• Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - UK's Unsung Hero, Suing 800 Wicked People (3/3)

    From Anonymous@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 7 13:52:06 2019
    [continued from previous message]

    at a time is the AA way... so we can add being a wino to your list
    of problems. Today, as every day, you shown the world what a foul
    bag of shite you are. Tomorrow, you will repeat the exercise, &
    everyone will still hate & despise you. & you'll still be a
    colossal FAIL in a petrol station.
    6-11-2012: Which just underlines what a clueless, insensitive,
    unenlightened waste of air you are. You fail even the most basic of
    test for humanism... you should be species checked... you appear to
    be around the smegma level... Not if that "something" is wrong &
    enslaves half of humanity. You are not enlightened, you are
    deluded, Dunning-Kruger dolt... Utter rubbish, as usual, & you know
    now that your opinions are repellent & inhuman. Don't bother
    reading the wordpress garbage, it's just more insane maunderings of
    a deluded primitive... Shanty: you're a stupid, lying, shallow,
    venal cunt. Get a death. How does a chicken's rectum feel around
    your midget penis? (I'm sure you can answer that one)... Any rat is
    a sewer is more enlightened than you. As is the sewage... You
    claimed just that, fuckwit. There is no god: you are a very
    unintelligent retarded moron... Any rat is a sewer is more
    enlightened than you. As is the sewage.
    7-11-2012: I am... it's what shanty-the-cunt wants to do to
    women... Get dead, fucktard. Still only 2 members at secpac. You
    FAIL again... & have you stopped being a complete, vacuous bag of
    shite yet? What is your opinion of gay people?... I am... it's what shanty-the-cunt wants to do to women... Nahhhhh... you missed the
    point... only HE can rape, because he claims to be the most
    enlightened person on earth... because he sees women as inferior...
    Hmmmmm... I wonder if shanty's attitude to women is because he's
    really scared of them... or because he's a closet gay?... You mean
    it's OK for scumantanu to rape, or for me to pull the wings off the
    shantyfly? Or for the bastard to be swatted like the insect he
    is?... Read his stuff... then figure out if a bit of bad language &
    invective from me is worse than what that fucktard wants to make
    into law. The see who _appears_ worse, & who is actually worse. I
    don't want women to be sex slaves. He does... Welllllll... I think
    there is merit/justice in exposing his horrid nature. I don't want
    to own him. I do want to swat his thinking (and him) out of
    existence... You mean, like dragging people's families into things?
    Even the repulsive shanty hasn't done that yet. Oops now he just
    8-11-2012: I'm not making light of it, idiot, I'm the one so
    disgusted with what he proposes (and admits) that I think it should
    be exposed & vilified.
    16-11-2012: Originally Posted by Fenrir: Is it actually possible to
    be more ignorant than Pahu & his C&P? Serious question. Yes: look
    at Shantanu.
    19-11-2012: All... my working hypothesis is that shanny is mentally
    ill. He has already admitted that his wife had their doctor commit
    him to a mental institution after some abusive episodes. I think
    that the attention (even if it's ridicule) he's getting here is
    feeding his illness. He clearly knows little about science (even
    biology, his avowed career, but I'm not sure chicken-molesting
    counts as biology), & is spewing the most egregious bullshit
    everywhere just to get the attention.
    20-11-2012: Your 3 way bullcrap is Not Even Wrong. You're not
    qualified to comment.
    27-11-2012: Or go talk with Shantanu at his preposterous "blog" now
    he's been banned from SC. Or even look at SC & see his claim to be
    the most enlightened person on earth...
    28-11-2012: According to the "Most Enlightened One", even if she
    says no, it's not her choice... what a scumbag he is. My bold...
    sounds like a challenge... who thinks this scum is the most
    enlightened being on earth? Who thinks marital rape is OK? Who
    thinks atoms are covalent? Who thinks honesty is arbitrarily
    changing the meaning of defined terms to prop up baseless
    arguments? Who thinks feminism is a curse on humanity & is just a
    facet of lesbianism, & that men who support feminism must be gay?
    Who got incarcerated in a mental institution by his wife after
    violent arguments? Get dead, cuntface... this isn't about SC
    moderation, it's about showing a verminous bag of shit to be what
    he is... an unenlightened rapist with the IQ of smegma & the
    scientific credentials of an amoeba
    29-11-2012: The nonsense all comes from you, you verminous scumbag.
    You censor the comments section whenever anyone says anything
    pointing out how horribly wrong you are... I agree... mods...
    banish my & ShuntAnus's posts to TQH... Were you happy in your
    work, pre-petrol station? What does a chicken's anus feel like
    around your mini-penis? Why are you ignoring the truth about your
    reputation? For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a lot...
    You've never been in a room with me, fucktard. As for pushing the
    stalking theory, you failed at that last time... ( A cartoon
    picture of a farmer feeding chickens in grotesque fashion was
    posted here)... Were you happy in your work, pre-petrol station?
    What does a chicken's anus feel like around your mini-penis? Why
    are you ignoring the truth about your reputation? For a "truth-
    seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a lot... For a "truth-seeker",
    you sure lie & dissemble a lot... For a "truth-seeker", you sure
    lie & dissemble a lot... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie &
    dissemble a lot... I can't help picking on ShuntAnus... people
    always pick scabs... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble
    a lot. Go Fuck Yourself... I take this as a threat... but not
    terribly seriously. He is a pathetic, unpleasant little waste of
    air. The world is better off without him... as is TR... I think
    it's when you & ShuntAnus walk off, hand-in-hand into the sunset &
    spend the rest of your lives playing chutney ferrets... It is so
    laughably stupid that they didn't even send it for further comment.
    The Kent police response won't actually contain the phrase
    "net.kook", but it should. Oh... by the way... Kent Police may be
    much more interested in your admission of marital rape, which you
    posted multiple times... & you published your full address on the
    web multiple times. But that is NOT a threat... it just shows how
    inept & idiotic you are... Do please keep us informed of Kent
    Police's response. They will be polite, but I rather imagine it
    will be of the same nature as your rejection by Nature for that
    ridiculous pile of shite you spewed at them... The whole point in
    this particular situation is NOT ignoring the moron... it's showing
    him up to be the horror he is... especially wrt women.
    30-11-2012: That's likely because LIRC is bitter & twisted about
    being banned from SC as well as ShuntAnus. Anyone who comes out in
    aid of shanty needs to look closely at who they have as friends.
    signed 'teh ebil Phands' -
    http://www.talkrational.org/showthread.php?t=53459) - He announced
    his latest act of cowardice thus... (referring to blogpost https://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/2012/11/30/dr- shantanu-panigrahi-joins-rational-skepticism-discussion-board) I
    bet they ban him soon. Good riddance. I feel someone should warn
    Rat Skep what a bag of pus has landed in their midst, but I'm not a
    member there, & I'm not following ShuntAnus over.
    10-12-2012: Go fuck yourself, misogynist rapist failure. The Kent
    police now have you on file as a net.kook. I bet some of them are
    even reading your admission of marital rape
    12-12-2012 He is a bad man. His views on women being the property
    of men & rape being OK define him as a bad man. He's still also a
    mentally ill net.kook... You have no sanity.
    21-12-2012 Can you hurry up & suicide?

    1962 - 14/7/72: St Joseph's High School, 2 Edmonstone Road,
    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
    5/7/72 - 14/12/72: City Anglo-Vernacular Intermediate College,
    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
    January - June 1973: Stanley Technical High School, South Norwood,
    London, UK
    September 1973 - 1975: Kingston College of Further Education, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, UK

    General Certificate of Education - June 1973: Ordinary Level:
    Chemistry (E Pass), Physics (E Pass) Mathematics Syllabus D (F
    Fail), English Language (F Fail)
    General Certificate of Education - June 1974: Ordinary Level:
    Biology (E Pass), English Language (F Fail)
    General Certificate of Education - June 1975: Advanced Level-II:
    Chemistry (E Pass), Physics (D Pass), Zoology (E Pass)
    June 1975 Board of High School & Intermediate Education Allahabad -
    High School Examination (1972); in Second Division (59.4 percent) &
    Distinction in Sociopathy (No other subjects, left in the middle of
    the session to move to the UK as father, Dr Gopinath Panigrahi, was
    posted to Kew Gardens as Under-Gardener with diplomatic status)

    BSc in Pharmacology, Chelsea College, University of London, 1978,
    Lower Second Class Honours, initially classified as Failed but I
    lawfully overrode them
    PhD (Laboratory research on animal feed development specific to
    increasing the commercially-acceptable incorporation percentage of
    cottonseed meal in laying hen rations); Thesis Title: The Use of
    Cottonseed Meal in Laying Hen Diets & their Sexual Receptivity to
    Stimuli from Human Handlers, University of Reading, 1988 - Thesis
    illegally rejected by State Agents & Criminals
    Post-Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Psychopathy, University of
    London, 1994
    Certificate (Applied for but failed) in Livestock Development, Wye
    College, University of London, 1995
    Certificate in Environmental Sociology, Wye College, University of
    London, 1996

    Former Assistant Editor & Member of the Council of Management of
    British Poultry Science Journal, removed because of doctored video
    Former Member of World's Poultry Science Association
    Member of Rural African Network for Poultry. Member of
    International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD), Food
    & Agricultural Organisation of the UN (disputed)

    1974: Prize for the second-best A-Level Field Course Notebook at
    Kingston College of Further Education (Study of Sea-shore &
    Freshwater Ecology at Bangor, Wales)
    1977: Full College Colours for Services to the Badminton Club of
    Chelsea College, University of London
    1981: Civil Service Sports Day 1981, Darts Runners-up medal
    1982: Tropical Products Institute, Darts Runners-up
    1984: Moulsford Cricket Club All Rounder Trophy, Village Moulsford,
    Oxfordshire (Member of Moulsford Cricket Club from 1984-1990)
    1986: Culham Laboratories (Culham Joint European Torus Project,
    Culham, Oxfordshire) Cricket Sexes Winners Shield
    1997: Bowling Award, EEM Cricket Club, Rainham, Kent (Member of EEM
    Cricket Club from 1994-1998)

    Music - Listening & Playing the Tabla & Harmonica
    Wild-life Observation, when safe
    Playing Cards Games (especially Bridge) & Scrabble
    Stamp Collecting (former member of Medway Towns Philatelic Society,
    but now website used to sell surplus prescribed medications)

    India - August 1997: Studying livestock-related activities in &
    around Calcutta for an MSc dissertation on 'urbanisation & its
    impact on livestock development in eastern India', here is where
    the authorities filed the wrong charges about sexually interfering
    with chickens
    India - August 1997: Participating as an invited speaker in a
    Poultry Feed Management (Nutrition) Workshop organised by the
    Americal Soybean Association (Asia Subcontinent: New Delhi Office -
    email: asaasc@del2.vsnl.net.in) & Eastern Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd.
    (Bhubaneswar: Tel. 0674 40304) at Hotel Prachi Bhubaneswar, Orissa,
    on August 12 1997
    Cameroon - March 1997: implementing a project extension to the ODA-
    funded Project R5179
    Zimbabwe - November - December 1996: Attending a seminar on Small-
    Scale Decentralised Agro-Industry held in Harare. Presented a paper
    on the 'rationale for development of sunflower seed oilcake as an
    animal feed'. Monitoring progress in Projects C0633 & O0053
    Cameroon - June 1996: project monitoring visit to evaluate project
    progress in the ODA-funded Project R5179
    Zimbabwe - January 1996: Part of a three-member visit team
    developing a collaborative research project with Appropriate
    Technology International, & local institutions & NGOs on the use of sunflowerseed cake produced from a rampress for dairy & poultry
    production (ODA Project Code O0053)
    Zimbabwe - February 1996: arranging collaborative poultry feeding
    trials at Henderson Research Station, Mazowe, Zimbabwe, to test
    poultry rations designed for transfer to small-scale poultry
    producers in Zimbabwe in relation to Project C0633
    Cameroon - February 1995: conducting ODA-funded adaptive field
    research (Project Code R5179) to promote the utilisation of sweet
    potato & cassava root meal in poultry feeds through on-station & on-
    farm feed development & poultry feeding trials in the North-West
    Province highlands
    Zimbabwe - March 1995: examining Tinytech oil milling operations &
    sampling sunflower seed oilcakes for nutritional analysis at NRI in
    relation to Project C0633
    Zimbabwe - May 1994: reviewing developments in the oilseed sector,
    & developing a project proposal with the non-governmental
    organisation, the Intermediate Technology Development Group on the
    use of oilcakes generated by motorised small-scale oil mills for
    livestock production (Project Code C0633)
    Kenya - March 1994: examining root crop development strategies in
    East Africa: visits to the International Potato Centre, University
    of Nairobi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, International
    Livestock Centre for Africa, & Agricultural Research Foundation
    Nigeria - February 1994: organising research project at NRI for a
    senior member of staff at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
    (under a Senior Carnegie Research Fellowship): organising a nine-
    month (June 1995-February 1996) World Bank-funded Research/Training
    Fellowship for another of this university's lecturer at NRI
    Cameroon - February 1994: prefeasibility study of farming systems
    in the western highlands of Cameroon in relation to the
    identification of a field site to conduct poultry feed development
    based on root crops
    India - November 1993: presenting a paper on 'cassava utilisation
    in poultry diets', at the International Symposium on Tropical Tuber
    Crops Research, at Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
    Thiruvananthapurum. Also delivering a lecture on 'urbanisation &
    livestock development', at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
    Holland - September 1992: attempted to present a paper on 'copra
    cake & broiler behaviour', at the XIX World Poultry Congress,
    Amsterdam but was barred from entry
    India - December 1991: Eastern India, studying peri-urban dairy
    production systems, storage & use of fibrous ruminant feeds, &
    monitoring the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk from different
    production systems
    Belgium - April 1989: Brussels, negotiating a Commission of
    European Communities-funded contract
    India - March 1987: Madras Veterinary College, identifying areas of
    common interest for collaborative research. Orissa, studying rice
    cultivation & livestock production
    India - March 1985: Commercial firms in Calcutta. Examining seeds
    of Cassia tora & Tamarindus indica for research

    (1) 11 November 2010 - 12 November 2014: Full time Cashier/General
    Assistant in a petrol station, I was clever enough to let it be 4
    full years & a day so I can obtain maximum money but they thwarted
    me at EAT. Unfairly dismissed for alleged sexual misconduct
    (2) May 2005 - April 2008: Election Count Staff for Electoral
    Registration Department, Medway Council, Civic Centre, Strood,
    Rochester, Kent ME2 4AU. T: 01634306000/332072
    (3) August 2006 - 15 May 2008: Sales Assistant & Training Officer
    at Shell Wigmore Service Station, 26 Hoath Lane, Wigmore Gillingham
    Kent ME8 0SW. T: 01634269880. (resigned from employment after false
    claims of sexual misconduct)
    (4) December 2004 - 28 February 2005: Cover Supervisor, The Robert
    Napier School, Third Avenue, Gillingham, Kent ME7 2LX. T:
    (5) Gap in employment October 1998 - July 2004: (A break from paid
    employment due to incarceration)
    (6) August 1979 - October 1998 with the Natural Resources
    Institute: Principal Scientist-3, Natural Resources Management
    Department, Natural Resources Institute, The University of
    Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. T:
    01634880088, as follows:
    (1991 - 1996) Senior Scientific Officer (Animal Nutritionist),
    Livestock Department, Natural Resources Institute, Chatham
    Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. T: 01634 880088 Dismissed
    without pension for alleged consensual sexual misconduct with
    animals, strongly denied
    (1983 - 1991) Higher Scientific Officer (Poultry Nutritionist),
    Animal Feeds Section. Responsible for Project development & the
    Operation of the Livestock Experimental Station at Tropical
    Development Research Institute, later renamed Overseas Development
    Tropical Development Institute, Culham, Oxfordshire
    (1979 - 1983) Scientific Officer (Toxicologist), Toxic & Economic Constituents Section, Tropical Products Institute. Responsible for
    Project development & the Operation of the Nutritional Testing Sub -
    section, Livestock Experimental Station at NRI Culham, Oxfordshire
    (7) July 1978 - December 1978: Research Assistant (registered for
    MPhil) at The Hatfield Polytechnic (Hertfordshire County Council,
    PO Box 109, College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB),
    conducting in vitro research on non-cholinergic & non-adrenergic
    transmission in the rat gastric striatum
    (8) Pre-1979 employment: Short periods as: Shop Assistant in
    Bentalls Department Store, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey; Part-time
    Worker as Expert on Chickens (in a Kentucky Fried Chicken,
    Norbiton, Surrey); Kitchen Assistant in Nursing Home (Hampton
    Court, Surrey); Bar staff (at Chelsea College, London); Counter
    staff (at a Ladbrokes Betting Shop, London); Research Assistant (at
    The Hatfield Polytechnic, Hertfordshire); Day time Security Guard
    in Shops in Central London for Instant Security; & Night time
    Security Guard for Mainguard Security, East London

    For DETAILS OF THE CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE 800+ see http://shantanup.wordpress.com where you are invited to leave your
    comment which will not be moderated or censored
    https://shantanup.wordpress.com/diary-2 or
    Broadcast in the Public Interest of Victims of the British State &
    sent from the safety of India from where I am claiming Asylum &
    Renouncing UK Citizenships
    WORLD-FAMOUS https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/"Shantanu

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anonymous@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 8 00:32:22 2019
    [continued from previous message]

    still hate & despise you. & you'll still be a colossal FAIL in a
    petrol station.
    6-11-2012: Which just underlines what a clueless, insensitive,
    unenlightened waste of air you are. You fail even the most basic of
    test for humanism... you should be species checked... you appear to
    be around the smegma level... Not if that "something" is wrong &
    enslaves half of humanity. You are not enlightened, you are deluded, Dunning-Kruger dolt... Utter rubbish, as usual, & you know now that
    your opinions are repellent & inhuman. Don't bother reading the
    wordpress garbage, it's just more insane maunderings of a deluded
    primitive... Shanty: you're a stupid, lying, shallow, venal cunt.
    Get a death. How does a chicken's rectum feel around your midget
    penis? (I'm sure you can answer that one)... Any rat is a sewer is
    more enlightened than you. As is the sewage... You claimed just
    that, fuckwit. There is no god: you are a very unintelligent
    retarded moron... Any rat is a sewer is more enlightened than you.
    As is the sewage.
    7-11-2012: I am... it's what shanty-the-cunt wants to do to women...
    Get dead, fucktard. Still only 2 members at secpac. You FAIL
    again... & have you stopped being a complete, vacuous bag of shite
    yet? What is your opinion of gay people?... I am... it's what shanty-
    the-cunt wants to do to women... Nahhhhh... you missed the point...
    only HE can rape, because he claims to be the most enlightened
    person on earth... because he sees women as inferior... Hmmmmm... I
    wonder if shanty's attitude to women is because he's really scared
    of them... or because he's a closet gay?... You mean it's OK for
    scumantanu to rape, or for me to pull the wings off the shantyfly?
    Or for the bastard to be swatted like the insect he is?... Read his
    stuff... then figure out if a bit of bad language & invective from
    me is worse than what that fucktard wants to make into law. The see
    who _appears_ worse, & who is actually worse. I don't want women to
    be sex slaves. He does... Welllllll... I think there is
    merit/justice in exposing his horrid nature. I don't want to own
    him. I do want to swat his thinking (and him) out of existence...
    You mean, like dragging people's families into things? Even the
    repulsive shanty hasn't done that yet. Oops now he just has.
    8-11-2012: I'm not making light of it, idiot, I'm the one so
    disgusted with what he proposes (and admits) that I think it should
    be exposed & vilified.
    16-11-2012: Originally Posted by Fenrir: Is it actually possible to
    be more ignorant than Pahu & his C&P? Serious question. Yes: look at
    19-11-2012: All... my working hypothesis is that shanny is mentally
    ill. He has already admitted that his wife had their doctor commit
    him to a mental institution after some abusive episodes. I think
    that the attention (even if it's ridicule) he's getting here is
    feeding his illness. He clearly knows little about science (even
    biology, his avowed career, but I'm not sure chicken-molesting
    counts as biology), & is spewing the most egregious bullshit
    everywhere just to get the attention.
    20-11-2012: Your 3 way bullcrap is Not Even Wrong. You're not
    qualified to comment.
    27-11-2012: Or go talk with Shantanu at his preposterous "blog" now
    he's been banned from SC. Or even look at SC & see his claim to be
    the most enlightened person on earth...
    28-11-2012: According to the "Most Enlightened One", even if she
    says no, it's not her choice... what a scumbag he is. My bold...
    sounds like a challenge... who thinks this scum is the most
    enlightened being on earth? Who thinks marital rape is OK? Who
    thinks atoms are covalent? Who thinks honesty is arbitrarily
    changing the meaning of defined terms to prop up baseless arguments?
    Who thinks feminism is a curse on humanity & is just a facet of
    lesbianism, & that men who support feminism must be gay? Who got
    incarcerated in a mental institution by his wife after violent
    arguments? Get dead, cuntface... this isn't about SC moderation,
    it's about showing a verminous bag of shit to be what he is... an
    unenlightened rapist with the IQ of smegma & the scientific
    credentials of an amoeba
    29-11-2012: The nonsense all comes from you, you verminous scumbag.
    You censor the comments section whenever anyone says anything
    pointing out how horribly wrong you are... I agree... mods... banish
    my & ShuntAnus's posts to TQH... Were you happy in your work, pre-
    petrol station? What does a chicken's anus feel like around your
    mini-penis? Why are you ignoring the truth about your reputation?
    For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a lot... You've never
    been in a room with me, fucktard. As for pushing the stalking
    theory, you failed at that last time... ( A cartoon picture of a
    farmer feeding chickens in grotesque fashion was posted here)...
    Were you happy in your work, pre-petrol station? What does a
    chicken's anus feel like around your mini-penis? Why are you
    ignoring the truth about your reputation? For a "truth-seeker", you
    sure lie & dissemble a lot... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie &
    dissemble a lot... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a
    lot... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a lot... I
    can't help picking on ShuntAnus... people always pick scabs... For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie & dissemble a lot. Go Fuck Yourself...
    I take this as a threat... but not terribly seriously. He is a
    pathetic, unpleasant little waste of air. The world is better off
    without him... as is TR... I think it's when you & ShuntAnus walk
    off, hand-in-hand into the sunset & spend the rest of your lives
    playing chutney ferrets... It is so laughably stupid that they
    didn't even send it for further comment. The Kent police response
    won't actually contain the phrase "net.kook", but it should. Oh...
    by the way... Kent Police may be much more interested in your
    admission of marital rape, which you posted multiple times... & you
    published your full address on the web multiple times. But that is
    NOT a threat... it just shows how inept & idiotic you are... Do
    please keep us informed of Kent Police's response. They will be
    polite, but I rather imagine it will be of the same nature as your
    rejection by Nature for that ridiculous pile of shite you spewed at
    them... The whole point in this particular situation is NOT ignoring
    the moron... it's showing him up to be the horror he is...
    especially wrt women.
    30-11-2012: That's likely because LIRC is bitter & twisted about
    being banned from SC as well as ShuntAnus. Anyone who comes out in
    aid of shanty needs to look closely at who they have as friends.
    signed 'teh ebil Phands' -
    http://www.talkrational.org/showthread.php?t=53459) - He announced
    his latest act of cowardice thus... (referring to blogpost https://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/2012/11/30/dr- shantanu-panigrahi-joins-rational-skepticism-discussion-board) I bet
    they ban him soon. Good riddance. I feel someone should warn Rat
    Skep what a bag of pus has landed in their midst, but I'm not a
    member there, & I'm not following ShuntAnus over.
    10-12-2012: Go fuck yourself, misogynist rapist failure. The Kent
    police now have you on file as a net.kook. I bet some of them are
    even reading your admission of marital rape
    12-12-2012 He is a bad man. His views on women being the property of
    men & rape being OK define him as a bad man. He's still also a
    mentally ill net.kook... You have no sanity.
    21-12-2012 Can you hurry up & suicide?

    1962 - 14/7/72: St Joseph's High School, 2 Edmonstone Road,
    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
    5/7/72 - 14/12/72: City Anglo-Vernacular Intermediate College,
    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
    January - June 1973: Stanley Technical High School, South Norwood,
    London, UK
    September 1973 - 1975: Kingston College of Further Education, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, UK

    General Certificate of Education - June 1973: Ordinary Level:
    Chemistry (E Pass), Physics (E Pass) Mathematics Syllabus D (F
    Fail), English Language (F Fail)
    General Certificate of Education - June 1974: Ordinary Level:
    Biology (E Pass), English Language (F Fail)
    General Certificate of Education - June 1975: Advanced Level-II:
    Chemistry (E Pass), Physics (D Pass), Zoology (E Pass)
    June 1975 Board of High School & Intermediate Education Allahabad -
    High School Examination (1972); in Second Division (59.4 percent) &
    Distinction in Sociopathy (No other subjects, left in the middle of
    the session to move to the UK as father, Dr Gopinath Panigrahi, was
    posted to Kew Gardens as Under-Gardener with diplomatic status)

    BSc in Pharmacology, Chelsea College, University of London, 1978,
    Lower Second Class Honours, initially classified as Failed but I
    lawfully overrode them
    PhD (Laboratory research on animal feed development specific to
    increasing the commercially-acceptable incorporation percentage of
    cottonseed meal in laying hen rations); Thesis Title: The Use of
    Cottonseed Meal in Laying Hen Diets & their Sexual Receptivity to
    Stimuli from Human Handlers, University of Reading, 1988 - Thesis
    illegally rejected by State Agents & Criminals
    Post-Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Psychopathy, University of
    London, 1994
    Certificate (Applied for but failed) in Livestock Development, Wye
    College, University of London, 1995
    Certificate in Environmental Sociology, Wye College, University of
    London, 1996

    Former Assistant Editor & Member of the Council of Management of
    British Poultry Science Journal, removed because of doctored video
    Former Member of World's Poultry Science Association
    Member of Rural African Network for Poultry. Member of International
    Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD), Food & Agricultural Organisation of the UN (disputed)

    1974: Prize for the second-best A-Level Field Course Notebook at
    Kingston College of Further Education (Study of Sea-shore &
    Freshwater Ecology at Bangor, Wales)
    1977: Full College Colours for Services to the Badminton Club of
    Chelsea College, University of London
    1981: Civil Service Sports Day 1981, Darts Runners-up medal
    1982: Tropical Products Institute, Darts Runners-up
    1984: Moulsford Cricket Club All Rounder Trophy, Village Moulsford,
    Oxfordshire (Member of Moulsford Cricket Club from 1984-1990)
    1986: Culham Laboratories (Culham Joint European Torus Project,
    Culham, Oxfordshire) Cricket Sexes Winners Shield
    1997: Bowling Award, EEM Cricket Club, Rainham, Kent (Member of EEM
    Cricket Club from 1994-1998)

    Music - Listening & Playing the Tabla & Harmonica
    Wild-life Observation, when safe
    Playing Cards Games (especially Bridge) & Scrabble
    Stamp Collecting (former member of Medway Towns Philatelic Society,
    but now website used to sell surplus prescribed medications)

    India - August 1997: Studying livestock-related activities in &
    around Calcutta for an MSc dissertation on 'urbanisation & its
    impact on livestock development in eastern India', here is where the authorities filed the wrong charges about sexually interfering with
    India - August 1997: Participating as an invited speaker in a
    Poultry Feed Management (Nutrition) Workshop organised by the
    Americal Soybean Association (Asia Subcontinent: New Delhi Office -
    email: asaasc@del2.vsnl.net.in) & Eastern Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd.
    (Bhubaneswar: Tel. 0674 40304) at Hotel Prachi Bhubaneswar, Orissa,
    on August 12 1997
    Cameroon - March 1997: implementing a project extension to the ODA-
    funded Project R5179
    Zimbabwe - November - December 1996: Attending a seminar on Small-
    Scale Decentralised Agro-Industry held in Harare. Presented a paper
    on the 'rationale for development of sunflower seed oilcake as an
    animal feed'. Monitoring progress in Projects C0633 & O0053
    Cameroon - June 1996: project monitoring visit to evaluate project
    progress in the ODA-funded Project R5179
    Zimbabwe - January 1996: Part of a three-member visit team
    developing a collaborative research project with Appropriate
    Technology International, & local institutions & NGOs on the use of sunflowerseed cake produced from a rampress for dairy & poultry
    production (ODA Project Code O0053)
    Zimbabwe - February 1996: arranging collaborative poultry feeding
    trials at Henderson Research Station, Mazowe, Zimbabwe, to test
    poultry rations designed for transfer to small-scale poultry
    producers in Zimbabwe in relation to Project C0633
    Cameroon - February 1995: conducting ODA-funded adaptive field
    research (Project Code R5179) to promote the utilisation of sweet
    potato & cassava root meal in poultry feeds through on-station & on-
    farm feed development & poultry feeding trials in the North-West
    Province highlands
    Zimbabwe - March 1995: examining Tinytech oil milling operations &
    sampling sunflower seed oilcakes for nutritional analysis at NRI in
    relation to Project C0633
    Zimbabwe - May 1994: reviewing developments in the oilseed sector, &
    developing a project proposal with the non-governmental
    organisation, the Intermediate Technology Development Group on the
    use of oilcakes generated by motorised small-scale oil mills for
    livestock production (Project Code C0633)
    Kenya - March 1994: examining root crop development strategies in
    East Africa: visits to the International Potato Centre, University
    of Nairobi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, International
    Livestock Centre for Africa, & Agricultural Research Foundation
    Nigeria - February 1994: organising research project at NRI for a
    senior member of staff at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
    (under a Senior Carnegie Research Fellowship): organising a nine-
    month (June 1995-February 1996) World Bank-funded Research/Training
    Fellowship for another of this university's lecturer at NRI
    Cameroon - February 1994: prefeasibility study of farming systems in
    the western highlands of Cameroon in relation to the identification
    of a field site to conduct poultry feed development based on root
    India - November 1993: presenting a paper on 'cassava utilisation in
    poultry diets', at the International Symposium on Tropical Tuber
    Crops Research, at Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
    Thiruvananthapurum. Also delivering a lecture on 'urbanisation &
    livestock development', at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
    Holland - September 1992: attempted to present a paper on 'copra
    cake & broiler behaviour', at the XIX World Poultry Congress,
    Amsterdam but was barred from entry
    India - December 1991: Eastern India, studying peri-urban dairy
    production systems, storage & use of fibrous ruminant feeds, &
    monitoring the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk from different
    production systems
    Belgium - April 1989: Brussels, negotiating a Commission of European Communities-funded contract
    India - March 1987: Madras Veterinary College, identifying areas of
    common interest for collaborative research. Orissa, studying rice
    cultivation & livestock production
    India - March 1985: Commercial firms in Calcutta. Examining seeds of
    Cassia tora & Tamarindus indica for research

    (1) 11 November 2010 - 12 November 2014: Full time Cashier/General
    Assistant in a petrol station, I was clever enough to let it be 4
    full years & a day so I can obtain maximum money but they thwarted
    me at EAT. Unfairly dismissed for alleged sexual misconduct
    (2) May 2005 - April 2008: Election Count Staff for Electoral
    Registration Department, Medway Council, Civic Centre, Strood,
    Rochester, Kent ME2 4AU. T: 01634306000/332072
    (3) August 2006 - 15 May 2008: Sales Assistant & Training Officer at
    Shell Wigmore Service Station, 26 Hoath Lane, Wigmore Gillingham
    Kent ME8 0SW. T: 01634269880. (resigned from employment after false
    claims of sexual misconduct)
    (4) December 2004 - 28 February 2005: Cover Supervisor, The Robert
    Napier School, Third Avenue, Gillingham, Kent ME7 2LX. T: 01634851157
    (5) Gap in employment October 1998 - July 2004: (A break from paid
    employment due to incarceration)
    (6) August 1979 - October 1998 with the Natural Resources Institute:
    Principal Scientist-3, Natural Resources Management Department,
    Natural Resources Institute, The University of Greenwich, Chatham
    Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. T: 01634880088, as follows:
    (1991 - 1996) Senior Scientific Officer (Animal Nutritionist),
    Livestock Department, Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime,
    Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. T: 01634 880088 Dismissed without
    pension for alleged consensual sexual misconduct with animals,
    strongly denied
    (1983 - 1991) Higher Scientific Officer (Poultry Nutritionist),
    Animal Feeds Section. Responsible for Project development & the
    Operation of the Livestock Experimental Station at Tropical
    Development Research Institute, later renamed Overseas Development
    Tropical Development Institute, Culham, Oxfordshire
    (1979 - 1983) Scientific Officer (Toxicologist), Toxic & Economic Constituents Section, Tropical Products Institute. Responsible for
    Project development & the Operation of the Nutritional Testing Sub -
    section, Livestock Experimental Station at NRI Culham, Oxfordshire
    (7) July 1978 - December 1978: Research Assistant (registered for
    MPhil) at The Hatfield Polytechnic (Hertfordshire County Council, PO
    Box 109, College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB), conducting
    in vitro research on non-cholinergic & non-adrenergic transmission
    in the rat gastric striatum
    (8) Pre-1979 employment: Short periods as: Shop Assistant in
    Bentalls Department Store, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey; Part-time
    Worker as Expert on Chickens (in a Kentucky Fried Chicken, Norbiton,
    Surrey); Kitchen Assistant in Nursing Home (Hampton Court, Surrey);
    Bar staff (at Chelsea College, London); Counter staff (at a
    Ladbrokes Betting Shop, London); Research Assistant (at The Hatfield Polytechnic, Hertfordshire); Day time Security Guard in Shops in
    Central London for Instant Security; & Night time Security Guard for
    Mainguard Security, East London

    For DETAILS OF THE CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE 800+ see http://shantanup.wordpress.com where you are invited to leave your
    comment which will not be moderated or censored
    https://shantanup.wordpress.com/diary-2 or
    Broadcast in the Public Interest of Victims of the British State &
    sent from the safety of India from where I am claiming Asylum &
    Renouncing UK Citizenships
    WORLD-FAMOUS https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/"Shantanu

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