• R.I.P. James Roose-Evans, 94 (British stage director: "84 Charing Cross

    From Lenona@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 30 12:01:35 2022
    He adapted Helene Hanff's book "84 Charing Cross Road" for the stage. It was filmed in 1987, with Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, and Judi Dench. From the IMDb: "True story of a transatlantic business correspondence about used books that developed into a
    close friendship."

    (with old photo)

    "Everybody associated with Hampstead Theatre will be saddened by the death of our first Artistic Director James Roose-Evans, who passed away peacefully on Wednesday at the age of 94. James founded Hampstead in 1959, and over 12 years in charge directed a
    huge range of work - including world premieres of plays by Pinter and Tennessee Williams – whilst ensuring its future by moving it to its first Swiss Cottage home and securing Arts Council funding. Over the years his counsel remained invaluable and
    the theatre stands as monument to his wisdom, his art, and his life."

    What I posted in 2017:

    He was a priest of the Church of England.

    (his site)



    The Adventures of Odd and Elsewhere, 1971;
    The Secret of the Seven Bright Shiners, 1972;
    Odd and the Great Bear, 1973;
    Elsewhere and the Gathering of the Clowns, 1974;
    The Return of the Great Bear, 1975;
    The Secret of Tippity-Witchit, 1975;
    The Lost Treasure of Wales, 1977;

    "Odd is a teddy bear and Elsewhere is a circus clown."

    (book covers)

    (reader reviews)


    wondering-mind.blogspot.com/2007/06/james-roose-evans-playwright.html (interview)


    WORKS (this may not be complete):

    Directing a Play, 1968;

    Experimental Theatre from Stanislavsky to Today, 1970, 4th ed., 1989;
    The Adventures of Odd and Elsewhere, 1971;
    The Secret of the Seven Bright Shiners: An Odd and Elsewhere Story, 1972;
    Odd and the Great Bear, 1973;
    Elsewhere and the Gathering of the Clowns, 1974;
    The Return of the Great Bear: An Odd and Elsewhere Story, 1975;
    The Secret of Tippity-Witchit, 1975;
    The Female Messiah (radio documentary), 1975;
    Actor Training 2, 1976;
    The Lost Treasure of Wales: An Odd and Elsewhere Story, 1977;
    London Theatre: From the Globe to the National, 1977;
    Topsy and Ted, (radio play), 1977;
    Acrobats of God (TV documentary), 1977;
    Pride of Players (dramatic anthology), 1978;
    The Third Adam (radio documentary), 1978;
    A Well-Conducted Theatre (radio documentary), 1979;

    Lady Managers (TV documentary), 1980;
    84 Charing Cross Road (play), 1983;
    Odd to the Rescue, 1983;
    Experimental Theatre from Stanislavsky to Peter Brook, 1984;
    Cook a Story, 1986;
    Inner Journey, Outer Journey: Finding a Spiritual Centre in Everyday Life, 1987, rev. ed., 1998;
    Re Joyce! (play), 1988;

    The Inner Stage, 1990;
    Passages of the Soul, 1994;
    Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee: A Stage Adaptation, 1994;
    One Foot on the Stage (biography), 1996;

    The Christ Mouse, 2005;
    What Is Spirituality?, 2005;
    Opening Doors and Windows: A Memoir in Four Acts, 2009.

    Darling Ma: Letters to Her Mother, 1932-1944, 1988;
    The Time of My Life: The Wartime Journals of Joyce Grenfell, 1989;
    The Cook-a-Story, 2005.

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