• Gay porn sites registered to black Virginia homosexual racist shooter

    From Truth In Media Reporting@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 26 21:35:50 2015
    XPost: uc.motss, blgtn.government, alt.education.management

    (CNN)The man who murdered a television reporter and cameraman on
    live television set up websites that featured gay porn,
    according to records obtained by CNN.

    Beginning on September 4, 2007, the records show that Vester L.
    Flanagan II set up domain names for seven different sites.

    CNN found that Flanagan used his name and address in Vallejo,
    California, to register the sites. The last site registration
    from Flanagan was on January 22, 2008.

    At the time of the site registrations, Flanagan was working as
    the "communications director" for a Web company called NDG
    Interactive, according to his LinkedIn profile.

    The sites registered by Flanagan were all associated with gay
    porn or gay webcams. He is listed on the website domain
    registrations as both the administrative and technical contact.

    Flanagan's personnel files reveal disturbing WDBJ tenure

    One of the sites, according to an Internet archive search,
    offered a place "where you can talk live on video chat cam with
    your favorite gay hunks, pro and amateur models."

    Flanagan's 23-page rant filled with rage and praise

    An email that Flanagan used when he set up the sites was also
    used on a basketball blog soliciting "live webcam models" with
    "nice bodies." It said the models "must be attractive &

    The sites no longer appear active.

    http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/27/us/flanagan-gay-porn- sites/?iid=ob_article_footer_expansion&iref=obinsite

    Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
    caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black ardent
    supporters, to wave the flags for more gun control.

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