• Documents Show mentally ill negro queer Vester Lee Flanagan's Turbulent

    From Truth In Media Reporting@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 26 21:08:45 2015
    XPost: uc.motss, blgtn.government, alt.education.management

    In March 2012, Vester Lee Flanagan II achieved what he had been
    seeking: a return to television news after a long hiatus. But
    documents filed in a civil court case showed that soon after Mr.
    Flanagan’s arrival at WDBJ, a television station in Roanoke,
    Va., station executives and rank-and-file employees were deeply
    concerned about his conduct.

    The documents were exhibits in a lawsuit that Mr. Flanagan
    pursued against WDBJ after he was fired by the station, which
    was grieving on Wednesday after the authorities said Mr.
    Flanagan killed two of its employees, Alison Parker and Adam

    There was “a heated confrontation” with another reporter on
    April 28, 2012. Less than a month later, Mr. Flanagan, who used
    the name Bryce Williams while on the air, clashed with a
    photographer. And six days after that, there was another dispute
    between Mr. Flanagan and a photographer. The conduct, a station
    executive told Mr. Flanagan in a memorandum, “resulted in one or
    more of your co-workers feeling threatened or uncomfortable,”
    the documents showed.

    “We want you to work on the tone of your interpersonal
    relationships and exercise great care in dealing with stressful
    situations or disagreements and your response to them,” the
    executive, Dan Dennison, wrote. “You need to always work as a
    member of a collaborative team and allow your teammates to do
    their jobs and not assume that you alone are concerned with high
    quality standards.”

    At the time, Mr. Dennison, who declined an interview request on
    Wednesday, cautioned Mr. Flanagan that further trouble could
    lead to dismissal. But station records showed that Mr.
    Flanagan’s tenure became no less turbulent.

    About two months after his initial missive to Mr. Flanagan, Mr.
    Dennison wrote that Mr. Flanagan’s “behaviors continue to cause
    a great deal of friction” and that the new multimedia
    journalist’s job was in jeopardy. Mr. Dennison ordered Mr.
    Flanagan to contact the company’s employee assistance program.

    “We will continue assisting you with your professional growth
    and development,” Mr. Dennison wrote, “but we can no longer
    afford to have you engage in behaviors that constitute creation
    of a hostile work environment.”

    Mr. Flanagan, however, continued to draw criticism. In November
    2012, Mr. Dennison said Mr. Flanagan had breached the company’s
    journalism standards when he wore a sticker supporting President

    And that December, Mr. Dennison wrote a memorandum that detailed
    what he described as “recent examples of lack of thorough
    reporting, poor on-air performance or time management issues.”

    As the winter wore on, station officials decided to fire Mr.
    Flanagan. When they told him, an internal memorandum recounted,
    he responded, “You better call police because I’m going to make
    a big stink. This is not right.”

    Station officials chose to contact the police, and officers
    physically removed Mr. Flanagan. In one instance, one document
    said, Mr. Flanagan tossed a baseball cap at one executive.
    Another memo said Mr. Flanagan handed over a wooden cross to an
    executive, saying, “You’ll need this.”

    As Mr. Flanagan left, the records showed, he complained to an

    “You know what they did?” one memorandum quoted Mr. Flanagan as
    saying, “They had a watermelon back there for a week and
    basically” used a racial epithet to refer to him.

    Mr. Ward, a cameraman with WDBJ who was killed on Wednesday,
    recorded the dismissal, and records showed that Mr. Flanagan
    briefly turned his attention toward Mr. Ward on the day of his
    firing and told him to “lose your big gut.”

    Mr. Flanagan later sued the station for, among other complaints,
    retaliation, wrongful termination and racial discrimination.

    In May 2014, Mr. Flanagan wrote to a judge in Roanoke and said
    that his experiences at the station were “nothing short of vile,
    disgusting and inexcusable,” and he demanded that a jury of
    African-American women hear a civil lawsuit against the station.

    The case was dismissed in 2014 after a judge found that the
    matters had been “fully and completely resolved and compromised.”

    http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/27/us/documents-show-virginia- shooting-suspects-turbulent-tenure-at-tv-station.html

    Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
    caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black ardent
    supporters, to wave the flags for more gun control.

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