• Man accused of stalking New York cafe owner by plane has been arrested

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 10 10:21:07 2024
    XPost: alt.aviation.fun, ny.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, sac.politics

    SCHUYLERVILLE, N.Y. -- A small plane pilot who authorities say has stalked
    a New York woman for years, flying low and sometimes throwing tomatoes,
    has been arrested for a fifth time.

    Michael Arnold, 65, of Schuylerville, was ordered held without bail
    following his Feb. 1 arrest on misdemeanor counts of stalking and criminal contempt, the Saratoga County Sheriff's Office said.

    Arnold is accused of waiting for and following the victim on Jan. 12 in violation of an order of protection. He appeared in Saratoga Town Court
    and was ordered held pending a future appearance.

    His attorney did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment Thursday.

    The misdemeanors add to a growing list of pending charges against Arnold
    in New York and Vermont, where he kept his 1976 Cessna 180 single-engine

    Arnold is accused of harassing a cafe owner in the village of
    Schuylerville for more than four years, beginning in October 2019 when he
    came into her cafe, the Times Union of Albany reported. Following an email
    that included a picture of himself partially clothed, he began flying his
    plane over the woman's home, the newspaper said.

    Arnold pleaded not guilty in Vermont in October to several charges,
    including aggravated stalking. He was released on the condition that he
    stay away from the woman and airplanes.

    https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/man-accused-stalking-new-york-cafe- owner-plane-107077358

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