• Kill-filing

    From Joy Beeson@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 4 22:46:24 2018
    On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 19:55:30 -0500, "Duane Hebert" <spoo@flarn2.com>

    If you kill-file a person, you have forfeited your privilege to comment on them.

    Oddly enough I agree with that.

    Kill-filing doesn't stop me from fishing a post out of the
    wastebasket, but it does remind me that I'd be an idiot to snap at the

    I wonder whether there is anybody still monitoring this newsgroup? I
    found out I was still subscribed only by accident.

    Joy Beeson
    joy beeson at comcast dot net

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  • From EdwardDolan@21:1/5 to Ed Dolan on Tue Jun 5 17:04:02 2018
    On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 19:55:30 -0500, "Duane Hebert" <spoo@flarn2.com>

    If you kill-file a person, you have forfeited your privilege to comment

    Oddly enough I agree with that.

    Ed Dolan wrote:

    Nothing odd about that. It is just common courtesy. I have never
    kill-filed anyone - ever! What really matters is that what happens on
    Usenet stays on Usenet. If it goes beyond that, then you are dealing
    with a true idiot.

    Joy Beeson wrote:

    Kill-filing doesn't stop me from fishing a post out of the
    wastebasket, but it does remind me that I'd be an idiot to snap at the

    I wonder whether there is anybody still monitoring this newsgroup? I
    found out I was still subscribed only by accident.

    I do look in on this newsgroup occasionally, but the fact remains it has died. I think Mike Vandeman and I killed this group with our eternal war
    mountain biking on hiking trials. I have since learned that Mike Vandeman
    is a liberal no-nothing idiot (California variety) and does not know
    what is left hand is doing from what his right hand is doing. How can you
    be in favor of open borders and also be in favor of preserving the environment in a pristine condition? In any event I am done arguing
    with that idiot on that subject.

    This should be a mainstream bicycle newsgroup as there is much to be said about
    bicycles and recreation. But this was always a contentious newsgroup and
    I think everyone decided to go with more friendly social media like
    Frankly, I am not social enough for friendly groups. I like the give
    and take of argument, provided the one on the other end is not an idiot
    like Mike Vandeman. He turned out to be nothing but a crank and a

    Ed Dolan - Minnesota

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  • From Sparc IPX@21:1/5 to Joy Beeson on Sat Jun 9 18:45:26 2018
    Joy Beeson <jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid> wrote:

    I wonder whether there is anybody still monitoring this newsgroup? I
    found out I was still subscribed only by accident.

    I've been lurking for ages (bike commuter here), never felt much call to
    post, however.

    SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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  • From EdwardDolan@21:1/5 to Joy Beeson on Sat Jun 9 16:58:10 2018
    "Sparc IPX" wrote in message news:pfh786$3jt$3@odin.sdf-eu.org...

    Joy Beeson <jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid> wrote:

    I wonder whether there is anybody still monitoring this newsgroup? I
    found out I was still subscribed only by accident.

    I've been lurking for ages (bike commuter here), never felt much call to
    post, however.

    I wonder if all the other bicycle newsgroups are as dead as this one. In
    fact I wonder if anything is happening on Usenet - period! I recall the
    days when there were many hundreds of posters to all the various bicycle
    newsgroups. But their posts were all fairly contentious. At the time
    everyone was complaining about trolls, but trolls were never the problem.
    The real problem was that most folks cannot take disagreement. It is too
    bad, because it was lots of fun while it lasted.

    A Usenet newsgroup is not where you go to find friends. Sorry, but it is
    where you go to exchange information. From the beginning there were
    always those who wanted a friendly chat room. Those types were gotten rid
    of easily, and then we were left with some very intelligent types who
    knew what they were talking about. However, disagreement is inevitable
    and very many would take offense at the degree of disagreement. To be on
    Usenet, you have to grow the hide of a rhinoceros. If you are unable to
    do that, then you have no business being on Usenet.

    It is very odd to me that many folks cannot take disagreement. I have
    never learned anything by others agreeing with me. I only learn something
    new by others disagreeing with me. I thrived on Usenet, but many others
    felt they were being insulted and put upon. I think if all you want to
    do is massage one another's ego, then Usenet will never be for you.
    Usnent grew out of the academic world, and as we all know, academics are
    the most contentious people in the world. Usenet - RIP!

    Ed Dolan - Minnesota

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  • From sltom992@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 30 14:45:40 2018
    On Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 6:26:40 AM UTC-8, Duane Hébert wrote:
    On 12/7/2010 8:16 AM, Tºm Shermªn™ °_° > wrote:
    On 12/6/2010 10:26 PM, Edward Dolan wrote:
    "T�m Sherm�nT �_�"<""twshermanREMOVE\"@THI$southslope.net"> wrote in
    message news:idk5nv$iq2$2@news.eternal-september.org...
    On 12/6/2010 10:08 AM, Duane H�bert wrote:

    At home I use Outlook Express for a news reader.[...]

    Bill Gates holding a gun to your head?

    Most of us are already paying enough for our Internet connection
    without the
    extra expense of a newsreader.

    I paid $0.00 for Mozilla Thunderbird.

    I didn't pay of OE. What difference does it make
    anyway? The point was that you are preventing people
    from replying to you with the same method that you're
    trying to prevent them from kill filing you.
    Just saying.

    Kill filing is hardly effective when everyone else is quoting you in their posts.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From sltom992@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Edward Dolan on Mon Jul 30 14:43:13 2018
    On Monday, December 6, 2010 at 9:38:21 PM UTC-8, Edward Dolan wrote:
    I just realized I will not see a response to this post unless I make sure it comes to RBS. I do not monitor RBT.

    Ed Dolan

    "Tad McClellan" <tadmc@seesig.invalid> wrote in message news:slrnifrh0f.jvr.tadmc@tadbox.sbcglobal.net...
    ["Followup-To:" header set to rec.bicycles.tech.]
    Edward Dolan <edolan@iw.net> wrote:
    "Tºm ShermªnT °_°" <""twshermanREMOVE\"@THI$southslope.net"> wrote in >> message news:idk5nv$iq2$2@news.eternal-september.org...
    On 12/6/2010 10:08 AM, Duane Hébert wrote:

    At home I use Outlook Express for a news reader.[...]

    Bill Gates holding a gun to your head?

    Most of us are already paying enough for our Internet connection without >> the
    extra expense of a newsreader.

    There are over a dozen free newsreaders available to Bill's minions,
    so the "extra expense" is zero.

    I think a lot of folks have ISPs which do not provide free newsreaders. I used to use Outlook Express and now I use Windows Mail. It is convenient to use them and they work well enough as far as I can tell. I am pretty sure
    Mr. Sherman is paying for his newsreader.

    What is a good free newsreader just in case I need one someday?


    Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
    Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

    Ed, Windows 10 comes with Edge. If your computer is powerful enough you can't get a better newsreader. Windows 7 uses Explorer - these come with the operating systems.

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  • From news18@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 31 05:01:33 2018
    On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 14:45:40 -0700, sltom992 wrote:

    Kill filing is hardly effective when everyone else is quoting you in
    their posts.

    At that stage you just killfile the morons that quote morons.
    Improves the signal to noise ratio.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From EdwardDolan@21:1/5 to Edward Dolan on Wed Aug 1 05:22:00 2018
    wrote in message

    Edward Dolan wrote:

    I think a lot of folks have ISPs which do not provide free newsreaders. I used to use Outlook Express and now I use Windows Mail. It is convenient
    use them and they work well enough as far as I can tell. I am pretty sure
    Mr. Sherman is paying for his newsreader.

    What is a good free newsreader just in case I need one someday?

    Ed, Windows 10 comes with Edge. If your computer is powerful enough you
    can't get a better newsreader. Windows 7 uses Explorer - these come with
    the operating systems.

    I am still on Windows 7 and I did find a free newsreader (September
    something?) which works fine, although I seldom post to Usenet anymore. I
    have never been able to use Google Groups as I was banned by that website
    due to all the sissy complaints about me.

    Ed Dolan - Minnesota

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From EdwardDolan@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 1 05:32:30 2018
    wrote in message

    I didn't pay of OE. What difference does it make
    anyway? The point was that you are preventing people
    from replying to you with the same method that you're
    trying to prevent them from kill filing you.
    Just saying.

    Kill filing is hardly effective when everyone else is quoting you in
    their posts.

    I think kill filing is more effective these days. There seems to be several methods of doing it now on YouTube I notice. I am against kill filing anyone for any reasons whosoever, except in cases of criminal harassment. It is terrific fun to read what morons and idiots think of me and my opinions.

    Ed Dolan - Minnesota

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From EdwardDolan@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 1 06:04:42 2018
    "news18" wrote in message news:pjoqfd$cnk$8@dont-email.me...

    On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 14:45:40 -0700, sltom992 wrote:

    Kill filing is hardly effective when everyone else is quoting you in
    their posts.

    At that stage you just killfile the morons that quote morons.
    Improves the signal to noise ratio.

    Who cares about the signal to noise ratio. Kill filing always arises out of being disagreed with and is usually followed by a few harsh words, as if
    words can hurt us. Morons have a right to their thoughts also. The real
    problem is that kill filers take communication among anonymous posters on social media way too serious. Think of it as fun and games and you will
    never go wrong - and you will never kill file anyone. The only exceptions I
    can think of is if you are getting threats of physical violence. Then it is time to kill file the dumb bastard!

    I think I have been blocked (banned) from at least a dozen arts channels on YouTube from making comments. Why? Because I disagreed with some sissified
    jerk who thinks his opinions are sacred. Mostly such types just want their asses kissed and to be told how wonderful they are. They are not up for an argument. Such types should not make their channels available for comments
    to begin with. In any event, whenever I am blocked, I consider it a victory.
    I not only got the last word, but the best word. But screw all these
    sensitive sissified cowardly blockers all the way to Hell and back! The
    should stay off of social media.

    Ed Dolan - Minnesota

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