Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - By Daryl S.
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - By Daryl S. Kabatoff August 12th 2020 8:50 am 49,493 words
The Islamic federal government imposed a carbon tax upon Canadians, an Islamist spokesman said that the money raised is to be rebated back to Canadian families, with the largest of the families receiving the largest of the rebate cheques. Already
taxes are supporting Islamic families that have up to four wives, with each wife living in a separate residence. It costs a great deal of money to support these large Islamic families, and so hence the federal carbon tax, which is really a tax to help
raise large Islamic families. Islamists requires that non-Islamists pay an annual fee, called “jizya”, in order for the non-Islamists to retain their heads, but with the so-called “carbon tax”, Canadians are paying a “pre-jizya” tax.
Islamists require women to be sexually mutilated and separated from men, and they will demand that swimming pool time be allocated just for women, these are additional aspects of Sharia Law that I oppose. People advocating Sharia Law are clearly not
willing to integrate into our society and have no business being here. Sharia Law is a sexist attack against women and is an attack against anybody that doesn’t abide by Islamic teachings. Women should have the right to wear their own choice of clothes
without facing beatings, rape and beheadings. People should have the right to alternative beliefs without having their heads cut off.
Currently industrial trade programs in Saskatoon are racist and sexist, 20% of the seats are reserved for recently arrived immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian
and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for
the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. White males are being shunted away from the paying professions and into poverty. White male youth should not have to wait to be brutalized by recent immigrants in order to qualify for a handicapped
seat at a trade school. Allowing any one single race in Canada the privilege of blocking roads or blocking rail lines or blocking pipe lines, amounts to racism. If I were to block a road in Saskatoon, I would be arrested and returned to the University of
Saskatchewan for another round of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. The police would deliver me to a judge, the judge will prevent me from speaking and send me in for “psychiatric evaluation”, but that is just a euphemism for years of brutal horrid
torture. Once the Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist gets his or her hands upon you, then you are their patient for life. The more patients they have, the more money they earn. When they started having me tortured in 1988 it was at the hands of Brahmin Hindus
psychiatrists, but now there are Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death in Canada as well. There are hundreds annually, and over the years thousands of Saudi Arabian students have been and are being trained to become “Doctors of
Medicine” by the University of Saskatchewan, some of whom specialize in psychiatry. And under Trudeau they may “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens.
I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for criticizing Catholic fertility rites. The drugs made my skin hard and dry, my tongue turned to leather, my hair fell out, my head banged in pain, the nausea was overwhelming. Every three weeks I was wheeled
into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to defend my sanity. There I would limit my defense by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns the practice of turning trees into decorated idols and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees
via placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the trees. I would keep my defense short as it was very difficult to talk. Normally I was tortured by Brahmin Hindus (a husband and wife team), but eventually white Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Gene
Marcoux took over the role, and when he heard my defense he smiled and said that I was religiously deluded because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated at the appeal panel hearing smiled and nodded in approval to Dr.
Marcoux’s words and gave him permission to continue to detain and torture me. Doctor Marcoux specializes in religious disorders... my criticism of the Catholic fertility rites was a disorder to him, and he warned me that if he ever heard of me
postering poles in Saskatoon again, that he would have me returned to him for another round of “treatment”. This is how people defend their Catholic fertility rites, with violence and threats of violence. Anybody criticizing the pagan practice of
turning trees into decorated idols is first mocked, then if that is ineffective the individual is shunned, then assaulted, and eventually arrested and tortured. Most people reading this were over the years provided with multiple testimonies from both
friends and strangers of how their evergreen tree whoreship is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, and they dealt with these testimonies by mocking and shunning the messengers, and doubling down in their apostate filth by getting bigger trees and
decorating them to even greater degrees.
The churches (and their media and their courts) that teach you to turn trees into blinkin’ idols, are the same churches that censor Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism. Both the decorated trees and the cannibalism are pagan fertility rites,
people worship the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility due to it being green and fertile throughout the year, while evil doers consume other humans thinking that the practice grants them strength, fertility and longevity. Each winter the Vatican
places an idolized evergreen tree along side the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbol of fertility. The churches teach you to turn trees into idols, many of these churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (penises).
Some churches turn trees into blinkin’ idols and then caps the trees with Egyptian dinks. The Catholic priests still wear a fish-head hat, these priests of fish-god Dagon still pay homage to the fish, for it is a symbol of fertility in that most fish
lay enormous quantities of eggs. And the Catholics revere Mary, as another symbol of fertility. People embrace traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they insist that the sacrifices they make in their worship of God are acceptable to
I proclaimed in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the words upset Catholics in the community enough to have me removed from the streets and tortured by a female Hindu psychiatrist (Catholics employed Hindus to
do their dirty work). After years of the six-week sessions of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, the Hindu’s husband, who was also a psychiatrist, also began “treating” me. First the female Hindu psychiatrist said that I was schizophrenic, then
years later she claimed I was psychotic. But for her to change her diagnosis of me to psychotic, she needed a second opinion. Along comes her Hindu husband, he steps into my hospital room at Saskatoon City Hospital for all of three minutes to talk to me,
and then he signs off on his wife’s written declaration of me being psychotic rather than schizophrenic – I was not ranting when the Brahmin Hindu concurred with his Brahmin Hindu wife that I was psychotic, I sat in a drugged stupor on the edge of my
bed when he briefly entered the room to proclaim the new diagnosis.
The female Hindu psychiatrist only spoke to me for all of three minutes each week to begin with. She wanted me declared psychotic as this way I would be under her “care” permanently and she would make much more money off of the system, as opposed
to just having her way with me for the six-week sessions that the Saskatchewan government initially allowed. Or, the psychotic designation would allow her to poison me with other psychiatric medications, it was costing taxpayers many millions of dollars
for her to torture me over the years so killing me would make the bed available, and she may then torture some other poor individual and still make the money.
When the male Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist husband came to my room for the three minutes to confirm his wife’s diagnosis, he quoted his wife saying that all I do is talk about cannibals all the time, but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in
the hospital for years. And each time the female Hindu sat in the psychiatric appeal panel hearings (conducted every three weeks), she proclaimed to the Catholics seated across the table in judgment against me, that I was always talking about cannibals (
but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in the hospital for years). They used my proclamation in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism as a reason to torture me year after year after year. I did not speak of
cannibals while being tortured over the years in the psychiatric wards, it was the female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist (Dr. Thakur) who was weekly coming into my room and mentioning cannibals. In 1988 I proclaimed that it was no surprise that the priests
were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to that female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about
penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
I wasn’t ranting on about the existence of cannibals (or of the churches censoring Scriptural passages dealing with cannibalism) when I was under her “care”. She was the one that brought up the topic of cannibalism the few times she spoke to me,
and she was always the one who brought up the topic of cannibalism every three weeks at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings. She would tell the Catholics seated in judgment at the other side of the psychiatric appeal panel table that I rave on about
cannibals, and they would always grant her permission to continue to detain and torture me. In my defense (with my head banging in pain and my jaw sometimes locked open, with my tongue and mouth turned to leather), I would say that the Bible condemns
turning trees into decorated idols, and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees when they placed and retrieved presents at the base of the tree. The Catholics seated in judgment against me always sided with the Hindu and gave her permission to
continue to detain and torture me.
The psychiatric medications made me nauseous and made my head bang in pain, made my hair dry and fall out, made my skin hard and dry, made my jaw lock open, made my mouth dry and made my tongue turn to leather. When I complained to a nurse she laughed
at me and said it was my own fault for not drinking enough water. So I’d cry out (and I continue to cry out) to God for vengeance, and now when He floods your communities I laugh and say it is your own damn fault for not drinking enough water. People
spent millions of dollars having me tortured, then think themselves rich enough to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols. They fly off to winter resorts and post pictures of themselves posing next to trees turned into
decorated idols. Then they spend billions more importing members of alternative fertility cults, and many of these Moslems, Hindus and Sikhs desire good paying unionized jobs helping to care for the white people being tortured in the psychiatric
facilities, they may either serve food or sweep the floors, and they dream of becoming “doctors” so they may command that white people be drugged senseless. The Catholics, Moslems, Hindus and Sikhs all incorporate penises into their church, temple
and Mosque architecture, they are all pagan fertility cults, members are Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis worshippers.
I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country but people just laughed at me or assaulted me, or threatened to arrest me and return me to psychiatric torture when I informed them I was being tortured by Brahmin Hindus at the University of
Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. Rather than be allowed to state a defense in a court of law, the legal system invoked the French “Law of 22 Prairial” against me and I was sent instead to psychiatric torture. In revolutionary France
during The Terror they invoked the “Law of 22 Prairial” and sent people to the guillotine, as people were executed those watching cheered in approval.
It started with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix libeling me when they misrepresented my election platform when I previously ran for mayor. I wanted cars off the road that were defective and belching clouds of blue smoke, the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix instead
reported that I wanted to ban cars that burned an excessive quantity of gas, and the public lapped up the libel and laughed. Then in 1988 I proclaimed that the media was protecting the pedophile priests, adding that it was no surprise that the priests
were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes as they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their churches, but I was repeatedly arrested, told that I think too much about penises, and was labeled as a pedophile.
Years later the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix ran three front page stories over a three day period libeling me and urging my arrest, immediately Catholic radio host John Gormley took up the battle and used his thousands of watts to encourage people to assault
me in order to shut me up. Gormley’s message was received by the people of Saskatoon, resulting in the theft of my property and additional threats against my life. I was robbed, I complained to police officers who just laughed at me. Usenet trolls Don
Ocean of South Dakota (Freemason) and James Takayama of Hawaii repeatedly and incessantly libeled me and called me a pedophile, then the media quoted the libel from these usenet trolls and accused me of being a pedophile as well. Being repeatedly libeled
and labeled as a pedophile by the usenet trolls and their sock puppets, and then by the media, made my life exceedingly difficult. It is better to be libeled and be called a pedophile and then face assault and ultimately be murdered, than for me to kill
these people and be labeled as both a pedophile and a murderer. It is better to hand the problem over to Jesus than attempt to rectify it on my own.
Most citizens who hear of this are happy about it for they have a great love of Catholic fertility rites and don’t want these traditions criticized. I wanted to know more about who the hell you people were, so I interviewed people on the streets and
in coffee shops, and posted material attempting to show folks that their birthdays, names and children were all gifts from God. Radio host John Gormley did not appreciate the postings and did what he could to prevent additional material from being posted
on the usenet – he used his radio station to whip up a frenzy and urge my assault. None of my wealthy Adventist relatives nor my Doukhobor relatives would raise a finger in my defense as all were embracing Catholic fertility rites and did not require
any criticisms of their Catholic faith… one relative managed to reach under her lavish tree and give me a can of nuts every December 25th. Kindness was shown to me, on December 25th. For additional information on families persecuting their own children
for daring to speak out against their traditions, read “Frances Farmer: Shadowland”, by William Arnold. The book is difficult to both find and read, there is no space at all for such a book to be found in either our schools or libraries.
No public-private partnership construction, the end result is higher costs for citizens. If you can’t afford your project now, don’t build it now. Engaging in public-private partnership construction burdens the youth with the costs for decades to
come. Note that public-private partnership was used in the construction of new psychiatric torture facilities at North Battleford, if you can’t afford to build facilities to torture people with psychiatric drugs, don’t be getting the public taxpayers
and future taxpayers to assist you with such facilities. Vengeance is God’s (Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30), the corporate leaders who think they are set to profit from building torture facilities are going to be disappointed, I predict. Lives are being
lost and destroyed. There must be a special place in hell for people who profit on the torture of their fellow man, and who place the community in debt while doing so. Until then, there should be an end to the city utilizing Graham Construction for any
Check out the 16 Catholic hockey players that lost their lives when a Sikh rammed his truck into their bus near Humboldt. Evergreen trees obscured the vision of the drivers. Similarly today the evergreen trees are obscuring the vision and the common
sense of the people who should be thanking God for their lives, instead they idolize the trees, stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and pray to Mary. I criticized your pagan practices and received many years of brutal horrid torture,
nobody would assist me to flee Canada, and no “free” country was about to give refugee status to any person from “free” Canada. I lost year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in an utterly frantic state
wondering when the next arrest and round of torture would occur… it is fitting that God would withdraw His protection from your apostate children and send a few on holidays. The 16 Catholic hockey players were not the only children of yours that God
sent on holidays. People think it hilarious that I would be tortured by Brahmin Hindus for years, I in turn think it hilarious that the parents teach their children to pray to Mary and turn trees into idols, then claim that their smitten progeny are up
in heaven looking down upon us, and protecting us. Periodically God makes a clean sweep of your neighborhoods and removes roofs and destroys houses, this gives people an opportunity to build new houses with taller ceilings so they may get even taller
trees and decorate them to even greater degrees. People exchange God’s Commandments for man’s traditions then attribute their prayers to be full of power while ascribing my prayers as being of no effect. They have me tortured for years in an attempt
to shut me up about the pagan filth that they hold up as being Christianity, and when I complain, they claim that I am judging them. Better to give my problems to Jesus and have Him terminate your ignorant and compassionless children’s lives when He
feels the time is right. People are facing tremendous economic losses and the loss of many lives, through prayer, and they think they can get on God’s good side by praying to Mary, bowing to trees and allowing a flood of Catholics, Islamists, Hindus
and Sikhs into our nation. They faithfully prayed to Mary and faithfully tithed to their priests, the faithfully turned trees into blinkin’ idols, faithfully had me tortured for years for attempting to criticize their priests and fertility traditions,
people are full of faith. Just as the nurse laughed at me when I complained of the effects of the psychiatric drugs and said it was my own damn fault for not drinking enough water, similarly your Catholic hockey players are now dead because they too
never drank enough water. If they drank enough water the bus would have stopped and let them out to take a piss, or they would have delayed getting on that bus in the first place by stopping at the water fountain for another drink. The parents turn trees
into decorated idols, the kids abide by the traditions handed down by their parents, the children die and then the parents publish stories claiming their smitten children to be up in heaven with Mary, looking down and protecting their families and entire
communities from evil.
Public facilities, whether police stations, libraries, schools, zoos, city or fire halls, should not be annually turned into pagan temples glorifying evergreen tree whoreship. Should I be elected as mayor, the upper management of these facilities in
Saskatoon will be given notice that should they continue to use their office to teach pagan fertility rites or if they allow such practices to continue unabated, they will face termination from their jobs. Your job description does not include teaching
people to adopt Catholic fertility rites!!! Catholic schools will of course be allowed to continue to teach children to abide by Catholic fertility rites. And the Protestant schools may continue to teach the children to abide by Catholic fertility rites
as well because they too are actually Catholic schools, for when you adopt God-damned Catholic fertility rites then you become God-damned Catholics. Catholics have co-opted not just Protestant churches, but Protestant schools as well, and have co-opted
the media, Hollywood, police forces and courts of law, they infiltrate and use any and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is exceedingly important for the Catholic Church to get people to turn trees into
decorated idols, for this way they are able to get people to violate God’s first three Commandments in one fell swoop. I will do what I can to prevent any tax money from funding any Catholic (or so-called Protestant schools) and suggest parents
homeschool their children or find alternative ways to educate their children. Schools (and libraries) should not be used to teach traditions - I will not be party to this.
City owned transit buses are being used to proclaim Islamic holidays on illuminated signs on the outside of the buses. The practice must come to an end. Bus drivers who continue to allow religious proclamations to be displayed in or on their buses
should be terminated from their jobs. Doukhobors came to Canada with the message: “Toil and Peaceful Life”, they were persecuted in Canada and aren’t allowed to have this messages blinkin’ on the buses. But the Islamists come recently with a book
that repeatedly tells them to kill the non-believers, and you allow them to flash their messages on buses with blinkin’ lights.
The priests are ramming their penises up children’s arseholes, and then the schools respond by teaching the kids to embrace a homosexual lifestyle and start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes as well. The Protestant schools are co-
opted by Catholics who then teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. The children of the Islamists are allowed to keep their faith and are not subjected to the brainwashing, just the white kids are taught to ram their penises
up each other’s arseholes. The Catholic Church works hard to get the white students into their College of Arts and Sciences, where they are taught Marxism and to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Parents wanting to have their children
educated in these pro-sodomy Catholic schools should find ways to fund the schools without the assistance of other taxpayers. Should the Catholic Church be unwilling to pay the city a $3 billion dollar performance bond, the city should consider
repurposing some of their churches, schools (the university) and other real-estate holdings. The Catholic Church has sizable real-estate holdings that can be forfeited if they fail to pay the $3 billion performance bond.
Gasoline and diesel fuel sold in Saskatoon is to be labeled at the pump as to the origin of the fuels. About 25% of the fuel sold in Canada comes from Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan (fuel is transported to us from half way around the world) and not from
Alberta, Saskatchewan nor the Maritimes. Gas stations that fail to label the origin of their fuels and gas stations that sell fuel coming from Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and other distant locations will face a “filthy carbon tax” of 25% added of the
sales price of the fuel, that tax must be submitted to city hall daily. For example, if the filthy fuel is priced at $1.40/liter, the owners of the service stations will adjust the price upward to $1.75/liter and submit .35 cents per liter to city hall
daily. The federal government is responsible for this situation where they financially back Islamic nations while at the same time are actively trying to bankrupt our own nation. The Islamic nations are especially cruel to women, Jews, Christians and
homosexuals, I am of the opinion that we should not be supporting their economies. Saskatoonians should be informed as to the origin of their fuels and be allowed to decide for themselves whether to support Islam or not. Should Saskatoonians support
Islamic fuel (and thereby support the enslavement of women, the sexual abuse of children, and the murder of Jews, Christians and homosexuals), then they can pay the additional 25% “filthy carbon tax” on the fuel. Gas stations that sell the Islamic
fuel are raising money for Islam, the corporations they represent should each post a performance bond of $3 billion to help pay for the damages caused to city infrastructure when the Islamists begin their bombing campaigns. Give each of the corporations
30 days to post the $3 billion performance bonds, after which time gas stations that sell their brand should have their business licenses cancelled and stores shuttered. The money raised will go a long way to assist the lowering of both home and business
Similarly we should not be growing foods for the sole purpose of converting the food into alcohol to add to gasoline. Gasoline that contains any percentage of ethanol should also face a 25% tax added at the pump. The practice of converting corn into
fuel results in higher food prices and greater pollution from fertilizers entering and polluting waterways. The people selling and purchasing these foul fuels will have to do some serious soul searching regarding the future of our nation and our planet.
And it should be noted here that lead and most other additives to gasoline are highly toxic and shortens both human life and engine oil life. This results in more frequent oil changes and accelerated wear to engines, and also results in sick and dead
people. We should raise money by taxing the fowl fuels.
Islamists are taxing food manufacturers with a Halal tax, which is passed on to consumers. The money raised with this Halal taxation is used to wage war against western civilization. Saskatoon requires a bylaw making it illegal to buy or sell any
foods that are taxed to raise money for war. Repeated violators should have their properties seized, sold, and the funds used to lower taxes for businesses and homeowners. The last people we should allow to tax our food supply in order to raise money for
war are Islamists, as their Koran repeatedly calls upon their followers to enslave, behead and kill the non-believers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of herbs, they publish books informing the reader of which herbs to use to impair fertility,
and which herbs to use to cause abortions. They demand they be allowed to work in facilities that manufacture non-Halal foods that they themselves do not consume – they have multiple opportunities to dose our food supply during manufacture, storage,
transportation, and during sales, and it is likely that many foods have been dosed on multiple occasions by multiple individuals during the stages between production and consumption. Fertility rates are on the decline, ever stop to wonder why? Major food
outlets such as Co-op, SuperValue, Save-On-Foods, and Costco are complicit in raising money for Islamic jihad, the potential sale of their properties will raise large amounts of money for the city and can be used to help eliminate lead from water pipes
and help us to bury overhead power lines. Some of the larger buildings can be retained and repurposed for aircraft or boat construction. By allowing the sale of Halal certified foods the corporations are raising money for Islamic jihad, we will be
required to seize and sell some of their properties to assist the replacement of infrastructure caused by the inevitable escalating warfare. Business owners raising money for Islamic jihad that have their properties confiscated should consider themselves
lucky that they are not arrested for funding terrorist activities. If you lose your Saskatoon supermarket job, consider emigrating to an alternative city that allows you to peddle your Halal certified foods there.
A diamond mine is earmarked for development at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest, diamonds worth many billions of dollars are set to be dug out of the traditional hunting grounds of James Smith First Nation. The poor and disenfranchised members of the James
Smith First Nation will be negatively impacted by the mining but are set for a big glittering paper money windfall, each and every members of their band are set to receive handouts of approximately $46.89 annually ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412
members). Saskatoon City Hall should send out letters to the members of James Smith First Nation, inform them of the many businesses selling goods in Saskatoon and encourage them to spend their $46.89 here. It may be wise to assume that the native
aboriginals are illiterate, so give examples to them of what $46.89 can buy by showing them pictures of some trinkets. As the payment will be an annual payment, Saskatoon businesses will face an annual windfall. As long as the sun shines and the grass
grows and the rivers flow, Saskatoon business will annually prosper from the generous handouts given to the members of the James Smith First Nation.
Maybe James Smith First Nation will pool their money and buy a large bronze statue of James Smith, and set the statue on top of an Egyptian penis, as done with Chief One Arrow at One Arrow First Nation. It would be suitable that should you place a
statue of James Smith on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, that you depict James Smith showing off his genitals, as was done with the statue of Metis leader Louis Riel in Winnipeg. After all, many members of James Smith First Nation are
Catholics, their priests have always had an interest in their genitals. Make the best of your situation… perhaps six or seven members of James Smith First Nation will receive their annual diamond payment, pool their money, pile into a car and drive to
Saskatoon where they will buy some gas and purchase a single tire for their dilapidated vehicle. The humor of the situation is far more valuable than the $160,000 annual payment, perhaps even more valuable than all the diamonds set to be mined at the
Fort-a-la-Corne Forest. That $46.89 will go a long way to prevent suicides in the native community, natives living on other reservations will be extremely jealous of the annual cash windfall headed to James Smith First Nation and will wish that their
traditional hunting grounds would be decimated as well. Perhaps pool your $46.89 and buy a single diamond to decorate one of your moccasins. Provincial mining laws need to be changed to benefit the poor rather than just corporations.
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