• Ugly Democrat attention whore claims pilot stalked her.

    From She Is Ugly@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 9 09:19:49 2024
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    Ugly Democrat bitch.

    https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/u ploads/2023/10/720/405/Cassie-WIlusz.jpg?ve=1&tl=1

    Cassie Wilusz, of Schuylerville, New York, said she begged
    authorities for help until a Saratoga County sheriff's deputy
    took her claims seriously

    A pilot was charged Friday with threatening a young girl days
    after he was arrested for using a single-engine Cessna plane to
    stalk her mother for more than four years.

    "It's a nightmare. He's terrorized my family, and we've been so
    afraid," Cassie Wilusz, 42, told Fox News Digital. "All these
    years he has been winning because nobody would do anything until

    Micheal Arnold, 65, allegedly flew his plane over her
    Schuylerville. New York, home multiple times a week so low that
    the windows rattled and the roof shook – all of this as Wilusz's
    husband lay dying of colon cancer.

    "I didn't know if he'd fly into our home. I didn't know what he
    was capable of," she said. "I thought, what if he shoots me."

    Her complaints to the Federal Aviation Administration and New
    York State Police fell on deaf ears, she said.

    Arnold has been arrested at least five times for the aerial
    torment but nothing has deterred him.

    "I didn't know if he'd fly into our home. I didn't know what he
    was capable of,"

    — Cassie Wilusz told Fox News Digital
    On Friday, Saratoga County Sheriff's deputy Nikki Voegler
    slapped Arnold in cuffs on criminal contempt charges outside the
    town's local grocery store after allegedly tying him to a
    Facebook account he used to threaten Wilusz's daughter.

    "Change your wicked ways, girl. Karma is a wonderful thing,
    [your daughter] will be next. You will see them all pass before
    you," he allegedly wrote.

    Police say he used the same fictitious account to post a
    disturbing message on her husband's obituary page. "When
    times(sic) up, times(sic) up. We all have to live with our
    Karma," he wrote.

    The latest charges came four days after Bennington police nabbed
    him at an airport in Vermont for allegedly flying over Wilusz's
    home on Sept. 27 in violation of an order of protection.

    The FBI notified the Bennington Police Department, who was
    waiting for him at the airport when he arrived, according to a
    news release.

    Arnold pleaded not guilty to a slew of charges in Vermont
    Superior Court. In both recent cases, he promptly posted bail.

    The trouble started in November 2019. Wilusz runs Revolution
    Café in the picturesque town of 1,300 about 200 miles north of
    New York City. Arnold, a retired Merchant Marine, used to come
    into the café several times a week.

    As far as she was concerned, he was just a regular customer. One
    day he sent her an alarming email. "It was pictures of him tied
    up with naked women, like 20 photos, and he was telling me to
    open my mind," recalled Wilusz, who was married.

    She sent him a respectful Facebook message taking exception to
    the graphic photos, then she blocked him.

    The rejection appeared to have sparked an obsession. Arnold
    began flying over her home, taking photos of her backyard and
    car and posting them to a community Facebook page. When she
    headed to work, walked her dog or took her daughter to school,
    she'd find him sitting in his car at the end of her driveway or
    hiding nearby.

    An anonymous package arrived in the mail with photos of her and
    her family with checkmarks next to their faces, but the package
    was sent from a post office without cameras and police said they
    couldn't identify the sender.

    In November 2022, Arnold allegedly used his 1976 propeller plane
    to drop tomatoes on her and her neighbors' properties.

    The next time he flew, authorities were waiting on the landing
    strip of the Saratoga County Airport. They asked to look at his
    cellphone and found dozens of surreptitiously taken photos of
    Wilusz and her family at various locations.

    He was arrested for stalking and the court issued a restraining
    order – which did not bar him from flying over her home.

    "I ended up losing my mind and got super scared, and I wouldn't
    let [my daughter] out of my sight," recalled Wilusz.

    But she had a more serious crisis. Her husband, Dave Wilusz, had
    been diagnosed with colon cancer.

    "As Dave's cancer progressed, I just couldn't fight two battles,
    and I stopped calling the police because the police wouldn't do
    anything," she said. "The entire time Dave was in hospice, he
    would just circle us three to four times a week."

    Her husband desperately wanted to help, but he was too weak. He
    told her, "Cassie, this isn't going to be your forever. I
    promise you, you and [our daughter] are going to be OK."

    He passed away on May 22. "The next day [Arnold] flew over, and
    it felt like he was going to come through my house and
    everything shook, and I'm like, I can't, I can't live like this
    anymore," she said, her voice breaking with emotion.

    Instead of focusing on burying her husband, she did an interview
    May 25 with a local reporter. "So I'm standing there, and she's
    asking me questions, and then he just came, and he pulled up and
    then sat there the entire time watching us," she recalled.

    The news station captured him on camera. They called Voegler,
    whom Wilusz praised and said was the only officer to take the
    case seriously.

    The deputy planned to arrest him for violating the restraining
    order but soon discovered that prosecutors had accidentally let
    it lapse. The document expired the same day her husband died,
    Wilusz said.

    A new protective order was issued that included a no-fly order,
    but Arnold took up his plane anyway. Instead of flying from
    Saratoga County Airport, he started to take off from Maine, then
    Vermont before his latest arrest.

    Wilusz said that with Voegler and the FBI's help, she's hopeful
    this ordeal will finally end.

    "I just want [my daughter] to see justice because she shouldn't
    have to see in 2023 a man do this to a woman and nobody listen,"
    Wilusz said.

    Arnold couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

    Ugly Democrat bitch.

    https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/u ploads/2023/10/720/405/Cassie-WIlusz.jpg?ve=1&tl=1

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/pilot-65-accused-using-plane-stalk- woman-4-years-nightmare

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