• The Disney Company "wokeness" is a complete failure of executive leader

    From Chavez@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 04:42:27 2022
    XPost: co.politics, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    The very first moment woke cancer reared it's ugly head, immediate
    termination of employment for those involved should have occurred.

    A salaried 2% of a workforce does not set policy for an entire
    corporation, or attempt to force their unmarketable personal demands
    on others using the coporation image as a platform.

    That is what a noisy, disruptive, unproductive 2% did.

    Nobody is too important or critical that they can't be replaced with
    a resource of equal or superior value.

    The Disney executive and intermediate management should have
    recognized, confronted, and eliminated the threat to the corporate

    They did not.

    They permitted the poison to grow and fester, leaving a permanent
    black stain that will never go away.

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