrior which uses a binary launch to boot 8
    small bombers inspired by Gymnosperm Trickery by Dave Hillis. It's
    currently sitting at the top of the 88 hill and in 6th place on
    Koenigstuhl. There's still quite a bit to explore here - I'd like to try combining the bombers with a few different components, perhaps an anti-
    imp clear, an anti-vamp and maybe something with stun bombs :-)


    ;name Leviathan
    ;author John Metcalf
    ;strategy qscan -> hydra with multiple bombers based on gymnosperm
    ;assert CORESIZE==8000

    ; qscan - 36 scans in 48 instructions

    qfirst equ (qp2+2*qstep)
    qdist equ qfirst+qeee
    qstep equ (qeee*2)
    qeee equ 130

    qi equ 7
    qr equ 7

    qbomb dat <qi/2-qi*qr, <qi*qr-qi/2

    qa equ qstep*16
    qb equ qstep*5+2
    qc equ qstep*10
    qd equ qstep*2
    qe equ qstep*1

    qscan cmp qdist+qc, qfirst+qc
    jmp qfast, <qa
    cmp qdist+qe+qd, qfirst+qe+qd
    qp1 jmp <qfast, <qc
    qp2 cmp qdist, qfirst
    qp3 jmp qskip, <qe

    cmp qdist+qb, qfirst+qb
    q1 djn qfast, #qp1

    cmp qdist+qd+qc, qfirst+qd+qc
    jmp qslow, <qfirst+qd+qc+4
    cmp qdist+qd+qb, qfirst+qd+qb
    x1 jmp qslow, <q1
    cmp qdist+qc+qc, qfirst+qc+qc
    q2 djn qslow, #qp2
    cmp qdist+qd, qfirst+qd
    jmp qslow, <qfast
    cmp qdist+qa, qfirst+qa
    jmp q1, <q1

    cmp qdist+qa+qd, qfirst+qa+qd
    jmp x1, <q1
    cmp qdist+qc+qb, qfirst+qc+qb
    jmp q2, <q1
    cmp qdist+qe+qd+qc,qfirst+qe+qd+qc
    jmp qslower, <qfirst+qe+qd+qc+4
    cmp qdist+qe+qd+qb,qfirst+qe+qd+qb
    jmp qslower, <q1
    cmp qdist+qe+qc+qc,qfirst+qe+qc+qc
    jmp qslower, <q2
    cmp qdist+qd+qd+qc,qfirst+qd+qd+qc
    q3 djn qslower, #qp3
    cmp qdist+qe+qc, qfirst+qe+qc
    jmp <qfast, <q2
    cmp qdist+qd+qd, qfirst+qd+qd
    jmp <qfast, <q3
    cmp qdist+qd+qd+qb,qfirst+qd+qd+qb
    slt <q3, <q1

    jmz warr, qdist+qe+qd+qc+10

    qslower add @q3, @qslow
    qslow add @q2, qkil
    qfast add @q1, @qslow

    qskip cmp <qdist+qstep+50, @qkil
    jmp qloop, <1234

    add #qdist-qfirst, qkil
    qloop mov qbomb, @qkil
    qkil mov <qfirst+qstep+50, <qfirst
    sub #qi, @qloop
    djn qloop, #qr+2

    ; boot - binary launch 8 bombers

    dfirst equ 4200
    dinc equ 200

    boot equ warr+100
    bgap equ 918

    cpos equ -267

    warr spl x, <dfirst+dinc*0
    spl y, <dfirst+dinc*1
    spl b1, <dfirst+dinc*2

    b0 mov d, boot+0*bgap
    mov m, <b0
    mov n, <b0
    mov s, <b0
    djn @b0, <dfirst+dinc*3

    b1 mov d, boot+1*bgap
    mov m, <b1
    mov n, <b1
    mov s, <b1
    djn @b1, <dfirst+dinc*4

    y spl b3, <dfirst+dinc*5

    b2 mov d, boot+2*bgap
    mov m, <b2
    mov n, <b2
    mov s, <b2
    djn @b2, <dfirst+dinc*6

    b3 mov d, boot+3*bgap
    mov m, <b3
    mov n, <b3
    mov s, <b3
    djn @b3, <dfirst+dinc*7

    x spl z, <dfirst+dinc*8
    spl b5, <dfirst+dinc*9

    b4 mov d, boot+4*bgap
    mov m, <b4
    mov n, <b4
    mov s, <b4
    djn @b4, <dfirst+dinc*10

    b5 mov d, boot+5*bgap
    mov m, <b5
    mov n, <b5
    mov s, <b5
    djn @b5, <dfirst+dinc*11

    z spl b7, <dfirst+dinc*12

    b6 mov d, boot+6*bgap
    mov m, <b6
    mov n, <b6
    mov s, <b6
    djn @b6, <dfirst+dinc*13

    b7 mov d, boot+7*bgap
    mov m, <b7
    mov n, <b7
    mov s, <b7
    djn @b7, <dfirst+dinc*14

    ; bomber based on Gymnosperm Trickery

    s spl 0, <s+cpos
    n mov m, <m
    m mov <m, <-653
    d djn s, <s+cpos

    end qscan

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