• LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #211: LNH Comics Presents #503

    From Arthur Spitzer@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 8 21:27:25 2021
    You can sift through the racc list archive https://lists.eyrie.org/pipermail/racc/
    or you can try google groups racc for these issues of LNH Comics Presents.

    Rob Rogers escapes the year 2007 to write this issue of LNH Comics Presents #503 the start of the Dead Presidents arc. Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy and
    Skunk Girl are having a date at Arlington Net.ional Cemetery -- what could possibly go wrong I mean as long as Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy brought enough brains in his picnic basket to satisfy any living corpse of that happens to
    be around -- they should be able to have a wonderful picnic. And if not...

    *Ahem* and now...

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    LNH Comics Presents #503

    From: EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
    Date: Mon Jun 27 13:50:37 PDT 2011

    When the mad Dr. Killfile threatened to destroy the
    Internet -- THEY answered the call! Today, THEIR strange
    and mighty powers are our last, best line of defense
    against crime, disaster and unspeakable horror! THEY are
    our knights in shining spandex... the LEGION OF NET.HEROES! ---------------------------------------------------------

    [Cover shows Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy and Skunk Girl
    back-to-back in a circle of shadowy, menacing arms, with
    Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy shouting "You? It CAN'T be you!"]

    Arlington, Virginia 20 February 2011 10 a.m.

    Arlington Net.ional Cemetery had rarely looked as
    beautiful as it did that morning. The rolling hills were
    as green as they had ever been; the long rows of white
    tombstones sparkled in the sun, and the air, while crisp
    enough to suggest that a storm might be on the way, was
    still just warm enough for a picnic.

    Nevertheless, the young super-hero known as Obnoxious
    Ame.rec.a Boy couldn't help but wonder if a cemetery --
    even Arlington -- had been the best choice for his very
    first date with Skunk Girl.

    "It's... lovely," said Skunk Girl, who had chosen a
    short yellow dress that perfectly complemented her black
    fur. "Even the gravestones are very... historical."

    Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy struggled to remember the
    dating advice that his fellow Legionnaire, Sister State-the
    -Obvious, had given him the previous evening, which now
    seemed so long ago. Keep your mouth shut, she had said.
    Don't focus attention on yourself. Ask her about her

    "Do you... do you like history?" Obnoxious Ame.rec.a
    Boy stammered.

    Skunk Girl considered this. "Well, now that you
    mention it, I actually..."

    "Because I find it fascinating," the Chauvinistic
    Crusader began. "I mean, take this place. This cemetery.
    Did you know that the whole thing once belonged to the
    Confederate general, Robert E. Lee? The Union general,
    Montgomery C. Meigs, turned Lee's ancestral home into a
    cemetery so that he and his family would forever have to
    face the consequences of the war."

    "Huh," Skunk Girl said, swinging her picnic basket
    from side to side. "That's really..."

    "But that's not what I find so inspirational about
    Arlington," Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy said. "The real
    reason I wanted to bring you here was..."

    "Kennedy!" Skunk Girl gasped, dropping her basket.
    "Oh my God! President John F. Kennedy!"

    "That's exactly right!" Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy said,
    pleased that the date was going so well. "Whenever I pass
    by the eternal flame marking his grave, I can't help but
    think that..."

    "He's come back from the dead!" the Mustelid Maiden
    screamed, trying desperately to draw Obnoxious Ame.rec.a
    Boy's attention to the shadow that loomed behind him.

    "In a sense, yes," Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy said. "I
    don't mind telling you that it was Kennedy's inaugural
    address that inspired me to want to become a super-hero.
    That's what I've always admired about Kennedy: beyond his
    heroism during the war, or his bravery during the Cuban
    Missile Crisis, or even all of that Camelot nonsense -- his
    ability to bring out the very best in others."

    "HE WANTS OUR BRAINS!" Skunk Girl shouted, tugging
    at Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy's arm.

    "Exactly!" Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy beamed. "And our
    hearts, and our spirits and...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"
    he gasped, as the bony, clawlike hands of the nation's
    35th president clamped down upon his shoulders.

    * * *

    Legion of Net.Heroes Comics Presents #503:

    "Dead Presidents"

    By Rob Rogers

    * * *
    White House Situation Room, Washington.gov 12:02 p.m.

    "Here's the latest status... report," Kid Recap
    gasped, his face illuminated by the flickering shadows
    of the dozens of television screens and monitors that
    lined the walls of the Situation Room.

    All but one of the screens showed members of the LNH
    doing battle with the animated corpse of a former U.S.
    President. On the last screen, former Presidential advisor
    Karl Rove explained to an interviewer that the zombie
    attacks were entirely the fault of the Democratic Party.

    "Writers Block Woman and Mouse managed to keep
    Zombie Thomas Jefferson and his clockwork mecha bottled
    up in... Charlottesville," Kid Recap panted. "Kid Kiwi's
    Kiwi Kommandoes... have prevented Zombie Dwight D.
    Eisenhower from destroying a military-industrial complex
    near... Abilene, Kan.sys. And the remaining members of...
    Teenfactor... are holding the line against their former
    mentor, Gerald Ford, near Detroit."

    Kid Recap took a deep breath, wishing -- as he always
    did while visiting the White House -- that the current
    President, former high school gym teacher Barracks Boatman,
    did not insist on his guests performing deep-knee bends and
    jumping jacks during official briefings.

    [Boatman became President as the result of a
    typographical error in "Mister Blister and Sister-State-
    the-Obvious #2 -- Footnote Girl].

    He sighed. "But the battle between Drabble Girl and
    Zombie Calvin Coolidge... is still a draw, as neither one
    has yet to utter a word," Kid Recap said. "And there's
    been no response... from either of our West Coast teams."

    "Thank you, Mr. Recap. That will be all," President
    Boatman said.

    "Oh, thank God," Kid Recap said, leaning against one
    of the monitors.

    "I meant that will be all for your report. The knee
    bends will continue until further notice," Boatman said.
    "My God, Fearless Leader, what are we dealing with here?
    What are these things? And which one of your enemies is

    "We're not certain that one of our enemies is
    responsible, Mr. President," said Fearless Leader, who
    --unlike Kid Recap -- had little difficulty talking and
    performing calisthenics at the same time. "They usually
    prefer to attack us directly, to the extent that they
    exercise any kind of strategy at all."

    "Whereas these... former Chief Executives... don't
    seem to be attacking anyone at all. Which is a good thing,"
    said Occultism Kid. "On the other hand, they all seem to
    have the ability to exercise a great deal of influence
    over the living, just as they did when they were alive."

    Barracks Boatman shuddered. There was something about
    Occultism Kid's voice... low and dark and badly abused, like
    Tom Waits might have sounded with a hangover, that made his
    skin crawl.

    "Terrific," Boatman said. "They told me this place was
    haunted when I took the job. Didn't say anything about
    zombies. Do you mean to tell me that every single former
    President picked today to crawl out of his grave, and you
    super-people don't have the foggiest idea why?"

    Kid Recap cleared his throat. "Not every former
    President, Mr. President. The... remains of William Howard
    Taft have been in a secure location ever since that...
    incident in Net.ropolis [in LNH Comics Presents #501 --
    Footnote Girl]. And Abraham Lincoln's tomb has been sealed
    in concrete since someone tried to rob it in 1876."

    Occultism Kid chuckled. "That's the story they tell
    to tourists," he said.

    President Boatman raised an eyebrow. "And the real
    story is...?"

    "That Vachel Lindsay was correct: President Lincoln
    really did walk at midnight. As a zombie. In 1901.
    And he might be walking around today, if Theodore
    Roosevelt hadn't plugged him with an enchanted weapon."

    "Wait," Boatman said, holding up one hand. "You're
    telling me not only that there have been zombie Presidents
    before this, but that Teddy Roosevelt went around shooting
    them? With a magic gun?"

    "It was a dueling pistol that had belonged to Andrew
    Jackson," said one of the two Secret Service agents on
    either side of President Boatman. "A gift from a grateful
    voodoo priestess after the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson
    is said to have fought six duels with it during his
    lifetime. Only two of them were against the living."

    Now it was Occultism Kid's turn to look surprised.
    "You certainly seem to know your history, Miss..."

    "Agent," the Secret Service agent corrected, her eyes
    hidden beneath jet-black sunglasses. "Agent Samantha
    Edwards Baron. It's a legend within the Service. They say
    it was the only time in his life that Theodore Roosevelt's
    hands ever shook with fear."

    "Well, this is the first good piece of news I've had
    today," Boatman said, clapping Agent Baron on the back.
    "We've got a gun that can kill zombies. Ought to have this
    whole mess cleaned up in time for the six o'clock news."

    Agent Baron turned her eyes to the ground. "I'm
    afraid it won't be that easy, Mr. President. No one has
    seen the Jackson weapon since the Bicentennial."

    "I can find it," Occultism Kid said. "Provided you
    grant me access to the Library."

    "People still go to libraries these days?" Boatman
    asked. "Sure, whatever. Knock yourself out."

    "He means the Library of Congress, Mr. President,"
    Fearless Leader said.

    "No," Occultism Kid corrected. "I mean the other

    "I know what he's talking about, Sir," Agent Baron
    said. "But I'm not sure it's a good idea to allow..."

    "Look at this!" Boatman exploded, staring at one of
    the television screens. "The Republicans didn't have a
    candidate before this! Now they've gone and nominated
    Zombie Ronald Reagan for the 2012 campaign. You have
    any idea what his poll numbers are going to be like?

    "Get this man to whatever library he wants to see,"
    Boatman said, shoving Agent Baron in the direction of
    Occultism Kid. "And send me a dozen of my speechwriters.
    Find out what Reagan has been telling the press."

    "Mostly he just moans a lot, sir," another Secret
    Service agent said, as Occultism Kid followed Agent
    Baron out of the room.

    * * *
    Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
    Simi Valley, California 9:30 a.m.

    "I don't get it," said Cynical Lass, as she and
    Special Bonding Boy struggled to lift a replica of the
    MX Missile from its display stand within the Reagan
    Presidential Library. "Guy's older than dirt and a
    bigger prat than Margaret Thatcher. I never understood
    what you Ame.rec.ans liked about Ronald Reagan."

    "It's...oof...an emotional thing," said Special
    Bonding Boy, glancing over his shoulder at the hordes of
    people -- what seemed to be the entire population of Simi
    Valley -- surging toward them in blue suits and red ties.
    "I was just a kid at the time, but even I remember feeling
    just a little bit better every time Reagan appeared on
    television. He gave Ame.rec.a its confidence back at a
    time when we really needed it."

    "Bombs away!" Cynical Lass shouted, as she and Special
    Bonding Boy rolled the fake missile toward the surging
    crowd of Reagan thralls, all of whom had attacked the two
    heroes the moment they had refused to sign an anti-tax

    A few of the attackers fled from the rolling bomb,
    while the others merely waited for it to pass before moving

    "Run!" Special Bonding Boy said, as Cynical Lass
    clobbered two well-dressed Reaganites with a chunk of the
    Berlin Wall.

    "But really," said Cynical Lass, as the two heroes
    scrambled through gallery after gallery of Reagan
    memorabilia, with the chattering crowd always close at
    hand, "does the fact that he made you feel better about
    yourselves take away the fact that he sold guns to Iran,
    and used the money to pay right-wing thugs in Nicaragua?
    Or that he more or less ignored the AIDS epidemic?"

    The two emerged into a vast chamber, with a wall of
    glass looking out into the grassy hills of Simi Valley.
    Below them -- three stories below them -- sat the massive
    frame of one of President Reagan's Air Force One jets.
    To the left, suspended from the ceiling by steel cables,
    hung a Marine helicopter.

    "Let's go!" Special Bonding Boy said, putting one arm
    around Cynical Lass' waist, grabbing the edge of the
    helicopter with his other hand, and leaping out into space.
    The steel cables groaned, the helicopter buckled... and the
    two heroes swung halfway across the room, finally tumbling
    onto the roof of the 747.

    "You really ought to warn me the next time you're
    going to do that," Cynical Lass said, rising to her feet.

    "Did you have a better idea?" Special Bonding Boy
    said, sliding across the aluminum surface to one of the
    jet's wings. Above him, dozens of frustrated Reaganites
    began to surge toward the stairs, chanting "There you go
    again! There you go again!"

    Cynical Lass followed him down the wing, then
    searched the area for an exit -- or, barring that, a place
    where the two of them could make a stand. She gasped in

    "An Irish pub?" she said. "What kind of a world leader
    puts an Irish pub in his presidential museum?"

    "Nobody needs to put an Irish pub anywhere," Special
    Bonding Boy said, running towards the bar. "They just
    spring up like dandelions. It's true. I've seen it."

    "Look," he said, clapping a hand over Cynical Lass'
    mouth just as she was about to speak. "I know you're about
    to say something awful about Ronald Reagan. And I'll
    probably agree with you. I've studied his presidency, and
    building that Irish bar up ahead is probably the only thing
    he ever authorized that I can stomach."

    Cynical Lass wrenched his hand away from her face.
    "Then why do you keep defending him?" she asked.

    "Because being a President isn't always about policy,"
    Special Bonding Boy said. "Sometimes it's about
    personality. Look, my power is all about creating 'special
    bonding moments' between small groups of people. Reagan
    was able to do that for the entire country. He made
    people believe in themselves, even as they believed in..."

    Special Bonding Boy began to pitch forward, clutching
    his head.

    "What's wrong?" Cynical Lass asked, and then looked
    ahead to where Zombie Ronald Reagan sat at the bar: eyes
    sunken, skin withered and shrunken, hair still moussed
    into a perfect permanent wave. He raised his glass to
    the pair, and Special Bonding Boy shuddered.

    "I can't... can't resist him," Special Bonding Boy
    said. "His...boundless optimism...too compelling..."

    "Fight it, Special Bonding Boy! Think of what
    Reaganomics did to the economy!" Cynical Lass cried, as
    the Legion's Harbinger of Hallmark Moments writhed in
    agony. "Think of his ties to the Moral Majority! For God's
    sake, think of what he did to unions! To the environment!"

    "IT'S TOO LATE," Special Bonding Boy hissed, and
    Cynical Lass noted to her horror that his Legion uniform had
    been replaced by a blue suit and red power tie. "THE DAY OF

    Special Bonding Boy grinned, as Zombie Reagan and his
    army of followers formed a circle around Cynical Lass, their
    arms reaching out to her as they drew closer.

    "NOW, AT LAST," Special Bonding Boy said, "IT'S

    * * *

    NEXT ISSUE: Particle Man, Particle Man. James K. Polk
    hates Particle Man. They have a fight...



    Barracks Boatman and Teenfactor.... Tom Russell

    Cynical Lass.... Rob Rogers

    Drabble Girl, Writers Block Woman and Mouse
    ....Jessica Ihimaera-Smiler

    Fearless Leader.... Dave Van Domelen

    Footnote Girl.... Saxon Brenton

    Kid Kiwi's Kiwi Kommandoes.... Descrii

    Kid Recap and Occultism Kid.... Josh Geurink

    Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy.... Jamas Enright

    Sister State-the-Obvious and Special Bonding Boy

    Skunk Girl.... Ted "Phantasm" Brock

    "I looked at a Lincoln, can't park my car
    Washington, he don't go too far
    Jefferson is good, to play at the track
    You think you're gonna bring them big fish back

    Them dead presidents
    Them dead presidents
    Well now I ain't broke, I'm barely spent
    Everybody lovin' them dead presidents..."

    --The J. Geils Band


    Next Week: More Dead Presidents!

    Arthur "Same Classic Channel. But Same Time? Probably not." Spitzer

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