• Katie they shall Never the end ( To protect all people a good American

    From Katie Sanders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 23 09:00:01 2023
    Queen Rosette: "To all people, these Katie she not bad anymore because she no longer having weapons at all. They be no more puppet today a destroyed Hitler forever now stay away for Internet all messages locked out again. But the stepmothers they no good
    at all to peaceful, to protect family Sanders if most are evil Rasputin take over the Romanov royal family in Russia, as granddaughter Anastasia. And her Anneliese Esther with her four daughters as Rosalee, Hadley, Lacey, and Courtney Esther. And her one
    teenage daughter Mary-Esther in the village cottage, if most is evil Prince Jacob his take over family Esther. And at them Wally, Bemo, and Fino they still fake movie. But Katie she like Practical Pig, Fiddler Pig, and Fifer Pig a good short movie, but
    is no longer hate at all. Please do not calling police anymore now stay away for Internet now stop doing with these all families, you do not all messages this groups, you do not worst stop after. And these Katie she protect Three Little Pigs/Princess
    Peach as belong them LOL Surprise for Katie. But they still nothing at all no more bad, no more copying and pasting things, no more narcissist, no more end up, no more bullying, and no more stealing for life now stay away her Katie Sanders is no longer
    hates any more that's All thank you!"copyrighted, and no more bullying

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Katie Sanders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 23 09:16:30 2023
    Queen Rosette: "And many time, if most stay saving to all pays millions dollars for banks. But Katie she believe us they she got nightmare inside the head, it's okay. At last Saturday they power out for neighboring at night is thunderstorms. Katie is
    creating for life art-fan, not a puppet will be destroyed the puppet forever, that no longer hate anymore, but Katie she like original Barbie movie for Warner Bros. film, beside no one causing anything could possible for life. A good of the American in
    United State of the America. They will never stop again, a one good Katie but she didn't bad they was nothing after all, they will come a peace no more fight forever now stay claim!" ✌🏻️🕊☮👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Katie Sanders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 23 11:21:21 2023
    Queen Rosette: "As this years they thought is "ShotGun Wedding" because is was failed movie, when "Tom" and "Darcy" is fail and death as persons. They pirates attack wedding disaster, and Bowser his burning Darcy she dead. If most are heroes believe her,
    Anneliese, Rosalee, Hadley, Lacey, and Courtney Esther granddaughters to save the day. I hope thank you for Anneliese Esther!"
    Anneliese Esther: "Thank you all people, we take cares these children around the world. Every Sunday of life spirit with wishing pipe to be Mary-Esther and first sister is Rosalee, a drop into wishing for magic spray perfume. And second sister is Hadley,
    a drop into wishing for beautiful golden ball gown at 12:00 is midnight. And third sister is Lacey, a drop into wishing for a beautiful glowing golden pears tree to give all peoples share. And fourth sister is Courtney, a drop into wishing for new home,
    new gown, new bedroom, breakfast, and still cleaning away of villages. And now Fifth sister but a drop into wishing her name "Anneliese" a leaving the kingdom to moving south down of sunny shine state (Florida is most Royal paradise). They find the four
    sisters I be a rescue for life!"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Katie Sanders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 23 11:34:44 2023
    QW5uZWxpZXNlIEVzdGhlcjogIkFuZCBJIG15IHNpc3RlcnMgdG8gYmUgYmF0dGxlIGZvciBwaXJh dGVzIHRvIHNhdmUgdGhlaXIgZmFtaWxpZXMgdG8gYWxsLCBJIG1heSBpcyBvbmNlIGFnYWluIGlm IG1vc3QgdG8gYmUgaG9ub3Jpbmcgb2YgdGhlIEFtZXJpY2FuIGZyZWVkb20hIEkgbWFraW5nIGFs bCBkcm9wcGluZyBpbnRvIHdpc2hpbmcgcGlwZSBmb3IgZm91cnMgYmFsbCBnb3duIG9yIGhlcm9l cyB0ZWFtIGJlYXQgdGhlbSBwaXJhdGVzIG9mIGxpZmUuIFRoYW5rcyBmb3IgS2F0aWUgU2FuZGVy cyBzaGUgc2F2ZSBhcmUgbGl2ZSwgYW5kIHRvIGFsbCBwZW9wbGVzIHRha2UgZ29vZCBjYXJlcyBh bHdheXMgY2hhcmFjdGVycyBhbmQgY2hpbGRyZW4gb2YgbGlmZSwgYSBnb29kIHdpc2hpbmcgcGlw ZSwgYSB3ZSB3aWxsIHVuZGVyc3RhbmRpbmcgYSBwZWFjZSBmb3IgbGlmZSBhbmQgc2F2ZSB0aGUg bW9uZXkgdG8gYmUgb3VyIHN1bW1lciBpbiBNYXkvSnVuZS9KdWx5IDQgaXMgaW5kZXBlbmRlbnQg dG9nZXRoZXIgb2YgY2VsZWJyaXRpZXMgcGVhY2VmdWwgZm9yZXZlciEiIPCfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cf j7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+P u/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+7 8J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vw n5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/Cf kY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CflYrwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+H uPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e4 8J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jw n4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCfh7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn4e68J+HuPCf h7rwn4e48J+HuvCfh7jwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+R j/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP 8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/w n4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cf j7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+Pu/CfkY/wn4+78J+Rj/Cfj7vwn5GP8J+P u/CfkY/wn4+78J+Oh/Cfjobwn46G8J+Oh/Cfjobwn46H8J+OhvCfjoc=

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