We have put 19 items on auction. All items relate to Africa,
particularly Natural History (birds) and Rhodesia (Rhodesiana Reprint
Library, Gold & Silver Series, and Oppenheimer Series).
Details of the auction are to be found at:
Visit this site for fuller descriptions and images. You need to
register to take part in the auction and antiquarianauctions.com will
be pleased to assist you with the bidding process - which is actually simplicity in itself. If you can log in, you can bid. Registration is
easy and the site does not ask for too many personal details.
This is their auction #64.
The auction bidding opens on the 25th January 2018 16.30 GMT until 1st
February 2018 16.30 GMT.
We have the following lots on offer:
Lot 152
#26070 Leslie Brown & Dean Amadon.
Country Life Books / Hamlyn, London, 1968.
2 volumes in slipcase.
An exhaustive work aiming to bring together all available knowledge on
the diurnal birds of prey of the world. Covers such variables as range,
voice, habits, food, breeding &c. All species illustrated.
Lot 154
# 21586 Leslie H. Brown, Emil K. Urban, Kenneth H. Newman, C. Hilary
Fry, & Stuart Keith. THE BIRDS OF AFRICA.
Academic Press / Nigel Helm, 1982-2000.
A full 7-volume set of this definitive work. Arrangement is by order
and not geographically.
Lot 155
#22249 William J. Burchell. (Ed. Helen M. McKay).
Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, 1938.
Volume 1. A limited edition, Copy No. 283 of 300.
The Bachapins Of Litakun. Collotype Reproductions With Descriptive Text.
Lot 156
#26065 Ivan R. Dale & P.J. Greenway. KENYA TREES AND SHRUBS.
Buchanan's Kenya Estates / Hatchards, Nairobi, 1961.
A comprehensive record of indigenous Kenya trees and shrubs of +6'. 31 full-colour plates by Joy Adamson plus 80 photographs, 110 pages of
drawings. Enables professionals and laymen alike to identify the woody
flora of Kenya.
Lot 157
#25665 Henry Faulkner. ELEPHANT HAUNTS.
Hurst & Blackett, London, 1868.
Being A Sportsman's Narrative Of The Search For Dr Livingstone With
Scenes Of Elephant, Buffalo, And Hippopotamus Hunting.
Lot 158
#25666 Frederick Roderick Noble Findlay. BIG GAME SHOOTING AND TRAVEL
T. Fisher Unwin. London 1903, London, 1903.
An Account Of Shooting Trips In The Cheringoma And Gorongoza Divisions
Of Portuguese South-East Africa And In Zululand. With Chapters By Olive Schreiner And S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner.
Lot 159
#26066 Douglas Goode. (Ed. John Comrie-Greig). CYCADS OF AFRICA. Struik-Winchester, Cape Town, 1989.
Stunning artwork of 54 species. A complete review of the genus
Encephalartos published to date and includes all known species of this distinctly African group as well as the sole living representative of
the genus Stangeria. It also includes a single species of Cycas -
endemic to Madagascar but introduced to East Africa by Arab traders
some centuries ago. The artists has specialised in the painting of
cycads for over 20 years. Illustrates the cycads as well as the details
of cones & seeds &c.
Lot 160
#26069 Tony Harris & Graeme Arnott. SHRIKES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA.
True Shrikes, Helmet-Shrikes, And Bush-Shrikes, Including The Batises
And Black-Throated Wattle-Eye.
Struik Winchester, Cape Town, 1988.
Warm authorial inscription by Graeme Arnott on title page dated " 'Feb
'9' ".
Lot 161
#26063 P.A.R. Hockey, W.R.J. Dean, & P.G. Ryan.
Africa Geographic / John Voelker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town, 2005.
Illustrated by Ingrid Weiersbye, Graeme Arnott, Penny Meakin, Ronald
Cook, Chris van Rooyen, A. Barlow, & A. Clarkson.
The definitive reference work for the subcontinent (South Africa,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique). 80 new coloured plates,
substantial reference and index section. Rarely less than a dense page
or more on each species (from around 500 to 4500 words for each
Lot 162
#26062 rik Holm & Eugene Marais. FRUIT CHAFERS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniini).
Ekoglide, Hartebeestpoort, 1992.
Signed by both authors on title page. 164 coloured illustrations on 32
plates serve as a guide to identification of species along with
distribution maps and line drawings. This monograph is accessible to
both the layman and the professional entymologist, includes an up to
date synonymy, bibliography, whereabouts of type material and the first comprehensive key to the taxa.
Lot 163
#25964 Barbara Lindop. (Ed. Mona de Beer). GERARD SEKOTO.
Dictum, Randburg, 1988.
An extensive collection of his work from around 1938 to the 1980s.
Author lived in exile in France for more than 40 years. 21pp
autobiographical outline contributed by the painter.
Note: this is the full 1st edition, not the reduced 64pp softcover with
the same cover picture.
Lot 164
#26068 Terry Oatley & Graeme Arnott. ROBINS OF AFRICA.
Acorn Books / Russel Friedman, Randburg, 1998.
Signed by Graeme Arnott on title page.
Lot 165
#26064 Gerhard L. Prinsloo, & Vivienne M. Uys (Eds). INSECTS OF
Essa, Hatfield, 2015.
The most comprehensive account of phytophagous insects of cultivated
plants and natural pastures in South Africa published. Covers Botswana, Lesotho, southern Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, and
Zimbabwe and relevant to most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Deals
with the plant-eating insects that damage field crops, deciduous,
subtropical, and other fruits. In all 75 cultivated plants, or related
groups, are dealt with. Full accounts of over 416 important pests plus
277 of lesser importance. Including scientific & common names, origin & distribution, identification, host plant range, damage, natural
enemies, management, and key references in the literature. 860 colour
images depicting adults and immature stages, damage symptoms. Extensive glossary of terms.
Lot 166
#25502 Dante Gabriel Rossetti. THE KELMSCOTT LOVE SONNETS OF DANTE
A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, 1954.
Edited With An Introductory Essay By John Robert Wahl.
Lot 167
Rowland Ward, London, 1893.
Being The Narrative Of The Last Eleven Years Spent By The Author On The
Zambezi And It's Tributaries; With An Account Of The Colonisation Of Mashunaland And The Progress Of The Gold Industry In That Country
Lot 168
#26059 Books of Rhodesia. RHODESIANA REPRINT LIBRARY.
Silver Series. Volumes 1 to 24 inclusive.
Books of Rhodesia, Bulawayo, 1975-1979.
A full set of 24 volumes. all 8vo. many with very attractive decoration
on the front board. The Rhodesiana Reprint Library facsimile editions
include new information and illustrations with each volume. The books
are set in context and biographical information on the author is
supplied, in many instances additional appendices are provided.
Lot 169
#26033 Books of Rhodesia. RHODESIANA REPRINT LIBRARY.
Gold Series. Volumes 1 to 36 inclusive.
Books of Rhodesia, Bulawayo, 1968-1974.
A full set of 36 volumes.
Lot 170
#25987 J.P.R. Wallis, I. Schapera, Constance E. Fripp, & V.W. Hiller.
Chatto & Windus, London, 1945-1956.
A full set of 13 volumes.
Lot 171
#26067 Dale A. Zimmerman, Donald A. Turner, & David J.Pearson.
BIRDS OF KENYA. And Northern Tanzania.
Russel Friedman, Halfway House, 1996.
Covers 1114 species found in this region, including 1040 of Tanzania's
recorded species and 85% of Uganda's recorded species. Illustrated by
Dale Zimmerman, Ian Wills, & Douglas Pratt. A detailed reference work.
Any additional information, images, assistance, as required in
connection with the above items and the bidding process can be
provided on request - including p&p estimates for overseas clients.
IMPORTANT: The items are on the auction and no pre-auction offers will
be considered. Items will, if unsold, revert to our previous listed
price and no post-auction offers will be considered. If you wish to
purchase an item as auction-level prices, please bid for it.
The auction allows 'proxy bids' whereby it judiciously spends up to your maximum bid to stay just ahead of the other bidders - only as long as
they do not have a proxy bid in excess of yours. If you are the only
bidder then it will not exceed the reserve price until another bidder
enters a higher bid. Speak to us if you are unsure on how to use this.
NO 'Buyers Premium' charged on this auction, which means that the
purchaser is paying the hammer price clear of the surcharge levied by
many other auction houses. Buyers Premium adversely affects the prices
bid to the detriment of the seller.
Bidding opens: 23rd January 2018 16:30 GMT
Bidding closes: 1st February 2018 16:30 GMT
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